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近年来习得性无助感已成为当前学生学习的主要问题之一。本文通过对习得性无助感的初步探讨认为学校环境压力、家长消极评价、单一的评价机制是习得性无助感产生的主要原因。本文结合实际教学工作中的体会提出了学校和家庭环境中习得性无助感的防治对策,从归因训练、自我效能感训练和策略训练三方面对存在习得性无助感的学生提出了治疗对策。  相似文献   

数学学习中习得性无助感与数学成绩、数学学习动机、数学自我效能感、知觉到的教师期望、数学学习策略显著负相关,与数学焦虑显著正相关.数学学习动机、数学焦虑、数学自我效能感对数学学习中习得性无助感构成显著的直接回归效应.数学学习策略、知觉到的教师期望对数学学习中习得性无助感形成间接回归效应.  相似文献   

自我效能感在心理素质优化中的作用及强化策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自我效能感是社会心理学家班杜拉提出的概念,指人们对自己实现特定领域行为目标所需能力的信心或信念。学生自我效能感对学习行为及成就有重要影响,自我效能感高的学生对其学习自我监控能力较强,并对其目标定向及学习成绩具有积极的影响。强化学生自我效能感要引导学生进行积极归因,增强学生的自信心,防止学生出现习得性无助感,帮助学生积累成功经验,培养学生积极的自我暗示等。  相似文献   

教师的自我效能感对其心理健康的影响作用是非常明显的,自我效能感的高低决定了教师心理健康水平的高低。主要表现在教师自我效能感决定教师的应激焦虑水平、决定教师的自信心、防止教师职业的习得性无助感,形成教师心理健康的马太效应。教师可通过积极的心理暗示、对问题的合理归因与适当的情绪宣泄方法达到提升自我效能感的目的。  相似文献   

从一般意义上说,自我效能感和学生的学业成绩呈正相关.因此成人教育工作应针对导致学生低自我效能感的原因--消极归因,习得性无助,教师的消极期待,目标设置不当,缺乏学习策略等方面进行积极的引导,进而提升成教学生的自我效能感.  相似文献   

调查表明,由于情感支持的缺失、习得性无助感的形成、人际交往不良、师生互动失衡等因素的影响,"留守儿童"的学习自我效能感普遍偏低。提高"留守儿童"的学习自我效能感,应从家庭、学校、社会三位一体对"留守儿童"进行积极引导,增强自信心,提升学业抱负,端正学习和生活态度。  相似文献   

习得性无助是一种习得性地在情感、认知方面的消极心理状态。这种心理的形成,在于对事件因果关系的解释形态。中职学生因感觉学业失败而对自我认知出现偏差,自我否定,影响学习及个人成长。帮助他们接纳自我、升华自我,是改善中职生习得性无助感的有效对策。  相似文献   

习得性无助感及其矫正   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中小学生在学习、生活过程中难免会遇到一些失败和挫折,由于缺少社会经验,或其他原因,学生往往会产生习得性无助感。所谓习得性无助感,是指“人或动物在不断的受到挫折后而感到自己对一切都无能为力,丧失信心的一种心理状态,简称:无助感。”(张大均主编《教育心理学》)①这种心理状态一旦产生,就会对人的心理发展产生很大影响。在做事时消极被动、缺少热情。在认识上,自我评价过低,自己瞧不起自己,有自己不如人的感觉,担心自己笨拙,对自我价值产生怀疑。习得性无助感常以一种消极防御的形式表现出来,如嫉妒、猜疑、羞怯、孤僻、迁怒、自欺欺…  相似文献   

习得性无助感是一种普遍存在的心理障碍,在小学英语学习过程中,由于小学生内因如缺乏成功体验、不恰当的归因和不正确的比较以及家庭、学校和教师的外因共同影响下的一种低自我效能感、低学习动机的认知障碍。通过集体干预的形式,从儿童的英语学科核心能力、归因方式、自我认知以及家长认知四个方面进行干预,旨在将儿童习得性无助感转变为高自我效能感。  相似文献   

习得性无助是高职高专学生的常见心理特征。本文探讨了高职学生习得无助的成因以及提高自我效能,克服习得无助的策略。  相似文献   

Hugo Kerr 《Literacy》2001,35(2):82-85
A survey into attitudes towards and beliefs about dyslexia among ABE teachers and providers is reported. This research appears to reveal doubt, uncertainty and confusion about dyslexia and considerable misgiving as a consequence. A marked degree of learned helplessness was apparently induced in respondents when faced with a student with a diagnosis of dyslexia. Tuition was greatly simplified and expectations lowered. Attribution theory and learned helplessness are discussed in the context of ABE. It is argued that a diagnosis of dyslexia may be a maladaptive attribution and so inevitably induce learned helplessness. Increased scepticism towards dyslexia in ABE is recommended.  相似文献   

数学学习中习得性无助感的教学干预   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
数学学习中的习得性无助感会对学生的动机、情感和认知产生不良影响,是形成数学学习困难生的主要原因之一。本文分析、探讨了数学学习中习得性无助感的内外成因,并提出了三点旨在帮助学生减少数学学习中习得性无助感的教学措施。  相似文献   

进入新世纪以来,大量90、95后学生涌入高职校园,习得性无助群体成为高职校园中一类特殊的弱势群体。文章从两则典型的案例出发,分析高职院校学生习得性无助感的成因;从习得性无助群体的原生家庭入手,解析不良亲子关系对高职习得性无助群体的影响;通过引入高校的介入机制,提出了构建家校共育的习得性无助防控和转化体系的相关措施。  相似文献   

The present study deals with relations between academic achievement, learned helplessness and psychological adjustment (self-esteem and depression), controlled for gender and age. A preliminary study was conducted to test the direction of the relationship between learned helplessness, assessed by the teacher, and own expectation about academic achievement. The sample consisted of 1580 students with data collected in grades 3 and 4, 6 and 7 and 8 and 9. The relation between these two variables was reciprocal, with the strongest effect between helplessness and expectations. Hypotheses concerning the relations between achievement, helplessness and psychological adjustment were tested by means of a cross-sectional sample consisting of 1575 students in grades 4, 7 and 9. The analyses of structural equation models showed that academic achievement was directly and indirectly related to the pattern of attributions, expectations, helplessness and psychological adjustment. Moreover, helplessness and academic expectations were significantly related to psychological adjustment. The results also clearly found that boys showed more helpless behaviour, as assessed by the teacher, than did girls, while, on the other hand, girls reported more psychological maladjustment. Some practical implications of the findings are reported at the end of the paper.  相似文献   

A critical analysis of theoretical and methodological issues in learned helplessness is presented. Researchers have tended to focus upon learned helplessness as a behavioral trait independent of contextual conditions. Learned helplessness has been studied exclusively in achievement settings using achievement tasks, perceived as maladaptive behavior requiring some intervention strategy or retraining program. It has not been studied as an adaptive response to situational demands. It is the purpose of this paper to analyze the theoretical backgrounds and methodological limitations of much of the research in learned helplessness and to suggest new directions and implications for education.  相似文献   

The concept of learned helplessness has been used to explain many of the depression‐like symptoms found in elderly clients. Persons experiencing learned helplessness perceive events to be beyond their personal control, and learn that it is useless to respond. This syndrome adversely affects cognitive functioning, affect, motivation, and self‐esteem, and these persons present particularly difficult problems for the helping professional. This article relates the theory of learned helplessness to the losses of aging, and describes a brief experiential training program for service providers. The training teaches interpersonal skills useful in working with the depressed elderly. By allowing older persons to have impact within the counseling interaction itself, the process of restoring perceived control and reducing helplessness is initiated.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to examine the interplay between test anxiety (i.e. worry and emotionality) and learned helplessness in a sample of adolescents (N = 845, aged 13–17 years) in secondary schools in Germany. In accordance with the buffering hypothesis, it was hypothesised that the detrimental association between both components of text anxiety and helplessness in school would be buffered by students’ perception of their teachers as positive motivators (TPM). TPM refers to student motivation within the academic context, which results from their perception of teacher support. Interesting differences between the two components of test anxiety were identified: emotionality was positively associated with helplessness in school, whereas worry was negatively associated. Using latent moderated structural equations (LMS), the findings revealed that TPM functions as a moderator in the interplay between emotionality and learned helplessness. Despite these results, TPM did not operate as a buffer between emotionality and learned helplessness since helplessness in school was the highest when students perceived some degree of TPM. These findings make a case for implementing specific psychological interventions within the school context in order to prevent helplessness in school.  相似文献   

Learned helplessness was the focus of Part I of this series. The concept derives from a perceived inability to control situations that are controllable. Taught helplessness is the focus of Part 2 of this series. It stems from an inability to control situations that are uncontrollable. When factors outside the control of organizational participants teach helplessness, consultant efforts should focus on changing the system and/or the environment rather than on fixing individuals. In order to assist consultants, the purposes of this article are to: (a) differentiate learned and taught helplessness, (b) describe the antecedents and consequences of taught helplessness, and (c) identify strategies individuals can use to create organizations that teach resourcefulness.  相似文献   

To determine the relationships among perceived contingency of teacher administered reinforcements, locus of control, and academic achievement, 49 sixth-grade boys were studied. In general, subjects who perceived their teachers as contingently punitive to boys were internal in locus of control and performed well on measures of academic achievement. An internal locus of control was also predictive of academic achievement. Perceived contingency of teacher rewards was not related to locus of control or academic achievement. These results were discussed as supporting the identity of learned helplessness and locus of control and the Seligman, Maier, and Solomon (1971) theory of learned helplessness.  相似文献   

Members of ethnic minority groups experience uncontrollability more than do members of the majority culture. Therefore, they exhibit the deficits associated with learned helplessness which include inhibition of behavioral responses, cognitive deficits (negative expectancies), lowered self-esteem and depressed mood. From the literature of the culture of Black Americans emanates the image of the dream and the interactional style which engenders positive expectancies, reversing apathy and learned helplessness. Building upon the strengths of an ethnic minority by using their indigenous literature to reduce the motivational and cognitive deficits associated with learned helplessness, can make a difference.  相似文献   

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