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This article comes from a study which examines data from the intercultural experience of Korean students studying in Australian universities ‐‐ in particular, their difficulties communicating interculturally in academic settings. The identified difficulties of Korean students are discussed in terms of difficulties in language, styles of teaching and learning, and relationships with peers and teachers. The article explores the significance of different Korean cultural norms in education, such as role expectations, classroom conventions and language use. It also aims to help Australian educators and institutions to contribute towards a better understanding of the difficulties for Korean students involved in the evolving field of intercultural education in Australia. The findings recommend strategies for students, educators and institutions. Such integrated strategies and support programs would enable educators and students to achieve better relationships and greater academic fulfilment.  相似文献   

章从教育人类学的视角探讨民族教育的理论问题。作认为,民族地区教育的本质问题之一是多元化环境中的教育,多元化因素的存在是影响民族教育发展的重要因素,民族教育理论应该研究教育在多元化语境中的特点,也应该研究多元化在民族教育中的地位和功能,在此基础上,作提出了跨化交际教育的观点。  相似文献   

文章从教育人类学的视角探讨民族教育的理论问题。作者认为,民族地区教育的本质问题之一是多元文化环境中的教育,多元文化因素的存在是影响民族教育发展的重要因素,民族教育理论应该研究教育在多元文化语境中的特点,也应该研究多元文化在民族教育中的地位和功能,在此基础上,作者提出了跨文化交际教育的观点。  相似文献   

美国大学的伙伴关系述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国大学与当地、地区、全国和国际的各类机构所建立的伙伴关系反映了美国高等教育近年来的创新变革。作者写作本文的目的在于向中国同行提供一个分析这种伙伴关系的基本框架。文章简要地描述了大学层面、部门层面的伙伴关系情况,分析了美国大学建立伙伴关系的目的和缘由,并扼要地总结了若干条可供中国同行借鉴的启示。  相似文献   

美国大学与中小学合作教育研究:历史、问题、模式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
19世纪末以来,美国在教育理论与实践结合的路径上强调大学与中小学合作开展教育研究,对合作中的问题、条件、关系模式、理论者与实践者关系等方面进行了大量探索.对这些方面的了解将会对我国相关合作提供一定的启示.  相似文献   

This article presents a critical reflection of the author's 14 years of experience in the Teacher Training Programme for Intercultural Bilingual Education in the Amazon Basin, developed by the indigenous confederation AIDESEP and the Loreto state teacher training college in Peru. The first part of the article offers an overall view of the particular approach towards intercultural bilingual education adopted by the AIDESEP/ISPL Programme and presents a critical outlook on some of the conceptual challenges the Programme has faced during its development and their relation with ongoing theoretical debates and with the demands of the indigenous movement. The second part of the article is centred on a discussion of the ethical, political and pedagogical challenges that intercultural education raises regarding curriculum decision-making and practice. The author bases her reflection on an analysis of the way in which the Peruvian Ministry of Education and different intercultural bilingual teacher training programmes have dealt with this issue during the last two decades.  相似文献   

Educational values in both the United States and in China have suffered from the social and political reach of economic markets in each society. The models for counteracting the marketization of values in higher education can however be found in each country’s past educational traditions. Surprisingly, the developmental values inherent in small liberal arts college teaching dovetail easily with the personal developmental benefits in the pedagogy of classical Confucian academies, as both center on the validation of the process by which students learn for themselves.  相似文献   

This chapter examines the challenges before the U.S. National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) as it responds to rising expectations for better education indicator data. The first section summarizes the issues raised by the Congressionally-mandated report, Education Counts: An Indicator System to Monitor the Nation's Educational Health (U.S. Department of Education, 1991), and the report's implications for NCES. The second section takes up the challenges that NCES must face before an indicator system can meet policy makers' demands.  相似文献   

与美国的科研预算制度相比,我国的政府科研项目对科研项目部分间接成本进行了补偿,但未对直接成本和间接成本进行明确区分,间接成本的补偿也有较大的缺口。在我国的政府科研项目预算中,应建立全成本补偿机制,对直接成本和间接成本进行相应的测算,明确间接费用的范围和比例,在直接费用中增列一定比例的人员经费开支。  相似文献   

美国虽然不是世界上最先发展研究生教育的国家,但却是20世纪以来研究生教育最为发达的国家。从19世纪中期现代研究生教育在国内落地生根开始,美国就在业内讨论发展研究生教育的目的,并很快得到各大学的认同及长期落实;在确定目标的基础上,美国大学成为研究生教育发展的主体,它们从理想和现实层面落实研究生教育的目标;与研究生教育相关的其他利益群体,也从维护自身利益出发,积极参与大学关于研究生教育发展方向的讨论。有目标、有行动、有监督的美国研究生教育体系很快就得到了社会各界的认可,并成为世界研究生教育发展的典范。  相似文献   

Distance education has grown rapidly in the United States in recent years. Both private‐ and public‐sector organizations have embraced the practice of reaching their clients, employees, and students at a distance via new technologies afforded them by the telecommunication and computer nexus. Distance education is grounded on technology, and its practice would be difficult, if not impossible, without it. However, reducing the idea to its technological foundations, and losing sight of its social science base has led to a conceptual confusion in the field. This article will illustrate the growth of distance education in the United States, describe the social science paradigm of distance education, demonstrate the empirical evidence of this paradigm, and analyze its ramifications for the field in general, as well as for students, educational organizations, and instructors.  相似文献   

美国早期教育的不公平现象至今依然存在,着重表现为早期教育可获得性不公平、早期教育项目质量不公平以及资金投入不公平等方面。早期教育不公平问题的产生有复杂的历史和文化原因。美国政府和学界一直致力于解决教育不公平问题。美国经验的启示是,要进一步加强对教育公平问题的科学研究,把教育公平问题作为深化早期教育改革与发展需要解决的核心问题来考虑,通过解决教育公平问题推动社会发展。  相似文献   

走进大学专业协作迈向双赢未来   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为衔接新学制高中增设的通识教育科作准备,本校于2006年8月参与香港中文大学教育学院大学与学校伙伴协作中心之"优化教学协作计划",本  相似文献   

This study aims to understand the recurrent challenges of professional development school (PDS) partnerships experienced by many countries. It does so by conceptualizing PDS partnerships as endeavors to cross institutionally and epistemologically developed boundaries between teacher education, schooling, and academic research. After introducing what we call a multilevel boundary crossing approach, we look at the startup years of one academic PDS partnership, scrutinizing the successive learning mechanisms that were evoked at the institutional, interpersonal, and intrapersonal levels. The case study narrative illustrates the multilevel nature of boundary crossing and reveals different learning mechanisms in different phases and at different levels. For example, whereas coordination initially occurred at all levels, transformation occurred in later years mainly at the intrapersonal level. The study sheds specific light on the intrapersonal level by showing the significant and challenging role of various brokers in establishing both horizontal and vertical connections across and within the organizations involved. Despite being important leaders of the partnerships’ activities, we observed how brokers prevented others from becoming more involved. We propose that partnerships should carefully consider the sort of learning processes they aspire to and can realistically expect at different levels and moments in time and accordingly consider how they want to position the various actors.  相似文献   

《公司法司法解释(三)》规定了隐名出资合同有效情形下股权的归属,但未规定隐名出资合同效力待定、无效情形下股权的归属方式。隐名出资人与名义股东在隐名出资合同中约定的主要内容包括投资权益归属和股东身份归属,其中,投资权益原则上可由当事人自由约定,而股东身份归属则不可。区别投资权益和股东身份是判定隐名出资合同无效情形下股权归属的前提。  相似文献   

跨文化交际中的道歉行为与道歉策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
道歉语是人们日常生活中常使用的言语。章用社会语用学的方法阐述了道歉的定义、实施它的适合条件以及五种人们实施道歉行为所采用的策略,进而从中美跨化的角度分析了社会语用因素,如相对权势、社会距离和行为冒犯程度等,对中关在道歉策略选择上的影响以及造成这种影响的社会化因素。最后总结出,社会语用因素和道歉的实施方式是紧密相联的,而社会语用能力则是语言学习所需要掌握的最重要的策略之一。  相似文献   

刻板印象与大众传播存在着一种必然的关系,二者能相互影响,这为我们了解这两个概念以推动跨文化交际的顺利进行打开了方便之门。本着减少差异和误解,加大沟通和理解这一前提,刻板印象与大众传播能够在一定程度上互为所用,促成交际双方取得最佳交际效果。  相似文献   

ESB可以去除不同服务应用之间存在的技术差异,可以让不同的应用服务器相互协调运作,以实现不同服务应用之间的整合和通信.OSB是Oracle的ESB产品,居于业界领先地位.中国移动某公司启动了服务接口平台的重构工作.基于ESB平台构建统一的服务接口总线,实现不同接入协议的适配,实现流量控制,不同数据报文格式的转换.并实现客户端的统一管理,提供各种安全认证机制.  相似文献   

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