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The voucher model of financing schooling is becoming increasingly common throughout Latin America, with at least 12 countries using vouchers or voucher-like schemes. The present study focuses on the voucher models of Colombia and Chile, which have the most extensive programs of this type and those of the longest standing in the region. Using empirical evidence, the author compares the two models along four evaluative dimensions: educational quality, segregation, choice and socialization. After weighing the successes and weaknesses of each system, he concludes that, among other characteristics, the most effective and equitable voucher model features: (a) a flexible interpretation of educational quality; (b) financial grants which target solely the poor; (c) vouchers which cover the entire cost of tuition; (d) open enrolment at participating schools; (e) the participation of both secular and religious private schools; (f) accessible and meaningful information to parents; and (g) strong systems of accountability.  相似文献   

Advocates argue that vouchers can make improved educational opportunity available to disadvantaged students. Critics contend that vouchers increase the risk of stratification. Researchers have found that Chile's voucher program has lead to increased socioeconomic school segregation. What has been overlooked, however, is segregation between schools within a sector and variation within private for-profit and non-profit school sectors. I find that public schools are more likely to serve disadvantaged students than private voucher schools. I also find that disadvantaged students are more segregated among private voucher schools than among public schools. While between and within sector segregation levels vary across private voucher school types, the differences are not always consistent with theory. The data also suggest that policies can either mitigate or exacerbate the stratifying effects of educational vouchers.  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of non-religion-based state constitutional challenges to educational voucher and tax credit/scholarship programs. The first section discusses litigation examining whether education voucher programs violate constitutional provisions requiring the legislature to provide an efficient system of public schools. The second section looks at litigation examining whether educational voucher programs violate constitutional provisions requiring states to provide a uniform system of public schools. The third section summarizes case law in which plaintiffs have claimed that educational voucher programs violate constitutional requirements that state spending serve a public purpose. The fourth section discusses litigation in which courts have addressed whether educational voucher programs violate local control mandates. The fifth section evaluates challenges to education voucher and scholarship tax credits on the grounds that such policies contravene constitutional mandates that prohibit public spending to private schools. The final section identifies key themes that these non-religion-based state constitutional challenges raise for educational vouchers and tax credit programs as well as emerging issues of litigation.  相似文献   

Educational choice (vouchers) and social mobility   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A quantitative approach to study the impact of vouchers is thought to yield more meaningful results than theoretical arguments. This paper makes use of a model of the behavior of young people and schools to simulate the effects of vouchers of varying sizes on students in different income categories, living in three communities — poor, average and wealthy — under two assumptions about how public schools spend their resources. The first assumption is that public schools minimize their offerings to individual students (i.e. maximize their surplus) in order to further objectives not valued by students. The second assumption is that public schools act as competitive firms, maximizing their educational offerings to individual students.Findings from the simulation are neither uniformly positive nor negative. They do not support the argument that poor young people will be better off with a voucher system. Even in the most favorable case — when public schools maximize surplus — a systemic choice system would not come close to equalizing educational opportunity across income groups.  相似文献   

教育券提升学校效率的前提是学校间能形成竞争,而学校间竞争形成则需要具备相应的条件。在教育实践中,学校竞争所需的一系列条件如学校的可选择性、教育发展的均衡性、服务的异质性、信息的可获性、完善的退出机制等要素并不完全具备。且上述要件作为一种必要条件,得到满足也并不意味着教育效率的必然提高。教育券诱发的过度竞争、精英化和成本失控反而会导致教育效率的降低。  相似文献   

A targeted educational voucher scheme (TEVS) is often proposed for the poor in developing countries. Essentially, TEVS involves issuing vouchers to poor households, thus enabling them to pay tuition and fees for their children’s schooling at participating non-public schools. However, little is known about TEVS’ design in developing countries. This article provides the foundation for constructing a TEVS and conducting subsequent scientific evaluations to support, modify or oppose such a system. Specifically, this article uses three policy instruments to design a TEVS: regulation, support services and finance. Regulation here refers to the rules that must be adhered to by participating households, children and schools. Support services refer to services facilitating the participation of children, households, schools, and financial and political supporters. Finance refers to the value of each voucher, total TEVS costs and sources of finance.  相似文献   

Policy debates around the topic of educational vouchers as an approach to improve the public educational system are still ongoing and a consensus on the potential benefits or drawbacks has not been reached yet. This paper models the distributional processes entailed by two alternative educational voucher systems, universal and target vouchers, by using an agent-based model of a highly heterogeneous school district. Using this approach allows to track which students actually switch schools and thereby evaluate peer effects. At the same it is possible to model an endogenous reaction of public schools in order to assess their reaction to increased competition. The results indicate an ambiguous effect of universal vouchers on low-income students. The introduction has a negative peer effect on students in low-performing schools due to “cream skimming”, i.e. highly motivated students leaving the schools. In contrast, students who switch to better schools observe a positive effect. The negative effects are partly alleviated by low- performing schools improving their educational services as a response to a decline in enrollment. When examining target vouchers which are a function of student ability, the paper shows that they allow the school district to benefit from the increased competition while avoiding the deterioration of the peer group.  相似文献   

张璇 《外国教育研究》2004,31(11):61-64
义务教育阶段公立学校的教育质量一直是包括美国在内的许多国家的问题,美国实施教育券改革带来的外部竞争促使公立学校进行改革,同时也发展了私立学校,是教育领域的双赢政策。  相似文献   

This article provides an updated review of recent empirical research on the potential impact of private school vouchers. It addresses 3 questions: (a) do students that use vouchers to attend a private school obtain better outcomes than would be obtained in a public school? (b) Do vouchers encourage student sorting and how does sorting affect student outcomes? (c) Does the offer of vouchers promote competition, improving outcomes of students who remain in public schools? Conclusions are that African American students who are offered vouchers experience small achievement gains. The results are highly sensitive to analytical assumptions and are not evident for other racial or ethnic groups. The evidence further indicates that large-scale voucher plans encourage sorting that could lower the achievement of public school students. There is no compelling evidence that such losses are outweighed by competitive gains in public schools. The conclusions on sorting and competition are most applicable to unrestricted choice plans in which flat-rate vouchers are offered to a large number of students with few eligibility restrictions. Some emerging evidence indicates that alternate approaches to policy design could yield more promising results.  相似文献   

美国经济学家米尔顿.弗里德曼首次提出了教育券理论。其后詹克斯对教育券理论进行了完善,他主张教育券应帮助低收入家庭学生克服困难、完成学业。而1990年的"密尔沃基家长择校计划"则是美国民众将教育券理论运用到教育实际的率先实践。美国教育券理论研究的成果和实践经验,可为我国义务教育的均衡发展提供借鉴。深入挖掘教育券理论的价值,探讨我国流动儿童进入城市公立学校、享有平等义务教育权的可行性,以及用教育券资助西部地区、贫困农村寄宿制中小学学生生活费的操作策略,对促进我国义务教育的均衡发展具有重大的现实意义。  相似文献   

A system of funding education through vouchers is not only a viable option for urban settings but it would be more likely than any other form of systemic restructuring to reduce inequity between advantaged and disadvantaged students, increase meaningful instances of choice in education, and improve the quality of education. Funding education through vouchers would make good economic sense because private schools presently educate children at roughly half the cost of public schools. In addition, the present form of state-controlled education is a violation of both the Establishment and Free Exercise clauses of the First Amendment. Finally, there has never been a full implementation of a voucher system. Therefore, no hard conclusions regarding the outcome of such implementation can be made.  相似文献   

This study presents new evidence on the effect of technology funding on school-level student proficiency. I exploit exogenous variation in school-level technology funding using the California Education Technology K-12 Voucher Program. The program provided eligible schools with technology vouchers to purchase qualifying hardware and software products and services. Using a regression discontinuity difference-in-difference design and data on voucher eligibility, voucher use, and school-level student proficiency, I find that voucher eligibility had no significant impact on school-level student proficiency, while voucher use had positive impacts on school-level student proficiency. The voucher use results are driven entirely by schools using the voucher funds for technology resources, but reallocating dollars initially earmarked for technology to other school inputs.  相似文献   

教育券制度施行以来,对学校及其倚仗的社会系统造成巨大的冲击。本文假设广泛施行教育券制度,在此理想状态下研究教育券给学校带来的冲击。学校面临全新的社会关系,在资源获取和学校管理思想上发生了根本性的变革。面对教育券制度的公立学校成为独立的法人实体,面临更加激烈的学校竞争,政府对学校的影响限于学校创立的核准、学校质量的检查评估和面向学校的教育服务。  相似文献   

Households with children eligible for Free School Meals are at risk of food insecurity. This paper reports on a rapid-response study that investigated the impact of the school food voucher scheme during the COVID-19 crisis on young people, families and schools. It pays close attention to the reliance of the state on the goodwill of society and its citizens in feeding those most in need. The Capabilities Approach is used to highlight factors that inhibited and restricted the use of the vouchers to produce the capability of having good nutrition for children in need of Free School Meals. The approach moves towards creating a society where children and young people are able to lead a life of their own choice and contribute to key policy decisions. This qualitative study funded by the British Education Research Association was conducted between September 2020 and March 2021. The study posed two research questions: (1) how have schools responded to COVID-19 in relation to food during holiday provision; and (2) what have families identified as barriers to accessing the school food voucher scheme? Data collection involved online interviews with young people, schools and organisations (i.e. public health, director from the food industry. etc.). The findings highlight the difficulties with accessing and using the school food voucher and implications for future policy directions. Owing to this being a small-scale study, it is not generalisable to the wider population but does highlight localised issues.  相似文献   


In 2002 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that state-supported vouchers, which parents can redeem in private schools, do not offend the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. Thus, the legality of government vouchers to fund education will be determined primarily on the basis of state law. Specifically, programs are being challenged under state constitutional provisions calling for the legislature to provide for a uniform system of education or provisions prohibiting the use of public funds in sectarian institutions. This article explores legal developments in this regard, with particular emphasis on implications of the recent state supreme court decisions striking down challenged voucher programs. Also addressed is current legislative activity, which will likely generate additional litigation pertaining to school vouchers. doi:10.1300/ J467v01n03_05  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to analyse the effect of introducing voucher schemes in higher education context. In the first part, the main economic characteristics of educational vouchers are discussed, in order to identify their expected effects on efficiency and equity in tertiary education. The second part contains the results of a case study that documents the experience gained at the University of Bologna between 2003/04 and 2005/06. The results suggest that the main effects of vouchers are on (1) the effectiveness of public support, and (2) course prices (fees).  相似文献   

This article examines the role of market-based policies in special education, focusing on the case of voucher programs. It examines the nature of contemporary social reforms, while discussing school choice as the theoretical linchpin of a market model for educational reforms. Moreover, it includes analysis of why the market-driven rationale of vouchers erodes the public functions of special education. Despite their current implementation on a small scale, vouchers have the potential to become a threat to free and appropriate public special education.  相似文献   

美国自1989年威斯康星州通过了全美第一个真正意义上的教育凭证计划以来,逐步形成了"一州两市"为主导的公立教育券格局。2004年,联邦教育券计划获得通过,这是美国教育券史上的一个飞跃。但是,美国公立教育券的推行依旧困难重重。教育券能否改善学业成绩、教育券的"公助私学"以及教育公平等问题仍是争论的焦点和进一步推行的阻力所在。  相似文献   

关于教育券制度的若干理论问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教育券理论,是一种在教育领域试行代币券制度的政策主张。该理论的核心理念是,依托制度创新,为教育领域的所有相关主体创造新的角色期待和责任义务,还资源配置权于市场,还教育选择权于学生,还办学自主权于学校。它是一种能够最大限度地体现受教育者意愿、最大广度地动员社会教育资源、最大程度地提高办学效率的制度设计。它的实施也必须依赖于一定的内外部环境条件。  相似文献   

Some private, religious schools that accept vouchers have been accused of discriminating against certain populations of students through their admissions processes. Discriminating against disfavored groups (e.g., racial minorities, LGBT students, students with disabilities, religious minorities) in voucher programs raises both legal and policy concerns that have not been extensively examined in recent research. Employing legal research methods, this article examines state voucher statutes and discusses the potential for voucher programs to discriminate against marginalized groups. We argue that each state has an obligation to ensure that any benefit it creates must be available to all students on a nondiscriminatory basis—including the benefit of a publicly funded voucher for attendance at a private school. As this review of existing voucher statutes will demonstrate, legislators appear to have neglected to construct policies that safeguard student access and ensure that public funds do not support discriminatory practices. Without additional safeguards, states risk providing public money that can be used to promote discriminatory policies and practices.  相似文献   

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