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Dear Big Mouth English readers,There are many rules that help to keep us safe,especially on the road.Today,Peter wants to learn to ride the bike.He must learn to follow the rules,as must we.Remember now,in China,you must be 12 years or older to ride a bike on the street.  相似文献   

When constructing a test there are various factors which must be born in mind. Firstly the purpose of the test. both for the learner and for the teacher, must be clear. For the teacher a test may be a means of evaluating a course, of providing information about what needs to be taught , or about the learningneeds of the students.  相似文献   

用心体会仔细读下面的句子,你知道must和have to的区别吗?You must be hungry now.You must come from the north.I have to go now.(一)must的用法1.must意为  相似文献   

Life is not easy for any man or woman. We must have perseverance and, above all, confidence in ourselves. We must believe that we are gifted for something and that this thing, whatever the cost, must be attained. What ultimately matters is to be able to say, when the end comes, "I did what I could."  相似文献   

名词或代词。正确地使用动词不定式,会使英语句子简洁。动词不定式作定语常常有以下几种情况: 一、动词不定式作定语有时带有情态意义 1.A good teacher must be the one to put himself in the learner's place. =A good teacher must be the one who is able to put himself in learner's place.好的教师应当能设身处地为学生着想。 2.He has a large family to support=He has a large family that he must support. 他有一大家人要养活。  相似文献   

After the revolution, each of the 66 citizens of a certain country, including the king, has a salary of one dollar. The king can no longer vote, but he does retain the power to suggest changes namely, redistribution of salaries Each person's salary must be a whole number of dollars, and the salaries must sum to 66.  相似文献   

马铭 《海外英语》2014,(9):274-275
Putonghua is the lingua franca of People’s Republic of China,so the government of People’s Republic of China has made laws to promote it and require the citizens of People’s Republic of China use it in certain formal occasions;Promoting Putonghua is the actual needs of China in the current times and in the long future to come.It must be kept in the mind that we must also protect the dialects when promoting Putonghua and we can not afford to let them perish.Putonghua and dialects fulfill different social function in our daily life,so the appropriate relationship between Putonghua and dialects is complementary coexistence in harmony,not in conflicts.And the success of promoting Putonghua should not base on the death of dialects.In order to ensure Putonghua and dialects to fulfill their different social functions better,measures must be taken to safeguard the long-term complementary harmonious coexistence of Putonghua and dialects and to protect endangered dialects.  相似文献   

P盯t one 1.语法、词汇 ComPlete eaeh of the following sentenees with the most 11卜ly an,wer· 1 .1 ean,t stand_mixed uP in the theft. A.him to get B.his getting C.that he got D.for him to get 2.The lawyer for the defense made the reeommendation to the judge that the trial_ delayed until the missipg witness was found. A.would be B.must be C .had to be D.should be 3.A eolleague of mine returned to his offiee after the 。ummer vaeation,only to find it_. A.be broken into B.had been broken into…  相似文献   

The whole world is now referred to as a global village because of the technological revolution is taking place especially in the area of information and communication. In this paper, the author started the discussion with definition of communication, highlighted means of communication and purposes of communication, counselling as a form of communication, conceptual flame work for communication in ODL (open and distance education), component of good communication, media selection and combination for effective counselling process in NOUN. The author in his recommendations, advocated that for a counsellor to be effective in discharging his responsibilities, he or she must attain a certain level of competency in communication skills, select appropriate media, and must be efficient in the use of communication devices especially computer. Also the media of counselling must be readily available to both the counsellor and counselees.  相似文献   

I don't know anyone who doesn't want a life filled with love.In order for this to happen,the effort must start within US.Ratherthan waiting for other people to provide the love we desire,wemust be a vision and a source of love.We must tap into(接近)ourown loving-kindness in order to set an example for others to fol-low suit(跟着做)。  相似文献   

want to be the Queen of Education. Our schools are badly broken, and they must be fixed now. Somebody must take responsibility and make decisions that can be put into action immediately - no questions asked. What qualifies me to be Queen? Not scientific studies, not a Ph.D. thesis 1)replete with statistical significances, although I do have some impressive pieces of university 2)parchment and several years of experi  相似文献   

The "reproduction theory" was conceived and born in the research into educational inequalities in Western countries. Famous as the theory is, when it is to be applied in the research into education in China, a few factors must be taken into consideration: the subjects investigated must be educational inequalities that have come into being in the context of China; a shift in theoretical approach and expression is needed, with the Functional approach as the dominant research method; in terms of the standpoint of the researcher, whose academic mission and realization of social ideals should be closely and fully integrated; in terms of research method, the principle of combining both the macroscopic and microscopic approaches and analysis on the basis of actual facts should be adopted so as to effectively analyze and solve the problems plaguing the education of China and to promote the localization of the western reproduction theory in China.  相似文献   

As everyone knows,China has come to being one of the countries deserved paying attention to it‘s geological disaster which become seriously.Not only protect people’s lives,property and foundation against destroyed but also ensure the continuable development of country’s economy and society,some must be taken.Therefore efficiency and equitableness system should be set up.According to the peculiarity of prevention measure against geological disaster,the emphases of the system were intensively studied.Beside this,the paper focused more attention on the methods of enhanced financing and analyzed keystones of some financing different finance channel.Integrating the peculiar of the Chongqing city and referencing some other engineering items,some means were summarized such as reinforcing essential investigation and confirming danger point of geological disaster.Based on this,forecast should be intensified and the procedure of disposal must be developed.  相似文献   

byMai 《英语辅导》2004,(3):42-42
Growing up may be the hardest things we have to do, bat it's something we all must go througah.  相似文献   

摘自:《每晚读一篇哲理英文》A local business was looking for office help.They put a sign in the window,stating the following:“HELP WANTED.Must be able to type,must be good with a computer and must be bilingual(能说两种语言的).We are an Equal Opportunity Employer.”本地的一家公司正在招聘办公室文员。  相似文献   

用适当的情态动词表示讲话者对客观事物的主观看法,这就是情态动词的推测性用法。一般说来,英语中可以用于表示推测或可能性的情态动词有can,could,may,might和must。1.m ust表示推测时,暗含发生的可能性很大,它的肯定程度比m ay,m ight,could大得多。例如:You must be very tired after the longwalk.走了这么长的路,你一定很累了。There must be something wrong.一定是什么地方出了毛病。This must be the book you want.这一定是你要的那本书。I don’t understand what they are saying.They must be foreigners.我听不懂他们在说什么。他们一定是外国人。The light is out.She must be in bed now.灯灭了,她肯定上床睡觉了。He has been working in that departmentfor a long time.He must know how to dealwith the mat...  相似文献   

Ai That will be the postman.Aii That may be the postman.Aiii That could/might be the postman.Aiv That can only be the postman.Bi If her name is Wei, she must be Chinese.Bii As if's her first trip abroad, she must be feeling excited.Ci Anna's computer is off - she must have left the officeearly. Cii There's some aspirin on her desk - she must havebeen feeling unwell.  相似文献   

AI was on my way to school when suddenly I found a wallet lying on the ground.I 1 it up,and found there was a lot of money inside.I looked 2 and there were 3 else.I thought the owner must be very 4.But who 5 it belong to?I wondered.I must try my best 6 the owner.I thought the class adviser might tell me7,so I flew to school 8.I was late for  相似文献   

Allow Your Own Inner Light to Guide You There comes a time when you must stand alone. You must feel confident enough within yourself to follow your own dreams. You must be willing to make sacrifices. You must be capable of changing and rearranging your priorities so that your final goal can be achieved.  相似文献   

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