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刘福泉 《保定师专学报》2002,15(1):54-55,67
从传统文化的角度对生活在死巷中的人们的形象进行分析,解析精神胜利法的又一个版本——封闭的环境造就了人们封闭的性格,封闭的内心世界,和进行窝里斗的劣根性。  相似文献   

黄哲伦在《蝴蝶君》中巧妙地将一个真实的故事与明显带有东方主义色彩的歌剧《蝴蝶夫人》并置,颠覆了东西方权利关系,成为与东方主义对立的声音。由于伽利玛受东方主义的影响,以定势的思维方式和偏见看待东方人,最后成为东方主义的牺牲品;而宋俐玲利用西方人对东方人的偏见达到了她的目的。  相似文献   

湖北谷城沈垭天主教堂自清朝以来一直是天主教在鄂西北的活动中心,当时在全国颇有影响,在罗马教廷档案中也曾有所记栽。笔者采用田野考察的方法,对沈垭天主教堂的历史发展进行研究,以找到中国近代天主教的发展特点在这一地区的具体呈现。  相似文献   

一   俗话说:“要给学生一杯水,老师必备一桶水。”这句话形象化地指出了师生教学的知识比值。这是教学规律使然,是提高教学质量的需要。为了满足学生求知的渴望,教师还必须刻苦学习,不断“充电”,改变“一桶水”的现状,保持“源头”的活水长流不断。只有这样,才能不断地更新知识,适应教育发展的新形势。教师职业是一个以人类文化成果塑造心灵,培育新人的神圣事业。教学具有文化传递的功能。同时,由于教学任务的多重性,教师如果没有一定的科学文化知识奠基,缺乏文化底蕴,要想成为通才+专长的复合型教师是不可能的,其后劲…  相似文献   

“大卫”描写了两个好朋友在登山运动中出现意外事故的经过。大卫不慎跌落,摔成重伤,不能再登山就等于生命的结束。因此他恳求叙述把他从悬岸峭壁上推下去。叙述经过痛苦的挣扎和思想斗争满足了朋友的要求,但是他带着终身的内疚。作品对景色的描写恰到好处地烘托了人物的心理。  相似文献   

把学习型组织理论引入高职院校,从建立共同愿景、改善心智模式、强化团队学习、改革教学模式及变革学校组织结构体系等方面为促进高职院校变革、创新与发展提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

在中国,马克思主义的发展,直接与儒学相关涉.从"本土化"、"世俗化"角度分析了马克思主义长期对儒家文化的拒斥和批判,不仅有悖人类文化进步及自身之理,而且也碍于战斗品性的发挥,损害大矣.并进一步阐述了儒学回归"世俗化",张扬质朴的世俗情怀和虔诚的亲和秉性之必要,以及儒学精神对现代化"毒素"的自然抗解、对马克思主义的丰溢与超越层面的文化功能.说到底,两者的价值并不在过去,全取决于在未来文化体系建构中的活力!智慧的中国人民,自会把握时机,坚持和发展马克思主义,弘扬传统,不负使命.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study in college student culture was to determine whether students entering different types of postsecondary institutions have value systems and/or personality characteristics which differ according to the type of institution they select An assessment of the attitudes and traits students bring with them to college was made at a comprehensive state university, a technical institute, and a community college.

The 16 Personality Factors Test of the Institute for Personality and Ability Testing (16 PF of the IPAT) was administered to 269 students in selected freshman level mathematics classes at the three schools. Individual factor scores were used to compute group means for each type of school on the 16 personality factors. The t test applied to differences in group means revealed significant differences (p < 0.05) among groups on several factors. The results support the hypothesis that student personality factors are related to the type of college selected.

If further research as recommended by the authors reinforces these findings, there are implications for many areas of the educational experience; e.g., college selection, programming activities, choosing instructional methods, counseling.  相似文献   


The instructional leadership role of the principal has received much attention in the literature. The present study draws upon emerging research and explores the basis for predicting school academic achievement from the instructional leadership behavior of principals. A model of instructional leadership was examined to determine its predictive power in correctly identifying high‐ and low‐achieving elementary and high schools in two distinct cultural contexts. A total of 265 teachers and principals from California and the Marshall Islands participated in the study. The results indicate that school academic achievement can be predicted from a knowledge of principal instructional leadership behaviors. The theoretical and practical implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

当—个憧憬中的怀孕妈妈即将临产的时候,却在一次常规的产前检查中突遇变故。医生告诉她胎儿有严重的脑积水。如果生下来,这样的孩子能否活说不好,活着也可能残疾,甚至植物人.没价值了,最后医生给出的建议是:引产……—个充满希望的家庭,瞬时间被黑云笼罩,在巨大的恐惧当中,他们只能抬头仰望,向天而问:到底是谁在掌管生命?他们会做出什么样的选择,腹中的胎儿命运会如何……  相似文献   

长期以来,学界关于"哈尼梯田"的内涵、起源等等众说纷纭,莫衷一是,且有一些误解甚为流行,以讹传讹。研究基于演化经济学理论,明确了中国田制史上"水田""山田""梯田""哈尼梯田"等概念的内涵,探讨哈尼梯田的演化路径,认为滇南哈尼族地区"森林—水源—村寨—梯田"四位一体中的"哈尼梯田",包含"人""技术""生态"三个因素,缺少其中任何一项都不周延。发源于江南的稻田"精耕细作"模式是一个非常杰出的创造,"哈尼梯田"就是这一模式在滇南哀牢山区扩散、传播和演变的结果,而且可以说是山地生态农业模式的极致。  相似文献   

基于语料库分析《一个干净明亮的地方》   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,利用语料库语言学技术和方法对文学作品进行分析越来越受到人们的重视,并以此作为英语教学和学习的一个方法。文章通过语料库检索软件Wordsmith,分析了美国著名作家海明威的短篇小说——《一个干净明亮的地方》,以此揭示小说的情节和作者的写作风格。  相似文献   

This article proposes that states create low-income targeted voucher programs for 3- and/or 4-year-olds. The basis for this proposal is considerable research demonstrating long-term effects for a number of random assignment and quasi-experimental preschool programs. Benefit–costs rates of return for these programs are between $2 and $16 for every dollar invested. These results are also consistent with developmental and neuro-biological studies supporting early childhood interventions. Other research shows that low-income students are less likely to be in preschool, and if they are, they are more likely to receive low-quality services. Taken together, and to control costs, I propose an income-targeted program. I argue for vouchers based on improved equal opportunity and higher efficiency in the delivery of preschool services. Design details are generally to be the province of state decision makers. My one caveat is that it seems to make sense to require programs, at least for 4-year-olds, to be center based.  相似文献   

本文证明了下述结论:设f为开平面上的亚纯函数县A(r,f)=O(log^1+εγ)(ε为小于1的正数),则对任何有理函数Q,有A(r,Qf)=L(log^1+εγ),。  相似文献   

Paulo Freire’s work is often characterized and used in terms that seek to produce widespread political and economic changes across societies. Peter Roberts, however, in his book Paulo Freire in the twenty-first Century, offers readers a much different way of approaching Freire’s work. Throughout his book, Roberts presents Freire as recognizing the limitations of educational initiatives, as not seeking specific macro-political objectives, and as emphasizing openness to alternative discourses. These themes weave throughout each chapter of the book, in which Roberts examines a wide range of topics, from Freire and Dostoevsky to reason and emotion to political correctness to Freire and the Tao Te Ching. In this review essay, I engage a number of purposes. I elucidate and trace these three themes as they weave throughout and support the various topics that Roberts examines in his book. I illustrate how Roberts’s treatment of these themes challenges many of the interpretations of Freire’s work found within the critical literature, and, through this critique, it offers readers new ways of thinking about Freire’s thinking. Lastly, I discuss how Roberts’s thoughts suggest new ways that Freire’s work, and critical education in general, might begin to make more meaningful and practical inroads into public education and might develop new avenues of scholarship on Freire’s work.  相似文献   

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