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Typically, the PhD degree is said to be more research oriented, whereas the EdD is aimed more at the educational practitioner. We compared the two degrees with regard to research design, statistics, target populations, significance of results, age of subjects, and other characteristics. Samples of 1,007 PhD and 960 EdD dissertations were selected from Dissertation Abstracts International from 1950–1990. We found that the percentage of PhD dissertations is increasing and is higher for women; PhD dissertations contained more multivariate statistics, had wider generalizability, and were more prevalent in certain areas of concentration. The EdD dissertations contained more survey research and were most prevalent in educational administration research. No differences between the degrees were found in basic versus applied or in significance of findings.  相似文献   

论澳大利亚的高等职业教育特色   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
澳大利亚高等职业教育虽然有一百多年的历史,但真正获得快速发展却是在20世纪80年代以后。走以内涵发展为主道路,建立国家职业资格证书制度,发动企业参与,扩大办学规模,提高办学效益是澳大利亚高等职业教育发展的主要举措。  相似文献   

This is a summary, written for CEPES, of the background paper prepared for the study conference "Women and Higher Education" organized by the Study Centre OTO, October 29-30, 1980 in Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands.  相似文献   

高等教育是培养人才和出科研成果的最优途径,对国家发展起看至关重要的作用,具有很大的研究价值。从高等教育投资体制、高等教育宏观管理体制和高等学校内部管理体制等高等教育改革方面,对澳大利亚高等教育现状以及未来发展趋势进行综述,并在此基础上归纳总结出对我国高等教育改革的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

从介绍菲律宾女子高等教育发展历史脉络的角度,参照有关数据,归纳出菲律宾女子大学的就学途径、学科和层次分布特点。从社会文化传统、经济发展和教育层次三个角度对菲律宾女子高等教育的影响因素进行探析,从中提出对我国女子高等教育的启示。  相似文献   

This review is concerned with the position of women in higher education, and particularly that of women staff at all levels. A set of statistics is presented to illustrate the UK scene. Similar infmnation is given for some other countries. There is an emphasis on comparison with Australia because the situation there is changing. The position of women academics is clearly revealed – there are not many, they have more difficulty than men in obtaining tenured positions and much more difficulty in obtaining promotion. Some of the causes and consequences of this situation are discussed.
The development of policy needed to bring about change is examined with emphasis on the institutional attitudinal climate.  相似文献   

Central policymakers are becoming more aware of the possibilities of implementing their policies by using 'softer' discretionary financial instruments in preference to 'harder' directives and conditions attached to granted funds. A typical technique within this softer approach is to offer block grants to any target organization which contracts to pursue specific policy goals and to account for their achievement. Policymakers effectively perceive themselves as 'quasi-consumers', prepared to 'buy' the achievements of their target organizations. Following its new self-perception, the Commonwealth has 'invited' higher education institutions to 'enjoy' the financial benefits of its new Unified National System. Membership is open, however, only to those institutions which undertake to achieve specific organizational reforms desired by the Commonwealth. Moreover block recurrent grants flow to member institutions only after teaching and research targets have been individually negotiated and contracted. An endnote updates the final section on the Relative Funding Model.  相似文献   

Tertiary Education and Management - This article reports on research to form an understanding of how to account whether and how quality management (QM) has been adopted in Greek higher education....  相似文献   

女子高等教育的变迁与社会的化现代化过程和现代化程序密切相关。首先以西方女学的传入为视点,梳理出中国女子高等教育的控化历程:西方女学传入的肇端与中国近代女子高等教育的孕育、兴起,男女同校教育的传入与中国近代女子高等教育的发展等。通过对大量数据的收集,从比较的视解对中国子女高等教育的现况和问题进行了总体把握和具体分析,并展望了中国女子高等教育的未来,指出了所面临的挑战和机遇。  相似文献   

Although women are now graduating in greater percentages then men at all degree levels—associate through doctorate—the senior-level leadership on most postsecondary campuses in the United States continues to be predominantly White and male. Numerous internal, institutional, and systemic barriers have been identified that hinder women from aspiring to leadership and advancing into senior-level roles. However, new streams of research in the leadership literature are addressing the motivations, encouragers, and discouragers that influence women’s leadership aspirations and experiences, including a growing body of scholarship focused on the process of leadership identity development rather than simply leadership development. This article presents the relevant literature and discusses the findings of interviews with 30 emerging and current women leaders in the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities; the interview questions focused on the extent to which various kinds of developmental relationships (specifically mentoring, coaching, and sponsorship) have been experienced by the participants. Three primary themes emerged from the data analysis of developmental relationships vis-à-vis the participants’ leadership journeys: (a) the value of having a network of influential relationships was key in the leadership journey; (b) the perceived benefits of distinct developmental relationships, either present or desired; and (c) the contribution of developmental relationships in navigating women leaders’ professional challenges. Although many of the 30 participants reported having benefited from mentoring of various types in the past, only a few reported having been coached or sponsored. Notably, such developmental relationships were not only desired but also viewed as potentially critical to professional advancement. Recognizing that the influence of developmental relationships (particularly coaching and sponsorship) in later career stages merits greater research attention, this article proposes a slightly modified version of a Women’s Leadership Development Model in which developmental relationships are recognized as a motivator for women to aspire to or step into leadership, with coaching and sponsorship playing a larger role in the later stages of women’s career development.  相似文献   

美国高等教育与女性学研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
美国女性高等教育始于18世纪下半叶,经过200多年的努力,美国女性的高等教育在本科,硕士和博士教育水平上都取得了令人瞩目的成就,但美国女性高等教育的发展并没有解决她们在社会参与中受歧视的问题,尤其表现在参政议政和高收入领域,女性明显处于弱势。女性学研究的兴起向人们揭示在社会化过程中,女性与男性成长的经历是不同的,女性的道德观,认知观和对生活的价值取向都与男性有差别。所以,传统的以强调“理性”为基础建立起来的高等教育模式和以“竞争”为基础建立起来的就业市场机制对女性的发展是不利的。  相似文献   


This article presents the results of an investigation into the qualities and qualifications sought in distance education leaders by institutions of higher education in the United States. The researchers examined 191 distance education leadership position announcements posted by online sources between 1997 and 2010. Content analysis of these announcements suggests that distance education leadership in higher education requires preparation at the graduate level and a variety of academic and administrative experiences and skills including leadership, program evaluation, technical expertise, teaching, and course development. Leadership responsibilities are equally broad within a range of strategic, operational, and instructional areas.  相似文献   

This paper explores how diversity is used as a key term to describe the social and educational mission of universities in Australia. The paper suggests that we need to explore what diversity ‘does’ in specific contexts. Drawing on interviews with diversity and equal opportunities practitioners, the paper suggests that ‘diversity’ is used in the face of what has been called ‘equity fatigue’. Diversity is associated with what is new, and allows practitioners to align themselves and their units with the existing values of their universities. However, given this, diversity can mean potentially anything: and practitioners have to re‐attach the term ‘diversity’ to other more marked terms such as equality and justice if it is to ‘do anything’. The paper explores the appeal of diversity, the strategic nature of diversity work, and the role of commitment, leadership and training. It also offers some more general reflections on how language works within organisations by showing that words, although they do things, are not finished as forms of action: what they do depends not only on how they are used, but how they get taken up.  相似文献   

Higher education institutions are facing major challenges requiring traditional leadership and administrative policies and practices to be rethought and renewed. These challenges concern the whole academic community but mostly the institutions’ administrative leaders. This article suggests how applying the democratic principles of “inclusion”, which stresses critical dialogue and social justice, can reach beyond the traditional managerial and administrative policies when meeting the new requirements; and be a catalyst for change in leadership practices.  相似文献   

澳大利亚远程高等教育概览   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在终身学习的背景下,澳大利亚远程高等教育在办学模式、办学规模和运用现代信息技术发展远程高等教育等诸多方面发展较为成熟,形成了鲜明的特色。本文对澳大利亚远程高等教育的实践做了较全面的介析,试图通过总结分析其特色,为我国远程高等教育的发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Tertiary Education and Management - Higher education institutions are facing major challenges requiring traditional leadership and administrative policies and practices to be rethought and renewed....  相似文献   

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