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Summary Seventy “predelinquent” disadvantaged seventh-grade students and 30 controls were compared on fifteen variables. It was found that the experimental group was significantly behind the controls in reading, grade-point-average, IQ test scores (verbal and nonverbal), as well as on measures of visual-motor and auditory perceptual functioning. It appears that the experimental youngsters display a syndrome usually considered to evidence specific learning disabilities. However, in this type of population it is difficult to separate the effects of environmentally determined deficits from inherent deficits. Therefore, it was not possible to estimate the incidence of true specific learning disabilities. On the other hand, it was suggested that regardless of the etiology of the deficits, these children could profit from the same types of educational opportunities as have been found well-suited to aid children with learning disabilities.  相似文献   

The double-deficit theory of reading disability (Wolf & Bowers, 1999) was examined in a sample of 56 reading-disabled and 45 normal-reading elementary school children (aged 8 to 11). As hypothesized, the two groups differed markedly on all phonological analysis tasks and on rapid continuous naming of digits and letters (the double deficits), but they differed as well on orthographic tasks, attention ratings, arithmetic achievement, and all WISC-III factors except perceptual organization. Within the reading-disabled (RD) sample, children in the double-deficit subgroup were no more impaired in reading and spelling than those with a single deficit in phonological analysis, and those with a single deficit in rapid naming were no more impaired than those with neither deficit. Multiple regression analyses suggest that a multiple causality theory of RD is more plausible than a double-deficit theory.  相似文献   

Conclusion In every country surveyed, there was an awareness of both the existence and the needs of intelligent children with specific reading and learning disabilities. In those nations where no special educational provisions are as yet made to assist these children, many people are attempting to bring this matter to the attention of the appropriate educational or governmental authorities. Most of the industrialized nations now have at least some special programs for these children and it appears that there is a rapidly growing movement to develop similar programs in other countries. There is reason to feel optimistic about future developments in helping children with reading problems worldwide. This paper was presented at the 27th Annual National Conference of The Orton Society, New York City, November 1976.  相似文献   

The current meta-analysis synthesized findings from profiling research on Chinese children with reading difficulties (RD). We reviewed a total of 81 studies published between 1964 and May 2015, representing a total of 9735 Chinese children. There are 982 effect sizes for the comparison between children with RD and age-matched typically developing (A-TD) children and 152 effect sizes for the comparison between children with RD and reading-level-matched typically developing (R-TD) children on multiple linguistic and cognitive skills. Results showed that compared to A-TD children, children with RD have severe deficits in morphological awareness, orthographic knowledge, phonological awareness, rapid naming, working memory, and visual skills and moderate deficits in short-term memory and motor skills. Compared to R-TD children, children with RD only have moderate deficits in rapid naming and mild deficits in orthographic knowledge. Moderation analyses for the comparison between RD and A-TD children revealed that children with more severe RD show more severe deficits in morphological awareness, phonological awareness, rapid naming, and visual skills. However, neither location (Mainland vs. Hong Kong) nor type of reading screening (character recognition vs. character recognition combined with reading comprehension) emerged as a moderator of the deficit profiles. These findings indicate that Chinese children with RD have deficits on a wide range of cognitive and linguistic skills. Deficits in rapid naming and orthographic knowledge may be potential causal factors for RD in Chinese based on existing evidence. Implications for the diagnosis and instructions of Chinese children with RD were discussed.  相似文献   

Lexical priming was assessed in children with reading disability (RD) and in age-matched controls ( M = 11.5 years), in visual and auditory lexical decision tasks. In the visual task, children with RD were found to have deficits in semantic (SHIP–BOAT), phonological/graphemic (GOAT–BOAT), and combined (FLOAT–BOAT) priming. The same pattern of semantic priming deficits also occurred in auditory lexical decisions, suggesting that the semantic deficits are not confined to reading. Children with RD also showed less priming than reading-age matched controls, suggesting that their priming deficits are not simply due to lower reading level but are due to the reading disability in particular. These semantic deficits may contribute to both the word reading and the comprehension problems seen in children with RD.  相似文献   

It is widely accepted that deficits in phonological awareness skills are related to reading difficulties. Recently, another source of reading difficulty has been identified that involves naming speed, and combined impairments in phonological skills and naming speed will produce more severe reading deficits than single deficits in either of these cognitive skills. The purpose of this study was to investigate the consequences of grouping children based on the presence or absence of deficits in these skills. We demonstrate that the greater severity of reading impairment found in children with a double deficit could be due in part to a statistical artifact caused by grouping children based on their performance on two correlated continuous variables. This artifact also makes it difficult to establish the relative impact of deficits in naming speed on reading ability independent of deficits in phonological awareness.  相似文献   

Adults and children with reading impairment (N = 67) were administered a rapid auditory task, a rapid visual task, and a battery of orthographic and phonological tasks. Our results support a differential development model of reading disability that argues that deficits in rapid auditory ability in children are primarily associated with problems in phonological processing, whereas deficits in rapid visual ability in children are primarily associated with problems in orthographic processing (Farmer & Klein, 1995). In contrast to the children, the adults showed a strong relation between rapid auditory ability and both orthographic and phonological processing. These results suggest that continued deficits in auditory ability may have a pervasive and negative impact on word processing in general. In addition, adults did not exhibit a relation between rapid visual ability and orthographic-processing problems. Orthographic-processing deficits may result from a reading delay condition that can be overcome with increased reading exposure (Harm & Seidenberg, 1999).  相似文献   

This paper was first written as a talk to the Orton Dyslexia Society, in response to present reading reforms in California and elsewhere. A historical context is provided which suggests that such reforms are but a small chapter in a long-standing tension between code emphasis and meaning emphasis approaches to reading. This tension has been fueling debate for an entire century, with outcomes at any given point apparently decided as much by fashion and politics as by research and experience. More collaboration is called for between remedial specialists and “regular education” teachers, to reduce the incidence of children who require special help.  相似文献   

Conclusion It is our hope that more practitioners in the field of learning disabilities will include the diagnosis and treatment of dyscalculia as they work with children and older individuals. Although there is much more to be explored, we believe that our clinical experience indicates that information-processing deficits may be a contributory factor in the disability and thus warrant further investigation. Furthermore, we believe that insights gained in the treatment of specific language disability may be fruitfully applied in the treatment of dyscalculia. This paper is a condensed version of a presentation at the 29th Annual Conference of The Orton Society, November 1978, at Minneapolis, Minnesota.  相似文献   

After years of confusion, the literature on individual differences in reading ability is finally beginning to coalesce around a small set of general conclusions that are endorsed by the vast majority of researchers. The most fundamental is that word decoding ability accounts for a very large proportion of the variance in reading ability at all levels. Variation in word decoding skill is primarily the result of differences in phonological abilities, rather than visual processes. Less-skilled readers are not characterized by a general inability to use context to facilitate word recognition. However, situations where such readers fail to utilize context to facilitate word recognition will arise when their slow and inaccurate decoding of words renders the context useless. Less-skilled readers display performance deficits on a wide variety of short-term memory tasks, probably due to an inability to efficiently employ various memory strategies, and most certainly due to inadequate phonological coding. Less-skilled readers may have comprehension deficits that are partially independent of word decoding skill. These problems probably arise because syntactic abilities and metacognitive strategies are inadequately developed. Presented at the Twelfth Annual Conference of the New York Branch of The Orton Dyslexia Society, New York, March 1985.  相似文献   

The current investigation explored the diagnostic utility of reading fluency measures in the identification of children with reading disabilities. Participants were 50 children referred to a university-based clinic because of suspected reading problems and/or a prior diagnosis of dyslexia, where children completed a battery of standardized intellectual, reading achievement, and processing measures. Within this clinical sample, a group of children were identified that exhibited specific deficits in their reading fluency skills with concurrent deficits in rapid naming speed and reading comprehension. This group of children would not have been identified as having a reading disability according to assessment of single word reading skills alone, suggesting that it is essential to assess reading fluency in addition to word reading because failure to do so may result in the under-identification of children with reading disabilities.  相似文献   

A few studies have shown more central auditory processing deficits in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) than in nondisabled children. Because these studies failed to screen participants with ADHD for learning disabilities (LD), it is not clear whether these deficits are correlates of ADHD or LD or both. In the present study, the central auditory processing ability of children with ADHD, ADHD with LD, and no disabilities was examined. Results indicated lower central auditory processing ability, and significant correlations between reading and ADHD symptoms and reading and central auditory processing ability in the ADHD with LD group compared with the other two groups. These findings suggest that central auditory processing deficits are more likely to be associated with LD than ADHD.  相似文献   

Forty-six children aged 12–16 were shown a page of meaningless text covered in random order by different plastic overlays, including seven that were various colours and one that was clear. By successive pairwise comparison each child selected the overlay that provided the greatest perceptual clarity of the text. The children with below-average reading ability were more likely to chose a coloured overlay, and they reported more perceptual difficulty on tasks devised by Irlen (1983). In separate sessions with and without the overlay of their choice, the children read for 15 minutes and performed a visual search task. The overlay had little effect on reading initially, but after about 10 minutes the children who chose a coloured overlay read more slowly without the overlay than with it. These children reported more symptoms of visual discomfort and showed signs of tiring when they read without the overlay. The visual search performance of the children who chose a coloured overlay was initially impaired but improved to normal levels when the overlay was used. Fourteen children aged 8–16 acted as chronological or reading age-matched controls, and undertook the reading and visual search tasks using a clear overlay which had no effect on performance.  相似文献   

Conclusion The concern for specificity in definition on the part of researchers and policy makers is understandable. Those on the line, confronted by children who need to be helped, and those who have a working familiarity with the complexity of the reading process, and of the reading disability syndrome, may share my reservations about this specificity: that in defining reading disability strictly in terms of a significant deviation from IQ restrictions are imposed that may obscure important aspects and interactions in the clinical picture. I am in favor of careful selection of samples and of persistence in the search for better defining parameters. Until we have them it may be desirable to operate within looser guidelines and to base treatment on a careful evaluation of linguistic, cognitive, emotional and cultural functioning, when the aim is to teach individual children. If Alexander Pope’s admonition (in “An Essay on Criticism,” Part I) is kept in mind we should not go too far astray: First follow Nature, and your judgment frame By her just standard... This paper was presented at the pre-conference symposium on the definition of dyslexia at the 29th Annual Conference of the Orton Society, Minneapolis, November 1978.  相似文献   

The double-deficit hypothesis (Wolf, 1997; Wolf & Bowers, 1999, this issue) contends that deficits in phonological awareness and deficits in visual naming speed represent two independent causal impediments to reading acquisition for children with developmental reading disabilities (RD). One hundred and sixty-six children with severe RD from 7 to 13 years of age were classified into three deficit subgroups according to a double-deficit framework. A total of 140 children with RD, 84% of the sample, were classified; 54% demonstrated a double deficit (DD), 22% a phonological deficit only (PHON), and 24% a visual-naming speed deficit only (VNS). Diagnostic test profiles highlighted the joint contributions of the two core deficits in depressing written language acquisition. The children in the DD group were more globally impaired than those in the other subgroups, and the VNS group children were the highest achieving and most selectively impaired readers. Following 35 hours of word identification training, sizable gains and significant generalization of training effects were achieved by all subgroups. A metacognitive phonics program resulted in greater generalized effects across the domain of real English words, and a phonological training program produced superior outcomes within the phonological processing domain. The greatest non-word reading gains were achieved by children with only phonological deficits.  相似文献   

Lyn Wendon, a remedial reading specialist in Cambridge, describes a new pictorial aid she has devised for teaching phonics to children who have perceptual difficulties and are retarded in reading  相似文献   

A sample of Swahili-speaking probands with reading difficulties was identified from a large representative sample of 1,500 school children in the rural areas of Tanzania. Families of these probands (n = 88) were invited to participate in the study. The proband and his/her siblings received a battery of reading-related tasks and performance on these tasks was recorded and treated as phenotypic data. Molecular-genetic analyses were carried out with 47 highly polymorphic markers spanning three previously identified regions of interest harboring susceptibility loci for reading difficulties: 2p, 6p, and 15q (DYX1–DYX3). The analyses revealed the involvement of these regions in the development of reading difficulties in Swahili. The linkage signals are especially pronounced for time (compared with error) indicators of reading difficulties. These findings are easily interpretable because in transparent languages such as Swahili deficits in reading are more related to the rate/speed of reading and reading-related processes than to the number of errors made. In short, the study incrementally advances the field by adding an understudied language and an understudied population to the variety of languages and populations in the field of molecular-genetic studies of reading difficulties.  相似文献   

Conclusion To summarize, acceptance of reading as secondary to, and dependent on, the primary activities of speaking and listening does not mean that reading is simply speech in print, albeit reading is a language-based activity. Listening and speaking seem to proceed from the meaning of the discourse to analysis; whereas written language comprehension proceeds from analysis to meaning, at least for some beginning readers and some poor readers. Analysis of speech takes place at the unconscious or tacit level; conscious analysis of segments of print (sentences, phrases, words, syllables and phonemes) is often required in reading, especially at the initial stage. Good readers pass this decoding stage relatively effortlessly; poor readers may still need to deal with the mechanics of reading before these become automatic. Thus, while children should be introduced to reading through a variety of rich language experiences, there should be a parallel process of the development of subskills. This paper was presented at the 29th Annual Conference of The Orton Society in Minneapolis, November 1978.  相似文献   

IT HAS OFTEN been assumed that, given appropriate instruction, children with intellectual disability can reach a level of achievement in reading commensurate with their level of mental development. This paper reviews evidence to the contrary, with particular reference to the skills required for word recognition. Similarities between specific reading disability and reading difficulty in children of low intelligence are noted, especially in deficits in short‐term memory. Much of the research with children with an intellectual disability has focussed on the teaching of sight‐word recognition; however, studies of decoding skills indicate that ability to acquire and use a knowledge of spelling patterns is a major problem underlying difficulty in independent word recognition by these children. Efforts to teach these children more efficient decoding skills have met with only limited success.  相似文献   

The double-deficit hypothesis of dyslexia posits that reading deficits are more severe in individuals with weaknesses in phonological awareness and rapid naming than in individuals with deficits in only one of these reading composite skills. In this study, the hypothesis was tested in an adult sample as a model of reading achievement. Participants were parents of children referred for evaluation of reading difficulties. Approximately half of all participants reported difficulty learning to read in childhood and a small subset demonstrated ongoing weaknesses in reading. Structural equation modeling results suggest that the double-deficit hypothesis is an accurate model for understanding adult reading achievement. Better reading achievement was associated with better phonological awareness and faster rapid automatized naming in adults. Posthoc analyses indicated that individuals with double deficits had significantly lower reading achievement than individuals with single deficits or no deficits.  相似文献   

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