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办学理念,是指人们对办学的基本信念,指人们对自己学校的定性、定位及职能的认识.办学理念蕴含着学校的办学方向、目标确立、运营策略、社会责任以及校长对理想学校模式的系统构想.办学理念对办好一所学校至关重要,"开发潜能,发展个性"乃是暨华中学的办学理念.对校外,它是一面彰显办学特色的旗帜;对校内,它是一个统一思想、引领行动的纲领.文章就什么是办学理念、办学理念的意义与作用、如何提炼形成办学理念作初步的探讨,并在此基础上,结合暨华中学办学实践,交流有关办学理念的探索体会.  相似文献   

本文通过对美、德、英、日、瑞典等发达国家成人教育办学体制的概述,深入分析它们在办学主体、投资渠道和运作方式等方面的先进经验,以期对我国成人教育办学体制改革有一定的借鉴意义。为推进我国成人教育办学体制改革,要积极鼓励成人教育办学的多元化,切实推进成人教育办学的市场化运作,不断扩大成人教育办学的自主权,逐步加强成人教育办学的法制意识。  相似文献   

所谓办学理念,是指人们对办学的基本信念,指人们对自己学校的定性、定位及职能的认识.办学理念对办好一所学校至关重要,"开发潜能,发展个性"乃是暨华中学的办学理念.对校外,它是一面彰显办学特色的旗帜;对校内,它是一个统一思想、引领行动的纲领.文章拟就办学理念作初步的探讨,并在此基础上,结合暨华中学办学实践,针对办学实践中的问题,交流一点办学理念的探索体会.  相似文献   

校际合作办学是联合办学的一种形式,它有助于降低办学成本、提高办学效益。本文通过对上海西南片联合办学和美国克莱蒙特学院联合体的组成、合作内容、管理和资金情况的比较,介绍了中美校际合作办学的基本情况,并对我国校际合作办学的发展提出了一些启示。  相似文献   

浙江省是我国独立学院创办的先发地。独立学院“浙江模式”对我国独立学院办学影响较大。这一办学模式较好地坚持了独立学院办学公益性原则,办学质量有保证,办学规模扩张速度快,对母体高校的回报大,是当前我国独立学院主要的一种办学模式。但面对独立学院在新时期的发展,这一办学模式也同样暴露出办学条件不足、办学投入不足、办学体制不顺、办学特色缺乏、产权过户困难、发展空间堪忧、独立依附两难的问题,亟待寻找新的出路,促进其健康可持续发展。  相似文献   

关于办学指导思想若干基本问题的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从办学指导思想的基本依据入手 ,梳理了办学指导思想的基本内涵 ,提出了办学定位的原则 ,并结合实际从办学类型、办学层次、学科、服务面向、人才培养目标和发展目标等方面分析了学院的办学定位的内容 ,最后对高师院校的办学理念和人才培养模式进行了探讨  相似文献   

教育部办公厅最近发出通知,要求加强涉外办学规范管理,准确把握中外合作办学的政策界限等。中外合作办学的健康发展问题值得关注。在前期对上海高校中外合作办学成绩、问题及其未来发展的研究基础上,本文对当前影响我国中外合作办学质量与收益的几个关键问题提出了一些思考和求索。一、中外合作办学的特殊性需要充分认识中外合作办学各利益相关方在中外合作办学的属性  相似文献   

在共性层面对铜仁学院的办学进程和需要进行了分析,对历史沿革进行梳理,研讨了各个时期的办学主张,同时对铜仁学院办学理念、办学指导思想、办学定位进行凝炼。在此基础上提出了校训、校风、教风、学风的内涵定位和建设目标。  相似文献   

办学类型定位是高校改革和发展的基本依据,是实施有效办学的前提。从对教学型大学的考察中可以发现,办学类型定位似乎与现实的办学模式之间存在“两张皮”的现象,一方面重视办学定位表述的准确性,另一方面实际的办学模式却背离办学定位。如办学过程中偏向学术性目标,追求上层次、上规模,较少考虑办学定位所确立的办学目标的区域性和社会适应性。通过分析办学模式趋同的原因,对教学型大学办学定位的地方性、应用性和职业型进行阐述,从而使教学型大学走上主动适应、追求特色的多样性发展之路。  相似文献   

办学思想亦即办学指导思想。它包括三项内容:办什么样的学校,培养什么样的学生,怎样培养出合恪的毕业生。办学思想对办好学校有非常重要的作用:指导作用、激励作用、规范作用、凝聚作用。因此,高校管理首先要管好办学思想。管理好办学思想包括:形成一个正确的办学思想,办学思想的渗透,办学思想的评估。正确的办学思想来源于:先进的教育理论、国家的教育方针政策和法律、对高校自身主、客观奈件的分析、高校自己的历史经验教训、对国内外高校先进办学经验的借鉴以及高校领导自身的教育观、价值观和道德观。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、访谈法和观察法对红河学院大学生公共体育俱乐部的运行进行分析研究。结果表明:大学生体育俱乐部教学改革改变了传统的选项制教学局限,有效激发了学生的学习兴趣和学习积极性,激发了学生的学习潜力,创造了良好的学习氛围,很受学生的欢迎。对红河学院大学生公共体育俱乐部的创设指导思想、俱乐部的实施、运转及存在的主要问题进行探讨,为红河学院公共体育俱乐部教学改革的深化提供了参考。  相似文献   

英国开放大学是世界上最早成功开展远程教学的大学之一,它的创办旨在为因各种原因无法或者不方便进入传统高校学习的人士提供高质量的高等教育,实现社会正义。它实行的是向所有人开放的开放招生制度。通过对英国开放大学的开放招生制度及其扩大参与的政策的阐述,揭示其在实现社会正义中的重要作用。  相似文献   

M.D-Ph.D双博士学位计划是为培养具有临床实践能力和科学研究能力的医学科学家而设立的.本文首先从招生、培养、毕业去向等方面概述了美国M.D-Ph.D计划新进展,然后以哈佛大学、约翰·霍普金斯大学为例介绍了M.D-Ph.D计划的课程安排模式,并指出该计划在中国的发展现状和试办建议.  相似文献   

Based on a content analysis of The Chronicle of Higher Education from 1984 to 1989, the authors find that current foreign policy decisions of higher education institutions are being made reactively within four policy arenas: research, students, investments, and academic programs. The authors conclude that a comprehensive foreign policy should be included in an institution's strategic planning process.He has served recently as Visiting Professor of Higher Education at the University of Georgia. Previously he was Director of the Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education. Carolyn P. Griswold has a M.Ed. from Georgia State University and is a doctoral candidate in the Institute of Higher Education at the University of Georgia. Phyllis Wyatt-Woodruff is Director of Enrollment at Paine College and a doctoral candidate in the Institute of Higher Education at the University of Georgia. Patricia Gregg is on the staff of Clayton State College and is a doctoral candidate in the Institute of Higher Education at the University of Georgia.  相似文献   

大学自治一直被认为是大学最基本的特征,但随着时代的发展,政府对大学的干预实际上一刻也没有停止过。本文剖析了英国政府干预逐步加深的过程,对英国大学与政府间的缓冲器——大学拨款委员会的兴衰给予说明,最后对英国大学一政府关系的变迁历程提出阐释。  相似文献   

美国是融合教育发展较为完善的国家之一,制定和遵循政策是其高标准开展融合教育的一贯原则。1975年以来,美国系列联邦教育法律始终贯彻融合教育理念,其法案中关于融合教育政策演变目标从人本补偿走向全人发展,参与主体实现了权力博弈与责任分担并进,治理结构从扁平形式走向扁平实质,运行机制从制度“面”发展到制度“体”。数年来,在政策推动下,美国提高了融合程度和教育质量、构筑了多元主体支持保障体系、推动了教师资格认证和教育惩戒制度的有效运行。  相似文献   


This article assesses the quality of 12 American doctoral programs by counting the number of publications of their Ph.D. graduates in a large number of criminology and criminal justice journals, and in 20 more “academic” journals. While half of the Ph.D. graduates had no publications, the 4 percent who were the most productive (the “stars”) accounted for one third of all journal articles. Publication rates up to graduation predicted publication rates after graduation. The University of Maryland, Michigan State University, the University of California at Irvine, Florida State University, and Sam Houston State University had the most productive Ph.D. graduates in academic journals. There was a significant correlation between the productivity of a program's Ph.D. graduates and the productivity of its faculty members. The academic publication rate was influenced most by prevalence (the percentage of Ph.D.s with at least one publication), rather than by the percentage of “stars” or the frequency of publications.  相似文献   

The author, Leona E. Tyler, is a now retired Professor of Psychology at the University of Oregon. She is well known for her career‐long research and writing on individual differences. The reviewer, Richard E. Snow, is Professor of Education and Psychology, Stanford University. His research interests center on individual differences in aptitude and learning.  相似文献   

IN PRAISE OF PROMETHEUS: HUMANISM AND RATIONALISM IN AESCHYLEAN THOUGHT. By Leon Golding. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1966; pp. ix+137. $5.00.

THE POLITICAL BACKGROUND OF AESCHYLEAN TRAGEDY. By Anthony J. Podlecki. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1966; pp. x+188. $7.50.

TWELFTH NIGHT AND SHAKESPEARIAN COMEDY. By Clifford Leech. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1965; pp. vii+88. $3.50.

HAMLET AND REVENGE. By Eleanor Presser. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1967; pp. xiv+287. $7.50.

THE THEATRE OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. By Marvin Carlson. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1966; pp. xii+328. $10.00.

ROYALL TYLER. By G. Thomas Tanselle. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1967; pp. xvi+281. $7.50.

DRAMAS FROM THE AMERICAN THEATRE 1762–1901. Edited and Introduction by Richard Moody. Cleveland: World Publishing, 1966; pp. 873+illus. $15.00.

THE LANGUAGE OF CRITICISM. By John Casey. New York: Barnes &; Noble, 1966; pp. xii+205. $5.75.

MARK TWAIN'S LETTERS TO HIS PUBLISHERS, 1867–1894. Edited with an introduction by Hamlin Hill. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1967; pp. xiv+388. $10.00.

MARK TWAIN'S SATIRES AND BURLESQUES. Edited with an introduction by Franklin S. Rogers. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1967; pp. viii+485. $10.00.

MARK TWAIN'S WHICH WAS THE DREAM. Edited by John S. Tuckey. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1967; pp. xi+588. $10.00.

AMBROSE BIERCE: A BIOGRAPHY. By Richard O'Connor. Boston: Little, Brown, 1967; pp. 333. $6.95.

W. SOMERSET MAUGHAM. By M. K. Naik. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1966; pp. ix+221. $4.95.

REMEMBERING MR. MAUGHAM. By Gar‐son Kanin. Foreword by Noel Coward. New York: Atheneum, 1966; pp. vi+313. $5.95.

SOMERSET AND ALL THE MAUGHAMS. By Robin Maugham. New York: New American Library, 1967; pp. 224. Paper $0.95.

FROM PROUST TO CAMUS: PROFILES OF MODERN FRENCH WRITERS. By André Maurois. Translated by Carl Morse and Renaud Bruce. Garden City, N.Y.: Double‐day, 1966; pp. 368. $5.95.

RELIGION AND THE AMERICAN MIND: FROM THE GREAT AWAKENING TO THE REVOLUTION. By Alan Heimert. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1966; pp. x+668. $12.50.

THE GREAT AWAKENING: DOCUMENTS ILLUSTRATING THE CRISIS AND ITS CONSEQUENCES. Edited by Alan Heimert and Perry Miller. Indianapolis: Bobbs‐Merrill, 1967; pp. lxx+663. $7.50; paper $3.75.

BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. By Ralph Ketcham. New York: Washington Square, 1965; pp. xiv+226. $3.95.

BENJAMIN FRANKLIN: ENVOY EXTRAORDINARY. By Roger Burlingame. New York: Coward‐McCann, 1967; pp. 255. $5.75.

DANIEL WEBSTER AND THE SUPREME COURT. By Maurice G. Baxter. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1966; pp. ix+265. $6.75.

THE PAPERS OF WOODROW WILSON, Vol. II, 1881–1884. Edited by Arthur S. Link. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, 1967; pp. xvi+680. $15.00.

THE PRESIDENCY OF WOODROW WILSON: PRELUDE TO A WORLD CRISIS. By Leon H. Canfield. Rutherford, N. J.: Fairleigh Dickenson University Press, 1966; pp. xv+299. $6.00.

LANDON OF KANSAS. By Donald R. McCoy. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1966; pp. x+607. $8.50.

CHANGING VIEWS ON BRITISH HISTORY: ESSAYS ON HISTORICAL WRITING SINCE 1939. Edited by Elizabeth Chapin Furber. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1966; pp. xii+418. $9.00.

HUMAN COMMUNICATION THEORY: ORIGINAL ESSAYS. Edited by Frank E. X. Dance. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1967; pp. x+333. $6.50.

NEBRASKA SYMPOSIUM ON MOTIVATION: 1966. Edited by David Levine. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1966; pp. ix+209. $5.95; paper $2.75.

COMMUNICATION: THEORY AND RESEARCH. Edited by Lee Thayer. Springfield, Ill.: Charles C Thomas, 1966; pp. xv+583. $22.50.

COMMUNICATION: CONCEPTS AND PERSPECTIVES. Edited by Lee Thayer. Washington: Spartan Books, 1967; pp. viii+440. $14.00.

COMMUNICATION AND PUBLIC RELATIONS. By Edward J. Robinson. Columbus: Charles E. Merrill, 1966; pp. 618. $9.50.

THE PLAY THEORY OF MASS COMMUNICATION. By William Stephenson. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1967; pp. x+225. $5.00.

MICROCOSM: STRUCTURAL, PSYCHOLOGICAL AND RELIGIOUS EVOLUTION IN GROUPS. By Phillip E. Slater. New York: John Wiley, 1966; pp. ix+276. $7.95.

MODERN INTERNATIONAL NEGOTIATION: PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE. By Arthur Lall. New York: Columbia University Press, 1966; pp. xii+404. $8.95.

BIOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS OF LANGUAGE. By Eric H. Lenneberg. Appendices by Noam Chomsky and Otto Marx. New York: John Wiley, 1967; pp. xvi+489. $14.95.

PORTRAITS OF LINGUISTS: A BIOGRAPHICAL SOURCE BOOK FOR THE HISTORY OF WESTERN LINGUISTICS, 1746–1963. Edited by Thomas A. Sebeok. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1966; pp. xvi+580, I; 605, II. $27.50 set.

THE APHASIC CHILD: A NEUROLOGICAL BASIS FOR HIS EDUCATION AND REHABILITATION. By Alice Calvert Roberts. Foreword by Louis D. Boshes. Springfield, Ill.: Charles C Thomas, 1966; pp. xi+79. $4.50.

CHILDHOOD APHASIA AND BRAIN DAMAGE: VOLUME III, HABILITATION. Edited by Sheldon R. Rappaport. Norris‐town, Pa.: Pathway School, 1966; pp. vii+ 120. Paper $3.25.  相似文献   

EDUCATION: A College Program in Action by the Committee on Plans. Columbia University Press. Preface by Harry James Carman. 171 pp. $2.00.

Diagnostic and Remedial Teaching in Secondary Schools by Glenn Myers Blair. New York: The Macmillan Co. 422 pp. $3.25.

Field Work in College Education by Lynd, Helen Merrell. Sarah Lawrence Publication No. 5, Columbia University Press, New York, 1945, 302 pp. $2.75.

Guiding Youth in the Secondary School by Leslie L. Chisholm American Book Company. 433 pp. $3.25.

Henry Barnard's American Journal of Education by Richard E. Thursfield. The Johns Hopkins Press. 359 pp. $3.00

School Boards in Action, Twenty-fourth Year Book, American Association of School Administrators, Washington, D.C. 413 pp. $2.00.

Elementary Courses in the Humanities. Report of the Third Annual Conference held by the Stanford School of Humanities. Foreword by F. W. Strothmann. Stanford University Press, Stanford University, California. 146 pp. $2.00.

ENGLISH: Learning Our Language by Thomas F. Dunn and Charles A. Ranous. Wm. C. Brown Co., Dubuque, Iowa. 379 pp. $2.50.

HISTORY: The Formative Years of the Catholic University of America by John Tracy Ellis, American Catholic Historical Association, Washington, 407 pp. $3.00.

PSYCHOLOGY: Controlled Eye Movements Versus Practice Exercises in Reading by Frederick Lowell Westover. Contributions to Education No. 91 7. New York: Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University. 100 pp. $1.95.

SCIENCE: Atomic Energy in Cosmic and Human Life by George Gamow. University Press, Cambridge, and the Macmillan Company, New York. 159 pp., $3.00.

SOCIAL STUDIES: Conditions of Civilized Living by Robert Ulich. E. P. Dutton and Company, Inc. 244 pp. $3.75.

The Public and Its Problems by John Dewey. Gateway Books, 301 East 18th Street, Chicago 16, Illinois. 219 pp. $2.50.

Problems of Men by John Dewey. Philosophical Library, New York. 418 pp. $5.00.

The Roots of American Loyalty by Merle Curti. Columbia University Press. 256 pp. $3.00.  相似文献   

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