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One of Nasreddin’s friends loved moneyvery much,and he would never give anything toanybody.He was rich, but not many peopleloved him or understood him. One day he was walking along the riverwith his friends when he slipped and fell intothe river.His friends ran to help him.One ofthem knelt on the ground,holding but his hand,said, “Give me your hand,and I'll pull youout!”  相似文献   

A Story of Peter     
这个故事里含有“eye”的句子达十个之多,可是它在各句中的意思又大相径庭,你能写出下面划线部分各自的汉语意思吗? Peter was the apple of his mother’s eye.Hewas fifteen years old,but in her eyes he was onlya baby.  相似文献   

A Story of Peter     

J“专.M弘grandfather likes tO be exast:One day whenj,he i S walking in the’。gti,eet,a man comes over.一。 我爷爷喜欢事事i‘精确。有一天,他正4、r街上散步,一个人朝f走!来。荸l々鼍 ●、-,Ex,cuse me.But where’sthe neareSt bookshop? 打扰一下,最近的书店在哪儿?■●■■■●The.nearest bookshop?YoU have tO Gros:s abridge and then turntO。right. 最近的书店?过桥朝右拐。撵d0.角'Yes.It's abou:t thirtymetreS. 是的,桥大约有三十米长。Is the bridge long?那桥长吗?交.’The mail goes towardsthe bridge.那…  相似文献   

The great American writer Jack London was often in great need ofmoney when he began to write his books.He worked very hard then,butit did not help him. Once he promised a New York magazine to write a story for it,but hewas busy at that time and could not keep his promise.The leader of the  相似文献   

Tom was the apple of his mother's eye.He was fifteen years old,but in her eyes hewas only a baby.One morning before class he got a blackeye in his fight with his classmate.In class he didn’t stop talking until hecaught his teacher's eges.He said he could  相似文献   

A Story     
Once I read a story. The story told of a boy who wanted to meet God. He knew the way was long, so he packed1 his suitcase with food and drink. He started his journey. When he had walked about three blocks2, he met an old woman. She was sitting in the park, staring at something and looked as if she were lost. The boy sat next to her and opened his suitcase.  相似文献   

A Story     
Itwaslateatnight.Katewenttobedlatehatday.Andshecouldn’tfallasleep.uddenly熏sheheardsomebodyclimbingintoherbedrooromthewindow.Thethiefbegantolookforthingshewanted.atecalledthepoliceinalowvoice熏butthehiefstillfoundher.Hetookoutaknifeandaskatetokeepsilent.Afteramoment熏theolicemencameandtookthethieftothepolicetation.Kateisreallyabraveandclevergirl.A Story@王菁!334100$江西省上饶县第二中学初二(1)班…  相似文献   

As a teacher deals with the frustrations of classroom management and her fears concerning control, she finds what it means to let go to the process of living and learning with young children. Her method of dealing with issues of classroom community involves teacher reflection on action, listening to stories of children, and telling stories of her own.  相似文献   

Give Me A Belt     
A beggar(乞丐) asks for(要) food on a street.Boy: Are you hungry(饥饿的)? Beggar: Yes. I am. Please give me some food. Boy: Why don’t you tighten(变紧) your belt? beggar: Please give me a belt!  相似文献   

A Sad Story     
Jimmettwofriendsinthestreet.“Comebacktomyapartmentforameal,”hesaid.“Youcanseethewholeofthecityfrommybedroomwindow.”HistwofriendsagreedandtheywentbackwithJimtotheapartmentbuildingwherehelivedonthe40thfloor.Whentheyarrived,however,theelevatorwasoutoforder.“I’msorry,”Jimsaid,“we’llhavetowalk.”“Butit’sfortyfloors!”theysaid.“We’lltalkasweclimb,”Jimsaid.“Youcantellmethenewjokesyou’veheardandwhenwegettomyapartmentI’lltellyouastory.”Hisfriendsagreedandtheystartedtoclimbtheforty…  相似文献   

A True Story     
I want to tell you a true story--a girl named Xiao Li. Xiao Li's parents were both peasants. When Xiao Li was only two years old, her parents took her to Shanghai from the countryside. They hadn't any fixed jobs, so they made a living by doing some tempor…  相似文献   

<正>Shrewd Simon Short sewed shoes. Seventeen summers saw Simon's small, shabby shop still standing, saw Simon's selfsame squeaking sign still swinging swiftly,  相似文献   

A Sad Story     
Three men came to New York for a holiday. They came to a very large hotel and took a room there. Their room was on the forty-fifth floor. In the evening the three men went to the theatre and came back to the hotel very  相似文献   

A Sad Story     
Three friends, Tom, David and John came to New York on holiday. They stayed in a very large hotel.  相似文献   

2006年5月23日第七届劳伦斯体育大奖在西班牙巴塞罗那揭晓,来自瑞士的网球王子费德勒蝉联劳伦斯年度最佳男运动员称号,冬奥会高山滑雪冠军科斯特里奇荣膺最佳女运动员,获得年度最佳新人奖的是19岁便夺得了法网公开赛冠军的西班牙网球神童纳达尔。让我们为这些杰出的运动员们鼓掌吧!Let’s give them a big hand!原来鼓掌就是give somebody a big hand呀。“给别人一只大手”够热情的吧!我们鼓掌的时候两只手是在一起拍呀拍的,所以“鼓掌”又可以说成put one’s hands together。鼓掌自然是有很大的声音啦,因此makesome noise for somebody…  相似文献   

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