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While over one hundred studies have been conducted at both the institutional and national levels to determine if male and female faculty receive different levels of pay, there are very few published studies that have addressed similar gender equity concerns for other groups of academic employees. This research illustrates ways in which gender equity studies can be performed on noninstructional employees such as operating staff (OS) and professional/administrative staff (PAS) in higher education. The article addresses the selection of variables for inclusion in the multiple regression model, the alternative approaches for measuring the unexplained wage gap, and the methods that could be utilized for adjusting women's salaries when inequities are found to exist. To illustrate these concepts, data on the operating and professional/administrative staff at one institution are analyzed. It is found that experience and market differences account for about eighty percent of the pay difference between male and female professional/administrative staff and half of the pay difference for operating staff, and that the cost of adjusting women's salaries varies significantly across methods.  相似文献   

European academic labor markets in transition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Even if convergences are to be observed among the orientations adopted by higher education policies in European countries, they still are characterized by strong national features. One of the most striking national patterns of each system is its academic labor market, salaries, status, recruitment procedures, workloads, career patterns, promotion rules, being very different from one country to another. Nevertheless, specific national academic labor markets are experiencing a common evolution that can be summed up by the emergence of more regulated internal labor markets. At the same time, the qualification of the academic production (knowledge) as a public good is questioned and academic activities rely less on individual autonomy than before. Two main transformations can be mentioned: the development of individual assessment and incentive devices in universities and the increasing role of higher education institutions in the issues previously in the domain of the academic profession. The paper relies on a limited number of cases and on empirical studies recently carried out in France and Germany. The evolution engaged in the two countries will be reviewed in order to show that they lead, in different ways, to more regulated ‘‘internal labor markets’’. It will also be argued that this is a general trend. In the last section, the implications linked to this evolution and the questions raised, the role of the academic profession, and the transformation of the status of scientific and pedagogical activities will be discussed.  相似文献   

This paper sets out findings from research that considered the interplay between English national policy developments in human resources management in higher education and the personal stories of academic staff as career participants. Academic careers are pursued in an institutional and national policy context but it was not clear that the formal management agenda coincided with the real concerns of the objects of these policy initiatives, academic staff themselves. Twenty-one academic participants, across six case study sites, were interviewed. Significantly, the research found that the policy issues that dominate the national and institutional human resource management discourse such as pay and conditions of service, bargaining structures, tenure and competitiveness are not the same as those issues that academics raise. The research highlights a found disjuncture between the national human resources policy discourse and the social reality of academic staff as objects of that policy and suggests changes as a result.  相似文献   

The introduction of new school inspection procedures is going to place great emphasis on classroom practice at a time when teacher appraisal is returning to the centre stage of the national debate on how to improve quality in education. The Government argues that it is seeking to encourage teacher professional development in the context of the school development plan but teachers fear that it is seeking to use appraisal as a means of ‘weeding out’ weak teachers and rewarding those who are successful by offering performance‐related pay. There are many contentious issues involved in such an appraisal system, which on the one hand encourages teacher professional development and on the other regards schools and teachers as being consumable products. This paper examines some of the issues that divide these two conflicting approaches and then criticises the current legislation‐driven approaches which are legitimately open to various usages. It then explores a new approach which is supportive to the profession but which produces clear performance indicators that can be used to provide a stricter monitoring of the effectiveness of teaching. This paper reflects upon the experiences of a school where a system of collective self‐appraisal was established. Underpinning the approach is a basic belief that teachers can be professionally responsible as well as being publicly accountable.  相似文献   

In this study, we use data from the 1999 National Study of Postsecondary Faculty (NSOPF:99) to measure the unexplained wage gap between men and women in academe. We pay particular attention to how these unexplained wage gaps have changed over time by comparing the results from the 1999 survey to published results from previous national surveys and test for the sensitivity of these findings to the method used for measuring the unexplained wage gap and the type of institution or field being examined. We found that there has been a notable reduction in the overall unexplained wage gap between men and women, and that there is no longer any evidence of a statistically significant pay differential between men and women in doctoral-level or liberal arts institutions. The results also show that significant pay differentials still persist in some segments of academe, and that overall women with comparable qualifications to men have lower salaries.Earlier versions of this paper were presented at the annual meetings of the Association for Institutional Research, Tampa, FL, May 2003, and the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Portland, OR, November 2003.  相似文献   

The article describes the impact of mass higher education and increasing financial stringency on the academic profession in Britain: the profession has fragmented and salary levels have fallen comparatively. The author argues that the profession has failed to adapt to the changes and that its continued adherence to a common salary scale represents a constraint on the system as a whole.  相似文献   

Can changes in teacher pay encourage more able individuals to enter the teaching profession? So far, studies of the impact of pay on the aptitude distribution of teachers have provided mixed evidence on the extent to which altering teacher salaries represents a feasible solution to the teacher quality problem. One possible reason is that these studies have been unable to separate labor supply effects from labor demand effects. To address this, I model the relationship between current salaries and the academic aptitude of future teachers (those entering teacher education courses). Using a unique dataset of test scores for every individual admitted into an Australian university between 1989 and 2003, I explore how interstate variation in average pay or pay dispersion affects the decision to enter teacher education courses. A 1 percent rise in the salary of a starting teacher boosts the average aptitude of students entering teacher education courses by 0.6 percentile ranks, with the effect being strongest for those at the median. This result is robust to instrumenting for teacher pay using uniform salary schedules for public schools. I also find some evidence that more pay dispersion in the non-teaching sector lowers the aptitude of potential teachers.  相似文献   

This study examines the impact that collective bargaining has on multiple dimensions of teacher compensation, including average and starting salaries, early and late returns to experience, returns to graduate degrees, and the incidence of different pay for performance schemes. Using data from the School and Staffing Survey (SASS) and a more recent data set, the Teacher Rules, Roles and Rights (TR3), we find that collective bargaining has a significant impact on all aspects of current, qualification-specific salary schedules. Further, we find some evidence that bargaining impacts the design of performance pay plans. Specifically, unions tend to encourage teacher bonuses that are based on additional qualifications or duties, but discourage bonuses that directly reward improved student test scores.  相似文献   

Collective bargaining goals of university faculty   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper examines the collective bargaining goals of 1,800 faculty members at eight Canadian universities. A particular focus of the study was the relationship between bargaining goals and traditional academic governance. The results of the analysis showed that faculty distinguish firmly between academic and nonacademic issues and deliberately choose to restrict the scope of bargaining to a relatively narrow range of issues involving money, job security, and grievance procedures. A major factor influencing this restricted bargaining scope was the confidence with and perceived influence of the traditional system of academic governance. The way in which the governance system functions helps determine whether academic and policy issues reach the bargaining table, suggesting that strong governance structures are not threatened by the advent of collective bargaining.  相似文献   

Academisation of nursing education in the Nordic Countries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nursing Science represents a new academic discipline in the Nordic Countries. The article focuses on the academisation of nursing education and the development of nursing to a specific discipline in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. The education of nurses has developed within the national framework of each country, but not within a national vacuum. The theoretical framework is based on the sociology of the profession and methodological solutions lean on comparative and content analysis of text documents. This article argues that successful professional projects are not always primarily results of professional groups’ struggles. In the case of Nordic nurses the realisation of their academisation project in the 1970s and 1980s has been due to efforts of individual nurses and their associations as well as the guidance of international organisations. However, in the final analysis reforms in the higher education system have made possible the implementation of the academisation project.  相似文献   

The Italian academic profession is subject to complex bureaucratic structures and many strains as the result of rapid academic expansion but very limited resources. The ladder up the academic profession is both complicated and very difficult. Norms of professionalism are in conflict with the traditional patron system. This paper analyzes the current situation of the academic profession in Italian universities, and stresses a discussion of the career ladder and how it works in the academic system.Data for this paper have been collected as part of a research grant no. 73.00982.09 from the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche.  相似文献   

The education profession in Germany is presented as a feminised profession. This is defined and qualified, showing what sort of schools women are employed in and why there is a difference between women's opportunities in certain school types. An analysis is presented as to why women were allowed to enter the education profession when they did, linking women's employment opportunities and national shortages. The prejudice still existing against women's professional status within the employment sector is questioned. The paper shows how the education profession in Germany has been feminised and how the feminisation of a profession affects its pay and social prestige.  相似文献   

Despite a persistent belief to the contrary, most Canadian universities prior to the 1960s did not operate collegially. They were run autocratically. Collective bargaining arose as a means of ensuring true collegiality through negotiations between equals, legally entrenching due process and academic freedom, and providing a clearer and stronger mechanism for dealing with salaries and benefits. This was a revolution from below in the governance of universities. Although the sixties are widely regarded as the age of student revolt, in Canada it was the faculty, not the students, who secured a dramatic change in the power structure of the university through collective bargaining.  相似文献   

Following the election of the Conservative–Liberal Democrat UK coalition Government in 2010, there has been an urgent intensification and focus upon early years numeracy and literacy and promoting systematic synthetic phonics. This paper argues that the current narrowing of early years assessment, along with increased inspection and surveillance, operates as a policy technology leading to an intensification of ‘school readiness’ pressures upon the earliest stage of education. The paper suggests that this governance has encouraged a functional ‘datafication’ of early years pedagogy so that early years teacher’s work is increasingly constrained by performativity demands to produce ‘appropriate’ data. The article argues that early years high-stakes national assessments act as a ‘meta-policy’, ‘steering’ early years pedagogy ‘from a distance’ and have the power to challenge, disrupt and constrain early years teacher’s deeply held child-centred pedagogical values.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the impact of academic achievement on future salaries by looking into the grade point average (GPA)-earnings relationship for graduates of a leading Russian university. The study is based on pooled cross-sectional graduate survey data for 2014–2015. The issue of how student academic achievement impacts future labour market rewards is analysed through academic, demographic and labour market factors. We found that there is a significant positive impact of GPA on salaries of BA graduates (9–12% wage premium for an additional GPA point) and an insignificant or negative impact for MA programmes graduates. The study depicts that this negative effect can be partially explained by employment sector-specific variables. Among the main factors which positively affect earnings of graduates is work experience. Graduates who combined study and work achieve a 30% wage premium. However, there is no evidence that combining study and work affects student academic achievement, even for those who combined studies with full-time job. Despite the higher GPA of female students, male graduates’ earnings are 18% higher. Gender wage differences can be explained by gender distribution by the sector of employment: the over-representation of women in the low-paid education and science sectors and their under-representation in entrepreneurship and corporate sector.  相似文献   

变革中的学术职业——从14国/地区到21国的合作研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
迄今为止,世界上总共进行过两次有关学术职业的大型国际调查研究。1991-1993年开展了14个国家/地区合作进行的第一次国际调查,其成果分别于1994年和1996年相继问世。十多年后,2004年底,一些世界著名的高等教育研究专家聚集法国巴黎,启动了第二次国际合作项目。两年后的今年,参与国已达21个,实地调查工作即将开始。中国大陆没有参加第一次合作但却是第二次合作项目中的重要力量。本文分析了两次调查研究项目的异同,特别是向国内学界介绍第二次调查研究项目的进展和中国的参与情况,以期引起国内同行的关注和参与。  相似文献   

This paper argues neoliberal programs of government in education are equipping parents for calculativeness. Regimes of testing and the publication of these results and other organizational data are contributing to a public economy of numbers that increasingly oblige citizens to calculate. Using the notions of calculative and market devices, this paper examines the Australian Government’s My School website, which publishes academic and organizational information about schools, including national test results. While it is often assumed that such performance technologies contribute to neoliberal reform of education through school choice, the paper argues the website is technically limited in its capacity to facilitate the economic calculations and calculated action of parents resulting in school choice. The paper instead opens My School to analysis as a technique of governmental self-formation. Using the theoretical resources of actor-network theory and Foucauldian scholarship, this paper complicates assumptions in the literature about the extent to which My School actually operates as a ‘market mechanism’. It argues My School attempts to cultivate a calculated form of parental educational agency, irreducible to economic market agency.  相似文献   

Canadian university teachers have long recognized the importance of establishing procedures for dealing with conflict of interest. More recently, they have recognized the importance of dealing with cases of academic fraud; however, compared to occurrences in universities in the United States, there seem to be few examples in Canada. Canadian academics have taken the lead in this area, securing procedures for dealing fairly with conflict of interest in the context of the needs of academic freedom through collective bargaining by faculty associations and unions under the leadership of their national organization, the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT).  相似文献   

Whether the salary differential between junior and senior faculty is overly small or is falling (salary compression) is currently a popular topic in higher education. However, simple comparisons of average salaries for junior and senior faculty alone cannot address the question of whether salaries are overly compressed, since there is no standard for comparison. This paper presents a simple five-step regression analysis procedure that researchers can use to determine whether salaries are overly compressed. Faculty salary data in academic year 1990-91 from the University of Minnesota show that contrary to popular opinion the average salaries paid to junior faculty are not above what they would be predicted to receive if they were paid as senior faculty.  相似文献   

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