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正朱芝花说:"苦难经历是我成长的财富,海岛百姓用爱心融化了我心中的冰雪,将我这可怜的异乡孤女一路呵护至今。现在我和丈夫衣食无忧,子女都有稳定的工作,饮水思源,我心怀感恩去做慈善,用实际行动来回报社会。"  相似文献   

美国思想库对公共政策的制定和美国社会的方方面面发挥着巨大的舆论影响力,而这种舆论影响力是通过其所承担的角色和功能体现出来的。这些功能包括:设置政策议程、进行政策教育、搭建"知识"与"权力"的桥梁、推进"第二轨道"外交等四个方面。其中,设置政策议程的功能包括政策议程的确定和政策建议的构架;教育功能指对社会精英和大众的教育;所谓搭建"知识"与"权力"的桥梁就是为下届政府培养人才,使得"在野"者的知识有"入朝"转化为权力的通道和可能性,也为前任政府官员提供休养生息、再次入朝的机会和平台";第二轨道"是介于官方外交("第一轨道")与纯民间交流("第三轨道")之间的一种特殊渠道,思想库作为"第二轨道"外交的重要部分,是国内与国际交流的一个平台,在双边和多边外交事务中发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   

美国全球年度图片奖(POYi,Pictures of the Year International),由美国密苏里大学新闻学院举办,是国际上知名度最高的新闻摄影奖项之一。在美国的摄影记者眼中,全球年度图片奖(POYi)仅次于普利策奖,却比"荷赛"还重要。该赛事被认为是"全美最具有影响的新闻摄影年赛"。  相似文献   

在约瑟夫·奈提出"软实力"的50多年前,民国知识分子胡适,在烽烟四起的抗日战争时期临危受命,转身外交家来到美国,争取美国的援助、支持与加盟。在这场死伤无数的战争浩劫中,胡适以具有浓厚学者风范的外交家身份出入白宫,将中国文化带入美国公众视线,缔造了弱国对强国潜移默化间进行的文化输出范例。  相似文献   

惠泉 《文化交流》2013,(7):32-34
"人间四月芳菲尽,山寺桃花始盛开"。今年4月24日,还是白居易描述的山花烂熳时节,余姚市大岚镇迎来了80余位中外贵宾。他们在宁波参加"海上茶路·甬为茶港"论坛后,随即上大岚考察,队伍中有中国国际茶文化研究会会长周国富一行,日本、韩国、美国、德国等专家学者和北京、上海、河北、陕西、福建及港澳人士。  相似文献   

郭之昆 《文化交流》2014,(11):59-62
2014年8月27日晚,纪念梅兰芳诞辰120周年"双甲之约"美国巡演在华盛顿精彩亮相,受到现场2000多名中外观众的热烈欢迎。"双甲之约"重走梅兰芳当年巡演美国之路2014年是梅兰芳诞辰120周年,而中国传统文化中以60年为"一甲子",120周年即为"双甲子",为纪念梅兰芳这位把毕生精力奉献给京昆艺术传承与革新的一代宗师。  相似文献   

正一位观展者在一幅抽象人物作品前驻足许久,看完出门后折了回来,又在画前看了许久。最后他找到杨鹏诚问:你这幅画卖吗?我实在太喜欢了。这位想买画的人,是美国一所常春藤名校的教授。作为一个艺术的"门外汉",其实我是看不太懂杨鹏诚的作品的——集印象派、结构主义于一身的画,总是需要  相似文献   

美国是世界上最早进入大众传播时代的国家。经历了两次世界大战、一次旷日持久的冷战、冷战后的海湾战争、科索沃战争以及新世纪以来阿富汗战争、伊拉克战争、"颜色革命"的打磨和积累,其对外宣传策略手法样式繁多,总体特点鲜明突出,一些做法可资借鉴。  相似文献   

叶华 《文化交流》2012,(11):44-47
美国会展业大亨艾德森说:"好的展会,应该是有性格的。" 10月12日开幕的杭州文化创意产业博览会,以"跨界传承.设计.创新"为主题,寓意文化与科技、生活、艺术、旅游相融合。几天的时间里,我跑遍了杭州和平国际会展中心、世贸展览中心和白马湖生态创意城国际会展中心三大会场,找寻了三种主题各异、特色独具、互为补充的性格。而这些性格似乎可以用我对文博会上相遇的几位颇有代表性人物的访谈来表述。  相似文献   

肖沌 《对外大传播》2010,(11):58-59
从2004年起,美国《时代》周刊每年都会评出一份全世界"最具影响力的100人"名单(以下简称Time100),2010年度该榜单于5月10日揭晓。与往年不同的是,今年榜单取消了以往"商业巨子"这一类别,  相似文献   

徐渭的题画诗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许黎英 《文化交流》2009,(10):57-59
题画诗是中国古代诗歌的一个重要组成部分,内容丰富,数量巨大。徐渭1474首诗歌中就有300多首题画诗。徐渭的笔墨大写意画在中国绘画史上有着重要的地位,因此其题画诗亦诗亦画,使诗歌充满着直观丰富的画意。诗画兼擅,诗画兼融,决定了徐渭题画诗的独特魅力。  相似文献   

In their paper on price comovements of paintings, Ginsburgh and Jeanfils show that in three important markets (London, Paris and New York), prices of well-known and lesser known painters 'move together' (are cointegrated). They conclude that therefore, an investor may be indifferent between the two groups of painters. We show that this is not the case, since well-known painters are less risky, and that though returns may be comparable, the share of well-known painters in a portfolio of paintings might be as high as 90%. We also construct long-run and short-run portfolios and show that these may be very different. These short-term portfolios give interesting insights which help in characterizing each of the three markets.  相似文献   

宽敞的屋子里摆满了各种各样精巧可爱的竹编:玲珑剔透的竹篮、上圆下方的箩筐、圆圆的竹筛、尖尖的斗笠…… 墙上挂满了琳琅满目的竹编书画,线条如行云流水、灵动飘逸…… 江安然的竹编是临安昱岭关下一道美丽的风景。  相似文献   

This paper examines the price determinants of paintings in the Korean art market in the context of a hedonic price regression to investigate whether the hypothesis of the modified unit pricing system holds for the pricing of Korean modern and contemporary paintings. Using Korean auction data, I show that the parametric results provide overwhelming evidence that Korean art pricing does not function in accordance with the modified unit pricing scale. However, I re-examine this hypothesis using a semiparametric partial linear regression that does not require the prespecification of a functional form prior to estimation. Rather, the semiparametric approach allows the data to determine the exact form of the size-price profile. This result confirms that the modified unit pricing system applies to the Korean contemporary and modern painting market.  相似文献   

董连元是颇有成果的草根连环画家,在农村文化礼堂建设中,为弘扬中华礼仪、传承道德文明,他常有作品推出,使我十分钦企。日前,浙江省文史馆馆员、书画家方志恩让我结识了董连元。年过花甲的董连元才情满溢,几十年“很接地气”地在方寸天地中追寻着自己心中的“中国梦”。  相似文献   

2008年11月9日,我在做一些去东北三省的准备,把新买的几本书插入书架。不知咋的,“啪”的一声,一本放在书架里的书掉了下来,拾起一看,是袁可嘉先生签赠的《九叶集》。一个星期后,我从东北回来,快速浏览已经积累了厚厚一叠的报刊,当翻到《文汇读书周报》第二版时,突然,一个标题钻入我的眼帘:“九叶诗人、翻译家袁可嘉辞世”。  相似文献   

著名画家李克昌是当今画坛杰出的艺术家。我最初拜读李克昌的油画、国画和内画,就被其涉足之广和造诣之高而震惊,被其驾驭反差跨度如此大的画种之超凡功力所折服,真可谓:“内(内画)外(油画和国画)兼功得心,三管齐下应手。”而今年9月,在久负盛名的北京艺术殿堂荣宝斋举办他的美术作品展上,我又欣赏到他的雕塑和书法,原来不仅是“三管齐下”,简直是“五子登科”,(其实他还有美学研究),更为其成就之大而倾倒。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to develop a laboratory technique to simulate a natural ageing of canvas paintings adopting artificial ageing methods in air (thermal oxidation), in the absence of light. Four models of canvas paintings aged up to 315 years are considered. Paintings are constituted of oil film on oil ground layer, oil film on tempera ground layer, tempera film on tempera ground layer or by tempera film on oil ground layer. Surface strength and the colour of the paintings and the degree of polymerization (DP) of linen canvas were evaluated at different steps of ageing. The degradative result was estimated as the DP of linen canvas after prefixed times of microbial attack.  相似文献   

The work is focused on identification of lead tin yellow types I and II, Naples yellow, and also on discrimination of a less common, distinct yellow pigment, the ternary Pb-Sb-Sn oxide.The knowledge about all those Pb-based yellows was in fact forgotten after introduction of modern synthetic yellows in 19th century. As late as in the last decade of the 20th century, the existence of Pb-Sb-Sn yellow and its production have been rediscovered, and only then it has been identified in colour layer of artworks.Pb-Sb-Sn yellow has recently been identified in colour layer of 17th century Italian paintings by Sandalinas and Ruiz-Moreno [C. Sandalinas, S. Ruiz-Moreno, Lead tin-antimony yellow, historical manufacture, molecular characterization and identification in seventeenth-century Italian paintings, Stud. Conserv. 49 (2003) 41–52], and here we report the finding of this pigment in Mid-European painting of the 18th and 19th centuries. Lead tin yellows, lead antimony yellow (Naples yellow), and lead antimony tin yellow were synthesized in laboratory following historical recipes, their colour was analyzed, and their structure was confirmed to provide a basis for their routine identification in microsamples of artworks by X-ray microdiffraction. Unequivocal identification of Pb-based yellows could help in authentication of traditional European paintings, because their use was temporally and also geographically specific. Combination of elemental microanalysis (X-ray fluorescence electron microanalysis) and X-ray powder microdiffraction were found very efficient in the microanalysis of colour layers of artworks with Pb-based yellows and their unequivocal identification.  相似文献   

随着北京2008年奥运会的临近,民众越来越关心“中国”品牌的树立,学习英语的热情也被点燃。越来越多的外宣干部和业内同行向我们表达了期待看到双语栏目的愿望。因此,我们自2006年第1期起开办了《双语视窗》栏目以满足广大读者的需求。 看看周围的媒体,在《北京青年报》、《参考消息》、《国门时报》上有许多精粹的小短文,像一只只啄木鸟,善意地提醒了中国人习以为常的行为背后“尚未和国际接轨”的细节,读后让人回味不已。在获得借鉴意义的同时,也带来更深入的思考。我们效仿中英文对照的版面形式,旨在通过外国友人的视角来看中国,从中折射出东西方观念、习俗的异同。通过一篇篇这样的文章,让读者在领略异域文化的同时,也能达到学习英语的目的。  相似文献   

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