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以男女平等为核心的先进性别文化是先进文化不可或缺的组成部分。构建先进性别文化有利于妇女自身的解放,促进人类社会协调发展。本文从性别文化角度,探讨了先进性别文化的基本内涵、实现途径和方法。  相似文献   

构建先进性别文化是时代发展的需要,是推动社会、学校和谐发展的需要。高校若要切实担负起引领、传播、创新先进性别文化的使命,就要充分发挥学校党委在推进先进性别文化建设中的主导作用、学校妇女组织的特殊作用、宣传普及先进性别文化的重要作用以及性别文化研究的基础作用。  相似文献   

性别文化作为人类文化的重要组成部分,其发展水平既是一个国家文化软实力的重要体现,又影响和制约着国家文化软实力的提升。在建设社会主义文化强国、推动文化大发展大繁荣的征程中,加强对先进性别文化的建构无疑有着特别重要的意义。  相似文献   

先进性别文化的构建基于对这一概念正确理解之上.在全球化时代,中国特色先进性别文化的构建也是世界女性主义运动的组成部分,同时需要思考当今女性主义理论与实践面临的问题.注重理论创新,以妇女群众为主体,根植于社会历史进程,是先进性别文化构建的路径.  相似文献   

性别文化是一个社会文化内涵的重要组成部分,目前大学生的性别文化发展情况是已经具有了平等意识、主体意识,但是,仍然带有一定的局限性、模糊性和刻板印象。因此,我们要引导大学生树立先进、和谐的性别文化观。  相似文献   

先进性别文化是社会文化中的先进成分,也是大学文化中的重要组成部分。传承与创新先进性别文化是高校的社会职能,有利于高校和谐发展。构建先进性别文化应做到以下几点:发挥好教育在文化传承与创新中的基础性作用,使先进性文化进入课堂,进入教材,进入大学生头脑;创新宣传教育的活动载体,使先进性别理念融入大学文化;研究并创新先进性别文化,以先进的性别文化去引领社会。  相似文献   

性别公正与学校教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
性别公正有三个基本维度,即性别平等、尊重差异和自由选择。从实然看,学校通过显性和隐性课程、教师行为等多种维度再现、建构着社会文化中的性别不公正。在性别问题上,社会文化与学校文化是同构性质的两个循环。性别公正价值的追求,需要从两个循环同时开始。学校作为自觉的文化机构,应该首先从自己这一小循环开始,通过多种努力追求性别公正的实现,并由此撬动社会文化这一大循环的变化。  相似文献   

Gender justice includes three basic dimensions: gender equality, respect for difference, and free choice. In reality, schools construct and reproduce the gender injustice of the social culture through multiple dimensions that include the visible and the invisible curriculum, and the teacher’s behaviour. In terms of gender justice, the social culture and the school culture are like two separate “circulations”, but these two circulations are of the same inner structure. However, in pursuing the value of gender justice, we need to start from both of these two “circulations” at the same time. As a self-conscious cultural institution, the school should recognize its own small circulation, and then pursue the realization of gender justice by all possible means. Moreover, the more important contribution of the school is to help drive the larger transformation of gender justice in the social culture. __________ Translated from Quanqiu Jiaoyu Zhanwang 全球教育展望 (Global Education), 2007, (9): 33–38, by WANG Molin, School of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Beijing Normal University  相似文献   

我国改革开放进入关键时期,社会关系呈现出利益主体多元化、差别显著化的特征,各种社会矛盾逐渐突出.在这一形势下,十六届四中全会明确提出构建和谐社会的目标,这对解决矛盾,促进社会发展和稳定具有重要意义.和谐社会的基础是社会公平,性别公平是社会公平的一个重要体现.性别平等与公正的实现,才能最终实现和谐社会.文章从性别政治的视角来阐述性别平等与公正是构建和谐社会的重要基础,并从经济、政治、文化、社会、家庭等方面揭示社会转型期存在的严重性别不公及产生的原因,并提出应对措施.  相似文献   

1995年,联合国在世界第四次妇女大会上,提出了"社会性别意识"的概念,即运用性别分析的视角去发现社会中不利于两性和谐发展的模式和举措。本文主要通过探析男女平等口号与男女平等基本国策的时代背景、性别平等以及性别公正的话语背景,认为从男女平等到性别公正的话语转向,正是人们性别意识提升的结果。笔者认为,随着人们社会性别意识观不断被强化,这种话语转向过程还会发生。  相似文献   

家庭暴力的产生有悠久的历史,它是多因素的产物。家庭暴力作为社会问题,无论对社会、家庭,还是女性个人都是有害的。因此,消除家庭暴力,构建先进的性别文化已成为全社会的共识。  相似文献   

以男女平等为核心内容的先进性别文化的构建,有利于女性的解放和发展,有利于社会的和谐发展。本文对现有性别文化的现状进行分析,探讨如何构建先进的性别平等文化,以期为和谐社会的构建提供一些有益的参考。  相似文献   

Poor white children, often with roots in Appalachia, can present puzzling and intractable challenges for the multicultural educator. These students are not considered in multicultural textbooks, yet they face language and dialect issues, low educational attainment, under-representation in curriculum, and negative cultural stereotypes. This article details the history, language, dialect, and school experiences of marginalized ethnic Whites; explores problems inherent in representation related to race, class, and marginality; and discusses action research on pre-service education intended to strengthen teachers' perception of the special problem of marginalized Whites. This work highlights the importance of problematizing and expanding “basic” categories and terms such as “black,” “white,” “urban,” and “rural” to consider important differences of experience—an imperative in an education profession committed to diversity and social justice.  相似文献   

教育过程性别公平是指从性别的维度审视教育内部的公平问题,使每一个学生不因具有某一生理性别而使其发展受到影响。教育过程的性别公平不只是关注女生的发展,而是同时关注男生与女生的发展。意志自由与选择自由是教育过程性别公平的首要原则;教育过程性别公平的最终目标是同时致力于女生与男生的最优发展,而不是致力于教育结果的性别均衡;价值多元是实现教育过程性别公平的关键;教育过程性别公平的真正实现必须同时促进四种性别认知的转变。  相似文献   

构建先进性别文化,促进女性职业发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
落后的性别文化导致女性地位的缺失,是影响女性职业发展的最主要原因.建设先进性别文化,可以提高女性的主体意识,提高女性自我实现的欲望,对于女性的职业发展具有十分重要的意义.  相似文献   

公共教育是一项以公民主体为目的、以公民权利及公民发展为本位、以制度正义为支撑的公共服务型制度。公共教育的公民主体吁求公共教育的服务价值;公共教育的公民权利本位及公民发展本位吁求公共教育的服务价值;公共教育的制度正义吁求公共教育的服务价值。  相似文献   

Girls and boys are still far from equal in U.S. elementary and secondary schools. Research on teacher-to-student and student-to-student classroom interaction patterns, reviews of curricular materials, and data on participation in extracurricular activities suggest that the school climate is less encouraging for girls and young women than it is for their male classmates. Even testing and assessment procedures give an inaccurate picture of girls' abilities and thereby limit their options. This article reviews current research and makes specific recommendations for actions to create a more gender equitable environment in the nation's schools.  相似文献   

Much of what U.S. students know about history is shaped by the textbook presentation of the subject. By high school, students should be exposed to an inclusive view of U.S. history. Previous research suggests that U.S. history has often centered on the stories of men, particularly from the perspective of white men in positions of power. It is important to continually assess how far textbooks have come in terms of including women—not just the quantity of such inclusion, but the quality as well. In our research, we use Banks' scale of curriculum integration to evaluate how well women's experiences during WWII have been integrated into high school textbooks. Our findings suggest that women are “counted” in the depiction of WWII; however, this inclusion lacks attention to women's agency during the war and to the unique experiences of African American women during the war. Without such explorations in the textbooks, the written version of history becomes an exclusive and distorted body of knowledge.  相似文献   

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