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The overview article deals with the interaction of internal and external evaluation within the current paradigm of school governance. The actual practice of both approaches and the current state of research about the effects on school development is described. Both evaluation approaches are less focused on aspects of school output such as student performance, and more on school processes such as school management or the quality of teaching. External evaluation in the form of school inspection mainly fulfills the function of accountability and the identification of weak schools. Internal evaluation is probably a better way to achieve school development. However, the necessary competence to use internal evaluation as a systematic process of quality management for which each individual school takes responsibility is currently underdeveloped. Considerations about the future relationship between internal and external evaluation focus on using external evaluation as a kind of “meta-evaluation”. But before external evaluation can build on results of internal evaluation in this way, a broad capacity building in schools and a different understanding of the role of inspectors are necessary.  相似文献   

This article overviews the criticism which has been published since about 2001 concerning educational research and the related debates. Discussion contributions are classified into six different topics, four of which are expatiated on in this issue: the topic of (1) education theory, (2) discipline policy, (3) governance theory, and (4) teaching theory. To all these four topics the course of debate is shortly presented regarding criticism and counter criticism, in order to give a view to more articles of this issue. Thus a continuous controversial, partly even polemical discussion is described, which will be proceeded in this issue factually and argumentative.  相似文献   

At the beginning problems of reconstructing the recent development of empirical educational research are discussed, especially problems resulting from its interdisciplinary character, its divergent institutional contexts and its multimethod approach. The next parts deal with the position of and relation between various disciplines involved in educational research in Germany. Compared to previous times currently important shifts concerning the relation between involved disciplines can be observed. It is a quarrel about responsibility, about the right do define success criteria and about resources. Neither from practical nor theoretical contexts, however, an indisputable Archimedean point can be obtained – where such a point would lie is precisely debatable.  相似文献   

In this paper, the so far hardly explored history of empirical educational research (Bildungsforschung) in West Germany between 1945 and the 1990s is examined and roughly surveyed. The focus is on the 1950/1951 established German Institute for International Educational Research (DIPF) in Frankfurt on the Main, whose foundation was closely linked to the policy of the US occupation forces in Germany. Also considered is the history of the Berlin Max Planck Institute for Human Development (MPIB), which was founded in 1963. It is suggested that the Frankfurt institute was a pioneer of educational research and that its foundation took place quasi-necessarily as a non-university institute due to the political and scientific context conditions at the time. Therefore, the history of the MPIB can be understood adequately only on the background of the DIPF’s history and the further development of educational research should be analyzed with special regard to the specific conditions of non-university research in Germany. Looking ahead, the desideratum of a transnational history of empirical educational research in West Germany is outlined which basically fathoms the development of science as a result of complex interactions with other social knowledge and action fields.  相似文献   

Education policy and educational practitioners have increased their demand for evidence-based knowledge. In 2003, the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs (KMK) decided to establish a core dataset for individual-level administrative school statistics, the ?Kerndatensatz für schulstatistische Individualdaten“, to close the gaps in education statistics and to support evidence-based policy. In the federal state of Bremen, individual-level student data has been collected since 1997/98. These data are of great value for educational planning and policy, educational reporting, as well as educational research, as the analysis of individual educational trajectories depends on the availability of individual-level longitudinal data. Using the Bremen data, this paper demonstrates that highly relevant issues regarding the education system can indeed be analyzed with individual-level student data. Examples include: the effects of age at school entry, educational trajectories and graduation certificates. The results show that demographic information and critical events during early years of education are good predictors for educational success. These findings highlight the potential for student-level data in establishing education policy.  相似文献   

“Deutsche Schule”, the journal of the German Association of Teachers, was an important forum for the social education debate during the German empire. The author describes this discussion, which took place between 1897 and 1914, on the basis of essays published in the “Deutsche Schule”. Central is the relation between educational task and theory. Within the generally accepted educational task of strengthening the unity of the cultural nation, this early social education debate developed into a controversial discussion over the social and sociological elements of education policy and theory.  相似文献   

The term and schope ‘inclusion’ features prominently in public, political and pedagogical discussion. However, from an academic point in view there is neither a clear understanding of the term, nor it is clarified how the partially contradictory ideas of inclussion as a social principle and inclusion in its realisation in the field of education are related to one another. The article clarifies the term of inclusion by an interdisciplinary academic reflection of the normative settings and single patterns of logic. Therefore, the relationship between ideal and the reality is elaborated by referring to an ethical and philosophical body of thought. Then educational theory is used to reconsider how inclusive principle of the school system can be understood. Finally, implementation measures of the inclusive principle and the aporia linked with them are discussed, amongst others referring to discourses in sociology, school pedagogy and school psychology. Academic perspectives and profession-related implications are discussed using the example of teacher education.  相似文献   

In this article theoretical aspects of historically formed differences between living spaces and educational spaces are examined. From different spatial science perspectives, aspects of unboundedness, of narrowing and of exclusion are taken into account and understood as forms of territorialisation or of de- or reterritorialization processes. Along the perspectives of ‘immaterial space reproductions’, ‘spatial practices’, ‘architecture’ and ‘spatial contexts’ key results of spatial sensitive educational research is outlined. As desiderata especially methodological problems but also content-related ‘blind spots’ are discussed. The development of empirical research and a theoretical perspective is addressed with which it can be asked for the educational potential of societal and especially pedagogical space relations in view to the interwoven power-and-subjectification practices.  相似文献   

Der Gesetzgeber hat in völlig ungewöhnlicher Weise bei der Regelung des Studienabschluss-Stipendiums zwischen im Rahmen der Privatwirtschaftsverwaltung und im Rahmen der Hoheitsverwaltung zu vollziehenden Agenden unterschieden. Im ersten Teil des Aufsatzes wurden die Regelungen der im Rahmen der Privatwirtschaftsverwaltung erfolgenden Stipendiumsgewährung näher analysiert. Nunmehr sollen die, die Studienbeihilfenbehörde zur Rückforderung einer Stipendiumszahlung mit Bescheid verpflichtenden Bestimmungen dargelegt werden. Besonders der Umstand, dass die Studienabschluss-Stipendien unabhängig von den Studienbeihilfen nach dem StudFG geregelt wurden, führt zu wenig naheliegenden Konstellationen einer Nichtrückforderbarkeit von Stipendiumszahlungen. Abschließend wird gezeigt, dass nicht auf eine Stipendiumsvereinbarung stützbare Auszahlungen nur im Zivilrechtsweg rückforderbar sind.  相似文献   

This article examines whether students’ learning gains in reading and mathematics depend on the time of their transition from elementary school to the academic track of secondary schooling. Drawing on data from the ELEMENT study, the learning gains of fifth and sixth graders in elementary schools (N?=?3167) and academic-track schools with various curricular profiles (N?=?1758) in Berlin were modelled by regression and propensity score matching (PSM) analyses. When baseline differences between the school types were controlled, analyses for reading did not reveal statistically significant differences at all. Findings for mathematics were inconsistent depending on the method of analysis. Regression analysis showed statistically significant results of small effect size in favour of the academic-track schools. However, this finding could not be replicated by means of PSM. The study does not provide evidence for a generally positive effect of early transition to the academic track of secondary schooling with respect to mathematics and reading performance. Theoretical and methodological implications and limitations of the study are discussed.  相似文献   

Indicators of social background belong to the standard set of instruments for empirical research in education. Construction of valid ranking scales and category systems for social background depends on a differentiated surveying of the occupation and vocational activity of parents. Coding such details using standard procedures is a complex process. This contribution investigates the intercoder-reliability of occupational codes according to ISCO-88 and the indicators for socio-economic status (ISEI) based on these codes using a random sample of 300 graduates surveyed on the occupation of their father and mother. To this aim, we compared a double-coding by professional coders and a double-coding by the research team. The results show a match of around 50 percent between the two coding groups. The validity of the index of socio-economic status based on the data was, however, very good. The correlation between ISEI-values based on the coding from the different coders was very high. The predication of family background did not vary between the coding of the different coding groups.  相似文献   

Over the last few years, German federal states have increasingly emphasized and strengthened the subjects regarded as core domains of the Gymnasium (the academic school track), including German, mathematics, foreign languages and, to some extent, science subjects (biology, chemistry, physics) by reducing the number of course and examination options through specific educational reforms. The present study investigates consequences of the reform of upper secondary schooling in the federal state of Saxony on the learning time allocated to subjects and on achievement in the domains of mathematics, English and natural sciences. As expected, the mandatory course selection of science subjects introduced through the reform led to substantially higher achievement levels in physics and chemistry. Moreover, disparities in achievement in the subjects of chemistry and biology were reduced. The reform effects on average achievement levels were strongly associated with course level choices (basic course, advanced course, drop out). Achievement rates relating to course level were, however, largely independent of the amount of allocated learning time. No changes were observed with regard to achievement levels and disparities in mathematics and English.  相似文献   

Educational research has introduced different models for the professional knowledge of (pre-service) teachers. Existing studies show major differences regarding the construct of content knowledge, which is often conceptualized based on school subject knowledge and varies with respect to academic content knowledge. The latter indicates that the question of what content knowledge teachers need has yet to be resolved. This question is particularly relevant from the perspective of teacher education at universities, since pre-service teachers for secondary schools are usually taught academic content knowledge. In this article we suggest a model of the discipline-specific teacher knowledge that includes pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) alongside two constructs of content knowledge: academic content knowledge (CK) and school-related content knowledge (SRCK). Findings from two studies for the subject area mathematics confirm that the components are empirically separable and that the three-dimensional model is superior to the two-dimensional model (CK, PCK). Moreover, the new construct SRCK holds potential for the investigation of the knowledge of pre-service teachers.  相似文献   

The basis of this study is a prognostic model derived from the theory of work and organizational psychology, from research about the selection of college students and from teaching and learning research. The model includes cognitive and psycho-motivational criteria for selecting students as well as objective and subjective indicators for study and job success. In a four-year longitudinal study with three measuring points, the prognostic validity of the selection criteria is tested (n?=?760). The basic hypotheses are that differences in the prognostic validity of the model for teacher training and subject-specific diploma students (both in the area of mathematics) exist, and that it is easier to predict study success than job success. Secondary school exit exam, classes in advanced mathematics, interest in mathematics, subject-specific study motivation and self-efficacy are the predictive indicators taken into account. Evaluative indicators for study success are study duration, intentions of dropping out, stress experiences, the results of university exit exam and students’ second state exam. Evaluative indicators for occupational success are the job status five years after graduation, job satisfaction and stress experiences. Bivariate correlations and regression analyses support the leading hypotheses.  相似文献   

W?hrend der Identit?tsbegriff sich einerseits weiterhin gro?er Beliebtheit erfreut, ger?t er andererseits zunehmend in die Kritik. Vertreter postmoderner Optionen pl?dieren u.a. mit Rekurs auf den Philosophen Welsch für dessen Verabschiedung. Kritisiert werden vor allen die mit dem modernen Identit?tskonzept verbundenen Konzeptionen von Koh?renz und Kontinuit?t. Welschs Option wird hier einer mehrperspektivischen Analyse unterzogen, wobei jenseits der Differenzen verschiedener Diskurse Gemeinsamkeiten zwischen modernen und postmodernen Optionen aufscheinen. übrig bleibt ein formaltheoretisches Konzept der Subjektkonstituierung, das für die p?dagogisch Praxis nicht taugt.  相似文献   

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