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Accumulative advantage in the research system may allow elite groups to secure a disproportionate share of resources. Using grant submissions data to a UK Research Council, associations between success in securing grants and potential sources of advantage are explored, including membership of the peer review cadre, departmental standing, track record, gender and ethnicity. Success in securing grants is associated with several potential sources of advantage, suggesting that factors other than the quality of the research proposed influence outcomes. Differential access to these may contribute to the observed biases in the number of grants won against women and non-white groups.  相似文献   

【目的】研究学术研究成果同行评议不同模式,探讨在开放获取发展过程中如何促进研究者之间的交流和学术成果的快速传播。【方法】对国外同行评议的几种模式进行分析研究,介绍了这些同行评议模式的特点、流程、管理方法等,并对基于网络的开放的同行评议模式存在的问题进行了归纳和总结。【结果】开放的同行评议模式加强作者和评议者之间的交流和沟通,推进学术研究成果的快速出版。【结论】随着开放获取的出现和发展,开放的同行评议模式将成为学术研究成果评议方法的一种补充。  相似文献   

Collaborations in funded teams are essential for understanding funded research and funding policies, although of high interest, are still not fully understood. This study aims to investigate directed collaboration patterns from the perspective of the knowledge flow, which is measured based on the academic age. To this end, we proposed a project-based team identification approach, which gives particular attention to funded teams. The method is applicable to other funding systems. Based on identified scientific teams, we detected recurring and significant subgraph patterns, known as network motifs, and under-represented patterns, known as anti-motifs. We found commonly occurred motifs and anti-motifs are remarkably characterized by different structures matching certain functions in knowledge exchanges. Collaboration patterns represented by motifs favor hierarchical structures, supporting intensive interactions across academic generations. Anti-motifs are more likely to show chain-like structures, hindering potentially various knowledge activities, and are thus seldom found in real collaboration networks. These findings provide new insights into the understanding of funded collaborations and also the funding system. Meanwhile, our findings are helpful for researchers, the public and policymakers to gain knowledge on research(ers) evolution, particularly in terms of primordial collaboration patterns.  相似文献   

Information and knowledge can be seen as key resources for improving the internationalisation processes of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Collaboration has also been considered as an important facilitator of these processes, particularly by nurturing information and knowledge sharing. However, the current literature is unclear about the way SMEs can access information and assimilate knowledge in a collaborative network context, to support decision-making. This paper systematically reviews the literature, examining the role of information, knowledge and collaboration in internationalisation decisions of SMEs. To this end, 38 relevant journal articles were analysed, with the identification of some important issues, as well as gaps in the existing empirical knowledge. This analysis provided valuable input for the development of research suggestions and directions for future work in this area.  相似文献   

This paper addresses a crucial question: Which factors explain the choices of institutional structures made by university researchers? The main findings of the study point to the central importance of publication assets, coordination costs, additional funding, and membership in the disciplines of engineering, natural sciences and health sciences as factors affecting the choices of institutional structures university researchers make when they become involved in collaborative research projects. On the other hand, the number of years researchers have been involved in collaborative research, the capture of additional publications linked to involvement in collaborative research, the importance of administrative burdens and the time required to coordinate collaborative research were demonstrated to be unimportant in explaining these choices.  相似文献   

As demonstrated in the literature, knowledge management (KM) is a multidisciplinary field of study which encompasses topics from several disciplines. As a consequence, a range of different educational programs has appeared among different stakeholder groups, resulting in competition for ownership of the field on occasion. Although understandable, this competition might more usefully be replaced by collaborative relationships that take a holistic view of the topic. Based on the findings of current research into the implications of KM for Library and Information Science (LIS) education, this paper investigates the issue of collaboration in KM education from the viewpoint of the LIS community. The research findings reveal an appreciation within the LIS community of the importance of collaborative approaches for KM education, and the need for LIS schools to enter liaisons with other interested parties, particularly with business schools and with industry. The findings also suggest that there are few serious impediments to the making of such collaborations, once schools recognise the need for such arrangements.  相似文献   

【目的】 分析开放同行评议的利弊,为更好地开展开放同行评议提出建议。【方法】 在简单概述开放同行评议的基础上,分析了开放同行评议的利弊,最后提出完善开放同行评议模式的建议。【结果】 开放同行评议能够提高论文质量、避免审稿人滥用职权、促进知识交流、消除作者和审稿人之间的等级关系,以及改善审稿流程。同时,开放同行评议也存在一些弊端,包括增加了编辑和审稿人之间的利益冲突,公众评议观点受质疑,失去不愿实名审稿人,审稿人刻意评议,作者违心修改论文等问题。【结论】 将“允许匿名”作为从盲审到开放同行评议的过渡阶段,丰富开放同行评议理论,强调编辑角色和完善评议体制可进一步改善开放同行评议模式。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2019,48(9):103820
This paper contributes to the literature on the effect of research evaluation in terms of preserving and reproducing diversity. Through a large-scale natural experiment encompassing two entire cohorts of Italian economists, we document how candidates for academic positions, especially top-tier positions, in economics are pushed to increasingly conform to a standardised research profile. We find evidence of gender bias in research evaluation and observe substantial variability in the chances of qualifying for an academic position, depending on candidates’ main fields, topics and methods of research. Our results also indicate that economists working on less popular research fields and/or with heterodox methods are less likely to qualify for top-tier academic positions, independently of their bibliometric indicators.  相似文献   

【目的】了解国际科技期刊在开放评议和双盲评议方面的实践,探索这两种评议方式的优缺点及对科技期刊质量控制的价值。【方法】对国际科技期刊实行开放评议和双盲评议的案例进行调研,如BMC系列期刊、F1000Research、Nature系列期刊等。【结果】有越来越多的期刊在尝试这两种方式,它们在减少传统单盲评议的偏见方面发挥了一定作用,但也带来了新的问题。【结论】开放评议和双盲评议适合于不同类型的期刊。期刊应根据自身的学科特点、学术定位来选择适合自己的同行评议方式,并在实践中不断评估,对之进行适当的调整。  相似文献   

Collaborative research has been increasingly celebrated by the science community, but the hypothesized positive relationship between research collaboration and research output is more assumed than rigorously tested. In this paper, we identify three methodological gaps in the literature: (a) hierarchical coding based on the ISI Web of Science database causes severe loss of information on local collaboration, (b) the relationship between research collaboration and research output is likely to be confounded by a common latent variable such as a scientist's ability, and (c) the lack of longitudinal analysis prevents causal inferences from being made. To address these methodological concerns, we constructed a longitudinal dataset of 65 biomedical scientists at a New Zealand university and coded collaboration variables by hand checking each of their publications in a period of 14 years. We found that at article level, both within-university collaboration and international collaboration are positively related to an article's quality and that, at scientist-year level, only international collaboration is positively related to a scientist's future research output.  相似文献   

【目的】 根据待审稿件的学科方向与内容,为其选择匹配度较高的审稿专家。【方法】 从文献数据库中选择与待审稿件学科方向相同的文献,优选其中合适的作者作为审稿专家,并依次通过采编系统的审稿专家库、国家和国家各部委基金项目数据库、专家所在单位官方网站验证审稿专家的各项信息。【结果】 选择与待审稿件学科方向相同的文献作者作为审稿专家,审稿结果更为科学合理,审稿效率得到很大提高。【结论】 选择审稿专家不能仅仅依据其一级学科方向从审稿专家库中简单选择,还需要从文献数据库、基金项目数据库和专家所在单位官方网站三个维度验证专家所在研究方向与待审稿件学科方向的匹配度,满足条件才能作为审稿专家。  相似文献   

Assuring the quality control of publications in the scientific literature is one of the main challenges of the peer review process. Consequently, there has been an increasing demand for computing solutions that will help to maintain the quality of this process. Recently, the use of Artificial Intelligence techniques has been highlighted, applied in the detection of plagiarism, bias, among other functions. The assessment of the reviewer’s review has also been considered as important in the process, but, little is known about it, for instance, which techniques have been applied in this assessment or which criteria have been assessed. Therefore, this systematic literature review aims to find evidence regarding the computational approaches that have been used to evaluate reviewers' reports. In order to achieve this, five online databases were selected, from which 72 articles were identified that met the inclusion criteria of this review, all of which have been published since 2000. The result returned 10 relevant studies meeting the evaluation requirements of scientific article reviews. The review revealed that mechanisms to rank review reports according to a score, as well as the word analysis, are the most common tools, and that there is no consensus on quality criteria. The systematic literature review has shown that reviewers’ report assessment is a valid tool for maintaining quality throughout the process. However, it still needs to be further developed if it is to be used as a resource which surpass a single conference or journal, making the peer review process more rigorous and less based on random choice.  相似文献   

目的】研究Web3.0快速发展背景下,科技期刊同行评议改进与发展的新平台、新模式。【方法】 以Peerage of ScienceFrontier为案例,针对最新的基于社交网络平台的同行评议模式进行了分析,介绍了该同行评议模式的改进、特点、流程、工作方式等。【结果】在社交网络平台下,同行评议从静态变为动态,从"一对一"变成"一对多",从封闭式评议变成开放式评价。【结论】基于社交网络的同行评议模式是同行评议发展的最新趋势,可为我国的同行评议发展提供参考。  相似文献   

基于SCI中美科技合作论文数据,对中国国家科技计划于2008-2012年资助的中美合著SCI论文的数量、领域分布、国别分布、联合资助等进行分析,研究发现我国科技计划资助的中美合作研究具有规模大、范围广、领域宽等特点,并呈现以中国为主导的国际合作特征,同时,也发现我国科技计划在一定程度上存在重复资助、对多边合作资助比例偏低等问题。最后,提出了我国科技计划国际合作的改进建议。  相似文献   

国内创新网络研究基本状况和主要进展   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
评述了1997-2003年中期国内已经公开发表的有关创新网络的研究论文,我们发现:虽然直到目前所发表的文章并不多,但却集中受到国家自然科学基金等重要基金的多项资助,学者们目前主要在区域创新网络和企业创新网络两个层面上展开探索,取得了多方面进展。  相似文献   

Blockchain-based systems become increasingly attractive targets for cybercrime due to the rising amount of value transacted in respective systems. However, a comprehensive overview of existing attack vectors and a directive discussion of resulting research opportunities are missing. Employing a structured literature review, we extract and analyze 87 relevant attacks on blockchain-based systems and assign them to common attack vectors. We subsequently derive a research framework and agenda for information systems research on the cybersecurity of blockchain-based systems. We structure our framework along the users, developers, and attackers of both blockchain applications and blockchain infrastructure, highlighting the reciprocal relationships between these entities. Our results show that especially socio-technical aspects of blockchain cybersecurity are underrepresented in research and require further attention.  相似文献   

Research activities are increasingly global so that embeddedness in international knowledge networks is decisive for inventive and innovative performance. We analyze determinants of countries’ embeddedness in the global photovoltaics knowledge network for the period 1980–2015 and argue that positions in this network are determined by the structure and functionality of national research systems and by instruments within the policy-mix for renewable energies. We show that cohesion and connectedness of the national research system positively affect international embeddedness, whereas centralized systems are detrimental to embeddedness. This indicates that a diffusion oriented research system allows better access to international knowledge flows. Policy instruments, especially demand side instruments, show a positive effect on embeddedness.  相似文献   

科研项目实施过程质量控制的探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
郭俊仓  严文 《科研管理》1997,18(5):52-55,67
针对目前科研项目在研阶段忽视进度和质量目标统一的实际,提出了科研项目研究过程中必须实施过程质量控制的思想。文中着重阐述了实施质量过程控制的必要性、可行性及在实施中应做好的几项基础性工作  相似文献   

王文平  刘云  何颖  谭龙 《科研管理》2015,36(3):127-137
基于中国学者在生物技术与应用微生物学、电子电气工程、数学、医学、神经科学、物理学等6个重要研究领域发表的SCI论文,分别将国际合作论文和非国际合作论文作为研究对象,构建论文跨学科研究程度的测度指标,评价国际科技合作对推动跨学科研究的影响程度及中国与世界跨学科研究程度的差异。结果表明:国际合作促进了跨学科的研究;但国际合作推动跨学科研究的程度受研究领域的影响,新兴的、应用性较强的研究领域的跨学科研究程度较高;国际合作论文的跨学科研究程度逐渐提高;中国在多个研究领域的跨学科程度低于国际平均水平。  相似文献   

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