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嫉妒心理是青少年容易产生的一种心理问题,其产生的原因是复杂的,带来的危害是消极的。本文剖析了嫉妒心理产生的原因及其危害,并从四个方面探讨了克服嫉妒心理的有效策略。  相似文献   

杜少军 《教书育人》2000,(17):38-38
中学阶段是人生的黄金时代,是中学生的生理和心理得到迅速生长和发育的时期,这一时期的中学生有着强烈的自尊心和自信心,但是也有很大一部分中学生缺乏对自己的正确认识而不同程度地存在嫉妒心理。下面就什么是嫉妒心理?它在青少年中有哪些表现?如何消除嫉妒心理?这几个问题作一简要分析: 一、何谓嫉妒心理? 所谓嫉妒心理是指对他人优于自己,或是可能超过自己而产生的一种担心、害怕或愤怒、憎恨的心理状态。它是一种消极的情感,是一种十分有害的不良心理,既害人又害己。它影响人的情绪和积极奋进精神,使人产生偏见,破坏人际关…  相似文献   

社交网站使用在青少年群体中相当普遍,并对青少年心理社会适应以及心理人格等方面产生较大的影响,容易降低自我概念清晰度,催生抑郁倾向,诱发嫉妒、焦虑等情感体验。文章基于社会比较理论视角,提出了开展网络社交教育,提升青少年网络信息素养;进行正确引导,消解青少年负面体验情绪;净化教育网络环境,引导青少年进行正确的社会比较的策略...  相似文献   

嫉妒是由于别人胜过自己而引起抵触的消极的情绪体验。黑格尔曾说:嫉妒是“平庸的情调对于桌越才能的反感”。嫉妒是一种心理缺陷。在日常生活中,嫉妒的存在是很普遍的。英国科学家培根说:“在人类的一切情欲中,嫉妒之情恐怕要算作最顽强、最持久了。”青少年正处在发育和成长时期,  相似文献   

嫉妒心理是一种十分普遍的社会心理现象,是具有强烈利已主义的排他性消极情感。嫉妒心理的形成和发展有着广泛复杂的社会和历史原因,有着明显的阶段性特点。在青少年学生的学习、生活和交往中,会经常有所表现,对其身心健康有着不同程度的消极影响,应当采取措施加以预防和调控。  相似文献   

嫉妒是由于别人胜过自己而引起抵触的消极的情绪体验,是一种心理缺陷。黑格尔曾说,嫉妒是“平庸的情调对于卓越才能的反感”。在日常生活中,嫉妒的存在是很普遍的。英国科学家培根说:“在人类的一切情欲中,嫉妒之情恐怕要算最顽强、最持久了。”青少年正处在发育和成长之中,这种嫉妒之心也就更多一些。当看  相似文献   

初中生处于人生发展的重要时期,探讨初中生嫉妒心理的特点,有助于帮助我们认识初中生嫉妒心理产生的原因;对初中生嫉妒心理的危害进行分析,认识初中生嫉妒心理的危害,有助于正确引导初中生的嫉妒心理朝正确的方向发展,有利于初中生的健康成长。  相似文献   

秦亭 《湖南教育》2001,(17):26-26
处于成长期的青少年往往不能正确认识和评价自己。不少中小学生存在着自卑、猜疑、嫉妒等不良心理,个别学生甚至陷于其中而不能自拔。这严重影响学生的身心健康。因此,教师应注意培养学生良好的心理素质,使学生走出心理误区。  相似文献   

嫉妒心理人人都有,适当的嫉妒心理有时会成为工作的动力,但嫉妒心太强也会影响人际关系,进而影响工作和学习。你的嫉妒心理如何?属于哪种类型?可以自我评价一下: 嫉妒心理强烈型你比一般人更容易产生嫉妒心理,你相当敏感,稍感被歧视或不如别人时,就会产  相似文献   

嫉妒是一种潜伏于人的心灵深层的情感因素,文学中的嫉妒描写包括嫉妒心理和嫉妒行为两个方面,人物的嫉妒心理和行为,有一个发展演化的过程,即"眼红--嫉恨--嫉怒--嫉毁"四个步骤.  相似文献   

嫉妒是人类普遍存在的一种心理现象。女研究生的嫉妒既有与其他群体的共性,也有自己独特的特征。女研究生的嫉妒表现在学业、实践能力、感情生活以及求职择业等方面,并对人对己都有一定的危害性。女研究生应该学会利用各种自我调节的方法,减少自己的嫉妒心理,以便进一步提升心理健康水平。  相似文献   

社会比较嫉妒与爱情嫉妒的关系问题是学者对嫉妒情绪进行研究时首先要探讨的一个问题。前者主要在社会比较情境下产生,后者则产生于恋爱关系。由于文化差异,东方学者的研究聚焦于社会比较嫉妒,倾向于将爱情嫉妒看做社会比较嫉妒的一个特例。而西方学者主要对关系嫉妒(尤其是爱情嫉妒)进行研究,倾向于将社会比较嫉妒看成爱情嫉妒的一部分。本文在国内外学者研究基础上,从情绪体验、行为反应模式、嫉妒者认知、生理机制等方面对二者区别进行分析,并基于恋爱关系、社会比较两大背景,对二者联系进行了探讨。最后,本文认为二者产生的根源相同,从产生根源角度对二者之间关系进行了深入分析。  相似文献   

The intentional evoking of jealousy has received little attention in interpersonal research, yet eliciting jealousy in another may perform critical functions in relationships such as meeting personal needs and relational goals. The purposes of these two studies were to examine how evoking jealousy may be used as a communicative strategy in relationships, and to develop the Evoking Jealousy Scale. Two studies examined evoking jealousy, relationship orientation (exchange versus communal), positive responses to jealousy, and equity in relationships. Results from study one indicated both exchange oriented and communal oriented individuals make attempts to evoke jealousy from their partners. Results from study two indicate the only variable in this study related to the active strategy of evoking jealousy was being exchange oriented. Feelings of equity, being overbenefited, and communal orientation each were related to positive responses to feeling jealous. The Evoking Jealousy Scale was developed and tested in study two and appears to have good face validity, unidimensional factor structure, and internal reliability  相似文献   

Mate value discrepancy (MVD), the perceived difference in resource value between self and partner in romantic relationships, may impact both forgiveness and jealousy. One hundred seventy-nine participants rated their own and their partner's mate value, and self-reported forgiveness and jealousy. MVD was associated with forgiveness in romantic relationships in that the higher the value of one's mate in relation to self, the more likely an individual would forgive that partner's transgression. Similarly, MVD played a role with jealousy in that the higher the value of the partner, the more likely an individual experienced jealousy. Additionally, individuals were more likely to forgive transgressions when their partners had higher mate values than theirs, even when jealousy is experienced.  相似文献   

屈原、贾谊因出众的才能遭遇嫉妒,两人的人生轨迹、遭嫉情节及嫉妒者的多重人格及心理感受的三个阶段.即由攀比到失望、由羞愧到屈辱、由不服不满到怨恨憎恨的过程很相似。屈原和贾谊借助文学创作疗伤,只能做暂时的心理宣泄和情感寄托物。对嫉妒者的心态、行为探讨的目的,是为了达到消除嫉妒心理的目的。  相似文献   

Jealousy is a social emotion that has received little attention by developmental researchers. The current study examined sibling jealousy and its relations to child and family characteristics in 60 families with a 16-month-old toddler and an older preschool-age sibling. Sibling jealousy was elicited in social triads consisting of a parent (mother or father) and the two siblings. Positive marital relationship quality (i.e., love and relationship maintenance) was a particularly strong predictor of the older siblings' abilities to regulate jealousy reactions in the mother sessions. Younger siblings' jealous affect with mothers was linked to the child's temperament, whereas older siblings' jealous affect with mothers was related to the child's emotional understanding. Younger siblings displayed more behavioral dysregulation in the mother-sibling triads if there was greater sibling rivalry reported by mothers. Session order (i.e., which sibling was challenged first in the jealousy paradigm) had a strong effect on both the affect and behavioral dysregulation displayed by the older and younger siblings. Results are discussed with respect to the need for future research to consider social relationships as developmental contexts for young children's emotion regulation.  相似文献   

在纯粹追求效率、教育正义缺场的时代,教育中的妒忌日益普遍化,造成人与人之间的冷漠、怨恨甚至仇视,侵蚀着师生的健康心灵并使得教育媚俗、功利、残酷。妒忌普遍化的内在机制主要是正义理想被搁置导致的教育恶性竞争的白热化、教育伦理关系的弱化、教育工具价值的过度膨胀。要消解教育中的妒忌,必须重新确立教育正义的地位,建构符合正义诉求的教育制度,培养具有坚定正义感的学生,促进和谐教育的新生。  相似文献   

嫉妒与大学生心理健康   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
嫉妒是影响大学生心理健康的重要因素.嫉妒既具有破坏性又具有动力性.大学教育应引导大学生消除嫉妒消极影响,进而把大学生嫉妒心理升华为促进大学生个体发展的动力.  相似文献   

There is a general confusion about the precise meanings of the words envy and jealousy. This paper explores the significance of this observation for clinical work. When their meanings are clear the clinician is able to hear things in the psychotherapy situation not previously heard and understand psychic and conflict in a new and useful way. With this new perspective envy and jealousy can be seen to be specific biopsychosocial response patterns of the perceptual, cognitive, affectve and intentional mental functions keyed to the two basic conditions of human existence, not having (envy) and having (jealousy) advantages deemed requirements of life. These response patterns are evoked by perceptual events which inform the individual of one's relative position vis à vis the requirements of one's life. A dynamic relationship is observable between envious and jealous dispositions; one begets the other. Each connotes a threat to the established sense of self. Various unconscious mechanisms of defense can be employed to ward off the threat posed by not having or losing whatever or whomever has come to be regarded as a requirement of life. Maladaptive solutions give rise to maladaptive character traits and psychopathological syndromes. A syndrome frequently seen in students is paralysis of intention, one manifestation of which may be procrastination, which is described and analyzed from the perspective afforded by the pscyhology of envy and jealousy. An inference based on observation of similar themes in many individuals is that the states of envy and jealousy become internalized as structured dispositions, the Beloved Ideal and the Nemesis. The psychology of envy/jealousy has internal consistency and therapeutic precision in its application. The paper concludes with a report of the application of the new frame of reference in the treatment of two students seen in brief psychotherapy.  相似文献   

本研究通过对国内外有关嫉妒文献资料的分析与整理,选取200名幼儿教师为被试,在开放式问卷调查与访谈的基础上编制了初始问卷,形成由20个项目构成的初始问卷。此后,在辽宁省选取小、中、大班共856名幼儿为被试进行施测。研究方法:运用探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析技术对数据进行处理并建立幼儿嫉妒问卷的结构,最终形成由12个项目构成的问卷。结果表明:(1)3~6岁幼儿嫉妒结构包括关系威胁和自尊威胁两个维度;(2)3~6岁幼儿嫉妒教师评定问卷具有理想的信度和效度,可作为研究我国幼儿嫉妒的有效测评工具。  相似文献   

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