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自从1968年罗森塔尔和杰克布森(Rosenthal & Jackbson)表他们在奥克学校的实验结果,即教师对学生的积极期望最终导致学生智商的提高,教师期望正效应现象开始受到社会各界,尤其是教育界的普遍关注。但不是所有的教师期望都会产生积极效果,它也存在负效应,这种负效应都会对学生和教师产生不良影响。以往的研究都较多阐述教师期望的正面影响。很少讨论其负面影响。本文就试图讨论几种教师期望的负面影响,并对其应对策略提出几种建议。  相似文献   

关于“教师期望效应”的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
较为详细的分析了教师期望负效应的各种表现、成因及其对策。罗森塔尔的“教师期望效应”实验表明 ,教师期望是一种巨大的教育力量。但是 ,教师期望所产生的效应实际上是有正效应和负效应之分的。关注和避免教师期望负效应的产生是广大教师们不可忽视的一个重要问题  相似文献   

教师期望效应是一种巨大的教育力量,其对学生的影响是非凡的.教师期望效应有正负效应之分.为了实现教师期望的良性循环,要求教师掌握期望效应理论,通过对学生全面客观的了解形成恰当的期望,并在教学过程中将这些期望通过合适的途径传递给学生.  相似文献   

教师期望效应是一种巨大的教育力量,其对学生的影响是非凡的.教师期望效应有正负效应之分.为了实现教师期望的良性循环,要求教师掌握期望效应理论,通过对学生全面客观的了解形成恰当的期望,并在教学过程中将这些期望通过合适的途径传递给学生.  相似文献   

自从1968年罗森塔尔和杰克布森(Rosenthal & Jackbson)发表他们在奥克学校的实验结果。即教师对学生的积极期望最终导致学生智商的提高,教师期望正效应现象开始受到社会各界,尤其是教育界的普遍关注。但不是所有的教师期望都会产生积极效果,它也存在负效应,这种负效应都会对学生和教师产生不良影响。  相似文献   

国内外众多学者对教师期望现象进行过大量研究.综合梳理教师期望的概念和研究现状,能进一步强化教师期望理论对学生学习的支持作用,有利于提高学习积极性,缓解其负面学习态度.  相似文献   

教师期望效应及其对教师的"期望"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师期望效应已为大家所接受并广泛应用于教学过程中.本文简述了教师期望效应的社会学、心理学、生理学基础及其作用过程,并对教学工作中如何有效运用教师期望效应做了较全面的探讨.  相似文献   

"教师期望效应"的理论和应用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
教师期望效应表现为正效应和负效应两种结果,这是由许多的主观因素和客观因素造成的.作为一名教师应使自己对学生的期望富有弹性,永远要用发展的观点去期望学生并信任学生.教师期望应有利于促进学生的发展,教师应对每个学生寄予高期望,使情感教育理念深入人心.  相似文献   

教师期望效应最优化的策略   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
要使教师期望效应达到最优化,就必须建立一个基本方法体系,包括了解期望作用的有关知识;全面而正确地认识和评价学生;对学生形成合适的期望;促进教师期望和学生自我期望的整合.  相似文献   

试论成人教育中的教师期望效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本从暗示学的角度、归因的角度、强化的角度对教师期望效应在成人教育中的可行性作了分析,并揭示了在现实成人教育教学中,教师对学生形成的期望普遍存在的一些误区,借以引起大家的关注。  相似文献   

Since the original Pygmalion study, there have been very few interventions in the teacher expectation field and none that have been randomized control trials designed to change teacher practices to reflect those of high expectation teachers. The current study was designed to address this gap in the literature. Teachers (N = 84) were randomly assigned to either intervention or control groups. Those in the intervention group attended four workshops at which were presented the instructional strategies and practices of high expectation teachers. At each workshop, the intervention group planned changed practices to introduce to their classrooms modelled on the behaviours of high expectation teachers. The researchers visited the teachers on three further occasions to ensure fidelity of the implementation. Students in the classes of the intervention group teachers significantly improved their mathematics achievement over one year, showing a rate of improvement beyond that shown by the students of the control group teachers. Teachers reported high levels of satisfaction with their changed practices and overall, there was a demonstrable degree of integrity in the implementation of the intervention as measured by the researchers. Practical guidelines in relation to the intervention and future directions of the project are included.  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(2):338-350

The debate about declining education standards and quality has been going on for decades. At the centre of this debate has been teacher performance. But the blame for the decline in educational standards and quality of education in South Africa cannot be placed squarely on the shoulders of teachers alone. Society as a whole must accept its share of responsibility too. For the decline or the improvement of the standard and quality of education depends on the roles played by teachers, parents, learners, tertiary institutions, non-governmental organisations and the government. To blame teachers alone misses the core problem, which is at the root of the continuing decline in educational standards and quality in a country which has the biggest economy in Africa. To stem this tide will require a collaborative effort by all these role players. But, more importantly, it will require the restructuring of how teachers are trained, as well as the transformation of school governing bodies, so as to enable them to play the role the South African Schools Act intended them to play. The profession must also be made attractive in order to attract talented matriculants. This will entail improvements in the salary structure and conditions of service of teachers. It will also be necessary to revamp the current teacher in-service training and development system to enable it to play a more meaningful role in assisting teachers to continually refresh and retool their skills in order to cope with the ever-changing teaching and learning environment.  相似文献   

智能时代的到来加速着教育教学和教师角色的转变。人工智能一方面为教师的专业发展赋能,包括:既提供了反思教学的数据基础,又提供了反思极端个案的条件,为教师增进教学洞察、提高教学能力带来了机会。另一方面,人工智能也对教师的专业发展提出了新的要求,包括:在态度上要掌握教育主导权,不可盲信智能系统的判断;在教学中要善用人工智能技术发现宏观模式和微观细节,采用循证路线反思教学,促进教学元认知的转变。  相似文献   

针对人们对体育师资培训过程中师范生这一"准教师"的社会角色缺乏正确认知的现状,本文运用社会角色理论分析了体育师资培训过程中教师和学生的角色期待,并指出体育师资的培训应重视学生的角色期待、角色认知和角色实践,应从社会角色的培养入手促进学生的角色转变.  相似文献   

随着体育事业的发展协同文化教育的重视,体校作为文化学习与体育训练的均衡协调的据点,在体育教育环境中起着至关重要的作用。体校班主任作为学生管理的实施者,也是学生成为德才兼备之人的引领者。本文通过对体校班级的分析,初步探讨如何做好班主任对班级的管理工作,改善教育环境,为体校班主任的班级管理工作提供合理的借鉴。  相似文献   

Much interest has been shown recently in teacher expectation or “self-fulfilling prophecy” effects, despite the difficulty of making objective observations of the phenomenon. The present case study concerns a population of twelve mixed-ability chemistry classes in a comprehensive school in the U.K. The poor behavior of one of the groups led to a stigma being attached to it by staff, and for various doubtful reasons, this became associated with another class as well. A statistical analysis of examination marks shows that neither reputation was justified in terms of academic achievement, and quantifies possible teacher expectation effects arising from the situation. The findings demonstrate the ease with which academic achievements can be hampered unwittingly by the prejudices of a teacher even in a well-structured learning situation.  相似文献   


This review aimed to illustrate the development in the teacher expectation literature and discuss the major avenues of research in the teacher expectation field from 1989 to 2018. Four analytical themes emerged from a narrative synthesis based on a systematic literature search: (1) influential factors on teacher expectations; (2) mediation mechanism of teacher expectations; (3) moderating factors of teacher expectation effects; (4) teacher expectation effects on student socio-psychological, behavioural, and achievement outcomes. On the whole, most studies confirmed earlier research findings regarding the 4 themes, although there were some studies that found results contradicting earlier work. In addition, new research topics and directions raised in the past 3 decades were identified in this review, especially regarding the mediation of teacher expectations and the socio-psychological and behavioural outcomes of the expectation effects. The review concludes with a set of recommendations for future research directions on teacher expectations.  相似文献   

随着我国教育改革步伐的明显加快,处在基础教育阶段的小学教育,要求普其提供合格教师的呼声日趋强烈,这就要求中等师范教育在现有改革的基础上,除少数经济欠发达在近期还要重点继续办好一批事等师范外,其他地区要加大改革力度,有条件的中等师范可以自2我升格,不具备条件的中等师范,要与师范专科学校进行实质性合并,还有一部分要进行转型钷撤消。到2000年,全国基本实现三级师范向两级师范的过渡。  相似文献   

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