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Classroom management is one of the most important factors regarding the quality of teaching, because effective classroom management contributes to maximizing time on task. In an expert-novice study, strategies and interventions of effective classroom management were explored. Videotaped lessons of eleven experts and six novice teachers were analyzed comparatively, sequence by sequence. The study focused on transitions between seatwork or groupwork and two-way-presentations. The results strengthen the hypothesis that experts?? performance differs significantly from the performance of novices. Experts not only notice students?? difficulties in following the program of action at an early stage, but they also use many different strategies and interventions to direct the activity flow continuously and to activate the whole class. In comparison, novices often disrupt the timeflow themselves, they focus their attention selectively on parts of the class, and they are more prone to becoming absorbed when interacting with single students. An important aspect of experts?? competence is that they are able to intertwine single interventions. To put it another way: experts orchestrate their interventions virtuously.  相似文献   

In the discourse on primary school choice in Germany, the topic of internationality is often explained with reference to multilingualism. This article shows how multilingualism is used as an argument in various ways to justify parental decisions to choose or to avoid certain primary schools. The combination of the results from two different projects dealing with parental school choice allows a closer look at the school choice situation in Berlin. The article provides a critical perspective on the fact that the topics of internationality and multilingualism are used to negotiate a wider range of topics and problems.  相似文献   

Traditional procedures for measuring school performance, which focus on selection and grading, are being increasingly criticized for their negative effects on pupil motivation, teaching and learning processes. The German academic discussion in the field of education science is subsequently focusing on alternative forms of performance measurement and grading, e.g. using portfolios or learning diaries. International literature shows, in contrast, a broader, more empirically oriented discussion on different forms of performance measurement with the goal of optimizing teaching and learning processes (formative assessment). This theoretical paper will investigate whether a more extensive reception of the literature on formative assessment could give new impulses to the German discussion on reforming performance measurement.  相似文献   

As large-scale international school evaluation studies of the past decade show, there is a correlation between the academic success and the command of the language used in the classroom. The heterogeneity of linguistic experience, knowledge, ability, and interest in the mainstream classroom therefore requires special attention in the development of academic language and discourse, and presuppose explicit teaching and learning strategies. This contribution discusses “academic language” in its several dimensions and its impact on education research and practice. A strategy for arranging classroom activities is presented, based on socio-cultural theory, which enhances verbal interaction and teacher-guided talk, and integrates academic language and content learning through joint construction. It thus aims to give all students in multilingual settings access to academic language. Analyzing an example of classroom interaction in a German primary school, the paper reflects on the potentials of this strategy in multilingual classroom settings and urges for further systematic empirical research in this field.  相似文献   

The transition from teacher training into the teaching profession is seen to be key in the biography of a teacher. Yet there is a lack of enquiry into the development of the content knowledge (CK) and pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) held by teachers at the end of their education, and into the significance of this knowledge for situational and behavioural cognition. On the basis of data from the international comparative study TEDS-M 2008 and the Germany-based 2012 follow-up, this contribution investigates the knowledge and skills development of teachers during the transition from teacher training to the teaching profession in a four-year longitudinal study with n = 171 mathematics teachers. Three test formats (paper-and-pencil, video-vignettes and speed tests) are used to examine various indicators for teacher expertise. In addition to the analysis of changes in mathematical CK and PCK levels, path analysis is used to determine the extent to which this knowledge functions as a predictor for the perception and interpretation of classroom situations, the decision-making in these situations, and the quick identification of student mistakes. The results show only small changes in the group mean (for MCK there is a small loss, whereas MPCK remains constant), but high fluctuation (i. e. weak correlation) in the MPCK ranking between the two measurement occasions, pointing to differential learning effects gained from teaching practice. There are also significant differences in predictability: MCK is important for the speed indicators of teacher expertise; MCK and MPCK for the perception and interpretation of situations, and for the generation of action strategies. These findings can on the one hand help to facilitate the evaluation of beginning teachers’ need for support and, on the other hand, they indicate the necessity for the early integration of practice-based elements into teacher training programmes with the aim of developing PCK and related skills.  相似文献   

The performance of education systems is significantly influenced by the quality of teaching/learning processes. On the basis of empirical research, the programme for evidence-based educational research also contributes to improving the quality of teaching/learning processes. Hereby, new requirements for the insight of educational research as well as for the accelerated transfer of research findings into politics and practice have been formulated. Currently, the programme is strongly criticised by political and scientific stakeholders with regard to both its desirability and its feasibility. This report traces the debate on evidence-based educational reforms, systematically outlines the central topics of discussion, and views the current state of research on the contribution of empirical educational research to political and practical reforms. Particular attention is paid to the effects on teaching/learning processes.  相似文献   

The present paper reports on an empirical study which investigated learning with text and animations in the science classroom. In a 2?×?2 design the presence of multimedia learning material instruction (text only vs. text + animations) as well as the modality of the explanatory text (spoken vs. written) were tested. Prior to learning, students’ motivation to learn was assessed as a continuous factor. Recall and transfer were assessed immediately after learning. The results show better recall of information for learners with multimedia materials, providing the animations were accompanied by spoken text. However, in contrast to the positive effects of domain-specific motivation this multimedia effect was not evident for transfer. The effects of multimedia design were independent of motivation. Implications for future studies are discussed.  相似文献   

Which kinds of content- and language-integrated interventions can better support mathematical learning, depending on students’ language background, as measured by communication on the discourse level or additional lexical training on the word level? A control trial compared interventions with two different materials (discursive versus lexical-discursive, each 5 × 90?min.) with respect to the dependent variable of conceptual and procedural knowledge for fractions. The effects are investigated differentially for four language groups: monolinguals versus bilinguals, each with higher versus lower German language proficiency (n = 343). For both interventions, the ANOVA shows an increase of mathematical knowledge for the experimental group, which is significantly higher than for the control group, but no significant difference between the interventions. The intervention with lexical-discursive materials led to a slightly higher increase of knowledge in the post test, but the discursive intervention was superior in the follow up test. Monolingual and multilingual students had similar patterns of growth without differential pattern. However, the proficient monolingual students tend to profit more from the interventions, especially from the lexical-discursive intervention.  相似文献   

“Transfer” from research into practical applications is mostly seen as an autonomous domain between research and practice. For educational research, the author develops a conception in which transfer is a part of research, especially of applied educational research with a focus on teaching activities and teaching-learning materials. The criticism of traditional teaching research is examined and a research and development approach to didactics is proposed as a chance to combine theory and practice. The article comprises considerations on the scientific nature of research and development in didactics borrowing concepts from Bunge and Stokes and R & D in the economic sciences. The last section shows two research examples and closes with considerations for process and product evaluation in didactic research and development.  相似文献   

At the turn of the 18th to the 19tb Century, pictures from books and leaflets developed into didactic wall charts. Between 1860 and 1960 the wall charts became the decisive medium of teaching. Three factors favoured this process: didactic theory formation, the invention of lithography, and compulsory schooling, which was gradually generalised during that period. Chance and the spirit of the time also had a role to play in the publication and presentation of wall charts, as well as the evolution in teaching methods. The selection of the pictures we will use, was governed by the principles of information, conceptualisation and aesthetic education. Reality itself served as a model for the illustrators, which can be demonstrated by pictures from history and geography lessons. Nevertheless, the didactic efforts to present as much information as possible on the one hand and to instruct the children with precise and highly desired conceptualisations of the reality on the other hand, led to an overloading of the context as well as to an unrealistic simplification of the complexities presented in the wall charts.  相似文献   

This contribution investigates the developmental side of organizational learning. It starts out from the hypothesis that those conditions of successful learning and development competency, which can be externally influenced, are indeed independent of specific organizations and can be identified empirically. On the basis of the current results of an empirical investigation in the area of adult education, we will present a detailed profile of the requirements of a learning further education organization consisting of the dimensions organizational leadership, strategy, structure and culture, core competencies and treatment of knowledge and organizational environment. This profile was generated through a three-stepped research process combining theoretical, empirical and developmental approaches.  相似文献   

This study addresses a competency of students’ historical thinking related to taking perspectives. We start by discussing socio-cognitive theories from psychology as well as approaches from history education that focus on this competency. We also present empirical findings concerning relationships between achievement, self-concept and interest in the subject of history and connect these findings with the competency to take historical perspectives. Our research questions target this relationship between indicators of achievement and motivation in the subject of history, the competency of historical perspective taking and students’ socio-cognitive ability to adopt social perspectives in their everyday lives. These questions are investigated using a cross-sectional design with 375 grammar school students in grades 7 and 10. Results indicate that in grade 7 the competency to take historical perspectives relates to students’ ability to coordinate social perspectives in their everyday lives. For 10th graders, however, the adoption of historical perspectives is closely related to subject-specific variables such as interest for history, self-concept, history grade and achievement in a test of historical knowledge. In the last section of this paper, we discuss challenges that arise when students’ competencies in a subject like history are assessed within the context of standard-based testing. Specifically, we raise the issues of reliability, validity, the context-specificity of measurements, the kinds of response formats used and the formulation of progression models of historical thinking.  相似文献   

In Deutschland liegt seit 2003 ein Konzept zur Entwicklung nationaler Bildungsstandards vor. Bildungsstandards beziehen sich auf einen bestimmten Lernbereich. Innerhalb der Standards dieser Lernbereiche sollen zudem f?cherübergreifende Bildungsziele als Standards berücksichtigt werden. Lernkompetenzen, die in diesem Artikel fokussiert werden. stehen in einer Zusammenstellung m?glicher f?cherübergreifender Bildungsziele an erster Stelle. Im Gegensatz zur Umsetzung von fachlichen Kompetenzen als Bildungsstandards liegen bislang allerdings keine Vorschl?ge vor, wie Lernkompetenzen innerhalb der Standards der einzelnen Lernbereiche umgesetzt werden k?nnen. Der vorliegende Artikel soll einen Beitrag zur Kl?rung der Frage leisten, inwiefern dies auf der Basis des vorliegenden Konzepts nationaler Bildungsstandards realisierbar ist. Die Diskussion zwei der zentralsten Punkte des Bildungsstandardskonzepts zeigt. dass sich Lernkompetenzen ohne eine Reformulierung des Referenzrahmens von Bildungsstandards nur partiell als Standards umsetzen lassen. Im letzten Kapitel werden in der Folge Umsetzungsm?glichkeiten zur Etablierung von Lernkompetenzen als Bildungsstandards diskutiert.  相似文献   

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