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This study contributes to our understanding of the innovation process by bringing attention to and investigating the process by which innovators outside of firms obtain innovation-related resources and assistance. This study is the first to explicitly examine how user-innovators gather the information and assistance they need to develop their ideas and how they share and diffuse the resulting innovations. Specifically, this exploratory study analyzes the context within which individuals who belong to voluntary special-interest communities develop sports-related consumer product innovations. We find that these individuals often prototype novel sports-related products and that they receive assistance in developing their innovations from fellow community members. We find that innovation-related information and assistance, as well as the innovations themselves, are freely shared within these communities. The nature of these voluntary communities, and the “institutional” structure supporting innovation and free sharing of innovations is likely to be of interest to innovation researchers and managers both within and beyond this product arena.  相似文献   

Innovation researchers have begun to look beyond how users develop tangible objects or product innovations and moved to investigate the existence and impact of intangible user-developed innovations in techniques and services in the household sector . In this paper, to incorporate technique and service innovations and other varieties of intangible innovations not yet described in the literature into an efficient and encompassing typology, we propose the new concept of intangible Behavioral Innovation as an overarching category that stands in contrast to tangible product innovation. Behavioral innovation is defined as consisting of one or a connected sequence of intangible problem-solving activities that provide a functionally novel benefit to its user developer relative to previous practice. We demonstrate in a pilot study using a relatively novel big data-gathering and semantic analysis approach that behavioral innovation exists and can be identified in user-generated content posted openly online in peer-to-peer discussion forums relating to household sector activities such as parenting. The preponderance (N = 138) of the 168 user innovations captured in our samples of discussion comments were intangible behavioral innovations, most of which were developed by women. The majority of behavioral innovations identified were diffused by their user developers in response to specific requests for help or advice from peers in their online community. Thus, incorporating the new concept of intangible behavioral innovation into studies of user innovation's scope and significance in the household sector can serve to clarify which users innovate in our communities of interest, what and how they innovate, why they are triggered to diffuse their innovations peer-to-peer, and how their innovative activities might impact social welfare.  相似文献   

Existing economic theories show that continuing innovation, diffusion, and technical and managerial improvement are necessary for economic growth and international competitiveness in the industrially advanced countries. But knowledge of why, where and how governments should intervene in the processes of industrial innovations stems more from trial and error than from systematic empirical information of the nature and extent of the hindrances to economically and socially desirable innovations, and of the effectiveness of alternative government policies to remove them. Nonetheless, past empirical studies do offer some clues.Differences amongst industrial sectors. The sources of new technology vary widely amongst inustrial sectors: in the costs of innovation, in the relative importance of outside suppliers of equipment and materials, of large and small firms, and of full-time R & D departments as compared to part-time innovative activities (sect. 7, 8). Similarly, the conditions for successful innovation vary amongst sectors (sect.6). Thus, government policies designed to influence innovation are likely to act with different intensities in different industries.The management of innovation. Nonetheless, there are some features common to innovation in different industries. Considerable costs beyond R & D are often necessary before the innovations reach commercial use (sect.4). And the following managerial characteristics are in general associated with successful innovation: a deliberate policy of seeking innovations; close and careful attention to customer requirements; good personal communications both within the firm and with outside sources of relevant knowledge; a style of management that is ‘organic’ and ‘participatory’ rather than ‘hierarchical’ and ‘authoritarian’; strong project leadership; and a strong engineering capability (sect. 6).R & D managers are still unable to predict the outcome of R & D projects to a useful degree of accuracy and, in the literature on methods of project selection, very little attention is paid to market uncertainties. Furthermore, a greater use of conventional investment appraisal criteria in deciding on R & D projects may re-inforce the already observed tendency in industry towards short-term, low-risk projects, to the neglect of longer-term, high-risk projects (sect. 5).Governments should therefore examine whether the benefits of policies towards education and management advisory services for innovation might outweigh their costs. They may also have a significant role to play in financing longer-term research that is basic to the development of industrial technology (subsect. 12.5).The nature of market and production demands. The direction of industrial innovation is often very sensitive to market and production demands (sect. 3). This fact, together with the high degree of market uncertainty facing innovating firms (sect. 5), suggest that governments can potentially influence both the pace and the direction of industrial innovation through their influence on the scale of industrial, consumer and public service demands. However, this potential influence will become real only if users of innovations are able to specify the innovations that they need, or to evaluate those that they get. This is generally the case for industrial demand, but not in consumer and public service markets, where fashion, insensitivity to users' needs and lack of technical competence often prevail. Government-funded technological institutes and laboratories are ideally placed to provide such technical competence (sub-sect. 12.3).Economic incentives and rewards for innovation. A whole range of economic factors are said to influence the resources, the incentives and the rewards for innovation: for example, the degree of monopoly or the degree of competition, the patent system, the level of profits, the level of taxation, and the level of demand. The empirical evidence on the effects of most of these factors on industrial innovation is either inconclusive or non-existent. However, in the USA a close relationship has been observed between growth of industry sales and growth of industry-financed R & D activities (sect. 10). The rate of growth of demand is also one of the key factors influencing the rate of diffusion of innovations amongst their potential population of users (sects. 11, 12.2).The government-financed scientific and technological infrastructure. Scientific and technological knowledge from outside of innovating firms is often crucial to the completion of successful innovations, and three UK studies show that a significant proportion of this outside knowledge comes from government-financed technological institutes and laboratories, and from the universities (sect. 3). If the same is true in other countries, it should be an essential feature of any government policy towards industrial innovation to know how effectively government-funded laboratories and universities provide supportive knowledge to industry, and how government laboratories should be organised and financed (subsect. 12.4).Direct government-financing of innovative activities in industry. Governments specifically finance R & D activities in industrial firms, although these expenditures are less than those for general industrial development (sect. 13). These R & D activities in industry are relatively more important in France and UK, than in F.R. Germany and the Netherlands.In the four countries, more than 70% of all civilian government R & D activities related to industry are spent on aircraft, space, nuclear energy and electronics (subsect. 14.4). In all these high technologies, governments attempted in the 1960's to implement ‘policies for innovation’, involving government procurement, industrial mergers and attempts at European co-operation, in addition to the financing of R & D (subsect. 14.5). Government expenditures on civilian R & D related to other industrial sectors are very much smaller in all four countries (subsect 14.4).Where should governments intervene? A, number of attempts have been made to develop a formal framework of criteria to assist governments in deciding where they should intervene in industrial innovation. They all run into the following difficulties: dealing with multiple policy objectives; assessing national costs and benefits; comparing with alternative policies, choosing appropriate policy instruments (sect. 17).How should governments intervene? Very little information is available on the effectiveness of various policy instruments that have been used by governments in order to promote innovation in industry. Although it is often possible to measure the inputs into such policies, the measurement of their outputs (or results) is more difficult. Nonetheless, detailed studies would enable some such measurements to be made, and internationally comparable studies would increase the range of experiences and the number of cases that could be examined (sect. 18).Why should governments intervene? A full appreciation of the nature and scale of hindrances to industrial innovation, on which governments should act to remove, requires direct information on what innovations are (or are not) being introduced by industry, and why they are (or are not) being inyroduced. This information can best be obtained from analyses of the behaviour of industrial firms. They would differ from most existing innovation studies that concentrate on asking how firms must behave in order to make successful innovation, by asking what innovations are attempted, and why firms are stimulated to attempt them (sect. 19).  相似文献   

A detailed survey of 498 high technology small and medium-sized enterprises in the Netherlands shows process innovation by user firms to be common practice. Fifty-four percent of these firms reported developing entirely novel process equipment or software for their own use and/or modifying these, both at significant private expense. Twenty-five percent of the user innovations in our sample were transferred to commercializing producer firms. Many transfers were made without any direct compensation. Very importantly from the perspective of effective diffusion of user innovations, innovations with higher commercial potential - and more general appeal for users - are much more likely to be transferred to producers. The pattern we document of frequent innovation by individual user firms at substantial cost, followed in many cases by voluntary, no-charge information spillovers to producers, suggests that “open source economics” may be a general pattern in the economy.  相似文献   

在信息产业快速发展的时代,谁掌握了信息谁就越接近成功。本文通过调查医教研综合性医院医生信息能力现状并进行有效分析,总结医生信息能力与信息需求不匹配,现行医院信息建设管理中信息服务与信息需求不匹配等问题存在原因,提出制定有效的信息能力培养规划的建议,对医教研综合性医院管理工作具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Current awareness services are designed to keep users informed about recent developments based around user need profiles. In organisational settings, they may operate through both electronic and social interactions aimed at delivering information that is relevant, pertinent and current. Understanding these interactions can reveal the tensions in current awareness dissemination and help inform ways of making services more effective and efficient. We report an in-depth, observational study of electronic current awareness use within a large London law firm. The study found that selection, re-aggregation and forwarding of information by multiple actors gives rise to a complex sociotechnical distribution network. Knowledge management staff act as a layer of “intelligent filters” sensitive to complex, local information needs; their distribution decisions address multiple situational relevance factors in a situation fraught with information overload and restrictive time-pressures. Their decisions aim to optimise conflicting constraints of recall, precision and information quantity. Critical to this is the use of dynamic profile updates which propagate back through the network through formal and informal social interactions. This supports changes to situational relevance judgements and so allows the network to ‘self-tune’. These findings lead to design requirements, including that systems should support rapid assessment of information items against an individual’s interests; that it should be possible to organise information for different subsequent uses; and that there should be back-propagation from information consumers to providers, to tune the understanding of their information needs.  相似文献   

The problem of results merging in distributed information retrieval environments has gained significant attention the last years. Two generic approaches have been introduced in research. The first approach aims at estimating the relevance of the documents returned from the remote collections through ad hoc methodologies (such as weighted score merging, regression etc.) while the other is based on downloading all the documents locally, completely or partially, in order to calculate their relevance. Both approaches have advantages and disadvantages. Download methodologies are more effective but they pose a significant overhead on the process in terms of time and bandwidth. Approaches that rely solely on estimation on the other hand, usually depend on document relevance scores being reported by the remote collections in order to achieve maximum performance. In addition to that, regression algorithms, which have proved to be more effective than weighted scores merging algorithms, need a significant number of overlap documents in order to function effectively, practically requiring multiple interactions with the remote collections. The new algorithm that is introduced is based on adaptively downloading a limited, selected number of documents from the remote collections and estimating the relevance of the rest through regression methodologies. Thus it reconciles the above two approaches, combining their strengths, while minimizing their drawbacks, achieving the limited time and bandwidth overhead of the estimation approaches and the increased effectiveness of the download. The proposed algorithm is tested in a variety of settings and its performance is found to be significantly better than the former, while approximating that of the latter.  相似文献   

本文着重探讨了:为什么产学研结合的技术创新必须以企业为主体,并提出了四种相应的主要创新形式;创建企业内生研发机构和提升其竞争力是实施自主创新战略的当务之急;产学研结合创新成功的关键在利益机制设计。  相似文献   

This study aims to show how activity theory in the socio-technical systems paradigm can assist in understanding and managing system innovation. We conceptualize socio-technical systems to address societal needs as activity systems and system innovations as transformations of such systems. Transformations result from resolving contradictions that develop due to technical and social change within and between the activities carried out by various agencies to fulfill societal needs. Along this line, the explanation of system innovations focuses on identifying emerging contradictions, resolution initiatives, and their outcomes, whereas the governance of system innovations can be carried out by interactively developing policies through successive interventions to resolve contradictions. We demonstrate the employment of activity theory to understand the transformation of the recorded music socio-technical system towards streaming, as well as to facilitate the management of the transition of the olive oil-producing sector at the regional level towards a circular economy through the adoption of innovative waste-processing technology.  相似文献   

Over the final two decades of the 20th century, a number of formerly industrializing economies and historical imitator countries achieved levels of innovative capacity commensurate with or greater than those of some economies that were historically more innovative. We investigate the factors that enabled such emerging innovator economies to achieve successful catch-up while some historically more innovative countries experienced relative declines in innovative productivity. We focus our analysis on the estimation of a production function for innovations at the world's technical frontier. Based on the results of this analysis, we classify countries into categories reflecting their historical levels of innovative capacities and develop counterfactual indices that identify the factors that correspond to long-run improvements in innovative roductivity. These exercises suggest that the development of innovation-enhancing policies and infrastructures are necessary for achieving innovative leadership, but that these are insufficient unless coupled with ever-increasing financial and human capital investments in innovation.  相似文献   

Technological innovations often involve collaboration among firms from diverse industries. Existing literature has largely viewed participant diversity as a conduit for non-redundant information or complementary resources, thereby affecting the ex-post outcomes of innovation projects. However, it is seldom examined how projects are initially evaluated during the resource competition stage. In this study, we develop a theory of diversity as a cognitive primer, asking how collaborators from diverse backgrounds may affect external reviewers’ ex-ante evaluation of potential merits of an innovation project. We argue that there are two logics at work in the process of evaluating innovations: the logic of technological advancement and the logic of market value. When an innovation project involves firms from diverse industries, it may be perceived as having a fuzzier market identity, hence making it less appealing to reviewers who hold with the strong market value logic. However, the penalty associated with participant diversity should be less pronounced among reviewers who hold the technological advancement logic. We also expect the relationship between participant diversity and reviewers’ ratings to be moderated by project novelty and fuzziness of technology category. We find support for our hypotheses with a sample of collaborative innovation projects funded by the Advanced Technology Program of the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology.  相似文献   

We propose a theory to characterize the information and information processing abilities of metasurfaces, and demonstrate the relation between the information of the metasurface and its radiation pattern in the far-field region. By incorporating a general aperture model with uncertainty relation in L2-space, we propose a theory to predict the upper bound of information contained in the radiation pattern of a metasurface, and reveal the theoretical upper limit of orthogonal radiation states. The proposed theory also provides guidance for inverse design of the metasurface with respect to given functionalities. Through investigation of the information of disordered-phase modulated metasurfaces, we find the information invariance (1−γ, where γ is Euler''s constant) of chaotic radiation patterns. That is to say, the information of the disordered-phase modulated radiation patterns is always equal to 1−γ, regardless of variations in size, the number of elements and the phase pattern of metasurface. This value might be the lower bound of radiation-pattern information of the metasurface, which can provide a theoretical limit for information modulation applications, including computational imaging, stealth technologies and wireless communications.  相似文献   

Traditional information retrieval techniques that primarily rely on keyword-based linking of the query and document spaces face challenges such as the vocabulary mismatch problem where relevant documents to a given query might not be retrieved simply due to the use of different terminology for describing the same concepts. As such, semantic search techniques aim to address such limitations of keyword-based retrieval models by incorporating semantic information from standard knowledge bases such as Freebase and DBpedia. The literature has already shown that while the sole consideration of semantic information might not lead to improved retrieval performance over keyword-based search, their consideration enables the retrieval of a set of relevant documents that cannot be retrieved by keyword-based methods. As such, building indices that store and provide access to semantic information during the retrieval process is important. While the process for building and querying keyword-based indices is quite well understood, the incorporation of semantic information within search indices is still an open challenge. Existing work have proposed to build one unified index encompassing both textual and semantic information or to build separate yet integrated indices for each information type but they face limitations such as increased query process time. In this paper, we propose to use neural embeddings-based representations of term, semantic entity, semantic type and documents within the same embedding space to facilitate the development of a unified search index that would consist of these four information types. We perform experiments on standard and widely used document collections including Clueweb09-B and Robust04 to evaluate our proposed indexing strategy from both effectiveness and efficiency perspectives. Based on our experiments, we find that when neural embeddings are used to build inverted indices; hence relaxing the requirement to explicitly observe the posting list key in the indexed document: (a) retrieval efficiency will increase compared to a standard inverted index, hence reduces the index size and query processing time, and (b) while retrieval efficiency, which is the main objective of an efficient indexing mechanism improves using our proposed method, retrieval effectiveness also retains competitive performance compared to the baseline in terms of retrieving a reasonable number of relevant documents from the indexed corpus.  相似文献   

In ad hoc querying of document collections, current approaches to ranking primarily rely on identifying the documents that contain the query terms. Methods such as query expansion, based on thesaural information or automatic feedback, are used to add further terms, and can yield significant though usually small gains in effectiveness. Another approach to adding terms, which we investigate in this paper, is to use natural language technology to annotate - and thus disambiguate - key terms by the concept they represent. Using biomedical research documents, we quantify the potential benefits of tagging users’ targeted concepts in queries and documents in domain-specific information retrieval. Our experiments, based on the TREC Genomics track data, both on passage and full-text retrieval, found no evidence that automatic concept recognition in general is of significant value for this task. Moreover, the issues raised by these results suggest that it is difficult for such disambiguation to be effective.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to investigate the factors determining cooperation in developing innovations between firms and a specific group of agents, customers and users. The central point of the analysis is two variables recognised in previous studies as important factors in the study of cooperation with these agents, but which basically have been dealt with from a purely theoretical viewpoint. These variables are: (1) the existence of sticky information (information which is costly to obtain, transfer and use) and (2) the presence of heterogeneous needs in the market. Regarding the first variable, we have also taken into account two kinds of information which can be sticky: information on needs and information of technological nature. The findings obtained, using a Spanish sample of firms, show clearly that all these three factors exert a positive influence on cooperative relationships with these agents.  相似文献   

There is sufficient evidence, drawn from surveys of innovation in the public sector and cognitive testing interviews with public sector managers, to develop a framework for measuring public sector innovation. Although many questions that are covered in the Oslo Manual guidelines for measuring innovation in the private sector can be applied with some modifications to the public sector, public sector innovation surveys need to meet policy needs that require collecting additional types of data. Policy to support public sector innovation requires data on how public sector organizations innovate and how a strategic management approach to innovation can influence the types of innovations that are developed. Both issues require innovations surveys to delve deeply into the innovation processes and strategies that are used by public sector managers. Implementation of the measurement framework proposed in this paper would open up opportunities for a new, policy-relevant research program on public sector innovation.  相似文献   

刘莹 《现代情报》2014,34(4):82-85
通过考察国内外部分知名高校图书馆在发展战略、资源建设、服务方式、新技术应用、服务社会等方面的举措,探讨地方高校图书馆为学术信息交流服务的新思路。  相似文献   

This paper presents an integrative view of innovation processes based on a theory of systems developed by the author over the past few years. In its essence, one of the most important clues to the origin of innovations is to be found in the fact that the performance of every technology depends upon its size and structure. Specifically, as a technology is continuously made to become larger or smaller, the relationship between its size and structural requirements changes, which in turn, severely limits the scope of its further evolution. Thus the origin of a wide variety of innovations lies in learning to overcome the constraints that arise from the process of scaling the technology under consideration. In short, technical progress is best characterized as a process of learning by scaling.These considerations in turn point to a trilogy of innovations corresponding to three main types of technological constraints: structural innovations that arise from a process of differential growth whereby the parts and the whole of a system do not grow at the same rate: material innovations involving a change in the construction stuff; and systems innovations that arise from the integration of two or more symbiotic technologies in an attempt to simplify the outline of the overall structure. The proposed trilogy is shown to account for the emergence of various techniques including the so-called revolutionary innovations in a variety of fields.The theory is developed and illustrated through three case studies of technical progress in the aircraft, farm tractor, and computer industries. The results of our investigation further reveal that the process of innovation is best conceived in terms of a certain topography of technological evolution. Specifically, we find that technical progress is invariably characterized by the existence of what may be called technological guideposts and innovation avenues that lay out certain definite paths of development. Chance determines which amongst many technological guideposts will be chosen in the course of development. Once the development is well along a certain innovation avenue. necessity prevails until another point connecting other technological guideposts and innovation avenues is reached. This brings chance back to the fore and the process continues. In sum, the process of technological evolution is determined by the interplay of chance and necessity rather than one at the exclusion of the other.  相似文献   

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