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look短语平时总用得到,它们的区别是否都记牢?现在就让我们展示一下它们的风采吧! 1.look like看起来像;看起来是……样子。例如: The hat looks like a cat.这帽子看上去象只猫。2.look after照管;照料。例如: He needs a nurse to look after him.他需  相似文献   

刑新 《初中生》2005,(19):61
①look like看起来像,看起来是……样子.如: It looks like rain.天像是要下雨的样子.  相似文献   

Look大“看”台1 在初中范围内,有关look的词组很多,现将使用频繁,经常在中考试题中有所体现的用法加以总结归纳如下:1. look at看Please look at the blackboard. 请看黑板。2. look after照看、照顾Will you please look after my baby when I am out ? 当我出去的时候你能照看一下我的婴儿吗?3. look for寻找I am looking for the key to the door. 我正在寻找房门的钥匙。4. look like 看起来像Your cat looks like Lily's hat. 你的猫看起来像莉莉的帽子。5. look over检查身体He was badly hurt.Th…  相似文献   

All day long,the little boy worked hard.But at sunset,he had an hour of his own.Then he would go up to the top of a hill and look at another hill.On this hill stood a house with windows of gold and diamonds.The boy loved to look at them.But after a while,it looked like a common farmhouse as if the people in the house put up 1)Shutters.  相似文献   

【知识梳理】1.重点短语: 1.sit down 2.on duty 3.in English 4.have a seat 5.at home 6.1ook like 7.look at 8.have a look 9.come on 10.at work ll.at school 12.put on 13.look after ld.get up 15.go shopping  相似文献   

1.look like…看起来像…… What does Jim look like?占姆长什么样子?  相似文献   

1.谈论人的外貌—What does he look like?他看起来长什么样? —What do they look like?他们看起来长什么样? —What’s he like?他长什么样? —Who’s that?谁? —He is short/thin/tall/a bit heavy….他个子不高/瘦/个子高/有点儿  相似文献   

1.What does be look like? 他长什么样子? 这个句型是用来询问某人长什么样子。句中的look like意思是“像,看来像是……”。What does Mary look like? 玛丽长什么样子? She looks like her mother 她长得像她母亲。当回答这一句型,形容某人的外表时,如果用形容词,可用“主语+be+形容词”的句型;如  相似文献   

My Pencil-box     
I have a very beautiful pencil-box. I like it very much.
One day six years ago when I was in primary school, my mother took me to a shop to buy a pencil-box. I still remember that first I saw a big and beautiful one, but it was not strong enough. I didn't like it at all, then we went on to look for another pencil-box. Suddenly I saw a very small but nice one, and it was also stronger than others. So I was very glad to have it, on which we spent only five yuan.  相似文献   

<正>1. shine(1) shine作名词n.光泽;光亮;光彩◇例如:If the plate loses its shine, you can rub it up a little and it’ll look like new.(如果盘子失去光泽,你可以稍为擦试一下,它看起来就像新的。)(2) shine作动词(1) vi.发光;发亮;反射光;照耀  相似文献   

1.What does Mr.Vickers look like?He'stall with glasses.威克斯先生长得什么样?他高高的个子,戴着眼镜。【在线点拨】look like意为"看起来象",  相似文献   

Many people like animals such as dogs and cats and keep one or more of them as pets. If you keep a dog or a cat as a pet, you must know how to look after it. A grown- up dog needs two meals a day, not more. It can eat meat, fish, rice and some other thing…  相似文献   

谈谈外貌与性格 【句型搜索】 1. -What does your friend look like? -He has a medium build. ——你朋友长什么样子? ——他中等身材。  相似文献   

刘易波 《初中生》2006,(15):40-42
一、"同义词转换"点拨 1.词语替代法 初中常见同义词(组)有:want=would like;look after=take care of;arrive in(at)=reach=get to; be good at=do well in; have a good time=enjoy oneself; over=more than;don't know=have no idea等.  相似文献   

纵观全国各地近几年的中考试卷,笔者发现,对短语的考查占有相当大的比重,尤其是相似短语的考查。本文结合中考题,拟对较活跃的、常考查的热点短语进行归纳,希望对同学们的复习有所帮助。一、考查look短语[考点归纳]look at看,look for寻找,look after照顾(看),look like看起来像,look through浏览,look over检查/浏览,look up查阅,look out当心,look into调查,look forward to盼望,look outof往……外看。[典型考题]1.-A lotofpeoplegotSARSlastyear.It’s terrible.(2005厦门市)-Yes,we should______ourselves and keep healthy.A.look…  相似文献   

1.Aunt Huang asked Li Lei to __her baby whileshe was away. A. look at B. look for C. look after D. look like 2. Thank you very much for __your bike to me. A. lending B. borrowing C. mending D. carrying  相似文献   

We are all happy to see a rainbow in the sky. Beautiful rainbows look like seven-color bridges in the sky. Rainbows sometimes appear (出现) in pairs(成对) . Have you ever thought about where rainbows come from? When can we see them? Why do rainbows usually appear after it rains?  相似文献   

1.What does he look like?他长什么样?He is medium height,and he has shorthair.他中等个头,短发。▲此句中look为动词,“看起来……”;like作介词用,意为“像……一样”。例如:(1)The kite is like a bird.那个风筝像一只鸟。(2)She looks like her father.她长得像她爸爸。▲like作动词用时,意为“喜欢”,后跟名词、代词、动名词或动词不定式作宾语。例如:(1)I like fish and vegetables very much.我非常喜欢鱼和蔬菜。(2)Our Chinese teacher is very friendly tous.We all like her.我们的语文老师对我们非常友好。我们都喜欢她…  相似文献   

本期被整蛊奇发P eter彼得,你的头发油太多了,简直可以在里面炸鸡肉。Peter,your hair is so greasy,and you could fry a chicken in it.你看起来像是用打蛋器梳头。You look like you com bs your hair w ith an eggbeater.你为什么不去理发呢?你的头看起来像朵菊花。W hy do  相似文献   

A big orange is round,It’s like a golden bell.Shake it,no sound;Smell it,sweet.Open it and look inside,There lives a group of little moons.  相似文献   

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