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无论在新文学史或新闻传播史上,蒲伯英都是一个被忽视的人物.从新文学史的层面来看,有关蒲伯英的记述甚少.在<中国新文学大系(史料·索引卷)>"中国人名索引"中的"蒲伯英"目下,记录有蒲氏的两个剧本和七篇与戏剧相关的言论,而在"止水"目下,只收录了在<语丝>上发表的两篇小品文,而其同期以"止水"为笔名在<晨报副镌>和<戏剧>等刊物上发表的许多文章和小说,都没有录入.  相似文献   

中国民族戏剧,其不同于西方戏剧之处,自上个世纪初王国维先生写<宋元戏曲史>始,百年之间谈论的已经很多,但不无遗憾的是,绝大多数的评论者都未形成严密的理论体系.在上个世纪结束的钟声敲响之前,洛地先生<说破·虚假·团圆--中国民族戏剧艺术表现>(以下简称<说破>)一书面世,为百年民族戏剧研究史中,关于中国民族戏剧的艺术表现特征的研究,补了科学的、足成体系的一笔.  相似文献   

<汉书·艺文志>、<隋书·经籍志>、<四库全书总目>都是由国家统一组织编修的综合性目录,是我国古代目录发展史上的三大界碑.本文就我国古代目录学由初创到集大成的发展概况来清晰地呈现"集部"在三部目录书中的变化历程.  相似文献   

在先锋戏剧<红楼梦>中,一种后现代风格的诠释和拥抱大众文化的创作态度赋予了<红楼梦>全新的阐释角度和犀利的文化讽刺意味.本文以话剧<红楼梦>为主要探讨对象,从其戏剧风格和创作视角两个角度解读张广天的"先疯"戏剧.  相似文献   

易卜生与百年中国话剧   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2006年,“每天至少有一部易卜生的作品在世界某一舞台上演”。(挪威易卜生纪念活动主任特恩·巴德松语)在中国国家话剧院举办的戏剧演出季中,推出了包括《建筑大师》、《群鬼探戈》、《培尔·金特》、《玩偶之家》、《娜拉离开丈夫以后》、《群鬼》在内的六台易卜生戏剧。同年,人民文学出版社出版了《易卜生戏剧集》(三卷本)。如此规模的戏剧纪念活动,表现了易卜生在中国话剧发展史上举足轻重的地位。今年是中国话剧百年。在中国话剧诞生的1907年,鲁迅在《文化偏至论》中第一次简要评价了易卜生:“愤世俗之昏迷,悲真理之匿耀”。“死守真理,以拒庸愚”。新文化运动的启蒙导引着易卜生走进中国,成为中国现代意识建构的重要组成部分。百年来,中国戏剧家在与易卜生的神思交会中,见证了中国社会变迁的世相,亲历了中国话剧实践的曲折发展。他们在艺术与社会的纠缠中与易卜生或亲近、或疏离,而无论是敞开怀抱走近还是误读乃至背弃,都反映了他们悲欣交集的艺术探索和命运。这也是中国话剧的命运。而未来总在自己脚下。胡粲然  相似文献   

文章通过对格里格管弦乐作品的代表作——《〈培尔·金特〉第一组曲》第一乐章《朝景》——进行以"调性技法"为主的分析、研究,证明其调性运动的"整体布局"和"转换细节",同样具有明确的"为音乐内容服务"的艺术表现意图。继而指出,"调性思维"作为极为重要的音乐基本表现手段之一,应当得到业界的相应重视;并对其作用、宗旨和实现等,做出了适当的总结与阐释。  相似文献   

《小朋友》的编辑特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
正如在近代教育期刊史上,商务印书馆的<教育杂志>和中华书局的<中华教育界>常常被人相提并论一样,在近代儿童期刊史上,商务印书馆的<儿童世界>和中华书局的<小朋友>也往往被人连带而谈.  相似文献   

萨尔瓦多·达利是二十世纪最著名的、也是最伟大的超现实主义画家之一,取得了举世瞩目的艺术成就.他恃才傲物,他偏激狂妄,他的反叛和挑衅像一把巨剑,将世俗斩得血肉横飞.无论其绘画、雕塑还是戏剧,他都于无声处扔给世界一个震耳欲聋的惊雷.其主要画作有<捕金枪鱼>、<圣约翰十字架上的基督>、<卡拉丽娜>等数百幅;此外,他还以<萨尔瓦多·达利的秘密生活>、<非理性的征服>、<一个天才的日记>等文学名作为人称道.  相似文献   

在1966年春,由许石青和张正申执笔,由当时山西省晋中地区晋剧团演出的<一代新风>受到好评.当时我在山西省文化局分管戏剧工作,曾在剧本创作中提过些修改意见,后来又派省里戏剧创作干部杨孟衡参加,由他们3个人共同修改剧本,改名为<三下桃园>,并在我主编的<火花>戏剧专刊上发表,各地争相上演.文化大革命开始后,此剧就停演了.  相似文献   

著名记者赵敏恒在民国时期是国际新闻舞台上的明星,驰骋世界新闻界,蜚声海内外.在中外采访史上,他拥有诸多第一.据<中国大百科全书>记载:赵敏恒是"向全世界最早报道‘九·一八'事变、国际联盟李顿调查团东北秘密调查报告和1936年西安事变的记者"①而据<中国新闻学之最>介绍:他"是在外国驻华新闻机构工作单位最多、时间最长的中国人."  相似文献   


The Internet provides a challenge to existing media structures and cultural values, particularly in the distribution of recorded music. Peer‐to‐peer (P2P) file‐sharing sites like Napster and KaZaA have facilitated the widespread downloading of unlicensed music and the creation of a new kind of shared culture. In response, the established music industry is simultaneously attempting to undermine the impact of these exchanges (describing them as theft) and to take advantage of the possibilities of the Internet in reducing distribution costs and offering the possibility of a more direct relationship between labels and consumers. By drawing on both historical and contemporary analyses of the music industry, this article critiques the argument that digital downloads are necessarily hurting legal’ record sales and then problematises dominant definitions of piracy. The article then evaluates the evolving strategies of the major record companies as they try to come to terms with P2P culture and concludes that, while they may have the resources and the legal clout to withstand the challenge, they lack the cultural capital embodied in these new decentralised systems of cultural distribution and consumption.  相似文献   

目前可见的中国音乐史类专著大约有100多种,种类多样而略显杂乱。文章按照撰写的体例及特点,将中国音乐史文献归纳为七大类,一方面想引起学术界的关注,另一方面是涉足音乐史学的研究者提供一些基础性的参考与参照。  相似文献   

Ethnic music of all kinds has had a powerful influence on American popular music throughout history, and this is certainly true of Irish music. For nearly 100 years, radio has been a vital conduit for conveying musical influences of all kinds to listeners and musicians alike. This qualitative study analyzes Irish radio broadcasting in the United States The article is based upon an open-ended survey of U.S. broadcasters of Irish music programs in the top 10 markets and provides a summary of their recent playlists.  相似文献   

分析了网络同行评议的优点,并对国外现有的几种网络同行评议软件进行了对比分析,根据国内网络同行评议开展的现状,认为国内应加强对网络同行评议软件及系统的开发与建设,从而推进网络同行评议工作的开展。  相似文献   

《乐记》是在中国音乐史和文艺理论史上都十分重要的著作。学术界历来对其作者与撰作年代问题颇有争议。本文对各家主要观点作了梳理,并且在此基础上,认为“非一人一时之作”的观点最为合理。  相似文献   

A global survey conducted by arXiv in 2016 showed that 58% of arXiv users thought arXiv should have a peer review system. The current opinion is that arXiv should adopt the Community Peer Review model. This paper evaluates and identifies two weak points of Community Peer Review and proposes a new peer review model – Self‐Organizing Peer Review. We propose a model in which automated methods of matching reviewers to articles and ranking both users and articles can be implemented. In addition, we suggest a strategic plan to increase recognition of articles in preprint databases within academic circles so that second generation preprint databases can achieve faster and cheaper publication.  相似文献   


This memoir is my personal story about how I created and came to curate on the International Counterculture Archive collection, which is held in the Global Resources Center of the George Washington University’s (GWU) Gelman library. The first person narrative relates my first encounters with Soviet rock culture and describes how I turned my initial interest into a Ph.D. dissertation on the subculture of Soviet hippies and traditions of Soviet rock music, which subsequently led to my later work as a librarian and curator. I tell the story of my initial encounters with the members of Soviet/Russian rock music subculture and other countercultural personalities and activists during my first trip to Moscow in 1993 to collect samples of Soviet rock music recordings and rock music zines for the European Division of the Library of Congress. During this formative trip I met with a number of counterculture producers and collectors who were instrumental in helping me build the International Counterculture Archive. Upon leaving the Library of Congress, I continued collecting Soviet/Russian countercultural materials on behalf of the Global Resources Center of GWU’s Gelman Library. I talk about the process of creating the Archive at Gelman library, about bureaucratic and financial aspects of this work, and about my many acquisition trips to Moscow, former Soviet republics, and East Central Europe. Much of the narrative centers on my work with Russian collectors and content producers and describes the type of materials that are included in the collection. I also describe how I built the collection of historical Soviet/Russian rock music recordings, focusing on the phenomenon of Soviet/Russian rock music zines and the history of the unique zine collection within the International Counterculture Archive.  相似文献   

音乐图书资料的作用与建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章在分析了音乐图书资料在音乐教育、音乐创作和音乐研究中的重要作用的基础上,从管理人员素质、常规介质资料、电子介质资料等方面,讨论了加强音乐图书资料建设以更好地为教学、科研服务的问题.参考文献3.  相似文献   

This qualitative study focuses on what contributes to making a music information-seeking experience satisfying in the context of everyday life. Data were collected through in-depth interviews conducted with 15 younger adults (18 to 29 years old). The analysis revealed that satisfaction could depend on both hedonic (i.e., experiencing pleasure) and utilitarian outcomes. It was found that two types of utilitarian outcomes contributed to satisfaction: (1) the acquisition of music, and (2) the acquisition of information about music. Information about music was gathered to (1) enrich the listening experience, (2) increase one's music knowledge, and/or (3) optimize future acquisition. This study contributes to a better understanding of music information-seeking behavior in recreational contexts. It also has implications for music information retrieval systems design: results suggest that these systems should be engaging, include a wealth of extra-musical information, allow users to navigate among music items, and encourage serendipitous encountering of music.  相似文献   

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