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中国当代民间红色文化活动与国家政治的相互关系如何?有过一个什么样的历程?今后应如何走下去?这是一个需要认真处理的文化和政治问题。这个问题解决得好,不仅可以从文化的意义上解决红色文化的内部结构、历史传承和未来走向问题,还可以从政治的意义上解决新中国民间红色文化活动与国家政权稳定的关系问题,维护国家政权安全。反之,则可能影响国家文化战略布局。我们应该高度重视。  相似文献   

由于内外两方雨的原因,金华民间儿歌正日渐淡出金华人的视野。当前要传承这份民间文化瑰宝,首先应该进一步做好收集整理工作;其次,要回归接受儿歌的童年逻辑点,创造条件让儿童欣赏接受金华民间儿歌;最后,应创新金华民间儿歌自身的内容形式,并将运用和推介金华民间儿歌的范围扩大至金华新农村民俗文化旅游等多个领域。  相似文献   

当代中国社会阶层流动探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会阶层结构是社会结构的核心内容,而要形成合理的社会阶层结构就需要保证畅通的社会阶层流动,这就要求建立公正、合理、开放的现代化社会阶层流动机制。我国当前社会流动机制已具有现代流动机制的雏形,但也有一些不足之处,需要从深化体制改革,调整公共资源配置,建立严格的教育筛选制度三方面入手,对我国社会阶层流动机制进行改革、完善。  相似文献   

在当代中国,公共领域已然存在并处于发育与完善之中,但由于当代中国的公共领域发生、发展于特定背景,故它与哈贝马斯的具有特定历史内涵的“资产阶级公共领域”相比,有着自身的独特性。  相似文献   

中国当代绘画中出现的民间元素,一方面体现了民间传统强大的生命力;另一方面也反映出中国当代艺术家在全球化浪潮的冲击下的反省和认识。当代绘画在近些年的活跃和繁荣,不仅仅得益于艺术家日益扩大的视野和活跃的创作思想,更得益于中国艺术家对于本民族文化的尊重和挖掘。  相似文献   

公共外交与民间外交的关系在当今国际关系中至关重要.它一方面加强了国家之间的信任和理解,另一方面树立了国家形象,增强了国际吸引力,而这些都是"软力量"建设的重要内容.因此,大力开展公共外交与民问外交是"软力量"建设的重要途径.  相似文献   

法国著名建筑设计大师安德鲁曾说:现代的艺术已从画框里跳出来,正在走向城市,走进社区,走入家家户户.这给我们一个启示:在现代社会生活中,艺术不仅仅是艺术家的事,审美正逐渐呈大众化、社会化趋势.随着科学技术越发展,文化艺术在社会中的作用就越大;如果审美水平不提高,整个城市乃至整个社会则无法进步.有人称公共艺术是城市之魂,凝聚着一个城市的历史与文化,体现着整个城市的精神面貌与综合实力,并以其鲜明的文化特质,艺术地为城市树立起与众不同的形象,直接构成美好的生活空间和良好的投资与旅游环境.  相似文献   

陈红 《成才之路》2012,(17):66-67
音乐是凭借声波振动而存在,通过人们的听觉器官所引发的各种情绪的反应和情感共鸣的艺术门类。舞蹈是以人为载体,以人体动作为语言的一种综合性表演艺术,也是一种时间和空间相结合的时空艺术。我国古代所说的"乐",就是对音乐、舞蹈、诗歌相互结合为一体的总称。人们常说的"乐之在耳者为声,在目者为容",具体而又生动地说明了音乐和舞蹈两者之间相辅相成的密切关系。  相似文献   

时代呼唤妇女成才,妇女自身的解放发展呼唤妇女成才。当代中国妇女成才面临的挑战和障碍:一,来自社会旧的思想观念和传统习惯势力,二,来自历史境遇造成的妇女受教育程度低,三,最大障碍是来自妇女自身的主观能动因素。当代中国妇女成才的机遇和优势是:一、马克思主义妇女观是妇女成才的理论指南;二、新中国优越的社会主义制度为妇女成才创造了良好的社会环境;三、发挥妇女独特的优势,摆脱束缚女性成才的桎梏,创造成功的人生。  相似文献   

郑宝明 《考试周刊》2007,(26):101-102
本文通过对建国以来及当前我国体育教学理论建设发展情况的探究发现,在改革开放以前,由于政治历史原因,我国的体育教学理论建设发展速度相对较慢,研究质量相对较差。自改革开放以来,我国体育教学理论的建设发展日新月异,成效显著。  相似文献   

日本高等教育的大发展很大程度上是通过发展私立高校实现的,其私立高校在政府资助、师资竞争、生源竞争上已处于与公立高校相对公平的竞争环境。日本私立高校发展过程是一个由"压制"到"承认"再到"扶持"的演进过程,公私立高校公平竞争的实现经历了较长的时期。立法、国民经济长期稳定的发展和较强的经济实力是实现公私立高校公平竞争的前提和保障,而政府的资助受私立高校自身情况(如数量、规模、层次、质量),以及国家经济发展水平与实力、立法时间等多种因素的制约。  相似文献   

运用资本市场的力量,开辟一条让民间资本涌入公办高校的渠道,不仅仅是我国市场经济发展的需要,更是我国大众化高等教育发展的迫切需要。这一举措是解决我国公立高校经费短缺与国家扩展高等教育规模矛盾的重要手段,是推动我国高等教育规模适度发展和质量提高的明智选择。  相似文献   

人与自然通过人的劳动进行信息交换、能量交换和物质交换,即三大交换活动协同运动。生物个体即个人的“三大交换”是基础,社会“三大交换”是必不可少的中间环节。个人的“三大交换”与社会“三大交换”的活动就是“私”与“公”的矛盾。“私”与“公”矛盾的运动,推动人类社会的进步和人的发展。“私”、“公”矛盾的运动过程,也就是社会发展的过程,是实现人的自由发展的动力。在建设有中国特色社会主义阶段正确处理“公”、“私”矛盾,主要是树立“公”、“私”分明的观念,实践劳动是人生存发展之本,正确把握个人角色的变换。  相似文献   

基于历史与现实两个维度的分析,发现公办高校与民办高校的贷款长期处于失衡的状态。民办高校在发展过程中的很多方面与公办高校相比,存在公平性缺失的问题。基于公平性缺失的现状及成因的角度,来发现和弥补公办高校与民办高校贷款方面公平性确实的问题,对我国高等教育体系的完善与和谐发展,具有重大的现实意义。  相似文献   


This article is a set of reflections based on research into the secondary school/further education college interface over the past five years. The research highlighted a number of issues relating to values and management in post-compulsory education. These issues will be explored in the article. The setting up of the quasi-market in post-compulsory education has led to a tension between liberal democratic and economic instrumentalist values. For example, the officially stated policies may emphasise collaboration between school and colleges yet at the operational level school leaders accuse colleges of 'poaching' pupils and college leaders accuse schools of 'hanging on' to pupils. There exists a discrepancy between the market-led managerialism which leads to young people being treated as commodities and the alternative market view of young people as potential or actual clients with educational or training needs to be met. There also exist alternative discourses on the nature of young people themselves which reflect value positions. The same young people perceived themselves as adults making rational decisions about their own futures. It is important that leaders and managers in post-compulsory education consider these differing value positions.  相似文献   

This paper examines the ways in which the flourishing of the market economy has affected educational development in mainland China. Unlike the Mao era when educational development was entirely directed by the central government, there has been a strong trend of diversification and decentralization of education in the post-Mao period. In recent years, private schools and colleges have become more popular on the mainland, the development of which inevitably challenges the conventional public and private boundary. The principal goal of this paper is to examine how China's education has gone through a process of `marketization'. Based upon our field research conducted in mainland China, we argue that China's educational development has been significantly affected by emerging market forces. The core of the paper is confined to the discussion of four major issues: the emergence of private education, user charges and cost recovery in education, as well as the design of courses and curricula to meet emerging market needs in China. The main focus of this paper is thus concentrated on what strategies educational institutions have employed in response to the strong tide of marketization.  相似文献   

从全面建设小康社会进程中中国群众体育发展的基本特征入手,阐述了在全面建设小康社会中群众体育是人民大众日益增长的健身需求,是精神文明建设的需要;并在一定程度上拉动中国经济的发展,还可以有效地改善人际关系,促进人的全面发展.此外,在全面建设小康社会中群众体育与政治、经济建设及竞技体育有着非常密切的联系.  相似文献   

In Saudi Arabia, it is generally perceived that private special education institutes (SEIs) provide a higher quality education than their public counterparts. Parents tend to trust and invest in private rather than public institutes. This is principally attributed to the greater financial capacity of private special institutes, which ensures services can be provided more effectively. Investigating this perspective, this study seeks to bridge the gap often observed and commented upon between public and private SEIs, and to reflect critically on how the needs of all students with intellectual disabilities can be met within the public system. A comparative case study of two SEIs in Saudi Arabia for students with intellectual disabilities, one public and one private, was designed. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with parents, teachers and principals. A key finding of this study is that there is a major difference in the workplace cultures of public and private institutes. This results in several observable factors that were found to contribute to the quality of provision for learners.  相似文献   

This research study investigated the perspectives of teachers on student creativity. A group of 15 teachers from public schools and 24 teachers from private schools completed an Early Childhood Creativity Rating Scale (ECCRS) on four of their students. A total of 156 students were rated on this ECCRS. The major question asked in this study was: How do teacher perspectives of student creativity differ in public and private schools, between kindergarten and grade 3, and are these perspectives influenced by teacher characteristics. Results found that private school teachers rated their students higher on creativity, third grade students were rated lowest on creativity, and teachers who perceived themselves as most creative also rated their students as most creative.  相似文献   

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