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为了提高图像插值的恢复效果,提出了一种基于图结构正则化稀疏表示的双层伯格曼迭代算法.该迭代算法的外层用于约束图像观测数据,内层用于更新图像块的学习字典和稀疏表示系数.引入的图结构正则化稀疏表示约束可以有效地自适应图像块的局部结构,对于严重受损的情形也能得到精确的恢复结果.此外,在内层迭代中改进的稀疏表示和简洁的字典更新策略使算法能快速地趋于收敛.数值实验结果表明,所提出的算法可以有效地恢复图像,在主观视觉效果和客观量化标准上要优于目前已有的算法.  相似文献   

基于压力投影稳定有限元方法,给出一个求解具有Friction边界条件的Navier-Stokes方程的两重牛顿校正算法.从获得的误差估计可以看出,如果细网格尺度满足h=O(H4),那么该两重牛顿校正算法与一重稳定有限元方法具有相同的收敛阶.与有关文献相比,该算法的计算效率更高.  相似文献   

数学形态学是一种非线性的处理信息的工具,它是一种建立在集合论和形态学上的对图像进行分析理解的工具,数学形态学主要有四个算子:扩张、腐蚀、开启和闭合。该文把灰度图像函数映射成二值图像以后,基于数学形态学理论,提出一种灰度图像的骨架提取和重建算法,并取得非常好的效果。  相似文献   

为了降低计算复杂度和编码时间,提出了一种改进的H.264/AVC全零块提早判决方法.首先,介绍了已有的全零块判决算法,分析了3种变换后将量化为零的频域系数,并在3种不同频域伸缩因子的基础上推导出对应的空域系数.然后,根据这些空域系数,并应用Schwarz不等式原理,设定了3个全零块判决阈值,并根据全零块空域系数的分布情...  相似文献   

通过对STL文件的分析和几种常用数据结构的比较,给出了一种层次环状数据结构,该结构是由快速排序顶点序列进行冗余顶点滤除,并建立顶点邻接表和三角面片邻接表而得到的.由于邻接表中存储的是点、面的索引号,从而提高了后续查找的效率,节省了存储空间.本方法已成功应用于虚拟牙齿矫正系统的开发,同时也适用于其它各种以STL为数据交换格式的系统.  相似文献   

针对随钻地震资料信噪比较低的难题,将稀疏表示理论引入随钻地震参考信号的处理。根据希尔伯特变换求取实际随钻地震参考信号的瞬时属性,使用Morlet子波,构建合适的过完备原子字典,对随钻地震参考信号进行稀疏分解,采用L1范数谱投影梯度算法实现基追踪降噪。利用该方法实现了对实际随钻地震参考信号的稀疏分解降噪,改善了资料的信噪比,恢复了钻头震源信号。  相似文献   

By applying the wavefront coding technique to an optical system, the depth of focus can be greatly increased. Several complicated methods, such as Fisher Information based method, have already been taken to optimize for the best pupil phase mask in ideal condition. Here one simple point spread function (PSF) based method with only the standard deviation method used to evaluate the PSF stability over the depth of focus is taken to optimize for the best coefficients of pupil phase mask in practical optical systems. Results of imaging simulations for optical systems with and without pupil phase mask are presented, and the sharpness of image is calculated for comparison. The optimized results showed better and much more stable imaging quality over the original system without changing the position of the image plane.  相似文献   

The flooding distance is an important parameter in the design and evaluation of a routing protocol,which is related not only to the delay time in the route discovery,but also to the stability and reliability of the route.In this paper, the average flooding distance (AFD) for a mobile ad hoc network (MANET) in a random graph model was given based on the dynamic source routing (DSR) protocol.The influence of spatial reuse on the AFD was also studied.Compared with that in the model without the spatial reuse,the AFD in the model with the spatial reuse has much smaller value,when the connetivity probability between nodes in the network is small and when the number of reused times is large.This means that the route discovery with the spatial reuse is much more effective.  相似文献   

设G是有限群,S是G的一个不包含单位元的非空子集且满足S^-1=S,定义群G关于S的一个Gayley图X=Gay(G,S)如下:V(X)=G,E(X)={(g,sg)|g∈G,s∈S}对于素数p ,本文给出了2p阶的二面体群的4度Cayley图Cay(D2p,S)当S为Ⅱ类型子集时的完全分类的另一证明。  相似文献   

Asymmetric stereoscopic video coding can take advantage of binocular suppression in human vision by representing one of the two views in lower quality.This paper proposes a bit allocation strategy for asymmetric stereoscopic video coding.In order to improve the accuracy of bit allocation and rate control in the left view,a proportionalintegral-derivative controller is adopted.Meanwhile,to control the quality fluctuation between consecutive frames of the left view,a quality controller is adopted.Besides,a fuzzy controller is proposed to control the variation in quality between the left and right views by comparing the PSNR disparity of two views with a fixed threshold,which is used to quantize the binocular psycho-visual redundancy and adjust the quantization parameter (QP) of the right view correspondingly.The proposed algorithm has been implemented in H.264/AVC video codec,and the experimental results show its effectiveness in rate control while keeping a good quality for the left view,and fewer bits are allocated for the right view so that the overall bit rate is saved by 7.2% at most without the loss of subjective visual quality for stereoscopic video.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Multimedia services over the Internet are be- coming popular due to the widespread deployment of broadband access. However, the conventional cli- ent-server architecture severely limits the number of simultaneous users, especially for bandwidth inten- sive applications such as video streaming. P2P net- works, on the other hand, offer a solution to the scalability problem. As a node joins a P2P network, it not only consumes resources but also contributes its bandwidth or comp…  相似文献   

三维重建法测量中国北方成人股骨膝外翻角(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究目的:利用三维重建影像模型获取膝外翻角,并通过使用这种方法来测量中国北方成人膝外翻角的平均估计值。创新要点:本研究所获取的膝外翻角平均值对于在中国北方人群进行膝关节置换术时有着重要的参考意义,新的三维重建测量法使得膝外翻角的术前个体化测量更加精确。研究方法:利用64名患者的CT血管造影(CTA)的DICOM数据获取共128件股骨三维重建模型。在重建的股骨模型上分别定位髁间凹最高点(点A)、膝关节线上20 cm截面的髓腔中点(点B)和股骨头旋转中心(点C)。之后膝关节外翻角即由股骨远端解剖轴(线AB)与股骨机械轴(线AC)所围成(上述定位过程详见图5)。经统计分析后,128件股骨的平均外翻角值为6.20°±1.20°。统计分析还发现,膝外翻角与个体年龄呈显著性正相关,同一个体的左右侧外翻角呈显著性正相关。重要结论:在对北方成年人群进行膝关节置换术时,选取外翻角为6°可会在重建人体下肢力线上获得更好的术后效果。在对年长患者进行手术时应选用更大的外翻角。  相似文献   


An orthopedagogical method for teaching children with a depression is presented here. Relatively unknown in the English‐speaking world, orthopedagogy is a pedagogical discipline that is aimed at an entire action field. It does not target the child with handicap, but the entire problematic educational situation (PES). Orthopedagogy is the scientific study of assistance given to those concerned with a PES ‐ namely, the child, parents, brothers and sisters, grandparents, and so on. To break through a PES or to get rid of it, the orthopedagogician has to listen to the orthopedagogical request for help of the child and give an appropriate answer to it. On the basis of a theoretical model of Paul Gilbert, an orthopedagogic request for helping children with a depression was formulated. Gilbert's model offers a perspective derived from evolution theory and argues for the adoption of a bio‐psychological approach. Children with a depression request a warm and loving climate, an attractive and simple education situation and close involvement on the part of the educator. To answer that request, we set orthopedagogical action on two tracks. On track 1 (dialogical action) we try to break through the PES by asking the educator to over‐accentuate the pedagogical climate, the education situation and his/her own presentation. On track 2 (technical action) we designed an approach aimed at children aged between 6 and 12 years with a depression.  相似文献   

区间数多属性决策的一种优化分析分法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对于区间数多属性决策问题,提出了两种区间数的定量化分析方法.方法一把区间数看作是一个随机区间,把属性值看作是一个随机变量,并假设它在区间上服从正态分布,方法二则验证了方法一的合理性.在充分考虑到决策对待风险态度的前提下,对每个区间数都赋予一个评价值.最后通过求解一个线性规划模型,给出了各个方案的综合评价值,从而选出最优方案.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with a control method for an exoskeleton ankle with electromyography (EMG) signals. The EMG signals of human ankle and the exoskeleton ankle are introduced. Then a control method is proposed to control the exoskeleton ankle using the EMG signals. The feed-forward neural network model applied here is composed of four layers and uses the back-propagation training algorithm. The output signals from neural network are processed by the wavelet transform. Finally the control orders generated from the output signals are passed to the motor controller and drive the exoskeleton to move. Through experiments, the equality of neural network prediction of ankle movement is evaluated by giving the correlation coefficient. It is shown from the experimental results that the proposed method can accurately control the movement of ankle joint. Project supported by the National High-Tech R&D Program (Grant No.2006AA04Z224), the Innovation Program of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission (Grant No.08ZZ48), and the Shanghai Leading Academic Discipline Project (Grant No.Y0102)  相似文献   

1IntroductionHeattransferwithphasetransformationisamovingboundaryproblemoftenencounteredinthefieldsofmetalurgy,chemicalengine...  相似文献   

利用待定系数法给出带常系数某类非齐微分方程组的一种解法,该方法较常规的方法简便,同时研究了Euler微分方程组.  相似文献   

金秀慧 《德州学院学报》2002,18(2):19-21,14
从时变参量元件及电路的定义出发,分析研究了属于电阻性电路形式的时变跨导电路,模拟乘法器电路,开关函数的三种线性时变参量分析法.  相似文献   

为了降低迭代正则化中定尺度参数对快速收敛的敏感性、自适应地优化尺度参数并提高其去噪效果,提出了一种变尺度参数的迭代正则化去噪算法.首先,修改了经典的正则化项,并推导出尺度参数公式;然后,通过研究迭代次数与尺度参数序列的变化趋势,得到变尺度参数的初始值;最后,进行正则化去噪.数值实验表明:相对于恒定尺度参数的IRM算法,变尺度参数IRM算法比选取尺度参数偏小的IRM算法迭代次数大大减少;比选取尺度参数偏大的IRM算法去噪效果更为明显,并较好地保持了图像的细节.  相似文献   

该文介绍了一种分析含受控源电路的简便方法.应用这种方法可以把电路中的受控源视为独立源,因此具有简化计算的优点.  相似文献   

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