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Guy Neave 《Higher Education》1996,32(4):403-415
The study of higher education is a broad field. A recent estimate identified some 19 different disciplines and perspectives. Such range of perspectives raises central questions as to what might constitute the core areas. Whilst recognising that history does not possess a single dominant paradigm, this article suggests that history opens up several avenues not without interest to policy studies in higher education. By providing issues the outcome of which is known, history may serve as a vehicle for testing the validity of contemporary theories developed in higher education policy studies. The article argues that greater attention ought to be paid - and most particularly in studies involving cross national comparisons - to the cultural and historic specificities that permeate the formal dimensions of law, structure and administrative forms.  相似文献   

Science education researchers have, with few exceptions, not used the conceptual content of science as an important variable in their research. Writings of two groups-philosophers of science, “are concerned with the influence of the conceptual knowledge shared by an intellectual community on the activities of that community and the psychologists are concerned with the influence of the conceptual knowledge held by an individual on that individual's behavior”, science, are concerned with the influence of the conceptual knowledge shared by an intellectual community on the activities of that community and the psychologists are concerned with the influence of the conceptual knowledge held by an individual on that individual's behavior. Suggestions are offered as to what kinds of science education research could be done in which the conceptual content of science is important.  相似文献   

高校外事陪同口译是一项技术水平要求较高的实务性工作,高校外事陪同口译的工作人员除了具备一般的语言听说读写译能力之外,还需要具备很强的语用能力。本文试图通过语用学的角度,讨论高校外事陪同口译的一些实例,并提出一些可操作的解决办法。  相似文献   

在对外汉语教学中我们发现,不少留学生对报刊课的重视程度不够。利用计算机和互联网等现代教育技术辅助报刊教学,符合报刊课时效性、综合性的特点,能够改革教学方法,提高教学效果。  相似文献   

外事翻译是一个具有独特专业性的翻译领域。本文从语用等效翻译原则出发,结合外事翻译的特点,从信息的正确传递、文化差异的准确理解以及心理的有效认同三个方面分析语用等效翻译在外事翻译中的具体运用。  相似文献   

随着经济全球化的发展,高校对外交流工作不断的扩大,外事档案管理工作量也随着增加,高效外事档案管理是外事工作的重要一部分,对高校国际化发展具有重大意义,因此要给予高度重视。本文对高效外事档案管理存在的问题进行分析,并提出相关的解决对策,从而提高高效外事档案管理水平。  相似文献   

Charles Schroeder calls on all student affairs professionals to leave the comfort of their departments, overcome the tyranny of custom, and engage actively in the challenge of improving how students learn.  相似文献   

To develop the pedagogic efficiency of informal education in science teaching, promoting a close cooperation between institutions is suggested by Monteiro, Janerine, de Carvalho, and Martins. In their article, they point out effective examples of how teachers and educators work together to develop programs and activities at informal education places such as science museums. Their study explored and discussed the viability and relevancy of school visits to museums and possibilities to enhance the connection between students’ visits in informal contexts and their learning in schools. Given that students learn science by crossing the boundaries of formal and informal learning contexts, it is critical to examine ways of integrated and collaborative approach to develop scientific literacy to help students think, act and communicate as members of problem solving communities. In this forum, we suggest the importance of students’ lifeworld contexts in informal learning places as continuum of Monteiro, Janerine, de Carvalho, and Martins’ discussion on enhancing the effectiveness of informal learning places in science education.  相似文献   

时政新闻所报道的内容是政治生活即将或者正在发生的客观事实报道,体现出了一国执政党关于社会经济生活以及国际关系方面的政策方针,对于高中生在思想政治课堂教学中正确领悟先进思想以及执政理念具有重要的促进作用。因而,时事政治教育已经成为其不可或缺的组成部分。如何更好地将时事政治教育与高中思想政治课堂教学有机结合,摆脱传统思想政治教育枯燥乏味、学生普遍学习兴致不高的局面,激发其学习动力成为当前学术界研究的热门议题之一。为此,本文针对高中思想政治课中的时事政治教育展开深入分析,从中总结有益经验以为高中思想政治教育扭转教学理念、丰富教学方法提供帮助。  相似文献   

作为测评学生科学学业成就替代性手段的科学表现性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科学表现性评价是传统纸笔测验的一种重要替代性手段,能够评价传统测验难以测评的学生科学学业成就的重要方面。一个完备的科学表现性评价包括评价任务、应答格式和评分系统三大组成部分。任务类型和推理维度可以描述评价任务。根据各部分是否具有相互依赖性,应答格式可以分为一次性和分批次性两种。评分系统分为分项的和整体的两种类型,采用分项评分系统的不同任务类型的评价主要关注点各不相同,整体评分系统则采用量规来为表现评分。  相似文献   

外事实务英语是根据经济活动日趋全球化的社会现状,为了培养有能力进行跨文化交际的国际化人才,按照社会实际需要而开设的一门课程,实践性较强。本文结合实际教学经验探讨了项目教学法在高职外事实务英语教学中的运用。  相似文献   

洋务学堂是洋务运动的一项重要收获,是洋务派改革封建旧教育的结果,它用近代科学的声、光、电、化代替了传统的经、史、子、集,采用了班级授课的形式,培养了一批有着近代化学识的人才,推进了中国教育的近代化,也推进了中国社会的近代化。洋务学堂是中国教育近代化一出壮观的序幕。  相似文献   

本文从外语教育政策、外语教育理念和外语教学模式三个方面,总结了美国外语教育对中国外语教育的有益启示。其中,重点分析了先进的科学的全面的外语教学模式必不可少的要素特征。  相似文献   

Reading the interesting article Discerning selective traditions in science education by Per Sund, which is published in this issue of CSSE, allows us to open the discussion on procedures for teaching science today. Clearly there is overlap between the teaching of science and other areas of knowledge. However, we must constantly develop new methods to teach and differentiate between science education and teaching science in response to the changing needs of our students, and we must analyze what role teachers and teacher educators play in both. We must continually examine the methods and concepts involved in developing pedagogical content knowledge in science teachers. Otherwise, the possibility that these routines, based on subjective traditions, prevent emerging processes of educational innovation. Modern science is an enormous field of knowledge in its own right, which is made more expansive when examined within the context of its place in society. We propose the need to design educative interactions around situations that involve science and society. Science education must provide students with all four dimensions of the cognitive process: factual knowledge, conceptual knowledge, procedural knowledge, and metacognitive knowledge. We can observe in classrooms at all levels of education that students understand the concepts better when they have the opportunity to apply the scientific knowledge in a personally relevant way. When students find value in practical exercises and they are provided opportunities to reinterpret their experiences, greater learning gains are achieved. In this sense, a key aspect of educational innovation is the change in teaching methodology. We need new tools to respond to new problems. A shift in teacher education is needed to realize the rewards of situating science questions in a societal context and opening classroom doors to active methodologies in science education to promote meaningful learning through meaningful teaching.  相似文献   

国外儿童性教育对我国学校教育的启示   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对国外性教育,特别是儿童性教育历史和现状的分析,结合我国学校、家庭、社区性教育相对薄弱的实际,指出在我国开展儿童青少年性教育的重要性和必要性,并进一步明确提出在我国各级各类学校教育中开展性教育的途径、方法和原则。  相似文献   

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