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The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center (OUHSC) Library conducted a two-year program, funded by the National Library of Medicine (NLM), to teach Oklahoma's nonurban health professionals to perform searches of NLM's MEDLINE files using microcomputers. The training program included lectures, online demonstrations, and hands-on practice time. The initial target audience of non-urban physicians was later broadended to include other health professionals. Data collected on the 334 seminar participants included professions and specialties, previous microcomputer usage, and the size of their hospitals. On-site evaluation indicated a high degree of satisfaction with the trainers' communication skills, preparation, information imparted, and the visual aids used. The results of a follow-up survey to determine how many trainees subsequently obtained NLM codes, the amount of searching done, and the problems experienced await analysis.  相似文献   

Through casual observations, formal consultations, and educational sessions, the authors have identified various indexing features of the National Library of Medicine's Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) that pose challenges to end users while attempting to obtain relevant retrieval when searching MEDLINE. These problematic features include the use of Explodes, Tree structures, subheadings, Text Word vs. subject heading searching, and central concept searching. End-user search software is becoming more sophisticated with an increasing number of choices offered for search strategy formulation. Methods of instruction to orient the end user to these systems will also have to become more detailed. A review of the literature, that discusses end-user problems with using MEDLINE and MeSH, is included.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: A study was conducted to determine if bibliographic retrieval performed by French-speaking end users is impaired by English language interfaces. The American database MEDLINE on CD-ROM was used as a model. METHODS: A survey of self-administered questionnaires was performed at two libraries of Victor Segalen Bordeaux 2 University, during a two-month period in 1997. Three study groups were constituted: MEDLINE / Ovid end users, MEDLINE / Ovid librarian-mediated users, and Pascal, a French bibliographic database, end users. RESULTS: Among 191 respondents, only 22% thought English was an obstacle to their bibliographic retrieval. However, the research software was generally underused and the quality of the retrieval weak. The differences were statistically significant between users trained by librarians and the self-trained group, the former performing better. CONCLUSION: Special efforts need to be made to develop curriculum training programs for computerized bibliographic retrieval in medical schools, regardless of the native language of the student.  相似文献   

Guidance through the CD Plus menu mode is warranted and has proved worthwhile. The Stowe Library's Information Services Department offers instruction once per week; the session usually lasts thirty minutes but may run longer if the attendees are particularly astute or enthusiastic. Individuals or classes may also request instruction at times that are better suited to their schedules. Librarians who search CD Plus on a daily basis will undoubtedly become facile with the direct searching mode. New end users will probably enjoy more success by using the menu mode. The menu mode does not provide documentation; therefore, a modified text of this article including the illustrations might be considered an adequate print manual for the menus. However, many of the system capabilities cannot be used unless they are taught by an experienced operator. Such a basic but necessary introduction requires approximately one-half hour. The pace will be brisk, and time for extraneous experimentation is unlikely. A successful instruction session is a result of preparation rather than improvisation. If the specific interests of the clientele in attendance are known in advance, a reworking of the examples would be appropriate. Although no formal evaluation of this instruction technique has been made, most attendees express an appreciation and understanding of the system's capabilities by the end of the session. Tangible feedback comes from seeing an end user who had participated in instruction return to the workstation on an ongoing basis to search the database successfully.  相似文献   

Effective delivery of biomedical information to health professionals depends on the availability of systems that are compatible with the information-seeking patterns of health professionals. MEDLINE is a major source of biomedical information, but has been available primarily through libraries via telecommunications networks. The recent availability of MEDLINE on CD-ROM has made it possible to provide MEDLINE directly to clinicians without the associated problems of telecommunications and online use charges. The MEDLINE on CD-ROM Evaluation Forum sponsored by the National Library of Medicine reported on clinicians' use of CD-ROM MEDLINE at seven different clinical settings. This article summarizes the findings from these sites and places them in the context of current understanding of information-seeking behaviors of health professionals. Key issues in the design and development of information technologies in the clinical setting are also articulated.  相似文献   

The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center (OUHSC) Library mailed a MEDLINE End User Practice Survey Form to 310 health professionals who had attended MEDLINE seminars supported by a two-year NLM grant. The survey sought to determine how many respondents had obtained NLM codes, reasons for not obtaining a code, searching time done since the seminar, differences in the use of information since taking the seminar, factors helpful in successful searching, and factors contributing to frustrations. The most prevalent reasons for not obtaining a code were lack of a microcomputer and modem, infrequent use of MEDLINE, cost, lack of time, complications, and ability to obtain free searches.  相似文献   

Since 1970, Indiana University School of Medicine Library (IUSML) has traditionally been a high volume online searching institution. The library recently implemented an end user searching program which includes MEDLINE on CD-ROM. The effect of CD-ROM on online end user and mediated searching is discussed. Comparative statistics are provided by category of search service. CD-ROM has had a dramatic lowering effect on online end user searching and has had little effect on mediated searching. IUSML's experience with CD-ROM technology has been a positive one. Trained end users have become IUSML's greatest asset.  相似文献   

A survey of users of PsycLIT and MEDLINE on CD-ROM was performed at an academic medical library. The questionnaire was designed to gather information about the user population, satisfaction of the users, the assistance needed to use the systems, and the type of searches being performed. The majority of users were graduate students in the schools of medicine, nursing, and pharmacy. In general, users were satisfied with the performance of the systems. Assistance from a librarian, printed documentation, or another patron was required by 85% of users, and they were generally satisfied with this assistance. Most searches were performed to obtain information on a subject. The results were remarkably similar for both databases.  相似文献   

The use of MEDLINE at the Calder Memorial Library of the University of Miami School of Medicine has grown so substantially over the past one and one-half years that we felt an evaluation of the service was appropriate. A one-page questionnaire was sent to 350 patrons who had requested MEDLINE searches in 1973. The response validated many of our assumptions about the user group and their reasons for using MEDLINE. Most surprising were the degree of enthusiasm, the willingness to pay out of personal funds, the apparent lack of knowledge about SDILINE, and the small number of critical comments. We expect that the experience gained from this assessment will enable us to make improvements in some aspects of our service, as well as to undertake more subject-specific evaluations at shorter intervals in the future.  相似文献   

Google Scholar对MEDLINE数据库的检索性能测评   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
文章以Google Scholar检索MEDLINE数据的检索结果和PubMed的检索结果进行对比分析,以帮助用户正确认识使用Google Scholar.  相似文献   

The effect of introducing user fees on the frequency and quality of MEDLINE searching with GRATEFUL MED by physicians in clinical settings was tested. After training and free use (prior study), consenting participants were randomly allocated to pay searching costs (pay group) or continue without fees (no pay group). Fifty-nine physicians participated. Among the prior study's frequent searchers, the pay group searched at less than one third of the rate of those assigned to no pay. For less frequent searchers in the prior study, only 48% of those assigned to pay did any searches, compared with 85% for the no pay group (P = 0.006), and for those who did search, their frequency was almost half. However, there was no significant difference in the quality of searches; both groups demonstrated about equivalent recall (P = 0.77), but significantly lower precision (P = 0.03) than for the librarian's independent searches. Similarly, there was no difference in the proportion of searches affecting clinical decisions for the two groups. Thus, imposing user charges for online searching in clinical settings after a period of free use adversely affects searching quantity, but not quality. MEDLINE providers should consider whether user fees will undermine its benefits.  相似文献   

One hundred sixty-five search requests processed through the SUNY Biomedical Communication Network were analyzed to determine how many of the citations thus retrieved would have been retrievable by MEDLINE. The results showed that MEDLINE would have been capable of retrieving 78.7% of the SUNY citations. Almost half of the 21.3% of the citations not retrievable by MEDLINE were from foreign-language journals. A subject analysis of the data showed that in most subject areas MEDLINE was able to provide a relatively small percentage of the journal titles generated by SUNY. These few titles, however, contained a large percentage of the SUNY citations involved in the study.  相似文献   

由于个体原因、职业特点以及社会环境等因素,青年编辑容易产生职业困惑.建议从思想观念、工作乐趣、个人修养等方面入手进行自我调适,再辅以组织干预,来化解青年编辑的职业困惑.  相似文献   

End users at the University of Southern California (USC) have free access to the last ten years of MEDLINE through a local online system known as USCInfo. Librarians at USC Norris Medical Library provide documentation and offer formal and informal training on the use of the system to search MEDLINE. To assess the educational needs of the end users, 643 searches were analyzed. Although a high proportion (84%) of the searches were judged to be successful, the use of medical subject headings (MeSH) to obtain optimal results was low; only 20% of all successful subject searches employed MeSH. Also, the advanced features of the system were underutilized. While it is promising to learn that many end users are obtaining positive results, methods which will encourage end users improve their retrievals need to be developed.  相似文献   

This article discusses the role of end users in the design of a multi-format digital library project (ISLA) being developed at the University of Southern California Library for the study of the Los Angeles region. ISLA focuses on the specific needs of cross-disciplinary research involving large urban regions.  相似文献   

具备条件的医学期刊可以考虑争取进入MEDLINE,争取进入MEDLINE的过程实际上是一个学习、提高的过程,也是转变办刊观念、使期刊逐步与国际接轨的过程。这个过程对提高期刊水平,缩短差距,会起到很大的促进作用。  相似文献   

MEDLINE是医学界最常用的外文文献书目数据库,其发展演变情况复杂、检索平台品种繁多.文章回顾了其发展演变过程,并从数据范围、记录构成、检索规则、主题词检索、结果输出、个性化服务等方面比较SilverPlatterMEDLINE、Ovid-Medline和PubMed三个版本的异同,试图让读者对MEDLINE有一个更为全面的了解.  相似文献   

The Health Sciences Libraries Consortium, a group of health sciences libraries based in Philadelphia, PA, has implemented a MEDLINE database retrieval system based on the CD Plus PlusNet2 system. The system provides access to the entire MEDLINE database file through three centralized servers and four distributed servers, and is accessible over the HSLC wide-area network linking all of its members. This article describes the implementation process, from selection of the system to future development.  相似文献   

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