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1.动词是高考常考的项目。学习动词首先要搞清:1)谓语动词2)非谓语动词。如:1)They are working hard to pass the exami-nations.(w orking是谓语动词,此处是进行时态。)他们正努力工作,为的是通过考试。2)H e is busy w orking on his book.(w ork-ing是非谓语动词。)他忙于写书。2.谓语动词要注意时态。构成时态的助动词有be,have,w ill,shall,used等。如:3)H e is not eating,but sleeping.(现在进行时态。)他不在吃,他在睡。4)H e w as w alking along the street w hen hecaught sight of the sign.(过去进行时。)他在街上走着,这时…  相似文献   

It is/was 强调部分 that 其余部分。谓语动词的强调,不能用于此句型。如:1)I saw him in the street yesterday after-noon.(谓语动词)但是,其他部分都可以用此句型强调。如:2)It w as I w ho saw him in the street yes-terday afternoon.(强调主语I)3)It w as him that I saw in the street yes-terday afternoon.(强调宾语him)4)It w as in the street that I saw him yes-terday afternoon.(强调地点状语in the street)5)It w as yesterday afternoon that I saw himin the street.(强调时间状语yesterday afternoon.)强调…  相似文献   

吴安运 《中学文科》2004,(11):27-29
冠词分为定冠词(the)和不定冠 词(a, an)两种,用在名词或名词词组的前面,可以表明该名词或词组所指的人或事物是泛指还是特指。1. 定冠词的基本用法(1) 用在太空中的星体或独一无二的事物名称前。(2) 表示前面提到过的人或事物。(3) 特指某(些)人或某(些)事物。如:The girl in green is M ary.(4) 表示谈话双方都知道的人或事物。(5) 用在单数可数名词前面,表示某一类人或事物,和不定冠词的用法相似。如:The horse is a useful anim al.  (=A  horse is a useful anim al. =H orses are useful anim als.)【考 …  相似文献   

课堂观摩:1.请生欣赏5A第二单元E部分的动画。2.T:Watch the cartoon again and answer my question:What is the cartoon talking about?S:A mouse.3.分段欣赏动画,并回答问题:(1)Where is the mouse now?S:It’s in the desk.(2)Where is the mouse now?S:It’s on the chair.(3)Where is the mouse now?S:It’s under the desk.(4)Where is the mouse now?S:It’s near the school bag.(5)Where is the mouse now?S:It’s behind the door.(6)Where is the mouse at  相似文献   

请先看2005年两道高考题:1.The poor young m an is ready toaccept help he can get.(2005N M ET)A.whichever B.how everC.w hatever D.whenever2.The old tower m ust be saved,the cost.(2005浙江)A.how ever B.w hateverC.w hichever D.wherever答案分别为:C、B两题均考以W h为首的词 ever类合成词的用法.那么这类词的用法都有哪些呢?这类词分两类whatever,whichever,whoever(whom ever)和w henever,w herever,however用法有:一、这类词均可引导让步状语从句,意为“无论……”,相当于no m atter w hat,nom atter w ho,no m atte…  相似文献   

考点精析1.基本特征定冠词——特指;不定冠词——泛指。如:(1)The pen I’m using is yours.the pen 特指你的那支钢笔(2)I want to write something.Lend me a pen,please,a pen泛指任何一支笔2.不定冠词基本用法:(1)用于可数名词单数之前,指人或事物的某一种类。如:①His father is a sailor.他父亲是个水手。——不是教师,也不是其他职业②There is a book on the table.桌子上有本书。——是书,而不是字典或别的什么东西。(2)指某一个人或事物,但不具体说明。如:My sister was saved by a PLA man in the fire.我妹妹在那场大火中被…  相似文献   

Key 听力材料及答案I.1.——Is it going to rain? ——I don’t think so.(B)2.I like meat very much.(D)3.There is a boat in the river.(B)4 Uncle Tom is eighty years old.(C)5.This is her coat.Mine is over there.(A)Ⅱ.1.W:Jim,could you help me,please? M:Certainly.Lucy.What’s wrong? W:My bike is borken.(B) 2.w:Mike!Is your kite broken? M:Yes,it is. W:Let me have a look. M:Here you are. W:Oh.Don’t worry.I can mend it.(C) 3.W:Are Mr Green's trousers black or blue? M:They're brown.(B) 4.M:What team are you in,Li Ling?Are you in Team l? W:No.I’m in Team 2.  相似文献   

I.单词拼写。(10分)A)根据句意及所给首字母,在下列各句空白处填入一个适当的词。1.How manv b of omnge can vou see?2,We often have a r at home on Sundavs.3.Would vou like something to d ?4.The old man is w TV in his mom.5.Are vou h ?Here’re cakes t0 eat.B)根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空。6.She is 州th the other girls.(run)7.We have some new coat in the shop todav.(woman)8.The boy in R0w 3 is writing .(care壬lul)9.——How manv do you have?——We have onlv one.(knife)10.Mrs Green 100ks ,becau…  相似文献   

1.L isten,draw and colour(听音,画图并涂色)10%2.L isten and num ber(听音,排序)10%4.L isten and ehoose(听音,勾出相应答案)10%(1)A G ood job。B G ood idea。(2)A Itis near the window.B Itis a w indow.(3)A In the classroom.B In the living room.(4)A Itis blue.B There are two.(5)A f-a-r-m-e-r B f-e-r-m-a-r5.R ead and choose(读句子并且选择)10%(1)There(is,are)a blackboard on thewall,and there(is are)flowers in the classroom.(2)W here is m y seat?It's(near,on)thedoor.(3)Turn on the(floor,light).…  相似文献   

在一部美国西部电影中,一位老警长年轻时枪法如神,威振四方。当时因匪徒猖獗,新警长请他复出平匪,他说:“My day is gone.”从字面看,他的话含义是:我的日子已经完了。因为“is gone”一般的解法是“死去”或“失去”。但这里的 day 指的是“得意的日子”或“辉煌的时期”,表示他觉得自己老了,无用了。我们时常可以看到这样一句古谚语:Every dog has his day.(每条狗都有他的出头之日——即凡人都有得意时。)莎士比亚笔下的哈姆雷特也曾指出:The cat will meow and the dog will have his day.(猫会喵喵叫,狗  相似文献   

佚名 《高中生》2008,(18):35-35
定冠词the与指示代词this,that同源,有"那(这)个"的意思,但较弱,可以和一个名词连用,来表示某个或某些特定的人或东西。1.特指双方都明白的人或物。如:Take the medicine.把药吃了。2.上文提到过的人或事。如:  相似文献   

被动语态是初中英语中较难的语法项目之一,同学们在初学被动语态时,应该注意以下三点: 一、何时使用被动语态。 1.行为主体不明确、不必说出或者无法说出动作的执行者时。例如: English is spoken all over the world.(全世界都讲英语。)  相似文献   

Ⅰ.词汇A)根据英文解释和例句,完成下列单词的拼写。(首字母已给出)1.f(som ething to eat)Allthe is on the table.2.c(notopen)Ithink the superm arketis atthis tim e ofthe day.3.w(seven days)Sunday is the firstday ofthe .4.m(a lotof)Is there rice in the room?5.w(have...on the body)M any teachers w glasses.6.y(notold)The girlis too .She can蒺tgo to school.7.t(the day aftertoday)M rW hite can蒺tcom e here .8.a(nothere)LiM ing is notatschooltoday.H e is .9.c(ofcourse)-—Could you help m e?—.10.w(not…  相似文献   

在2006年全国各省市15套高考英语试卷中,考查介词的试题总共有12题,而其中考查介词beyond的就有4题,它们是:(下划横线的选项为正确答案)1.(2006安徽,26)Its quite m e w hy such things have beenallowed to happen.A.for B.behind C.against D.beyond2.(2006福建,23)Sorry,M adam.Y ou d better com e tom orrow be-cause its the visiting hours.A.during B.at C.beyond D.before3.(2006江西,24)This new m odel of car is so expensive that itis the reach ofthose w ith average incom e.A.over B.w ithin C.beyond D.below4.(2…  相似文献   

填空题(填词完成句子): 1. Marie Curie (出名)her discovery of radium.(know) 2. The scientist is (继续工作)an invention.(work) 3. With time (飞逝),his hair is turning grey.(go) 4. Since then, Hawking (继续)to seek answers to questions about the nature of the  相似文献   

限定词(determiner)是在名词词组中对名词中心词的所指及数量起限定作用的词类。所谓“所指”是指名词词组的特指(specific reference),类指(generic reference)或独指(unique reference)这三种意义。例如:1)不确定特指:There is a book on the table.2)确定特指:The man you talked to is my brother.  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单词拼写。1.f,at last(单词释义)(2005哈尔滨)2.Skating seems to be Mary’s(兴趣)in her life.(2005大连)3.If our school team wins the last two(比赛),we will be the top.(2005南京)4.I’m quite t.Could you give mesome water to drinkH(2005吉林)5.Sam was in a hurry.He left homesaying goodbye to us.(填入适当的单词)(2005长春)6.Jack is much(较高的)thanPeter.(2005桂林)7.Mum often tells us to w handsbefore each meal.(2005吉林)8.It takes us thirty m to readEnglish or Chinese in the morning.(2004长沙)9…  相似文献   

(A)Ned:Why do you always wear two watches?Ted:I need to see how slow the other one is.(B)Passenger1:Excuse me,does this train stop at New Town?Passenger2:Yes,just watch me and get off one station beforeme.(C)Diner:Waiter,your finger is in my soup.Waiter:That's all right.It's so used to(惯常)the heat,I hardlynotice it.(D)Customer:I'd like to try on(试穿)that dress in the window(橱窗).Salesgirl:Sorry,madam,but you'll have to use the dressingroom(试衣间).(E)  相似文献   

在谈论天气时,英国人经常会使用以下三句常用语。1.lazy weather(使人倦懒的天气),特指让人懒洋洋、打不起精神的日子,有些人就可以用lazy来表示,如The weather was lazy.(这天气使人无精打采。)2.wet weather(多雨的天气),特指雨季中淅淅沥沥下个不停的那些日子,  相似文献   

1 In the figure(图形),∠ABC and ∠BDAare both right angles.If v+w=35 and x+y=37,what is the value of y?译文:如图所示,已知∠ABC 和∠BDA 为直角,且 v+w=35;x+y=37.求 y 的值.Solutions:1 2.Observe that by the Pythagoreantheorem(勾股定理),v~2+w~2=x~2.Also,vw=xy,as each of these expressions is equal to twice the areaof △ABC.Hence,35~2=(v+w)~2=v~2+2vw+w~2=  相似文献   

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