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中老年肥胖男性身体活动水平与能量消耗特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王欢  江崇民  尚文元 《体育科学》2011,31(11):21-26
以中老年男性肥胖人群为对象,同正常体重人群相比,研究肥胖人群自由生活下的身体活动水平、静息代谢、特定活动下的能耗代谢率、能源底物利用特征,为肥胖机制研究和干预措施制定提供参考。方法:14名50~60岁肥胖男性者(BMI>30)和15名体重正常者(BMI=23)使用加速度计RT3连续7天测量身体活动。之后使用Cortex MetaMax 3 B进行静息代谢和特定身体活动能耗的测量(坐、站、步行3.2 km/h,4.8 km/h,6.4 km/h)。结果:1)肥胖者的每日总能耗、身体活动能耗、中等强度以上活动能耗、中等以上活动的累计时间都显著大于对照组(P<0.05)。调整了体重因素后,肥胖者单位体重每日能耗/kg略低于对照组,而单位体重身体活动能耗显著高于对照组。2)肥胖组静息能耗高于体重正常组,若是以单位体重计算,静息代谢率显著低于体重正常组(P<0.05)。3)在坐、站、走活动中,肥胖组消耗的能量显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。若以公斤体重计算能耗,肥胖组坐姿和站姿的相对能耗略低于对照组,步行的相对能耗两组无差别。4)相同运动下两组人群安静平卧、坐、站、3.2 km/h和4.8 km/h步行时的呼吸交换率没有差异。6.4 km/h步行时,肥胖组的呼吸交换率显著高于体重正常组(P<0.05)。5)用回归统计法分析影响肥胖的危险因素,静息代谢率可以作为预测肥胖的因子。结论:肥胖人群的身体活动量和每日消耗能量不低于体重正常组,造成肥胖的原因很可能与能量消耗有关,较低的静息代谢率是肥胖发生的重要因素。此外,运动中脂肪氧化能力下降也可能是肥胖危险因素。  相似文献   

目的了解中老年人能量代谢特点及其变化机制,以及运动对中老年人能量代谢的影响。方法文献资料法。结果与结论随着中老年人年龄的增长,中老年人的能量代谢特点出现变化,主要特点是,有关体力活动的能量消耗降低,基础代谢下降,原因是骨骼肌、神经系统、心血管系统、呼吸系统等的功能下降,老年人活动受限以及产能器官线粒体的功能退变所导致。有氧运动与抗阻力运动对中老年人的能量代谢和基础代谢具有一定的促进作用。  相似文献   

探讨补充蜂胶黄酮对过度训练小鼠心肌能量代谢酶的影响,为延缓或消除运动性疲劳探索新的途径.方法:雄性KM小鼠40只,被随机分为灌喂水安静(A) 组、灌喂蜂胶黄酮安静(B) 组、灌喂水训练(C) 组和灌喂蜂胶黄酮训练(D) 组,训练组采用递增强度游泳训练.小鼠在适应性喂养1周及运动训练4周后,进行实验指标的测试.结果:高强度训练使小鼠心肌组织严重受损,而补充蜂胶黄酮可以不同程度地增强心肌组织抗氧化酶(SOD、CAT、GSH-Px)、能量代谢酶(CK、LDH、SDH)及ATP酶的活性(P<0.05),且可以降低心肌组织MDA的含量(P<0.05).结论: 蜂胶黄酮可以改善机体能量代谢, 延缓疲劳出现,对小鼠心肌组织具有保护作用.  相似文献   

为了能够求出一个具有普遍意义的确定MET值(安静时能量代谢)的方法,从而提高运动能量代谢测定的准确性,本实验对82名不同职业的我国中青年人进行了基础代谢和安静时能量代谢的测定。其结果,二者的比值为1.27,因此,进行运动能量代谢测定时只需要用受试者的基础代谢乘以1.27便可得出MET值。  相似文献   

目的:通过对单纯性肥胖儿童几种主要运动手段能量代谢率进行研究,了解肥胖儿童主要运动手段的能量消耗率,为儿童运动减肥提供科学依据.方法:按身高标准体重选出30名10-11岁肥胖儿童,用便携式能量代谢仪测定其主要手段的能量代谢率.结果:10~11岁肥胖儿童安静能量代谢率为(1.15±0.29) kcal/m2· min,慢跑为(5.38±0.72)kcal/m2· min,爬行为(6.12±0.874)kcal/m2·min,30b/min斜卧撑为(2.96±0.22)kcal/m2· min,60b/min跳绳为(3.28±0.31) kcal/m2· min,60b/min高抬腿为(2.78±0.35)kcal/m2· min.结论:各项运动手段的该能量代谢率可以为肥胖儿童运动减肥提供科学依据.  相似文献   

通过对国家速度滑冰集训队和解放军冰上基地运动员高原训练前后肺活量、气体代谢、能量代谢、酶活性、血乳酸等生理生化指标进行测试,旨在探索高原训练对速滑运动员机体代谢水平的影响及所产生的生物学效应,为高原训练和比赛提供科学依据。研究发现,高原训练后能量代谢活跃,高原训练前后测值显示差异较大,酶活性指标改变不明显。高原训练对运动员机体产生应激作用较大,可以作为提高速滑运动员竞技能力的有效方法,在应用过程中还要根据受试者个体差异合理安排训练计划。  相似文献   

最早进行太空飞行的载人飞船:苏联的单座“东方1号”飞船(图⑾)。1961年4月12日,它由“东方号”运载火箭(图⑿)发射。飞船由球形再入舱、仪器舱和推火箭发动机组成,总重量约4.7吨。生命保障系统可供飞行10昼夜。飞船既可以自动控制,也可由航天员手动控制。再入舱返回地球距地面高度7千米时,航天员可弹射  相似文献   

第三讲身体活动的主要能源——糖和脂肪人体每天进行着各种身体活动,不断消耗大量的能。组织中直接供能的物质虽然是三磷酸腺苷(ATP),但在全部能量代谢过程中ATP可以不断地通过再合成得到补充,最终消耗的却是糖类和脂类,其中最主要的是糖类。  相似文献   

目的:了解登楼梯能量消耗状况以及探讨能耗测量和计算方法.方法:30名受试者登12层楼(每级台阶高度16 cm,共204级台阶,垂直距离32.6 m),每位受试者以90步/min和100步/min的步频上下两次楼梯.在登楼梯过程中,通过便携式肺功能仪(德国CORTEX MgtaMax 3B)测量受试者的摄氧量、通气量、能耗、心率、呼吸商、氧脉搏等指标.结果:上下楼梯的能量消耗比是2.7;1;在一定步频范围内,随着步频的提高,能耗相应增加,两者呈线性关系.以90~100步/min上下楼梯可以代表日常登楼速度;以90~100步/min登12层楼的运动时间不到3 min,多数受试者的能耗、心率等生理指标经过快速上升期后进入稳定状态;登楼梯的能耗值有明显的年龄和性别差异,20岁组男性显著高于50岁组男性和20岁组女性;利用多项式回归建立的登楼梯能耗预测方程,能够准确反映日常爬不同楼层的能量消耗值.  相似文献   

目的探讨国外社区建成环境对儿童青少年身体活动的影响,以求对国内社区建成环境的完善提供借鉴,为国内儿童青少年身体活动营造更好的发展环境。方法采用系统文献综述法,在Spriner Link、 PubMed和Web of science等电子文献数据库中进行文献检索,根据纳入标准和排除标准筛选出14篇关于社区建成环境和身体活动的相关文献开展综述研究。结果社区建成环境特征中,土地混合利用、街道连通性、街道大小、交通安全、目的地可及性对促进儿童青少年身体活动有积极影响;而安全(照明差、路面裂痕)、景观性(社区美学,卫生问题)与交通环境(减速带少、车流量大)等则对儿童青少年身体活动有阻碍作用。结论不同国家所具备的研究背景、研究设计和测量工具等的多样性都会在不同程度上导致研究结果出现差异。这项研究发现可以为实践者和研究者提供参考,使他们能够在不同的环境下对促进或阻碍儿童青少年身体活动水平的社区建成因素做出合理的决定。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of the location (ankle, hip, wrist) where an activity monitor (AM) is worn and of the minimum bout duration (BD) on physical activity (PA) variables during free-living monitoring. Study 1 participants wore AMs at three locations for 1 day while wearing the Intelligent Device for Energy Expenditure and Activity (IDEEA) system. Study 2 participants wore AMs at the same locations for 3 days. Variables included time (TMV, min/day) and AEE (AEEMV, kcal/day) for each monitor location and BD above a moderate-vigorous (MV) intensity. TMV and AEEMV in Study 1 were similar across AMs to IDEEA values at BD = 10 min, as was TMV in Study 2. This suggests that ankle-, wrist- and hip-worn AMs can provide similar PA outcome values during free-living monitoring at 10-min BDs.  相似文献   

The purpose of the current study was to determine the accuracy of the Fitbit Charge HR and Hexoskin smart shirt. Participants (n = 32, age: 23.5 ± 1.3 years) wore a Fitbit and Hexoskin while performing 14 activities in a laboratory and on a track (lying, sitting, standing, walking various speeds and inclines, jogging, and cycling). Steps, kcals, heart rate, breathing rate, depth, and volume were measured by the Fitbit and Hexoskin and compared to criterion measures. The Fitbit and Hexoskin had low mean absolute percent error for steps (9.7%, 9.4%). The mean absolute percent error was low for heart rate (6.6% and 2.4%), with the Fitbit underestimating heart rate at higher intensities. Both devices had high mean absolute percent error for kcals (43.7% and 27.9%, respectively), and the Hexoskin had high mean absolute percent error for breathing rate, depth, and volume (19.4%, 35.6%, and 33.6%, respectively). The Fitbit and Hexoskin have utility for measurement of some, but not all, physical activity and physiologic variables which they measure.  相似文献   


A comparative evaluation of the ability of activity monitors to predict energy expenditure (EE) is necessary to aid in the investigation of the effect of EE on health. The purpose of this study was to validate and compare the RT3, the SWA and the IDEEA at measuring EE in adults and children. Twenty-six adults and 22 children completed a resting metabolic rate (RMR) test and performed four treadmill activities at 3 km.h?1, 6 km.h?1, 6 km.h?1 at a 10% incline, 9 km.h?1. EE was assessed throughout the protocol by the RT3, the SWA and the IDEEA. Indirect calorimetry (IC) was used as a criterion measure of EE against which each monitor was compared. Mean bias was assessed by subtracting EE from IC from EE from each monitor for each activity. Limit of agreement plots were used to assess the agreement between each monitor and IC. Limits of agreement for resting EE were narrowest for the RT3 for adults and children. Although the IDEEA displayed the smallest mean bias between measures at 3 km.h?1, 6 km.h?1 and 9 km.h?1 in adults and children, the SWA agreed closest with IC at 6 km.h?1, 6 km.h?1 at a 10% incline and 9 km.h?1. Limits of agreement were closest for the SWA at 9 km.h?1 in adults representing 42% of the overall mean EE. Although the RT3 provided the best estimate of resting EE in adults and children, the SWA provided the most accurate estimate of EE across a range of physical activity intensities.  相似文献   

This research, which was conducted with crew members of an America's Cup team, had the following objectives: (a) to assess energy expenditure and intake during training; (b) to evaluate the sailors' diet, and (c) to identify any dietary flaws to determine the appropriate intake of nutrients, correct possible dietary mistakes, and improve their food habits. Energy expenditure was estimated on 15 sailors using direct measurements (oxygen consumption) and a 3-day activity questionnaire. Oxygen consumption was measured on sailors during both on-water America's Cup sailing training and dry-land fitness training. Composition of the diet was estimated using a 3-day food record. Average daily energy expenditure of the sailors ranged from 14.95 to 24.4 MJ, depending on body mass and boat role, with the highest values found in grinders and mastmen. Daily energy intake ranged from 15.7 to 23.3 MJ (from +6% to -18% of energy expenditure). The contributions of carbohydrate, protein, and fat to total energy intake were 43%, 18%, and 39% respectively, values that are not in accord with the recommended guidelines for athletes. Our results show the importance of assessing energy balance and food habits for America's Cup sailors performing different roles. The practical outcome of this study was that the sailors were given dietary advice and prescribed a Mediterranean diet, explained in specific nutrition lectures.  相似文献   


Several studies have examined energy expenditure in various sports but there is a lack of research on the contribution of exercise and habitual activity during different training periods. This study examined changes in total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) and its components during high- and low-volume training periods. Further, changes in time spent in sedentary, light, moderate and vigorous activity in response to different training volumes were explored. Energy expenditure was measured in 15 male endurance athletes during 2 non-consecutive weeks – 1 week of high volume (>13 hours) training and another week of low volume (<7 hours) training. The SenseWear Pro 3 Armband, individual heart-rate-oxygen consumption regression and indirect calorimetry was used to measure non-exercise activity thermogensis (NEAT), exercise energy expenditure (EEE) and resting metabolic rate, respectively. Time spent at different intensities was assessed using previously established MET cutpoints. TDEE as well as EEE increased significantly with higher training volume, while no difference in NEAT occurred. Further, significantly less time was spent in sedentary activities during the high-volume week. These results suggest that highly trained athletes do not compensate for increased training volume and reduce sedentary activities to allow for more training time.  相似文献   

The assessment of sprint velocity is useful for evaluating performance and guiding training interventions. In this paper, we describe an adaptive filtering algorithm to estimate sprint velocity using a single, sacrum-worn magneto-inertial measurement unit. Estimated instantaneous velocity, average 10 m interval velocity, and peak velocity during 40 m sprints from the proposed method were compared to a reference method using photocell position-time data. Concurrent validity of the proposed method was assessed using mean absolute error and mean absolute percent error for all velocity estimates. The significance of the mean error was assessed using a factorial ANOVA for average interval velocity and a paired-samples t test for peak velocity. Reliability was assessed using Bland–Altman 95% limits of agreement for repeated measures. Average interval velocity was underestimated early in the sprint (??0.25 to ??0.05 m/s) and overestimated later (0.13 m/s) with mean absolute error between 0.20 m/s (3.95%) and 0.62 m/s (7.78%). The average mean absolute error was 0.45 m/s (7.02%) for instantaneous velocity and 0.63 m/s (7.84%) for peak velocity. The limits of agreement grew progressively wider at greater distances (??0.59 to 0.34 m/s for 0–10 m and ??1.32 to 1.59 m/s for 30–40 m). The estimation error from the proposed method is comparable to other wearable sensor-based methods and suggests its potential use to assess sprint performance.  相似文献   

目的:了解优秀运动员在全程马拉松跑过程中通气量、摄氧量(V·O2)、潮气量、心率、总能耗、糖消耗量、脂肪消耗量以及乳酸产生量等的变化。方法:以1名肯尼亚优秀马拉松运动员为实验对象,在跑步机上以接近于其80%最大摄氧量(V·O2max)强度的18 km·h^-1速度完成全程马拉松跑,并在全过程中通过运动心肺测试系统采集能量代谢相关指标,并与3天前进行的V·O2max测试获得相关指标的最大值进行对比。结果:1)在马拉松过程中,单位时间内的V·O2、通气量、潮气量相对稳定,平均值分别占递增速度V·O2max测试中最大值的75.4%、67.0%、81.0%;2)在不补充水分时,心率从第40 min开始出现逐渐上升的趋势,结束时心率达到最大心率的92.5%,全程平均心率为最大心率的88.8%;3)全程每公斤体重的每公里能耗基本保持稳定,呼吸商在0.9~1.0之间,能量供应以糖的有氧代谢为主,乳酸产生量极少,糖和脂肪消耗总量为8.4 g·kg^-1和0.5 g·kg^-1;4)从静脉血部分指标的变化来看,红细胞总数及其参数变化幅度较小,白细胞总数、单核细胞数以及粒细胞数的增加幅度分别达到了100.9%、142.7%和186.1%。结论:优秀马拉松运动员在全程马拉松跑过程中,动作经济性能够保持相对稳定,补水不足时心率呈上升趋势,能量供应主要以糖的有氧代谢为主,乳酸产生量极少。运动前后红细胞数变化较小,白细胞等免疫相关细胞的变化较大。  相似文献   

研究体育专业和非体育专业大学生基础代谢率以及总能量消耗的差异,为大学生了解促进体质健康的因素提供借鉴和参考.采用大学生能量监控系统实验手段,采用t检验对测量所得的数据进行横向比较.体育专业学生总能量消耗比非体育专业学生总能量消耗均大.其中体育专业男生和非体育专业男生有显著性差异,基础代谢率偏高.体育专业和非体育专业的学生的体质存在一定性的差异.  相似文献   

探讨全身性振动介入抗阻力训练对能量消耗的影响,为体重控制及健身减肥者制定有效的运动处方提供依据。方法:以我院体育教育专业健康男性为对象,利用气体代谢分析仪及心率表对"振动介入+抗阻力训练"(实验组,Resistance exercise+Vibration,REV)及单纯"抗阻力训练"(对照组,Resistance exercise, RE)模式下的摄氧及能量消耗等指标进行监测,并运用SPSS17.0对相关指标进行统计分析。结果:1)REV组在训练中及训练后0-25分、25-50分的总每分钟能量消耗及每分钟最大摄氧显著高于RE组;2)抗阻力训练结束后相当长的时间内以脂肪消耗供能为主,表现为REV组脂肪供能比例明显高于RE组;3)抗阻力训练能显著提升训练中呼吸交换率及换气量,表现为REV组提升率高于RE组。结论:全身性振动介入抗阻力训练可比单纯抗阻力增加更多能量消耗,且在训练后恢复期能提升脂肪供能比例,故控体重运动员及健身减肥者将振动作为辅助训练手段是非常有效的。  相似文献   

目的:以主客观两种方法调查女运动员运动性月经周期紊乱与能量负平衡的关系。方法:通过问卷对招募的14名受试者进行基本情况调查,同时连续测定一个月经周期晨尿的黄体生成素(LH)值和连续监控5 d的能量摄入与消耗情况。结果:通过主观问卷调查得出的运动性月经周期紊乱发生率(78.6%)与客观尿检LH值的方法得出的运动性月经周期紊乱发生率(92.9%)存在差异。总体能量呈负平衡状态,运动员平均摄入的能量低于平均消耗的能量474.82 kcal,其中,训练日平均摄入的能量低于平均消耗的能量588.86 kcal,休息日平均摄入的能量低于平均消耗的能量18.66 kcal。运动性月经周期紊乱与训练日的能量负平衡相关性较高(r=0.67)。结论:运动员中运动性月经周期紊乱的发生率较高,且存在主客观调查结果不一致的现象。女运动员普遍存在能量负平衡,并且训练日的能量负平衡与运动性月经周期紊乱相关性较高。  相似文献   

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