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In this study, we investigated whether video modelling can enhance gymnasts' performance of the circle on a pommel horse. The procedure associated expert-modelling with self-modelling and quantitative performance analysis. Sixteen gymnasts were randomly assigned to one of two groups: (1) a modelling group, which received expert- and self-modelling, and performance feedback, or (2) a control group, which received no feedback. After five sessions of training, an analysis of variance with repeated measures indicated that the gains in the back, entry, front, and exit phases of the circle were greater for the modelling group than for the control group. During the training sessions, the gymnasts in the modelling group improved their body segmental alignment during the back phase more quickly than during the other phases. As predicted, although both groups performed the same number of circles (300 in 5 days, with 10 sequences of 6 circles), the modelling group improved their body segmental alignment more than the control group. It thus appears that immediate video modelling can help to correct complex sports movements such as the circle performed on the pommel horse. However, its effectiveness seemed to be dependent on the complexity of the phase.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to analyse the principal mechanics of circles. Seventeen university male gymnasts performed circles on an instrumented pommel horse model that enabled the pommel reaction forces to be recorded at 1000 Hz with two force plates. The circles were also videotaped using two digital video cameras operating at 60 frames per second. During circles, the vertical component of the reaction forces peaked in the double-hand support phases. Changes in the velocity of the centre of mass corresponded to the change in the tangential components of horizontal reaction forces. The velocity of the centre of mass had its peaks in the single-hand support phases and its local minimums in the double-hand support phases. The velocity of the ankles and that of the centre of mass of the head and trunk were minimal in the single-hand support phases and were maximal in the double-hand support phases. These results suggest that the circles were composed of vertical movements and two kinds of rotations: rotation of the centre of mass and rotation of the body itself about the centre of mass. These two kinds of rotations, which influence the legs' rotational velocity, are phase dependent. To further our understanding of circles, research on circles in different orientations on the pommel horse will be beneficial.  相似文献   


One of the most fundamental skills on the pommel horse is double leg circles (circles). Circles can be performed on all parts of the pommel horse. It was hypothesized that the different sets of physical constraints of the apparatus require a gymnast to adapt circles technique. The purpose of this study was to quantify how gymnasts modify their technique during circles to accommodate different physical obstacles due to different support surfaces and body orientations. To investigate these adaptations, a comparison of the two most common circles on pommel horse – namely, circles in cross support (cross-circles) and circles in side support (side-circles) – was carried out. Seven elite male gymnasts performed three sets of 10 cross-circles and side-circles on a pommel horse. Three-dimensional coordinates were acquired using 12 Qualisys ProReflex motion tracking cameras operating at 120 Hz. Temporal characteristics, the motion of the centre of mass, and the body angles – flexion and lateral flexion – were analysed. We found that cross-circles took less time to complete a single circle (0.92±0.02 vs. 0.95±0.02 s), had a smaller ratio for the rear support phase (0.15±0.02 vs. 0.18±0.03), a narrower supporting-hand distance (0.33±0.03 vs. 0.52±0.00 m), greater flexion of the body over the rear support phase (44±12° vs. 27±8°), and less lateral flexion of the body over the single-hand support phase (entry: 20±5° vs. 35±3°; exit: 26±4° vs. 33±4°) than side-circles. Our results suggest that gymnasts adapt their technique to the physical constraints imposed by the shape of the pommel horse and the location and orientation of the circles. Cross-circles were characterized by a high rear support position with a narrower hand-spacing, which would require excellent shoulder flexibility and strength. Consequently, lack of these traits may explain the need for greater body flexion in cross-circles than in side-circles during rear support. Understanding the technical differences will facilitate an effective transfer of the technical similarities among different types of circles.  相似文献   

In the third study of this series, we examined how circles with a suspended aid would vary depending of the gymnast's level of expertise. We analysed circles with the aid performed by three groups of eight gymnasts: expert, intermediate, and developing groups. The gymnasts for the expert and intermediate groups were selected from the previous studies based on judges' evaluation of their non-aid circles. The developing group of eight gymnasts, who were unable to perform circles on pommel horse without an aid, were added to this study and performed three sets of 10 circles on the pommel horse with the aid. Discriminative biomechanical variables identified in the previous two studies were used to compare circles with the aid among the three groups. As a result, the expert group demonstrated a larger pommel reaction force and a smaller aid reaction force than the other two groups, implying that they were less dependent on the aid. The smaller aid reaction force resulted in a smaller net hip joint moment. Furthermore, the expert group showed a shorter total duration and a greater shoulder excursion. In summary, the suspended aid can be used in a progressive manner depending on the gymnast's level of expertise.  相似文献   


This is the second study of the series, and its aim was to investigate the influence of using the suspended aid on circle kinetics. In addition to the kinematic data recorded for part one (Fujihara & Gervais, 2012), the pommel reaction forces and the force applied from the suspended aid (aid reaction force) were analysed in relation to the motion of a whole-body mass centre. The hip joint moment was also computed by combining all segments in the lower extremities into a single rigid segment. Generally, the use of the aid changed the magnitude of the mass-centre trajectory or horizontal pommel reaction forces but not their patterns. The results also showed that the net hip joint moment was altered during circles with the aid. In summary, a suspended aid can be used as a progression for a variety of goals because it allows gymnasts to practise circles which would not be possible without the aid. When a suspended aid is used, however, practitioners should be aware of the possible kinetic alteration caused by the external force from the aid.  相似文献   

This is the second study of the series, and its aim was to investigate the influence of using the suspended aid on circle kinetics. In addition to the kinematic data recorded for part one (Fujihara & Gervais, 2012), the pommel reaction forces and the force applied from the suspended aid (aid reaction force) were analysed in relation to the motion of a whole-body mass centre. The hip joint moment was also computed by combining all segments in the lower extremities into a single rigid segment. Generally, the use of the aid changed the magnitude of the mass-centre trajectory or horizontal pommel reaction forces but not their patterns. The results also showed that the net hip joint moment was altered during circles with the aid. In summary, a suspended aid can be used as a progression for a variety of goals because it allows gymnasts to practise circles which would not be possible without the aid. When a suspended aid is used, however, practitioners should be aware of the possible kinetic alteration caused by the external force from the aid.  相似文献   

Modern-day cricket has experienced a shift towards limited over games, where the emphasis is on scoring runs at a rapid rate. Although the use of protective equipment in cricket is mandatory, players perceive that leg guards, in particular, can restrict their motion. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of cricket leg guards on running performance. Initial testing revealed that wearing pads significantly increased the total time taken to complete three runs by up to 0.5?s compared with running without pads (P?相似文献   

Goaltender leg pad innovations, whether the result of professional player feedback or National Hockey League equipment regulations, are rarely tested for their effects on the goaltender’s body. This study quantified peak drop velocity and range of motion of four different ice hockey goalie leg pads with respect to the goaltenders’ legs during butterfly manoeuvres. Twelve junior goaltenders, ranging from 16 to 20 years of age, performed five butterfly manoeuvres in each of the four leg pad conditions (flexible-tight leg channel, flexible-wide leg channel, stiff-wide leg channel and control). The pad conditions followed similar kinematic patterns in the sagittal and frontal planes. In the transverse plane, the stiff-wide pad achieved significantly greater external rotation (~10°) during the butterfly compared to the flex-tight and the flex-wide leg pad conditions. Goaltenders performed significantly faster butterflies in the flex-tight (3.05 m/s) and the flex-wide (3.0 m/s) leg pad conditions compared to their own control (2.82 m/s) leg pads (P = 0.018 and P = 0.004, respectively). The kinematic information obtained during this study provides ice hockey goaltender equipment manufacturers with a baseline understanding of how leg pads move with respect to the goaltender’s legs. Future leg pad modifications can then be compared to these data to understand the modification’s effect on the goaltender’s body and performance ensuring that leg pads continue to improve both the safety and performance of goaltenders.  相似文献   

Horse riding predisposes to degenerative spinal injury to both rider and horse. This study evaluated the dynamic pressure exerted on horse and horse rider. The main comparison investigated was how the flocking (cushioning) material of a saddle affected the pressure exerted on both. Six horse riders and one horse were used to conduct this study. The Pliance® horse saddle and seat pressure testing systems, designed by NovelGmBH, were used for this study. Pressure recordings were carried out from a saddle fitted with wool then again following its conversion to air flocking. Both flocking materials were tested during a variety of different gait settings using two pressure mats to record the pressures firstly being exerted onto the horse and secondly onto the rider. This study was the first carried out to examine the pressure exerted on horse and rider. Results found that both the mean peak pressure (MPP) and mean pressure–time integral (PTI) exerted on the rider increased by as much as 21.9 and 22 %, respectively, following conversion to air flocking. In contrast, the air flocking saddle exerted a lower MPP and PTI on the horse by as much as 25.3 and 26.6 %, respectively. This study has shown that air flocking reduces the pressure exerted on the horse; however, it has also indicated that it increased the pressures exerted on the rider. As a result of our study, further research needs to be conducted to determine the most appropriate material to flock a saddle with.  相似文献   

The combined event is a crucial aspect of the modern pentathlon competition, but little is known about how shooting performance changes through the event. This study aimed to identify (i) how performance-related variables changed within each shooting series and (ii) how performance-related variables changed between each shooting series. Seventeen modern pentathletes completed combined event trials. An optoelectronic shooting system recorded score and pistol movement, and force platforms recorded centre of pressure movement 1 s prior to every shot. Heart rate and blood lactate values were recorded throughout the event. Whilst heart rate and blood lactate significantly increased between series (P < 0.05), there were no accompanying changes in the time period that participants spent aiming at the target, shot score, pistol movement or centre of pressure movement (P > 0.05). Thus, combined event shooting performance following each running phase appears similar to shooting performance following only 20 m of running. This finding has potential implications for the way in which modern pentathletes train for combined event shooting, and highlights the need for modern pentathletes to establish new methods with which to enhance shooting accuracy.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to examine the influence of leg kick on the pattern, the orientation and the propulsive forces produced by the hand, the efficiency of the arm stroke, the trunk inclination, the inter-arm coordination and the intra-cyclic horizontal velocity variation of the hip in sprint front crawl swimming. Nine female swimmers swam two maximal trials of 25 m front crawl, with and without leg kick. Four camcorders were used to record the underwater movements. Using the legs, the mean swimming velocity increased significantly. On the contrary, the velocity and the orientation of the hand, the magnitude and the direction of the propulsive forces, as well as the Froude efficiency of the arm stroke were not modified. The hip intra-cyclic horizontal velocity variation was also not changed, while the index of coordination decreased significantly. A significant decrease (13%) was also observed in the inclination of the trunk. Thus, the positive effect of leg kick on the swimming speed, besides the obvious direct generation of propulsive forces from the legs, could probably be attributed to the reduction of the body’s inclination, while the generation of the propulsive forces and the efficiency of the arm stroke seem not to be significantly affected.  相似文献   

Warm-up protocols are commonly used to acutely enhance the performance of dynamic activities. This study examined the acute effect of low-load gluteal exercises on the biomechanics of single-leg drop jumps. Eight men and seven women (18–22 years old) performed 10 single-leg drop jumps on three separate days. The gluteal exercises were performed within the warm-up on day 2. Contact time, flight time, peak vertical ground reaction force (GRF), rate of force development, vertical leg-spring stiffness, and reactive strength index were determined. A repeated measures analysis of variance was used to examine differences on all variables across days. Significant differences were found for contact time, peak GRF, and flight time between days 1 and 2 and for flight time between days 1 and 3 (p ≤ 0.05) with no significant difference in any variables between days 2 and 3. This suggested that the improvements in day 2 were due to practice effects rather than the gluteal activation exercises. In addition, a typical error analysis was used to determine individual responses to the gluteal exercises. The results using this analysis showed no discernible response pattern of enhancement or fatigue for any participant.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the effect of prior cycling on EMG activity of selected lower leg muscles during running. Ten elite level triathletes underwent two testing sessions at race pace: a 40 km cycle followed by a 2 km run (CR) and a 10 km run followed by a 2 km run (RR). EMG data from selected lower limb muscles were collected at three sections of each run (0 km, 1 km and 2 km) for six strides using a portable data logger. Significant differences (p < 0.05) between condition were found for the level of activation (Lact) for biceps femoris (BF) during stance and vastus lateralis (VL) during flight and stance. Vastus medialis (VM) changed in Lact, during flight, between sections in the 2 km run. Furthermore, significant differences (p < 0.05) between condition were found for BF during stance and for rectus femoris (RF) and VM during flight. There was a significant difference (p < 0.05) in the duration of VL activation (Dact) across sections of the 2 km run. Findings from this investigation highlight changes in muscle function when changing from cycling to running and indicate a need to train specifically for the cycle to run transition. Such training may improve performance and reduce the risk of injury.  相似文献   

Lack of benefit of warm up on prolonged intermittent-sprint performance has been proposed to be due to use of a pacing strategy by participants. To investigate this, twelve participants performed four cycle trials that consisted of either prolonged intermittent-sprint performance (80 min) or single-sprint performance (4 s), with or without a warm up. The first-sprint of intermittent-sprint performance was also assessed. No interaction effects (P > 0.05) were found between trials for intermittent-sprint performance for total work (J · kg(-1)), or percentage work and power decrement. Work done during the first-sprint of intermittent-sprint performance (no warm up) was less (P < 0.001) than the first-sprint of intermittent-sprint performance (warm up; effect size (ES) = 0.59) and both single-sprint trials (warm up and no warm up; ES = 0.91, 0.75, respectively). Peak power (W · kg(-1)) for single-sprint (warm up) was greater (P < 0.05) than single-sprint (no warm up), and the first-sprint of intermittent-sprint performance (warm up and no warm up). Warm up improved single-sprint performance and the first sprint of intermittent-sprint performance. Use of a pacing strategy probably resulted in similar intermittent-sprint performance between trials. These results suggest that team-sport players should perform a warm up at the start of a game or before substitution during a game.  相似文献   

This study investigated changes in performance and technique that occur during maximal effort bend sprinting compared with straight-line sprinting under typical outdoor track conditions. Utilising a repeated measures design, three-dimensional video analysis was conducted on seven male sprinters in both conditions (bend radius: 37.72 m). Mean race velocity decreased from 9.86 to 9.39 m/s for the left step (p = 0.008) and from 9.80 to 9.33 m/s for the right step (p = 0.004) on the bend compared with the straight, a 4.7% decrease for both steps. This was mainly due to a 0.11 Hz (p = 0.022) decrease in step frequency for the left step and a 0.10 m (p = 0.005) reduction in race step length for the right step. The left hip was 4.0° (p = 0.049) more adducted at touchdown on the bend than the straight. Furthermore, the bend elicited significant differences between left and right steps in a number of variables including ground contact time, touchdown distance and hip flexion/extension and abduction/adduction angles. The results indicate that the roles of the left and right steps may be functionally different during bend sprinting. This specificity should be considered when designing training programmes.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to examine the effect of shaft flexibility on the performance of junior golfers and to determine whether there is a relationship between golfers' physical characteristics (16 anthropometric measures, age, experience, strength), performance and shaft flexibility. We assessed the performance of 30 male golfers, aged 7–10 years, with three 7-iron golf clubs of different shaft flexibility at a driving range. The performance parameters measured for equipment evaluation were ball distance achieved, shot dispersion and impact position of the ball on the clubface. The results suggest that there is no particular shaft flex suitable for the age group considered and that experience, strength and arm span are the significant factors when selecting optimal shaft flexibility for children.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to examine the effect of shaft flexibility on the performance of junior golfers and to determine whether there is a relationship between golfers' physical characteristics (16 anthropometric measures, age, experience, strength), performance and shaft flexibility. We assessed the performance of 30 male golfers, aged 7-10 years, with three 7-iron golf clubs of different shaft flexibility at a driving range. The performance parameters measured for equipment evaluation were ball distance achieved, shot dispersion and impact position of the ball on the clubface. The results suggest that there is no particular shaft flex suitable for the age group considered and that experience, strength and arm span are the significant factors when selecting optimal shaft flexibility for children.  相似文献   

通过影像测量方法,探讨了速滑姿势与能量输出之间的关系。结果认为:功率与步频和滑行姿势密切相关;在滑行同一距离项目中,输出功率总量决定水平相近的运动员之间成绩上的微小差异:绝对意义的低姿势只能是躯干保持水平位置,而相对意义的低姿势以发挥下肢蹬伸力量为前提;高的能量输出主要是通过大量的蹬伸做功而产生。  相似文献   

Without taking a position on the overall justification of anti-doping regulations, I analyse the possible justification of Therapeutic Use Exemptions (TUEs) from such rules. TUEs are a creative way to prevent the unfair exclusion of athletes with a chronic condition, and they have the potential to be the least bad option. But they cannot be competitively neutral. Their justification must rest, instead, on the relevance of intentions to permissibility. I illustrate this by means of a set of thought experiments in which only an athlete’s intentions vary. I argue that the Doctrine of Double Effect (DDE) sheds some light on TUEs and illustrate this by applying different readings of the DDE to the thought experiment. This underpins a justification of anti-doping exemptions very different from the approach adopted by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). I argue for three changes to bring TUEs in line with this understanding: rewriting of the regulations, transparency, and a greater role for athletes in determining what exemptions are allowed, and when.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of combined glucose and sodium bicarbonate ingestion prior to intermittent exercise. Ninemales (mean ± s age 25.4 ± 6.6 years, body mass 78.8 ± 12.0 kg, maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max)) 47.0 ± 7 ml · kg · min(-1)) undertook 4 × 45 min intermittent cycling trials including 15 × 10 s sprints one hour after ingesting placebo (PLA), glucose (CHO), sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) or a combined CHO and NaHCO3 solution (COMB). Post ingestion blood pH (7.45 ± 0.03, 7.46 ± 0.03, 7.32 ± 0.05, 7.32 ± 0.01) and bicarbonate (30.3 ± 2.1, 30.7 ± 1.8, 24.2 ± 1.2, 24.0 ± 1.8 mmol · l(-1)) were greater for NaHCO3 and COMB when compared to PLA and CHO, remaining elevated throughout exercise (main effect for trial; P < 0.05). Blood lactate concentration was greatest throughout exercise for NaHCO3 and COMB (main effect for trial; P < 0.05). Blood glucose concentration was greatest 15 min post-ingestion for CHO followed by COMB, NaHCO3 and PLA (7.13 ± 0.60, 5.58 ± 0.75, 4.51 ± 0.56, 4.46 ± 0.59 mmol · l(-1), respectively; P < 0.05). Gastrointestinal distress was lower during COMB compared to NaHCO3 at 15 min post-ingestion (P < 0.05). No differences were observed for sprint performance between trials (P = 1.00). The results of this study suggest that a combined CHO and NaHCO3 beverage reduced gastrointestinal distress and CHO availability but did not improve performance. Although there was no effect on performance an investigation of the effects in more highly trained individuals may be warranted.  相似文献   

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