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1. How much is this T-shirt? 这件T恤衫多少线? How much are these socks? 这些袜子多少钱? 询问物品的价格用how much,如果物品是单数名词或不可数名词,谓语动词用is;如果物品是名词复数,谓语动词用are。例如: How much is this red cap?It’s five dollars.这顶红帽子多少钱?五美元。How much are those black shorts?They areeighteen dollars. 那条黑短裤多少钱?十八美元。2.Can I help you? 我能帮帮你吗? 这是向对方提供帮助时的用语。在商店、图书  相似文献   

1.How much is this T-shirt?这件T恤多少钱?How much are these socks?这双袜子多少钱?这是用来询问价钱的常用句式,其结构为“How much+be动词的适当形式+主语?”。如果双方都知道所指为何物,也可省略为“How much?(多少钱?)”。若所询问的东西是不可数名词或可数名词单数,则谓语动词要用is;  相似文献   

Unit71.How much is this T-shirt?这件T恤衫多少钱?How much are these socks?这些短袜多少钱?how much意为“多少”,通常对“钱”的多少进行提问。如果询问某种物品的价格,常用“How much is...?”句式,回答时,常用“It7s+价格”。如果询问多个物品的价格,常用“How much are...?”句式,回答时用“They7re+价格”,其中They指代问句中的那些物品,They7re是Theyare的缩写形式。例如:—How much is your sweater?你的毛衣多少钱?—It7s40dollars.是40美元。—How much are these pants?这些裤子多少钱?—They7re thirty yuan.30元。[…  相似文献   

Unit7 1.【课文原句】How much is this T-shirt?这件T恤衫多少钱?How much are these socks?这些袜子多少钱? 【思路点拨】询问物品的价格用how much,如果物品是单数名词或不可数名词,  相似文献   

!$【课本原句】1.Howmuch is the red sweater?这件红色的毛衣多少钱?【一点通】how many和how much都表示“多少”,但二者有区别:◆how many修饰可数名词复数如:How many bananas do you want?你想要多少香蕉?◆how much修饰不可数名词如:How much milk is there in the bottle?瓶子里有多少牛奶?◆how much可以用来询问价钱,表示“多少钱”How much is...?常用来表示单数意义。商品的价格,回答时要用“It is 价格”,其中的it指代前面表单数的商品。如:How much is the hat?这帽子多少钱?◆How much are...?常用来表示复数意义的商品的…  相似文献   

How much is this T-shirt?这T-恤衫多少钱? How much are these socks?这些短袜多少钱?【点拨】how much用来询问商品的价格,句中的be动词与主语要保持一致。回答时常用"It's /They're 价格"结构,其中it's/they're也可以省略。如:  相似文献   

Unit7 1.【原句】How much are these socks?这些短袜多少钱? 【解析】这是询问商品价钱的句型。问"某物值多少钱"用句型:How much is+单数名词/不可数名词?和How much are+可数名词复数?  相似文献   

正教材分析:教学内容为人教版新目标英语七年级上册第七单元Section A.本课是第七单元《How much are these socks》的第一课时。教学目标:1.知识与技能:掌握新单词socks,T-shirt,big,small...熟练运用Howmuch、Can Ihelp you?2.过程与方法:通过多媒体课件、小组合作、表演等形式调动学生学习的积极性。3.情感、态度与价值观:通过本课的学习,学生能够运用英语表达询问衣服价格,同时进行情感教育,进行合理消费,理解父母工作的艰辛,增进对父母的尊重和理解。教学重点:1.How much are the/these/those+复数名词?2.能正确运用购物对话。教学难点:掌握句型What’s the price of+sth?How many和How much的区别。  相似文献   

1.how much与how many[个性展示]how much和how many都表示“多少”之意,但how much后面接不可数名词;how many后面接可数名词复数。例如:How much milk do you want?你要多少牛奶?How many students are there in your class?你们班有多少学生?但是how much还可以用来询问“什么价钱”。例如:How much is the book;这本书多少钱?[自我挑战]根据句意,用how much或how many填空。1.—hours are there in a day?—24.2.—is the shirt?—$30.3.pens do you have?Key:1.How many2.How much3.How many2.each,every与all[个性展示]each是个代…  相似文献   

Clever Mouse and Miss Bee are shopping at a supermarket. Clever Mouse: How much is the book? Shopgirl: $ 5. Miss Bee: How many bananas do you want to buy? Clever Mouse: Nine. Miss Bee, how much juice is there in the fridge? Miss Bee: None. Let's buy some. 难点一、How many 和 How much 的意 思都为“多少”, 大都用于疑问句中。 难点二、How many 用于可数名词前, 如: How many books do you have? 难点三、How much 用于不可数名词 前, 如: How much juice is left? 难点四、询问价格时用 How much, 如: …  相似文献   

1.How much is this T-shirt?这件T恤多少钱?How much are the sesocks?这双短袜多少钱?这是一个常用于询问价钱的句式,结构为"How much be 动词 主语?"。如果双方都知道所指为何物,也可省略成"How much?多少钱?"how much  相似文献   

1.How much is this T—shirt?这件T恤衫多少钱? How much are these socks?这些短袜多少钱?  相似文献   

看图读对话,将物品与价格一致的用线连接①A:Look at the shoes.B:How nice! A:They are sixty yuan.②A:Can I help you? B.a coat,please.A:How much is it? B:Twenty yuan.③A:Is this cup two yuan? B:No,it’s twelve yuan.④A:Excuse me.How much are these apples?  相似文献   

1.世界上有多少人口? 误:How much is the population of theworld? 正:What is the population of the world? 析:英语中问“人口多少”,要用What,不用How much或How many表示。 2.中国的人口比世界上其他任何国家的人口都要多。  相似文献   

1.询问身体健康等情形,用how。如:①How are you?②How do you do?③How’s your father feeling today?2.询问方式,用how。如:①How does he go to work?②How do you spell the word?3.询问天气状况,用how。如:How is the weather in Shen Yang?4.询问年龄,用how old。如:How old is your father?  相似文献   

<正>【教材分析】本单元文本围绕义卖主要内容,以爱心义卖为场景的购物活动为学习情境。让学生学会用与"How much"有关的句式,能够进行买卖活动的简单对话,在具体购物情境中知道如何询问东西的价格及回答。第一课时学习内容为story time部分。在课堂教学中,开展听、说、读、思等练习,掌握shoes,socks,umbrella等单词,学习How much is it/are they?的句  相似文献   

情景再现:A:How much is the white hat?B:It’s twenty dollars.A:HOW much is that red one?B:It’s fifteen dollars.金牌导购:“How much is…”常用来询问表单数意义商品的价格,对此问旬进行回答时常用句型“It’s+价格”,其中的it指代前面表单数意义的商品。  相似文献   

How much is it?【情景对话】A:Good morning!Can I help you?B:Yes,please.I want to buy a radio.Can you give me the blue one to have a look?A:Here you are.I think this is a nice one.B:How much is it?A:It’s 200 yuan.  相似文献   

1.H ow m uch is this T-shirt?这件T恤衫多少钱?H ow m uch are these socks?这些短袜多少钱?how m uch“多少”,通常用于就“多少钱”进行提问。询问某个物品的价格,常用表达方式为:H ow m uch is...?”在回答这个句子时,常用“It’s 价格”这个句型。询问多个物品的价格常用句型“H ow m uch are...?”。在回答这个问题时要用“They’re 价格”,其中They指代问句中的那些物品,They’re是They are的缩写形式。例如:—H ow m uch isyoursw eater?你的毛衣多少钱?—It’s40dollars.40美元。—H ow m uch are these pants?这条裤子多少钱?—They’re thirty yuan.三十元。【知识延伸】询问商品的价格,另外一种表达方式为:W hat’sthe price of 主语?例如:W hat’s the price ofthe book?这本书多少钱?W hat’sthe price ofthe books?这些书多少钱?在这个句型中,动词be要...  相似文献   

●询问物品价格How much is/are...?It’s/They’re....●表达诚挚谢意Thank you.You’re welcome.●确认出生日期When is her birthday?Her birthday is....●询问他人年龄How old are you?I’m....●谈论电影喜好What kind of movies do you like?I like.../I like...,but I don’t like....快乐行动Tina是你新结识的朋友。周末你俩约好一起去逛街。在一家帽子店里,Tina看见了很多漂亮的帽子,于是,她便想为自己买一顶。请根据对话内容,补全所缺句子。(在店里)Clerk:Can I helpyou?Tina:Yes.I wanta hat for my birthdaygift.快乐…  相似文献   

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