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现代社会和谐的理想是政治正义和个人自由的美好契合和有机统一。一方面,以人为本,实现个人自由全面的发展是一个公正社会的最后目的。为了公平正义的社会大可不必牺牲个人自由,同时,个人自由可以检验社会公正。另.一方面,作为自由主体的人发出对公共秩序的需求,政治正义能够提供一种普遍公正和持久稳定的生活秩序,满足人们对稳定生活的秩序期待,也就是说政治正义可以约束和范导个人自由。  相似文献   

康德从纯粹理性出发,探讨了法律的法理基础及其约束性与强制性的依据。理性、自由、平等、正义构成了其法律价值的核心。在此基础上康德探讨了个人与国家之间的法权关系,国家主权及国际法准则等一系列重大的法理问题。他的思想既有反对国家“专制主义”的进步性,又有当秩序的需要和自由平等的正义原则发生冲突时,放弃正义而固守暴力统治下的秩序这种软弱性和妥协性。  相似文献   

传统法的本位是在人域社会内部对权利、正义、秩序等价值目标的追寻。从人类与环境的对立统一关系和法的历史更替角度看,环境法是以环境利益和人类利益为二元本位并以环境利益为优位的。  相似文献   

社区治理与公民社会的发育   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
社区是公共物品供给与消费的基本单元。维持社会正义,稳定社区秩序,净化社区环境,和谐社区关系是居民的基本偏好。社区公共物品的属性,决定了社区公共产品的供给需要建立多元互动的合作机制。社区公共产品供给机制的构建过程,正是社区治理结构的形成过程,也是政府与社会分权的过程,还是公民社会发展的过程。  相似文献   

司法价值应是“秩序与正义”二位一体的价值目标综合体,并且在各自的体系下又包涵着子体系,司法改革应紧紧围绕这一价值目标体系。司法对宪政秩序的追求依赖于他的正义意义.司法追求的正义目标又是为维护宪政秩序的目标而服务的。  相似文献   

Daisy 《成长》2005,(7):90-91
震惊世界的辛普森杀妻案,标识着道德文化领域的多重碰撞,其案中意义一次次反复对现代社会进行着程序正义高于实体正义的洗礼,构建着现代法治中的一套坚不可摧的文明秩序。  相似文献   

什么是正义?——多维度的综合考察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
“正义”乃当今之“显学”,但仍然是一个歧见迭出的艰深问题,这要求更多的学理深究。从词源层面的考辨看,正义标示着一种统一、和谐、理性的社会基本秩序和据之而践行的个人崇高德性。从思想史的角度考察看,正义乃是人们现实社会经济政治利益关系失衡的折射并要求社会利益关系平衡的价值表达。从哲学的视野来看,正义根本的指示把人的尊严、人的自由、人的解放以及人的全面发展视为人之根本的价值捍卫。  相似文献   

霍耐特承认理论建基于主体间性,倡导一种社会自由和社会正义.自由与正义不是抽象概念,它们融合规范与经验,普遍与特殊.霍耐特基于承认的正义理论建构了一种全新的现代社会伦理规范.社会伦理秩序的破坏会导致个体的反抗,出现社会冲突.霍耐特的承认理论具有生存论意蕴,深入到生命最隐微、最深处,是通过他人的看视而开启的一个互动关系的规范性模式,关涉到人与人、人与自然和人与自我三重关系,自我的实现和规范的社会结构的形成离不开他人的接纳和我对他人看视的承认.当处于主体间性关系中的个体遭遇道德冲突或困境时,何种社会结构和制度秩序可以保障个体自由和个体的自我实现?在此,霍耐特的承认理论指引出了一种可能的伦理致思方向,即尊重个体的差异和保障个体的自由,并将承认理论拓展到社会正义领域,阐明了一种基于主体间性的社会正义观和伦理新模型,以及它们可能的调适、调节的功能及意义.  相似文献   

秩序与正义是宪法监督极其重要的价值。但由于时代不同、人性各异、文化传统、政治制度等不同,二者之间的冲突是在所难免的。但正义是秩序下的正义,秩序也是以正义为目的的秩序.二者之间具有内在的逻辑一致性,是可以协调的。  相似文献   

论正义价值在国际秩序中的意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国际秩序包括狭义和广义两个层面的含义,是一个具有鲜明的规范性、功能性和目的性的价值体系,具有追求和平、稳定、安全和正义的价值取向。其中,正义价值具有不可或缺的重要意义:它不仅是国际秩序的道德法则,也是判断国际秩序性质的根本依据,还是对国际秩序的其他价值所固有的局限性和片面性的必要补充和修正。因此,正义与秩序不可分割,谈论秩序必须引入正义价值。那种认为正义与秩序彼此冲突的观点是错误的和有害的。  相似文献   

和谐社会要求注重激发社会活力,促进社会公平和正义.效率与公平的关系,从一定经济学的意义上讲,就是实现财富增长的最大化和分配的公平化.只有把二者完整的结合起来,才能推进社会的进步与和谐.自党的十四大以来,效率与公平的关系经历了"兼顾效率与公平"--"效率优先、兼顾公平"--"更加注重社会公平"--"效率与公平的优化组合"(或者效率与公平并重)的过程,体现了社会发展的历史必然性,同时,也是马克思的辩证唯物主义的历史观在中国的具体运用和发展.  相似文献   

社会秩序和谐的内在核心要素本质上体现为一种客观的"应该之法",即自然法理念。自然法因此构成了和谐的形而上学基础。个人自由是社会秩序中的自由,社会秩序是个人自由的秩序。人的双重属性决定了和谐的实质是道德化的利益关系。道德化的利益关系所表现出来的本源性、客观性的特征与自然法的属性是一致的。自然法作为一个形上的理念存在是相应于善与公正,而"和谐"的价值目标是要实现公平与正义,它内在地与自然法的公平正义的价值旨归紧密相连。  相似文献   

社会支持是幼儿园教师应对职业压力的重要心理资源。为探讨幼儿园教师社会支持与留职意向的关系以及组织公平感与工作投入在二者关系中的作用,本研究选取了宁夏回族自治区1693名幼儿园教师为研究对象,采用社会支持量表、留职意向量表、组织公平感量表和工作投入量表进行测量。结果发现幼儿园教师的留职意向总体较好;社会支持和留职意向在教龄、园所性质、园所地域上存在显著差异,其中16年及以上教龄、公立幼儿园、村镇幼儿园教师的社会支持较高,留职意向也显著较高;社会支持、组织公平感、工作投入和留职意向两两显著正相关;社会支持对留职意向有显著的正向预测作用;组织公平感和工作投入在社会支持和留职意向之间起中介作用。具体而言,社会支持通过三条路径影响幼儿园教师留职意向,一是组织公平感的单独中介作用,二是工作投入的单独中介作用,三是组织公平感和工作投入的序列中介作用。为提高幼儿园教师的留职意向,应通过学前教育立法强化制度供给,切实改善幼儿园教师的社会地位与薪资待遇;通过文化和制度建设营造公平、公开、透明的组织环境;通过在职培训支持教师加强自身心理建设,引导教师客观看待问题,形成现实合理的期待,发展积极乐观的态度,主动增加工作投入。  相似文献   

This paper explores the complex relationship between social justice and education in the public and private spheres. The politics of education is often presented as a battle between left and right, the state and the market. In this representation, the public and the private spheres are neatly aligned on either side of the line of battle, and social justice is commonly seen as the prerogative of the public sphere. This paper challenges this representation. It shows how the language of what counts as public and private in education is historically specific, culturally contingent and ideologically loaded. Through drawing on a range of education policies and practices, the paper demonstrates that ‘public’ and ‘private’ are not simple opposites. Moreover, it argues that social justice can be conceptualised in ways that have complex and multi-faceted implications for public and private sphere involvement. The paper concludes that if we are to enhance our understanding of the relationship between social justice and education we need to recognise the multi-faceted nature of what counts as private, what counts as public and what counts as justice.  相似文献   

The current push to marry off mathematics with social justice compels one to ask such critical questions as “What is social justice?” and “How does (or can) mathematics look and act when viewed in/through the lenses of social justice?” Taking a critically reflective approach, this article draws the reader into a discussion of what is amiss in the currently promoted picture-perfect marriage of mathematics and social justice, presenting perspectives on both the content and context of mathematics teaching and learning. In this article, the author’s account of her experience in teaching a mathematics curriculum course for prospective middle years' teachers highlights a call to re-imagine the relationship between mathematics and social justice as more than a perfunctory integration of a “statistics and figures” approach. The author’s reflections acknowledge the complexity and potentiality of the relationship while challenging current status quo practices and paradigms in mathematics education.  相似文献   

The use of narrative research is often informed by a commitment to social justice on the part of the researcher. An example of this literature, Morwenna Griffiths' Action for Social Justice in Education: Fairly Different (2003), is taken here to illustrate the understanding of power and the way in which the relationship between theory and practice is conceived. The language and tone of such texts illustrate the role of a certain inheritance of psychology in the construction of subjectivity, which shapes our understanding and conduct of the personal and professional. This, and the way in which the 'reflective practitioner' forms part of broader contemporary understandings of the self within liberal political rationality, is discussed with reference to work informed by the thought of Michel Foucault in order to provide a critique of the stated objectives of narrative research and the accompanying agenda of social justice. It is argued that without further attention being given within such work both to what is meant by narrative and social justice, and to assumptions regarding the nature of the operation of power, its emancipatory objectives are undermined.  相似文献   

“无直接利益冲突”矛盾涉及到社会道德中的公平正义观和道德规范等方面的问题,因此,此类矛盾不仅是一个重要的现实社会矛盾,也关系到社会道德问题。化解“无直接利益冲突”矛盾,应当重视道德建设,树立正确的公平正义观,正确处理坚持正义与遵守规则的关系,使整个社会沿着理智的建设性的轨道发展。  相似文献   

权利与义务之间的关系是衡量社会公正的重要指标和内在尺度。一个真正公正的社会是实现了人与人之间权利与义务相统一的社会。马克思社会公正观的超越性就在于它揭示了资本主义社会权利与义务相统一的虚伪性,阐明了在共产主义社会权利与义务相统一的可能性与必然性,为我国的公正社会建设提供了重要的现实指导意义。  相似文献   

亚里士多德把公正作为社会政治行为的基准,以中道作为公正的标准,以共同利益观念维护公正,目的是以公正思想实现城邦社会和谐。亚里士多德的公正思想对我们构建社会主义和谐社会具有一定的启示作用。构建和谐社会需要处理好个体德性与制度德性的关系,处理好公正与公平的关系,加强社会主义价值观教育。  相似文献   

This article focuses on the relationship between social justice, emotionality and mathematics teaching in the context of the education of prospective teachers of mathematics. A relational approach to social justice calls for giving attention to enacting socially just relationships in mathematics classrooms. Emotionality and social justice in teaching mathematics variously intersect, interrelate or interweave. An intervention, using creative action methods, with a cohort of prospective teachers addressing these issues is described to illustrate the connection between emotionality and social justice in the context of mathematics teacher education. Creative action methods involve a variety of dramatic, interactive and experiential tools that can promote personal and group engagement and embodied reflection. The intervention aimed to engage the prospective teachers with some key issues for social justice in mathematics education through dialogue about the emotionality of teaching and learning mathematics. Some of the possibilities and limits of using such methods are considered.  相似文献   

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