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This paper sketches the debate on evidence-based educational practice focusing on teaching and instruction in schools. The authors review requirements that have to be fulfilled by educational research that aims to provide a basis for educational policy and practice. Specifically, they discuss the challenges that are associated with a notion of a sender-recipient relationship describing research and practice. Models for a stronger research-based connection with the field of educational practice are described. Subsequently, they show how the discourse on teaching and instruction that is prevalent in the educational sciences in Germany illuminates the inherent difficulties when teaching practice is expected to follow scientific evidence. The authors illustrate these two strands of the paper – communication between researchers and practitioners, and opinions about the constitution of ‘good’ teaching and instruction – by excerpts of interviews with researchers and teachers.  相似文献   

The number of students enrolled in private schools has been growing continuously in the past years, especially in elementary schools. There is a variety of reasons for this development. Among other expectations, parents anticipate a superior education for their children and hope for bigger academic success. However, empirical results on the effectiveness of private schools are inconsistent and ambiguous, partly because many studies used cross-sectional data. Longitudinal studies investigating the development of elementary school students are especially lacking.The present study compares academic achievement gains of students enrolled in public schools to students who learned in the so-called BIP-creativity elementary schools. BIP schools are private schools that aim to promote the development of the talent, intelligence and personality of their students. This study investigates the development of students in mathematics, reading and orthography over a 4-years period.As the group of BIP-students is selected in terms of their socio-economic background, analyses were run in two ways. First, multilevel analyses controlling for student and class characteristics were performed. Second, a Propensity Score Matching based on school enrollment data was used in order to select a comparable group of students from public schools. Each BIP-student was matched to a student from the public schools that had a comparable socio-economic background and similar cognitive characteristics. Neither multilevel analyses nor mean comparisons of the matched samples could reveal any differences between the two groups of students in the three domains of academic achievement at the end of fourth grade.  相似文献   

Processes of internationalisation are not a novel phenomenon: they have been present since the beginning of human history and have been the subject of theories and analyses since the early days of social-science research. This article highlights (1.) the social pre-conditions of historical and current processes of trans-regional communication and exchange, and argues that (2.) these conditions were not superseded but reinforced by the rise of nation states and their international relations. They are based on processes of cultural standardisation, differentiation and competition, which also fuel and transform elite formation and elite competition. (3.) With the emergence of international organisations in the wake of World War II, historical processes of international standardisation and competition were extended to national education systems. (4.) National education systems are currently witnessing a transformation which originates partly from the competition between national and international elites, and partly from new dynamics in international migration.  相似文献   

In recent years, the need for didactic training in the field of higher education has become a focus of education policy. According to empirical evidence, however, only some of the university teaching staff participate in training opportunities. So far, only little empirical research has been undertaken to investigate the determinants of training intention in the area of university didactics. This article applies Ajzen’s theory of planned behavior (TPB), for the first time, to this specific context and highlights the importance of perceived behavioral control and attitude in explaining training intention. For subjective norm, however, no direct effect could be found. In addition to the TPB predictors, direct and indirect effects of previous training participation on intention as well as the effect of training context on perceived behavioral control were assessed. Adding past behavior to the model resulted in a direct effect on intention and an increase of explained variance. With regard to the question of the sufficiency of the TPB, possible explanations are discussed.  相似文献   

Several prominent scientists, philosophers, and scientific institutions have argued that science cannot test supernatural worldviews on the grounds that (1) science presupposes a naturalistic worldview (Naturalism) or that (2) claims involving supernatural phenomena are inherently beyond the scope of scientific investigation. The present paper argues that these assumptions are questionable and that indeed science can test supernatural claims. While scientific evidence may ultimately support a naturalistic worldview, science does not presuppose Naturalism as an a priori commitment, and supernatural claims are amenable to scientific evaluation. This conclusion challenges the rationale behind a recent judicial ruling in the United States concerning the teaching of “Intelligent Design” in public schools as an alternative to evolution and the official statements of two major scientific institutions that exert a substantial influence on science educational policies in the United States. Given that science does have implications concerning the probable truth of supernatural worldviews, claims should not be excluded a priori from science education simply because they might be characterized as supernatural, paranormal, or religious. Rather, claims should be excluded from science education when the evidence does not support them, regardless of whether they are designated as ‘natural’ or ‘supernatural’.  相似文献   

This contribution aims to lay down the theoretical potential of accompaniment as a phenomenon and developing this point further from a pedagogical perspective. The core assumption is that accompaniment represents both a pedagogically relevant phenomenon of action as well as an essential characteristic of the system. In this sense, accompaniment can be understood as creating a possibility for looking at phenomena of education on a micro and a macro level. Thus, the assumption follows that a central signature of the social system – namely that of inclusion – has already been incorporated by the pedagogically organized system of lifelong learning a long time ago. This finding has far-reaching consequences for levelling the hierarchy between different layers of the education and learning systems.  相似文献   

In our study, we examine some theoretically relevant personal factors as predictors of students’ acquisition of knowledge of management accounting, a key area of business and economics studies in higher education. We modeled and assessed business and economics students’ knowledge of management accounting in Germany using an internationally proven accounting test that has been translated and adapted and comprehensively validated for higher education in Germany. A review of the international literature showed that potential predictors might include not only learning opportunities students have used during and prior to higher education, but also students’ socio-cultural background and gender. These factors were assessed in a survey of 1012 students studying at 23 institutions of higher education. Not surprisingly, a multilevel analysis confirmed that among the learning opportunities a course in management accounting has the greatest effect on students’ knowledge of management accounting. But when other potential predictors are controlled, completion of a commercial vocation training prior to university studies shows a positive effect, as well.  相似文献   

Like excellence, internationality has evolved into a key concept for German universities. This article reconstructs the manifold genesis of internationality as a principle for stratificatory claims on the basis of science policy documents. At the levels of student exchange, researcher mobility, and university cooperation, three changes are elaborated upon: the transition from the medieval universitas of the nationes to the national university, the increasing competitive orientation of a concept of internationality based on cooperation and cultural exchange, and the transformation of internationality under the auspices of excellence. At the same time, it will be shown how international understanding, exchange, and competition as guiding principles of an internationalization discourse are enacted differently in varying historical contexts. It will be demonstrated that internationality as a sign of excellence becomes a strategy for universities to position themselves as superior in their respective fields.  相似文献   

Evidence-based education aims at improving the effectiveness of educational interventions and programs through knowledge on the basis of rigorous scientific research. However, evidence-based education should not be equated with empirical educational research; nor should it be understood as an independent paradigm of educational science, because of its focus on educational practice. The specific notion of how science and practice relate to each other, which is fundamental to evidence-based education, is exposed to a threefold critique, namely concerning the technological conception of educational practice, the supposed abstinence from theory as frame for educational research, and the disregard of communication as medium of educational effectiveness. The last paragraph of the paper presents a reminiscent sketch of an alternative conception of the relation between science and practice as it can be found with some representatives of educational psychology.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the presentation and interpretation of PISA results by educational researchers, whereby the topics Development of student performance in international comparison, Social background and competence acquisition, Acquisition of competencies of students with a migration background and Identification of a risk group were selected for analysis. The findings indicate that the presentation and interpretation of PISA results by educational researchers do not provide a solid basis for evidence-based educational policy: the researchers present different and partially contradictory interpretations, as well as various and partial incompatible recommendations. Moreover, particular results are not robust, and concerning some research areas the embedding into competing findings is not offered. In view of this analysis, the paper closes with a skeptical appraisal regarding the concept of evidence-based educational policy.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between having a special educational needs background (SEN) and the likelihood of having friends in inclusive classes. We assumed that a combination of individual, dyadic and contextual variables can sufficiently explain the relation between a SEN diagnosis and the likelihood of friendship. Data analysis was based on a cross-sectional sample of students (N = 1241) in second and third grade primary-school classes. To address the different levels adequately, the present study improves upon previous research in two ways: First, the sociometric data were analyzed with the p2 model, a specialized multilevel network model. Second, the study focused solely on friendships and emphasized the concept’s unique features with respect to inclusive education. Data analysis indicated that students with SEN had a decreased probability of becoming friends with their classmates compared to students without SEN. Even when individual, dyadic, and contextual variables were included into the model, the association between a SEN diagnosis and the likelihood of friendship persisted. The implications of the results are discussed with respect to their implications for inclusive teaching practice.  相似文献   

Cooperation among organisations is a common practice in the area of continuing education. It is facilitated by education policy guidelines, initiatives and funding programs. However, it is still mostly unresolved, which specific advantages are realised by cooperation in the field of continuing education. The following article examines the effect of cooperation among adult education centres in increasing attendance in their continuing education courses. The examination is based on the statistics of adult education centres. The analysis is based on panel data, which help to identify causal connections between courses of cooperation and attendance. The results show that cooperation results in additional educational opportunities and thus increases the attendance numbers. In addition, cooperation among adult education centres holds the potential to attract previously unreached participants.  相似文献   

During the last decades, the education system has been marked by distinct processes of internationalisation. In the field of higher education, there are numerous and varied schools with different international profiles. This paper focuses on processes of internationalisation in the German sector of higher education. We contrast two higher secondary schools with international profiles: one international school in a West German metropolitan region with a long tradition and a younger internationally-profiled school located in the periphery of an East German urban centre. This institutional analysis presents school cultural similarities and differences with regard to different claims and concepts of internationality. This analysis is complemented by a reconstruction of three patterns of biographical meaning examining the internationality of pupils and their respective habitual fit to these internationally-profiled schools. We draw on qualitative data, consisting mainly of interviews with head teachers and pupils of these two schools. We argue that these differing regional forms of internationalisation indicate a stratification and hierarchisation in the field of higher education in Germany.  相似文献   

Societies need to make sure that the next generation is ready and capable to take over in due time, be it in working life, culture, civil society, politics or families. Therefore, society at large and specifically state governments need to assist the efforts of families and local communities. Such provisions have been the basic premise for general educational theories for centuries, when education was often named Democratic and Comprehensive Bildung. At present, this premise needs re-conceptualization, because societies are moving dramatically towards opening up for interactions and relations with the widest possible area: the globe. Many societal challenges have effects across nations, calling for trans-national coordination, management and solutions,—for homogenized and standard based policy making. At the same time, inspiration from multiple sources produce conflicting visions and rival discourses about what the purposes of and the means for education should be.In this paper we analyze and discuss two contemporary, fundamentally dissimilar discourses on education and their theoretical and societal roots. Our main method is discourse analysis. We argue for inclusion of a global world-view in national education. We shall be critical, however, to the technocratic turn and the homogenization of education per se and argue for a Democratic Bildung perspective in education for world citizenship.  相似文献   

文章从产学研合作视角分析与高职教育公益性的实现形式。通过强化产学研合作政策保障,强化产学研合作政策保障,搭建信息沟通平台,构筑产业链上的合作教育,多种形式的产学研合作,最终实现以产学研为基础的高职教育公益性内涵实现。  相似文献   

Drawing from a larger ethnographic study, in this research I examine how a group of newcomer Mexican immigrant high school students counteracted a hostile school climate, educational practices and adverse relationships with mainstream peers and adults. The purpose of this study is to help educators and policy makers understand how engaging in social justice movements in the educational context has helped immigrant students to counteract and reconstruct their adverse schooling experiences into positive contributions to their success. This study suggests that Mexican immigrant youth demonstrate agency through civic engagement and intra-tactical strategies that strengthen their linguistic, cultural, and learner identities. The article concludes with recommendations on how educators and policy makers can facilitate engagement in order to support and improve education for immigrant and Latina/o students.  相似文献   

Education policy and educational practitioners have increased their demand for evidence-based knowledge. In 2003, the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs (KMK) decided to establish a core dataset for individual-level administrative school statistics, the ?Kerndatensatz für schulstatistische Individualdaten“, to close the gaps in education statistics and to support evidence-based policy. In the federal state of Bremen, individual-level student data has been collected since 1997/98. These data are of great value for educational planning and policy, educational reporting, as well as educational research, as the analysis of individual educational trajectories depends on the availability of individual-level longitudinal data. Using the Bremen data, this paper demonstrates that highly relevant issues regarding the education system can indeed be analyzed with individual-level student data. Examples include: the effects of age at school entry, educational trajectories and graduation certificates. The results show that demographic information and critical events during early years of education are good predictors for educational success. These findings highlight the potential for student-level data in establishing education policy.  相似文献   

Self-efficacy in classroom management and knowledge on classroom management are important teacher resources regarding their health. Fostering student teachers in their self-efficacy in classroom management and situated knowledge on classroom management is a promising approach for reducing reality shock at the beginning of in-service teaching. Thus, the present quasi-experimental pre-post control group study investigates whether video-based and practice-oriented coursework in teacher education can promote self-efficacy in classroom management and the professional vision of classroom management. Analyzing own classroom videos as well as analyzing videos from other teachers lead to a significantly higher latent increase in self-efficacy and professional vision than that of a control group. This was only the case for professional vision in a course with own teaching elements but without video analysis.  相似文献   

This article deals with the disciplinary development of school pedagogy using the example of the development of general didactics theories. Addressing the question of progress in scientific knowledge of general didactics, we examine whether school pedagogy has established typical forms of disciplinary communication. In order to answer this question, we present the findings from a research project on the representations of the concept of didactics in pedagogical reference books. New knowledge from didactical research is rarely reported and the predominance of a few approaches cannot be explained by the availability of more or substantial knowledge. The findings confirm recent research which demonstrates that school pedagogy exhibits structural characteristics of a scientific discipline but makes only limited use of those to maintain typical forms of disciplinary communication.  相似文献   

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