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“好之”不如“乐之”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李军 《科教文汇》2011,(35):57-57,68
教学实践表明,只要抓住激发兴趣这个基本点,那么,不管是为发现和满足幼儿的直接兴趣"生成"的活动,还是培养激发幼儿间接兴趣"预设"的活动,都是受幼儿欢迎的,都是有益于幼儿积累经验的。  相似文献   

马坤 《未来与发展》2011,(10):15-18
上海世博会的成功举办,其后续影响力应延伸至科技与人文在交相辉映中实现质的提升。文章从体现兼容并包文化平台之多样性和多元化、构建城市公共空间之民主和参与、回归现代城市人生存关怀之生态和绿色等维度,对现代城市生活的公共特征和人文品质作进一步思考。  相似文献   

<正>古人云:开卷有益。意味着只要读书就总会有所收获。的确,读一本好书,可以启迪智慧、荡涤心灵,可以丰富知识、增强才干。读书可以让我们在嘈杂中摒弃物欲、在超然中寻找安宁。这样一种不再瞻前顾后的从容,是成长过程中的历练和升华,是一场心灵原乡的找寻,更是一种精神境界的提升。读书是一种信仰。北大学者张鸣先生说:"将阅读作为一种信仰,无论任何时候,任何地方,只要不将书丢掉,一切就都不会丢掉。"是啊,书籍如同灯塔,照亮我们前行的路。每感迷茫之时,有书为伴可以让我们校正方向,豁达胸怀。爱书之人,每每翻开书本便会有一种朝圣般的期待,摩挲其页,细嗅其香,这是对书的一种炽热的情怀,也是一种最高的礼遇。这样的信仰之感,淡澈如初,能让人在阅读中拥有蓬勃的力量。  相似文献   

As a sub-component of Re-versing Environmental Deg-radation Trends in the SouthChina Sea and Gulf of Thailand, aproject commissioned by theUNEP and Global EnvironmentalFacility (GEF), CAS researchershave been conducting fruitful re-search on seagrass in the coastalareas of south China.Starting from January 2002, aresearch team, headed by Prof.Huang Xiaoping with the CAS SouthChina Institute of Oceanography,has made efforts to map and studyseagrass meadows in the coastal ar-eas in …  相似文献   

陆丹晨 《中国科技信息》2007,(10):137-138,140
在“建设教学资源数据库是高职院图书馆跳出自我、办出特色的好途径”这一观点引导下,对建设教学资源数据库的作用与意义进行了阐述,并阐明了建设教学资源数据库的原则、指导思想与具体操作步骤。  相似文献   

杨春江  马钦海 《预测》2010,29(4):31-36
许多学者致力于开发新理论来解释员工为什么留职和离职问题。本研究首先通过回顾映像理论、"展开"模型和工作嵌入理论,讨论它们之间的关联,为提出综合的依附理论打下了基础。进而将上述三个理论加以整合,形成了以映像理论为心理评价机制,以工作嵌入为制约离职的网络阻力,以"震撼"和负面态度为离职动因,以"展开"模型为离职路径和框架的,用以解释员工离职和留职的综合依附理论。最后进一步论述了嵌入的各因素在"展开"模型所描述离职的不同阶段和不同评价检验中的影响作用。  相似文献   

徐健 《科技广场》2010,(4):198-200
本文阐述了当前高校图书馆馆风建设的重要性和必要性,探讨了馆风建设的几个主要因素以及如何建设良好的馆风来促进高校教学和图书馆服务工作.  相似文献   

随着博物馆事业的发展,博物馆教育发挥着越来越重要的作用。但就如何更好发挥博物馆在青少年成长中的重要教育职能,谈谈自己在工作中的粗浅认识。  相似文献   

党的十八大报告明确提出了“推动实现更高质量的就业”,这是对就业工作的新的更高要求,高校毕业生就业工作是社会整体就业工作的一部分,是就业工作的重中之重。本文阐述了高校毕业生更高质量就业的内涵,分析了高校毕业生实现更高质量就业面临的难题和挑战,并提出了高校毕业生实现更高质量就业的途径和举措。  相似文献   

Although commonly confused, the values inherent in copyright policy are different from those inherent in scholarly standards for proper accreditation of ideas. Piracy is the infringement of a copyright, and plagiarism is the failure to give credit. The increasing use of Web-based electron publication has created new contexts for both piracy and plagiarism. In so far as piracy and plagiarism are confused, we cannot appreciate how the Web has changed the importance of these very different types of wrongs. The present paper argues that Web-based publication lessens the importance of piracy, while it heightens the need for protections against plagiarism. Copyright policy protects the opportunity for publishers to make a profit from their investments. As the cost of publication decreases in the electronic media, we need fewer copyright protections. Plagiarism is the failure to abide by scholarly standards for citation of sources. These standards assure us that information can be verified and traced to its source. Since Web sources are often volatile and changing, it becomes increasingly difficult and important to have clear standards for verifying the source of all information.  相似文献   

文章探讨了在建设社会主义新农村进程中,基层图书馆在新农村建设中的作用,提出了新形势下基层图书馆发展的思路。  相似文献   

In general, rhetoric and myth play important roles in policymaking. Myths may inspire collective action but may also mystify and blur views on reality. In this article we identify, analyze, and reflect on the myths underlying the e-government programs of Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, Denmark, and the Netherlands. We found that in all national policies myths of technological inevitability, a new and better government, rational information planning, and empowerment of the intelligent citizen can be discerned. Although the mobilizing powers of these myths are acknowledged, we conclude that existing empirical studies have generated little support for the inescapable telos of these myths, which makes canvas cleaning effects of e-government initiatives less likely.  相似文献   

本文简要论述了城域网光传输网络10G主干扩容组网方案和扩容工程实施过程,提出了10G传输网络扩容组网的同步引入调整和通路组织方案。总结并探讨了城域网光传输网络主干扩容网络调整的一些方法和思路。  相似文献   

本文对轻钢结构设计荷载的取值、结构布置、模型建立、构件计算与设计、结构稳定性、构造措施等诸多方面常见问题进行了论述,并提出相应的设计处理方法,以供设计人员在设计过程中参考.  相似文献   

International Guidelines have voted for PCR as the Gold Standard in COVID diagnosis. Nasoparyngeal swab is the preferred specimen for PCR. It has a high probability of diagnosing early infection. But the diagnostic sensitivity of nasopharyngeal PCR decreases with increase in lapse between the infection and presentation to hospital. This might lead to dire consequences of labelling these patients as false negative, though such patients have been proved to be potentially infective since viral shedding occurs through other body fluids (stools) for long. COVID infection reveals that the IgM antibodies start to appear as early as 5th day of infection and switches over to IgA within 2–3 days. The aim of the study was to see if COVID antibody testing be coupled with PCR for diagnosis especially in patients presenting late (more than 14 days) of onset of infection? And if the antibodies are giving values, hence can them be reported quantitatively rather than in qualitative fashion? The second objective was to see if the COVID antibody levels be used to monitor the disease severity? And if the antibody levels of SARS CoV 2 be used an indicator to monitor the recovery?  相似文献   

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