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今年7月1日起,我国强制执行最新饮用水标准,新标准将与国际接轨,指标达到106项。事实上,有关人士早前就已经透露,自来水厂的水质检测存在隐忧。自来水厂本应该天天检测自来水中的组成成分,但是目前水检测项目还很不完善,限于实验室检测项目和成本考虑,106项的检测中常规检测只做其中40多个项目,完全检测自来水水质还做不到。那...  相似文献   

<正>《青少年运动技能等级标准》今天在上海体育学院发布,确立"4等12级"制的基本等级体系,涵盖乒乓球、足球、篮球、排球、羽毛球、网球、高尔夫球、田径、体操、游泳和武术等11个项目。各项目《标准》的4等12级制中,1—3级为入门级,4—6级为提高级,7—9级为专业级,10—12级为精英级。其中,9级相当于1级运动员水平。目前,所有项目《标准》仅  相似文献   

在本市高三“二统”考试中有这样一道试题:某研究所试制出一大批特种陶瓷刀,他们从这批产品中随机抽取了50个样本,检测它们的硬度和耐磨度,硬度和耐磨度各分为5个档次,检测结果如下表.如表中所示硬度为5、耐磨度为4的刀具有3把.若在该批产品中任选一把刀具,其硬度记为X,耐磨度记为Y.  相似文献   

王波 《绥化学院学报》2007,27(1):175-178
应用图的伴随多项式理论完整地刻画了与的补图有相同色划分的图。其中表示n个顶点的圈,表示由的两个1度点分别与两个的2度点粘接得到的图.  相似文献   

高路 《成才之路》2010,(28):92-92
湖北大学对该校2005级、2006级、2007级学生体质检测的结果显示,健康标准合格率呈逐年下降趋势。该校体育学院副院长曾吉介绍说,近年的检测结果与前几年相比又有所下降。  相似文献   

将ZTC+1天然澄清剂(工艺1)与乙醇(工艺2)用于小儿止泻口服液的制备。结果表明。两种方法制备的口服液色泽、澄明度及质量均符合该产品的标准;澄清法与水醇法相比,具有沉淀速度快,工艺流程短,成本低等优点。  相似文献   

轧辊磨床在钢铁企业中用于将轧钢后的轧辊修磨到所需精度后,再送回轧机反复使用。为适应现代钢铁企业自动化、连续化、精度高的生产要求,轧辊磨床需要在尽可能短的时间将轧辊表面误差磨削到μm级。为实现上述目标,文章以本钢热轧厂1700线4#数控磨床为例,对该装置的电气系统进行改造。实践证明:本钢热轧厂1700线4#数控磨床改造后实现磨削后的轧辊辊型偏差小于±10μ、磨削效率提高30%,满足了轧钢板形控制的要求,大幅提高了磨辊车间的劳动生产率。  相似文献   

对经典生物化学实验项目"动物组织中DNA的分离提取及含量测定"实验进行改革。在传统浓盐法提取基因组DNA、二苯胺法检测DNA含量的实验基础上,新增试剂盒方法提取DNA以及超微量分光光度计检测DNA两大现代实验技术内容,对经典实验进行拓展、升级。此外,针对实验中比色杯污染影响检测结果精密度和准确性的困扰难题,提出2种简便易行的清洗方法,提高实验数据的真实性和有效性。  相似文献   

项目式学习是教育理念革新的载体,应该与中国教育实践相结合。指向中国学生发展核心素养的项目式学习聚焦深度学习与全面育人的核心价值,关注教学实践与课程标准之间的联结。本研究以中国教育改革为经,以美国巴克教育研究所的项目式学习“金标准”为纬,依据课程发展阶段理论,从项目式学习的设计、实施和评价三个层面构建了适用于中国教育情境的项目式学习“三六标准”模型:设计六要素(问题驱动、持续探究、学生参与、学科融合、产品导向和评价引领)、实施六要素(聚焦课标、建构文化、项目管理、搭建支架、评估学习和复盘反思)和评价六要素(知识度、真实度、实践度、协作度、参与度和感知度),以期为中国教师开展高质量项目式学习提供借鉴思路。  相似文献   

本文确定了师专中文系学生试讲的必要技能项目,拟订了这些项目过关的检测标准,为强化学生的师范技能训练,进行了具体的探索,促进了学生自主演练。  相似文献   

Patterns of Variation in Teaching the Colour of Light to Primary 3 Students   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper shows how the patterns of variation created in the teaching were critical in helping a class of Primary 3 students in Hong Kong to learn about the colour of light, so that the students attained conceptual rather than procedural knowledge. A ‘Learning Study’ approach was adopted, which is a Lesson Study grounded in a particular learning theory to improve teaching and learning. This study, based on the learning theory of Variation advanced by Marton and Booth, was premised on three types of variation: variation in students’ ways of experiencing what is to be taught/learnt (V1), variation in teachers’ ways of dealing with the ‘object of learning’ (V2), and the use of ‘pattern of variation’ as a guiding principle of pedagogical design to enhance students’ learning (V3). In planning the lesson, a conscious effort was made to create relevant patterns of variation, i.e. varying certain critical aspect(s) while keeping other aspects of the object of learning invariant in order to help students to discern those aspects. Comparison between the results of the pre- and post-test shows that there was significant gain in the students’ learning outcomes with respect to the intended object of learning. The findings contribute knowledge to how the Theory of Variation can be used in practice. It also illustrates how teachers can make use of this theoretical framework to analyze their own teaching and thereby, develop an analytical awareness of teaching and learning.  相似文献   

刑法是直接以限制或者剥夺公民个人的自由与权利的法律,因此刑法的行使必须遵循罪刑法定原则。罪刑法定原则一经提出,就被上升为宪法的高度,在大多数国家的宪法原则中予以确认。罪刑法定原则要求刑法规范必须明确,“不明确即无效”。按照罪刑法定原则的要求,刑法中的口袋条款没有明确性,违背人权保障的宪政精义。  相似文献   

高清晰度的数字电视和模拟电路为主的普通电视,主要区别在于对亮色信号的分离处理上,数字电视亮色分离的关键器件是数字梳状滤波器,本文对数字梳状滤波器特性进行了较为详细的分析.  相似文献   

由于太阳耀斑图像中地球云雾对斑迹有所干扰,故需要对太阳耀斑图像进行去云处理。针对多尺度Retinex理论与暗通道优先算法两种去云方法进行比较研究,详细介绍了两种方法的数学模型与具体算法,分别运用两种方法对太阳耀斑图像进行去云处理,并进行MATLAB仿真,根据仿真结果对两者去云效果进行评估与对比。通过图像与客观误差参数比较两种去云方法,发现暗通道优先算法在影像平均灰度、细节信息显示、图片信息量与相对清晰程度等方面均优于多尺度Retinex去云方法,其中图片清晰度提升了约16%,标准差与信息量均提升了约8%,平均灰度降低了约27%。  相似文献   



The aim of the present study was to determine, through colorimetric analysis, whether school textbooks for children aged 5 to 7 years contained tasks requiring normal colour vision discrimination for their resolution. In addition, the performance of a group of observers with diverse colour vision deficiencies was evaluated while conducting the tasks under analysis.


Textbooks of mathematics were found to include 10% of tasks which, to an observer with colour vision deficiency, would be very difficult or impossible to solve. The level of difficulty of each task was influenced by the type and degree of colour vision deficiency and by the actual ambient illumination under which it was observed.


Some school textbooks need to be redesigned through an alternative use of colours and textures to take into consideration colour vision deficiencies. In view of the present findings, many Spanish editorial boards have committed to undertake these changes.  相似文献   

返滴定法确定混合碱第一计量点的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用滴定剂HCl稍过量,NaOH标准溶液返滴定过量HCl的方法,较准确地确定混合碱第一计量点。并通过分光光度测定,对该法进行了对比验证。通过实际样品测定,滴定误差均在0.5%以下。  相似文献   

G. Nagendrappa 《Resonance》2010,15(9):779-793
Today we cannot imagine our lives without a variety of colours. Every colour we see, consume, enjoy, apply and use wherever we need has a dye associated with it. More than 90% of the thousands of dyes used now are synthetic. A little more than 150 years ago a handful of dyes of only natural origin were available. In 1856 the era of synthetic dyes was ushered in by a spirited young chemist, William Henry Perkin, when he was trying to synthesize quinine, but obtained a coloured substance instead. It was a much desired colour and therefore became an instant hit. The following is an account of Perkin’s life as a chemist and an industrialist par excellence.  相似文献   

在韦伯的教学伦理观中,学术与大学教学是紧密相联的,学术自由是大学教学的核心价值,头脑清明是大学教学的目标定位,去政治性是大学教学中不可忽略的内容讲授,价值中立是大学教学的行为规范,责任自觉是大学教学管理思想的重点。这种教学伦理观的精神实质在于:大学应成为学术的理性家园,大学教学伦理的核心德性是教授理智的诚实,大学教学的主要职责是培养学生自我负责的精神。  相似文献   

Colour is a common feature in computer‐aided learning (CAL), though the instructional effects of screen colour are not well understood. This investigation considers the effects of different CAL study tasks with feedback on posttest performance and on posttest memory of the lesson colour scheme. Graduate students (n=68) completed a computer‐based vocabulary lesson that included either multiple‐choice or constructed‐response study tasks with feedback. Each lesson section used a different colour theme, while the posttest did not use colour. The constructed‐response study task was a little more effective for posttest memory of lesson content but was substantially less effective for posttest memory of the lesson colour scheme. These results show a clear interaction of screen colour and lesson study task, a memory‐context effect. The practical and theoretical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

针对物流企业客户信用评价进行了研究,基于模糊综合法构建了以企业信誉、违约记录、速动比率、资产负债率、人力资源水平、盈利能力、产权清晰程度、担保状况、区域信用状况、区域法制环境等因素为指标的物流企业客户信用评价指标体系;通过层次分析法(AHP)确定了指标权重,并采用专家咨询法(Delphimethod)确定了指标评价标准;通过实证案例进行了验算,验算结果与事实相符,该指标体系能有效评价客户信用状况。  相似文献   

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