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德国翻译学者在20世纪70年代提出了功能翻译理论,实现了翻译理论从静态的语言翻译向动态的功能翻译的转化。其中的目的论指出译者在翻译过程中有必要从译语读者角度出发,根据译文的预期目的决定自己的翻译策略和方法,做出适当的表达,达到交际的目的。本文以目的论为理论基础,通过其对实用翻译的指导作用分析,强调功能主义学派目的论的重要作用。  相似文献   

社会经济的快速发展和教育体制改革进程的不断深化,为专科英语教学质量的提升提供了重要契机和良好的社会环境,在素质教育的背景之下,专科英语教学要以培养学生的实践应用能力为主要出发点,以此来促进学生英语能力的全面发展,为我国社会主义现代化建设提供全面发展的素质型人才。对此,本文对以"实用为主应用为目的"的专科英语教学模式进行简要探索。  相似文献   

从1966年开始的文化革命改变了我本人和全社会的读书求知环境,但没有改变我本人读书和求知的欲求。在这种环境下,我从纯粹知识猎取的角度,从当时必读的"红宝书",建立个人家庭小小图书馆、与朋友交换读书,以及造反派各种宣传媒体中去获取各种知识,增广见闻,为后来的知识积累和学术素养打下了一定基础。  相似文献   

对于知识分子工作上的弊端,邓小平同志深有体察。拨乱反正之百废待兴之时,他就把知识分子工作作为一个重要的突破口,自告奋勇抓以知识分子为主体而又占我国知识分子绝大多数的科学、教育战线的工作。他说:“我知道科学、  相似文献   

"年、月、日"是普及性通识教育,知识点分散,包括平年、闰年、大月、小月、二月天数的规律,全年总天数,每月天数变化,内容驳杂,牵涉面广。"年、月、日"的知识中规律性内容较多,涉及天文学和历法知识,但归根结底可依托数学运算来推演。  相似文献   

深入地了解科学进步的动力,无论就理论还是就实际方面在今天都是十分有意义的.通过对科学史与相关的哲学的考察,我们发现科学方法是科学进步的最内在的动力,它规范了科学对象及其结构或体系.  相似文献   

杨桢贞 《云南教育》2008,(10):42-43
解放思想是党的思想路线的本质要求。是发展中国特色社会主义事业的一大法宝,也是我们应对前进道路上各种新情况、新问题,扫除障碍,引领发展的重要法宝。党的十七大报告把继续解放思想作为十七大主题的重要内容,号召全党:“解放思想、实事求是、与时俱进,勇于变革、勇于创新,永不僵化、永不停滞,不为任何风险所惧,不被任何干扰所惑,使中国特色社会主义道路越走越宽广,  相似文献   

2011年国家教育部制定了新的《义务教育历史课程标准》,标志着中学历史课程改革进入了一个新的阶段。在新的形势下,制作实用的历史教学课件就显得尤为重要,以制作《美国南北战争》课件为例,探讨如何制作实用历史课件。  相似文献   

高职公共英语课程体系改革的思路是:不再是仅仅局限于由浅到深的语言知识的学习,而是将高职公共英语课程改革放到"就业、行业、实用"的背景下。本文根据以就业为导向、行业为背景、实用为目的的理念,探讨了理顺高职公共英语课程结构以及加强培养学生与某个行业就业领域相应的语言应用能力的途径,并据此提出高职公共英语课程体系改革的框架和相关思考。  相似文献   

综合实践活动是教师引导下,学生自主进行的综合性学习活动,是基于学生的经验,密切联系学生自身生活和社会实际,体现对知识的综合应用的实践性课程。开设综合实践活动课程,对学生起着较大的促进作用,能让学生在实践中求知,在活动中育人。下面,我就以张掖市青少年军校为例,谈几点看法。一、实行军事化管理,培养学生干练的作风和独立生活的能力1.在浓厚的军营文化氛围中使学生  相似文献   

整合技术的科学教学法知识(TPASK):基本内涵与提升策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"整合技术的学科教学法知识(Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge,TPACK)"自2006年首次提出以来,受到了包括科学教育研究者在内的多个教育研究领域学者的广泛关注。科学教育研究者在此基础上提出了"整合技术的科学教学法知识(Technological Pedagogical Science Knowledge,TPASK)"的概念,并相应地探讨了它的基本内涵与提升策略等。  相似文献   

波普尔科学哲学的核心是证伪主义,证伪就是一个不断批判的过程。他认为科学在批判中进步,在批判中检验理论的真理性,在批判中树立自己的观点。他的哲学思想被概括为批判理性主义,批判精神贯穿于他的科学哲学的始终,而这种批判精神正是科学进步的巨大动力。  相似文献   

以《单片机原理及应用技术》课程为案例,分析了我校目前该课程理论与实践教学的现状及教学效果。针对存在的问题给出了具体的应对方法及实施策略,并阐述了具体实验项目的设计依据、如何实施及实施效果。  相似文献   

This paper mentions the extent to which contemporary science curricula include knowledge of the nature of science as a goal of science instruction; it outlines the crucial role played by the pendulum in the achievements of the scientific revolution and documents how little these achievements are included in standard textbooks; it describes a number of classroom pendular experiments and activities that reproduce some of the main 17th centuary experiments and indicates how students can relive the original scientific, procedural and methodological debates; finally the paper suggests ways in which the pendulum can be used in cross-disciplinary teaching thus giving students a more authentic understanding of the way that science has developed in conjunction with mathematics, music, religion and commerce.  相似文献   

根据“遵循现行《教学大纲》,但不拘泥于教学大纲,加大应用性和能力的考察”的命题指导思想,在高考中常把中学课本上未学过的概念、规律、自然科学中的热点问题,甚至是科学前沿问题等以科普性文章的形式展现给学生,来考察他们现场学习,收集和处理信息的能力,综合分析、联系类比应用的能力.  相似文献   

本文通过对当代篮球战术运用的分析,论述了当代篮球战术的运用具有实效性、快节奏、机动性、综合多变性、整体性和针对性的特点。  相似文献   

法律化作为提高公共道德的主要路径一是因为中华文化的劣根性,积弊流传、恶习难改,需要公共道德法律化;二是因为私德难以外推为公德,公共道德的主要内容是反映现代社会的行为规则,需要法律化;三是社会的转型期,社会公共道德调控力减弱,需要公共道德的法律化。而公共道德与现代法律制度在价值取向上的一致性使公共道德法律化具有内在根据。我国在公共道德法律化的实践揭示了以职业道德法律化为突破口,就能加大公共道德法律化的发展进程。  相似文献   

综述中枢神经生理学研究的若干进展 ,分析了中枢神经生理学研究的某些成果在社会生活中的应用情况  相似文献   

Testing within the science classroom is commonly used for both formative and summative assessment purposes to let the student and the instructor gauge progress toward learning goals. Research within cognitive science suggests, however, that testing can also be a learning event. We present summaries of studies that suggest that repeated retrieval can enhance long-term learning in a laboratory setting; various testing formats can promote learning; feedback enhances the benefits of testing; testing can potentiate further study; and benefits of testing are not limited to rote memory. Most of these studies were performed in a laboratory environment, so we also present summaries of experiments suggesting that the benefits of testing can extend to the classroom. Finally, we suggest opportunities that these observations raise for the classroom and for further research.Almost all science classes incorporate testing. Tests are most commonly used as summative assessment tools meant to gauge whether students have achieved the learning objectives of the course. They are sometimes also used as formative assessment tools—often in the form of low-stakes weekly or daily quizzes—to give students and faculty members a sense of students’ progression toward those learning objectives. Occasionally, tests are also used as diagnostic tools, to determine students’ preexisting conceptions or skills relevant to an upcoming subject. Rarely, however, do we think of tests as learning tools. We may acknowledge that testing promotes student learning, but we often attribute this effect to the studying students do to prepare for the test. And yet, one of the most consistent findings in cognitive psychology is that testing leads to increased retention more than studying alone does (Roediger and Butler, 2011 ; Roediger and Pyc, 2012 ). This effect can be enhanced when students receive feedback for failed tests and can be observed for both short-term and long-term retention. There is some evidence that testing not only improves student memory of the tested information but also ability to remember related information. Finally, testing appears to potentiate further study, allowing students to gain more from study periods that follow a test. Given the potential power of testing as a tool to promote learning, we should consider how to incorporate tests into our courses not only to gauge students’ learning, but also to promote that learning (Klionsky, 2008 ).We provide six observations about the effects of testing from the cognitive psychology literature, summarizing key studies that led to these conclusions (see
StudyResearch question(s)ConclusionLength of delay before final testStudy participants
Repeated retrieval enhances long-term retention in a laboratory setting
“Test-enhanced learning: taking memory tests improves long-term retention” (Roediger and Karpicke, 2006a) Is a testing effect observed in educationally relevant conditions? Is the benefit of testing greater than the benefit of restudy? Do multiple tests produce a greater effect than a single test?Testing improved retention significantly more than restudy in delayed tests. Multiple tests provided greater benefit than a single test.Experiment 1: 2 d; 1 wk Experiment 2: 1 wkUndergraduates ages 18–24, Washington University
“Retrieval practice with short-answer, multiple-choice, and hybrid tests” (Smith and Karpicke, 2014) What effect does the type of question presented in retrieval practice have on long-term retention?Retrieval practice with multiple-choice, free-response, and hybrid formats improved students’ performance on a final, delayed test taken 1 wk later when compared with a no-retrieval control. The effect was observed for both questions that required only recall and those that required inference. Hybrid questions provided an advantage when the final test had a short-answer format.1 wkUndergraduates, Purdue University
“Retrieval practice produces more learning that elaborative studying with concept mapping” (Karpicke and Blunt, 2011) What is the effect of retrieval practice on learning relative to elaborative study using a concept map?Students in the retrieval-practice condition had greater gains in meaningful learning compared with those who used elaborative concept mapping as a learning tool.1 wkUndergraduates
Various testing formats can enhance learning
“Retrieval practice with short-answer, multiple-choice, and hybrid tests” (Smith and Karpicke, 2014) See above.See above.See above.See above.
“Test format and corrective feedback modify the effect of testing on long-term retention” (Kang et al., 2007) What effect does the type of question used for retrieval practice have on retention? Does feedback have an effect on retention for different types of questions?When no feedback was given, the difference in long-term retention between short-answer and multiple-choice questions was insignificant. When feedback was provided, short-answer questions were slightly more beneficial.3 dUndergraduates, Washington University psychology subjects’ pool
“The persisting benefits of using multiple-choice tests as learning events” (Little and Bjork, 2012) What effect does question format have on retention of information previously tested and related information not included in retrieval practice?Both cued-recall and multiple-choice questions improved recall compared with the no-test control. However, multiple-choice questions improved recall more than cued-recall questions for information not included in the retrieval practice, both after a 5-min and a 48-h delay.48 hUndergraduates, University of California, Los Angeles
Feedback enhances benefits of testing
“Feedback enhances positive effects and reduces the negative effects of multiple-choice testing” (Butler and Roediger, 2008) What effect does feedback on multiple-choice tests have on long-term retention of information?Feedback improved retention on a final cued-recall test. Delayed feedback resulted in better final performance than immediate feedback, though both showed benefits compared with no feedback. The final test occurred 1 wk after the initial test.1 wkUndergraduate psychology students, Washington University
“Correcting a metacognitive error: feedback increases retention of low-confidence responses” (Butler et al., 2008) What role does feedback play in retrieval practice? Can it correct metacognitive errors as well as memory errors?Both initially correct and incorrect answers were benefited by feedback, but low-confidence answers were most benefited by feedback.5 minUndergraduate psychology students, Washington University
Learning is not limited to rote memory
“Retrieval practice produces more learning than elaborative study with concept mapping” (Karpicke and Blunt, 2011) What is the effect of retrieval practice on learning relative to elaborative study using a concept map? Does retrieval practice improve students’ ability to perform higher-order cognitive activities (i.e., building a concept map) as well as simple recall tasks?Compared with elaborative study using concept mapping, retrieval practice improved students’ performance both on final tests that required short answers and final tests that required concept map production. See also earlier entry for this study.1 wkUndergraduates
“Retrieval practice with short-answer, multiple-choice, and hybrid tests” (Smith and Karpicke, 2014) See above.See above.See above.See above.
“Repeated testing produces superior transfer of learning relative to repeated studying” (Butler, 2010) Does test-enhanced learning promote transfer of facts and concepts from one domain to another?Testing improved retention and increased transfer of information from one domain to another through test questions that required factual or conceptual recall and inferential questions that required transfer.1 wkUndergraduate psychology students, Washington University
Testing potentiates further study
“Pretesting with multiple-choice questions facilitates learning” (Little and Bjork, 2011) Does pretesting using multiple-choice questions improve performance on a later test? Is an effect observed only for pretested information or also for related, previously untested information?A multiple-choice pretest improved performance on a final test, both for information that was included on the pretest and related information.1 wkUndergraduates, University of California, Los Angeles
“The interim test effect: testing prior material can facilitate the learning of new material” (Wissman et al., 2011) Does an interim test over previously learned material improve retention of subsequently learned material?Interim testing improves recall on a final test for information taught before and after the interim test.No delayUndergraduates, Kent State University
The benefits of testing appear to extend to the classroom
“The exam-a-day procedure improves performance in psychology classes” (Leeming, 2002) What effect does a daily exam have on retention at the end of the semester?Students who took a daily exam in an undergraduate psychology class scored higher on a retention test at the end of the course and had higher average grades than students who only took unit tests.One semesterUndergraduates enrolled in Summer term of Introductory Psychology, University of Memphis
“Repeated testing improves long-term retention relative to repeated study: a randomized controlled trial” (Larsen et al., 2009) Does repeated testing improve long-term retention in a real learning environment?In a study with medical residents, repeated testing with feedback improved retention more than repeated study for a final recall test 6 mo later.6 moResidents from Pediatrics and Emergency Medicine programs, Washington University
“Retrieving essential material at the end of lectures improves performance on statistics exams” (Lyle and Crawford, 2011) What effect does daily recall practice using the PUREMEM method have on course exam scores?In an undergraduate psychology course, students using the PUREMEM method had higher exams scores than students taught with traditional lectures, assessed by four noncumulative exams spaced evenly throughout the semester.∼3.5 wkUndergraduates enrolled in either of two consecutive years of Statistics for Psychology, University of Louisville
“Using quizzes to enhance summative-assessment performance in a web-based class: an experimental study” (McDaniel et al., 2012) What effects do online testing resources have on retention of information in an online undergraduate neuroscience course?Both multiple-choice and short-answer quiz questions improved retention and improved scores on the final exam for questions identical to those on the weekly quizzes and those that were related but not identical.15 wkUndergraduates enrolled in Web-based brain and behavior course
“Increasing student success using online quizzing in introductory (majors) biology” (Orr and Foster, 2013) What effect do required pre-exam quizzes have on final exam scores for students in an introductory (major) biology course?Students were required to complete 10 pre-exam quizzes throughout the semester. The scores of students who completed all of the quizzes or none of the quizzes were compared. Students of all abilities who completed all of the pre-exam quizzes had higher average exam scores than those who completed none.One semesterCommunity college students enrolled in an introductory biology course for majors
“Teaching students how to study: a workshop on information processing and self-testing helps students learn” (Stanger-Hall et al., 2011) What effect does a self-testing exercise done in a workshop have on final exam questions covering the same topic used in the workshop?Students who participated in the retrieval-practice workshop performed better on the exam questions related to the material covered in the workshop activity. However, there was no difference in overall performance on the exam between the two groups.10 wkUndergraduate students in a introductory biology class
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