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本研究基于一所研究型大学2020届硕士毕业生的就学体验数据,全面比较了家庭第一代与非第 一代大学生的硕士入学背景、过程与收获。结果发现:第一代大学生的硕士入学背景较非第一代大学生而 言存在明显劣势;进入硕士教育阶段后,相对匮乏的家庭文化资本未给第一代大学生参与本土及本土国际 化教育活动带来明显阻碍,但他们在海外学习等家庭资源驱动型活动上的参与度显著低于非第一代大学 生。硕士毕业之际,两类学生的课程收获、科研收获、深造机会及工作-专业匹配度趋同,但家庭第一代大学 生在全球胜任力和一线城市就业机会方面仍处于不利地位。  相似文献   

There have recently been significant theoretical developments in multilevel statistical modeling, and improved software is readily available. This study demonstrates the application of multilevel modeling to one of the most common issues that confront institutional researchers: that of student attrition, where the response variable is typically binary rather than continuous. Comparisons are made with a traditional logistic regression approach. The data pertain to one large university. The techniques illustrated may be extended to the analysis of data sets encompassing many institutions, making meaningful interinstitutional comparisons of performance feasible even when there is hierarchical clustering present in the data.  相似文献   

基于疫情期间上海39所本科院校在校生线上提供的64949份有效问卷,本研究设计了《本科生在线自我调节学习量表》并进行信效度检验。回归统计结果表明:家庭第一代大学生在线自我调节学习的自评得分均值显著低于非家庭第一代大学生,在控制学习动机与就业焦虑这两个潜在影响机制之后,这种差距明显缩小乃至不再显著;学习动机的解释力度最大,尤其是“努力解决学习中的问题”与“喜欢阅读与专业相关的书籍”这两项与内在动机相关的行为表征;就业焦虑对本科生在线自我调节学习有显著的负面效应;加入交互项之后的回归结果支持学习动机这一潜在变量的调节作用,进而揭示未来对家庭第一代大学生在线学习的有效干预可侧重于内在动机的激发。  相似文献   

“学生支持服务”项目是一项美国于20世纪60年代设立的联邦教育项目,旨在通过对第一代大学生等处境不利的学生提供支持服务,有效提高其高等教育成就。在设置理念与性质方面,该项目重视高等教育中的文化因素,采用非经济化的项目准入标准和服务内容,强调形成支持性的文化氛围,以促进处境不利学生的学业成就。在具体设置和运营方面,该项目在国家层面以法律保障项目的地位来运营,由教育部分配项目基金,而具体运作由高校开展,便于为学生提供有针对性的支持服务,三者结合构建了健全的支持体系。“学生支持服务”项目促进了美国高等教育的公平发展与质量提升,其实施经验对于完善我国普及化时代的高等教育学生支持体系有一定借鉴价值。  相似文献   

Existing applications of event history modeling in attrition research typically focused on the first departure. This study extends the scope of existing applications by dividing each student’s enrollment history into periods of enrollment and non-enrollment (spells). The findings indicate that departure is strongly associated with poor college grade performance and part-time enrollment. Students receiving financial aid are more likely to persist. The probability of return is higher for students whose parents attended college, those with higher SAT scores and coming from nearby areas. The duration of previous spells has a positive impact on the probability of return and a negative impact on the probability of departure.  相似文献   

Pascarella (J Coll Stud Dev 47:508–520, 2006) has called for an increase in use of longitudinal data with pretest-posttest design when studying effects on college students. However, such designs that use multiple measures to document change are vulnerable to an important threat to internal validity, regression to the mean. Herein, we discuss a brief history of regression to the mean and illustrate a straightforward procedure to make adjustments to initial pretest scores for regression to the mean effects utilizing a method developed by Roberts (in: G. Echternacht (Guest ed.) New directions for testing and measurement, 1980). Analyses are shown with both unadjusted and adjusted pretest scores, illustrating dramatic differences in conclusions about whether students change across time.
Corinna A. EthingtonEmail:

In this study, we present longitudinal data on changes in psychological distress among 232 Norwegian undergraduate students of nursing, physiotherapy, and occupational therapy. Psychological distress was assessed by applying the 12‐item version of the General Health Questionnaire. Nursing students became substantially more distressed during the three years of their programme compared to physiotherapy and occupational therapy students. Multivariate analyses showed that the students’ levels of psychological distress at the beginning of the study was the most important predictor of psychological distress at the end of the study. Other significant predictors were qualities of the individual student’s personal life, clarity in educational structure, subjective experience of study workload, and level of support in student milieu.  相似文献   

以历史和逻辑的视角分析西方高校学生事务管理的科学化和专业化发展,得出高校学生事务管理是在现代社会如何回归“人”的培养目标的逻辑结果,它与学术管理一起构成“人”的培养的两个不可或缺的组成部分。此外,在对我国高校学生事务管理存在问题进行分析的基础上,对我国高校学生事务管理进行哲学思考,提出大学生合理需要的理念。  相似文献   

Fifth-grade students studied a map of a fictitious island while twice listening to a related narrative containing target feature and nonfeature items. The students were cued by varying iconic and verbal stimuli in four map cue conditions; they received immediate and delayed tests to recall text items, map features, and feature locations. The students were also required to rate their confidence in each response. Students remembered more text features and were more confident of their responses when cued by icons plus labels and by icons only. Students in these groups also recalled more map features and their locations on a map reconstruction task. Memory for feature information and pictorial retrieval cues appeared to activate memory for nonfeature information contained in the text.  相似文献   

In this longitudinal study of African American and Caucasian students from eighteen 4-year institutions, objective tests were used to estimate the cognitive effects of race in college, while applying statistical controls for an extensive set of confounding influences including precollege and background traits, institutional characteristics, and academic and social experiences. Evidence from the study suggests that in the first 3 years of college Caucasian students scored higher than their African American counterparts on seven standardized tests measuring critical thinking skills, knowledge of mathematics, reading comprehension, science reasoning, and writing skills. Implications for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Academic procrastination is a multifaceted problem with cognitive, behavioral, and motivational correlates. Considered from an acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) point of view, these correlates relate to experiential avoidance and cognitive fusion. This article describes a brief ACT intervention for reducing procrastination.  相似文献   

本文结合心理学知识和笔者多年来的教学经验就大学生外语学习中存在的一些问题进行了分析、论述和指导。介绍了大脑进行记忆的基本规律及特点 ,指导学生利用已学知识寻找记忆参照物 ,将新旧知识有机地结合起来进行规律性、系统性记忆。并从心理学角度指出 ,为避免学生出现漫不经心的心理状态 ,教师在授课过程中应不断向学生提示“记忆重点” ,使他们的记忆意识与所教授的重点内容聚焦 ,从而进行牢固的记忆  相似文献   

在六年改革实践的基础上,对人才培养模式目标、模式组织、培养模式和模式的个性化,以及建立与优秀人才培养模式相适应的、以科学管理机制和竞争机制为核心的运行机制体系其培养体系进行了相应的理论分析,以利于更进一步地促进人才培养模式多样化的研究与实践。  相似文献   

思想教育工作应以学生为本,以科学发展观为指导。在对当前高校大学生思想教育工作现状调查的基础上,对大学生的思想教育的途径进行了探究,提出了"三位一体"的思想教育模式,从利用现代网络平台、校园文化、社会环境和家庭教育四方面进行了较详细的阐述。  相似文献   

试述大学生素质综合测评   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
通过对大学生素质综合测评的原则、指标内容、特点及结果的论述, 运用统计学方法加以分析, 纠正了综合测评中存在的偏差, 并提出综合测评在实施过程中的具体要求。  相似文献   

This pilot study from self-selected institutions of higher education provides an estimate of the causes and rates of mortality among college students between the ages of 18 and 24 years old. One hundred fifty-seven 4-year colleges participated in an online survey of student deaths during one academic year. A total of 254 deaths were reported. The mortality rates (per 100,000) were as follows: total accidental injuries, 10.80; suicide, 6.17; cancer, 1.94; and homicide, 0.53. Within the accident and injury category, alcohol-related vehicular deaths (per 100,000) were 3.37 and alcohol-related nontraffic injuries were 1.49. Men had significantly higher rates of suicide (10.46) than women (2.34). Suggestions for future research and implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

本文分析了当前成人大学生思想行为的特点,并提出适应当前成人大学生思想行为特点的教育思路.  相似文献   

校园流行语:大学生生活方式教育的载体   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
流行语使用频率高、概括能力强,传播速度快,更新周期短,已被高校学生广泛应用,成了重要的校园语言与文化现象.把校园流行语引入大学生生活方式教育,有利于引领大学生思想动态,激发大学生学习热情,丰富大学生课余生活,助推大学生个体发展等,促使高等教育与社会生活接轨,对大学生生活方式的优化具有积极的实践意义.  相似文献   

文章通过大量的查阅文献,对42式太极拳的特点,现代大学生的学习特点及现代太极拳的教法进行了分析比较。发现单一的传统教学方法很难完成教与学的完美结合,而采用多种教学方法相结合之方法,不仅将动作和技能教给学生,还能培养学生学习太极拳的兴趣和爱好,从而养成终身练习太极拳的良好习惯,达到终身锻炼,增强体质的目的。  相似文献   

This qualitative study investigates the career placement concerns of international graduate students returning to their home countries, heading to other countries, or remaining in the United States after their education. Using a phenomenological framework, structured interviews were conducted with 24 participants (i.e., 18 international students, 1 naturalized status student, 3 faculty members, and 2 career counselors). Assertions that emerged suggested that the students possess diverse career plans influenced by numerous unique factors. Major, gender, and geography were not salient factors affecting the students' career placement needs. Students used contacts in their academic fields far more than they used campus career services, due to negative perceptions of or limited services that the center could provide. Based on these findings, more outreach to the international student community and collaboration between the career counseling and placement center and other campus departments are recommended.  相似文献   

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