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课堂教学中的真实性评价刍议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
真实性评价作为一种新型的评价方式引起了教育者们的普遍关注。真实性评价并不是一种评价方法,而是基于建构主义学习理论所提出的一种新的教育评价理念。真实性评价具有积极的作用,体现了以学生为中心的思想;有助于学生高级思维能力的发展;能使教学过程、教学内容和教学评价有机结合。在课堂教学中运用真实性评价应注意:公开评分规则;注重持续不断地进行评价和提供反馈;注重与传统的课堂评价方式的结合。  相似文献   

正是在经历了三次深层的哲学转向(现象学转向、解释学转向和语用学转向)洗礼中,真实性评价得以提出并一步步地揭开了人的评价的哲学本质,凸显了人在教育评价中的意义和价值.基于人的评价理念,真实性评价从不同的方面变革着教育评价,即通过反思批判了传统教育评价中的"科学主义"和"控制化"倾向;通过创新在评价方法中引入了"文本"分析和"语境"分析;进而由此辩证地走向了教育评价的过程性思维.  相似文献   

国际基础教育越来越注重对学生实践、问题解决、交流合作和批判性思考等多种复杂能力的培养。建立与其相适应的学生评价体系,对于促进学生发展、推动课堂教学改革以及学校教育目标的实现有着重要的实践意义和理论意义,而真实性评价顺应了这一改革的需求。准确把握真实性评价,以及在实践中教师为什么要使用真实性评价和教学中如何使用真实性评价,对我国教师开展学生评价有一定的借鉴和指导作用。  相似文献   

国际基础教育越来越注重对学生实践、问题解决、交流合作和批判性思考等多种复杂能力的培养。建立与其相适应的学生评价体系,对于促进学生发展、推动课堂教学改革以及学校教育目标的实现有着重要的实践意义和理论意义,而真实性评价顺应了这一改革的需求。准确把握真实性评价,以及在实践中教师为什么要使用真实性评价和教学中如何使用真实性评价,对我国教师开展学生评价有一定的借鉴和指导作用。  相似文献   

国际基础教育越来越注重对学生实践、问题解决、交流合作和批判性思考等多种复杂能力的培养.建立与其相适应的学生评价体系,对于促进学生发展、推动课堂教学改革以及学校教育目标的实现有着重要的实践意义和理论意义,而真实性评价顺应了这一改革的需求.准确把握真实性评价,以及在实践中教师为什么要使用真实性评价和教学中如何使用真实性评价,对我国教师开展学生评价有一定的借鉴和指导作用.  相似文献   

课堂教学评价作为教育评价的重要组成部分,在日常的教育教学工作中发挥着重要作用。长期以来,人们在开展课堂教学评价研究时,常常把对课堂教学评价标准提到了重要地位,很少有人把课堂教学评价的实施作为一个专门的问题来研究。并认为评价标准拟定出来后,评价的实施是一项很简单的事情,不需要专门进行研究。实际上,课堂教学评价的实施问题决定了课堂教学评价标准能否真正进入课堂教学之中,并为师生所接受的关键一环,也是决定课堂教学评价工作能否真正有效开展的重要因素。本文试从以下三个方面对课堂教学评价的实施作一定的探讨。  相似文献   

课堂教学评价作为教育评价的重要组成部分,在日常的教育教学工作中发挥着重要作用。课堂教学评价的实施问题决定了课堂教学评价标准能否真正进入课堂教学之中,并成为师生所接受的关键一环,也是决定课堂教学评价工作能否真正有效开展的重  相似文献   

课堂教学评价实施中若干问题的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
课堂教学评价作为教育评价的重要组成部分 ,在日常的教育教学工作中发挥着重要作用。长期以来 ,人们在开展课堂教学评价研究时 ,常常把课堂教学评价标准提到了重要地位 ,很少有人把课堂教学评价的实施作为一个专门的问题来研究。并认为评价标准拟定出来后 ,评价的实施是一项很简单的事情 ,不需要专门进行研究。实际上 ,课堂教学评价的实施问题决定了课堂教学评价标准能否真正进入课堂教学之中 ,并成为师生所接受的关键一环 ,也是决定课堂教学评价工作能否真正有效开展的重要因素。本文试从以下三个方面对课堂教学评价的实施作一定的探讨。一…  相似文献   

真实性评价的特点包括真实性、过程性、人本性和发展性.高职教育由于自身的一些特点,在许多方面与真实性评价思想存在着耦合性,其评价理念的耦合性主要表现在:真实性学生评价思想满足了高职人本性和发展性学生评价的需要.此外,真实性评价与行为导向的高职课程现和教学观亦存在耦合性.  相似文献   

语文课标出台后,口语交际能力的评价理念和评价策略都是亟待研究的问题。以真实性为价值追求的口语交际能力评价理念,是在研究建构主义与多元智能理论、分析语文课标与口语交际能力、探讨近十几年来广泛用于美国学校课堂教学中的真实性评价及教育评价趋势的基础上提出来的。  相似文献   


Evidence shows flipped learning increases academic performance and student satisfaction. Yet, often practitioners flip instruction but keep traditional curricula and assessment. Assessment in higher education is often via written exams. But these provide limited feedback and do not ask students to put knowledge into practice. This does not support the tenets of flipped learning. For two years, the author flipped instruction but retained traditional curricula and assessment. However, on the author’s current course, all three aspects were redesigned to better support flipped learning. The aim of this research is to test the effectiveness of this redesign regarding student engagement and satisfaction. Thus, it is asked: How, on this course, can meaningful, continuous assessment be provided as well as effective, personalized feedback, while staying in line with the philosophy of flipped learning? Action research took place from September 2016 to June 2017. Quantitative data from a student survey, and qualitative data from a research diary and student focus group were gathered. What emerged is: a little-and-often assessment approach is effective for learning and engagement; tasks must be authentic and test demonstration of knowledge, not memory; quality, not quantity, is key for student learning; and students desire individualized feedback.  相似文献   

教学评价标准涉及价值主体与评价主体两类主体,教师、学生、社会是价值主体,他们作为评价主体的情况较为复杂,要视具体的评价内容而定。教学评价标准由教学活动评价标准、师生发展状态评价标准、师生工作绩效评价标准三个方面构成。教学评价标准涉及的主体与内容体系可以带来相应的启示。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper was to examine the relationships between pre-service teachers’ conceptions of assessment and their intended approaches to classroom instruction and assessment. We operationalised approaches to instruction and assessment according to Achievement Goal Theory, postulating that pre-service teachers approach instruction and assessment from either a mastery or performance perspective. The results from a correlational study of 344 Canadian pre-service teachers showed that intended instruction and assessment practices were separated according to mastery and performance approaches. However, there was also alignment between the concepts such that pre-service teachers who had a mastery approach to instruction were more inclined towards a mastery approach to assessment. Approaches to assessment were also related to pre-service teachers’ conceptions: beliefs that assessment holds students and schools accountable were positively related to a performance approach to assessment. In contrast, a belief that assessment improves teaching was positively related to a mastery approach to assessment and negatively to a performance approach. We discuss relationships between conceptions of assessment, approaches to classroom instruction and assessment as conceptualised from an Achievement Goal Theory perspective.  相似文献   

Preservice teachers in a science methods course were provided instruction on performance assessment, then guided through a design and implementation process of performance assessment tasks. We assessed the effect of designing and implementing a performance assessment task on preservice teachers' understanding of standards-based assessment. The findings show that these preservice teachers improved in their understanding of assessment as a formative process as well as their science content understanding of the topic addressed in their designed task. We found that preservice teachers need to experiment with performance assessment tasks in an authentic context in order to understand the full potential and value of the task.  相似文献   

基于网络条件下的英语写作课教学改革使传统课堂教学模式发生了根本的变化。通过实施课程形成性考核和终结性考试的整体设计,把考核与教学过程紧密结合起来,使学生的学习过程落到实处,从而实现科学地测评学生学习效果,促进学生自主学习,提高教学质量。本文就上述方面内容,介绍笔者作为课程辅导教师与评阅教师在教改实践中的几点尝试,希望为网络课程一体化考核改革的实验研究提供资料参考。  相似文献   

基于新课程实施中课堂教学评价所存在的实际问题,从理论和实践两个层面,对课堂教学评价的基本特征及其实施策略进行分析.首先,阐明新课程背景下的课堂教学评价当以"解释者"和"批判社会建构主义者"的身份加以担当,并概括为六大特征;其次,以"阅读教学"为例,具体说明课堂教学评价特征和实施策略.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to demonstrate that dynamic assessment based instruction increases children’s learning by using a quasi-experimental research design in Korea. In this study, dynamic assessment is defined as a measurement method of the zone of proximal development (ZPD) as well as the qualitative and quantitative diagnostic information for individual children. In addition, dynamic assessment based instruction is defined as a teaching method using the diagnostic information types in order to increase children’s learning. In this study, 59 children between the ages of 4 and 5 participated. Three types of number concept achievement tests (pre-test, parallel test, and post-test) for each age group were developed and the content validity, face validity, and split-half reliability were examined. After conducting the pre-test, the children of each age group were divided into an experimental group and a control group. Dynamic assessment based instruction regarding number concepts was undertaken only with the experimental group for 4 weeks. Both groups took a post-test after completing the 4 weeks of classes. The ANCOVA technique wa ls used for data analysis. The result of this study shows that dynamic assessment based instruction has a significant effect on children’s learning of number concepts (in the case of 4-year-old children, F = 12.34, p<0.01; 5-year-old children, F = 20.03, P<0.01). Therefore, dynamic assessment based instruction should be used widely for children’s cognitive learning.  相似文献   

随着计算机网络等信息技术参与到课堂教学过程中,整个教学环境发生了质的变化,这种变化必然带来对教师的新的要求.新的要求体现在对教师的评价中,也带来了教师教学评价的变化.对网络环境下教学评价应包括信息技术技能、引导作用、课堂教学设计能力、教学监控能力和利用网络开展教学科研的能力.同时还应将新的信息技术运用于教师教学评价过程中,对于教师评价方法进行丰富和创新.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the unprecedented challenges and possible directions in which the field of educational assessment is going after the outbreak of COVID-19. Though the pandemic leads to a lot of pressure related to instruction, learning, and assessment, it also provides opportunities that are likely to require changes to the current theories and practices as well as the assumptions that are no longer justified. It is hoped that the challenges will motivate our field and the instructional experts to work closely together with the learning and instruction process so that assessment will be better integrated and can provide data-driven insights related to the sequence and content of instruction based on the diagnosis of students' strengths and weaknesses from assessment data. We expect that the integration of assessment in learning and instruction will definitely exert significant positive impact on learning outcomes. We believe the field will become aware of the assessment issues that teaching at a distance presents and will come up with innovative solutions to the many emerging problems when the world of instruction and learning undergoes significant changes from social distancing. This paper provides comments, and predictions about what the challenges and directions in educational assessment will be.  相似文献   

我国高职英语课程的评价方式正在从终结性评价向过程化、真实性的评价发展,但是真实性评价的发展仍然步履维艰。对此作者对比研究了体演教学法和真实性评价方式。前者是一种在美国逐渐兴起的二语教学方法,后者是当今世界流行的课程评价方式。分析研究后发现,二者在很多方面有着惊人的相似度,共同反映了课程教学和评价的本质特征和未来趋势。通过二者对比研究,认为高职英语教学课程评价需有独特的改革思路。推行融入体演教学法的高职大学英语真实性评价是一个能反应未来大学英语课程评价发展方向的勇敢尝试。  相似文献   

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