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This article discusses friendships and peer groups of migrant and minority ethnic youth in schools in England and Spain, and critically considers them in relation to existing notions of ‘peer social capital’ and bridging (heterogeneous) and bonding (homogeneous) peer networks. The article argues for an extended understanding of peer social capital and discusses the complex composition and outcomes of bridging and bonding peer networks. It critically discusses both facilitators and barriers to friendships experienced by migrant and minority ethnic youth in schools, and considers them in relation to school practices.  相似文献   

Raver CC 《Child development》2003,74(6):1720-1736
This longitudinal study examined quantity and quality of maternal employment as predictors of depressive symptoms and parenting style in a sample of 94 low-income mothers whose 4-year-old children were enrolled in Head Start at baseline. Results suggest that answers to the question of whether work "pays" are complex: Findings suggest some benefits of greater employment participation while also indicating that women holding lower prestige jobs experienced increases in their use of negative parenting style, net of baseline demographic and psychological characteristics. Sparse evidence for selection processes was found, with cohabitation and maternal depressive symptoms modestly predictive of subsequent maternal employment. Implications of these findings for welfare reform and educationally related policies for low-income families are discussed.  相似文献   


For over fifteen years the U.S. Peace Corps provided technical and administrative support for a widely successful aquaculture development initiative in the (former) Republic of Zaïre. Until internal political tensions led to the dissolution of the effort in the early 1990s, the programme helped thousands of farmers across the country add a new, highly profitable enterprise to their portfolio of productive activities. The successes generated by this effort highlight the powerful role that extension programmes can play when their design and implementation liberates both farmers and field agents from the confines of their traditional roles as the simple ‘receivers’ and ‘purveyors’ of information. By building upon the reinforcing features of sound production principles, human capacity development and supportive local social organization, this programme created ‘windows of opportunity’ for farmers to become increasingly involved in developing innovations, spreading the programme's messages and independently powering a farmer-led promotion of aquaculture development. This example demonstrates that given the tools and opportunity, extension practice that builds farmers' knowledge, engages farmers' creativity and allows for their active involvement in outreach activities is capable of producing results that far exceed and outlast those possible through more traditional approaches.  相似文献   

There is ongoing debate about the reliability of parental reports on child victimization. Some studies have shown that they are useful, whereas some others have provided contrary evidence suggesting that parents are not accurate in reporting child victimization, especially when they are the one who inflicted the violence. This study aimed to (a) examine the reliability of parental reports of adolescents’ experiences of victimization, including that inflicted by parents as well as others, by comparing them with self-reports using a parent–child matched sample from China; and (b) explore the possible reasons underlying any disagreement between the parental and adolescent reports. A total of 2,624 parent–adolescent pairs were recruited during 2009 and 2010 in 6 cities in China. Parents were asked to report the victimization experiences of their child using of the Juvenile Victimization Questionnaire, and these reports were matched with the adolescents’ self-reports of victimization. Low levels of parent–adolescent agreement in reporting were found (Cohen's kappa = .04–.29). Except for sexual violence, parents were significantly less likely to report all types of victimization. Overall, lower levels of agreement were found in the reporting of (a) less severe types of victimization, (b) victimization outside the family, and (c) victimization involving parents as perpetrators. Intimate partner violence between parents was significantly associated with discrepancies between reports. The findings suggest that parents might not be reliable as a single source of information on certain types of adolescent victimization.  相似文献   

Context: In Lebanon, older adults face socioeconomic challenges that are expected to worsen due to an increase in older adult population, chronic governmental neglect, institutionalised ageism and a lack of educational and social gerontologists. Consequently, local older adults are in dire need for social change, which can be initiated through later life learning. The University for Seniors (UfS) is a University for the Third Age providing learning opportunities for older people in Lebanon. While most older adult learning programmes are occupied with their learners’ self-fulfilment, Critical Educational Gerontology promotes emancipatory learning and social change. Study Objective and Design: A case discussion based on a variety of data sources is used to showcase and then challenge the practices of UfS from a critical educational gerontology perspective. To do that, we consider the semantic difference between emancipation and empowerment in their relation to power. Recommendations: We recommend programme-specific measures starting by revisiting the current philosophy of learning, targeting social change as an additional goal to later life learning, and advocacy for the establishment of educational degrees to prepare professionals and academicians in the field of social gerontology. We also recommend a more critical use of empowerment and emancipation within critical educational gerontology.  相似文献   

This longitudinal study, spanning from 1995 through 2012, followed vulnerable youth from upper secondary school (T1) as they made the transition to their early twenties (T2), late twenties (T3) and mid-thirties (T4). We investigated their social network relationships in different phases of adult life, focusing mainly on factors that explain patterns of social adaptation. Internet-mediated relationships were also studied at T4. We found that attending special classes in upper secondary school explained the respondents’ risk of being in a small isolated and bonding network in their early twenties. In the transition from early to late twenties, the relative impact of a changed life situation, which increases the potential of network formation, is a resilience factor. Logistic regression analyses, however, showed that in the transition from T3 to mid-thirties, having intellectual disabilities was a risk factor for social isolation. In particular, males with intellectual disabilities or psychosocial difficulties at this age were isolated in small networks and less likely to be on Facebook/Twitter. A shift of factors in the explanatory model of the transition from school to adult life reflects the relative impact of contextual factors distant and closer in time, shedding light on the principle of social ties to others, linked lives and cumulative disadvantages across the life course.  相似文献   

In the ongoing trend towards inclusive education, initial teacher education programmes must ensure that prospective teachers are prepared to teach all pupils effectively. The study presented in this paper aimed to explore the attitudes of teacher candidates in Serbia and Slovenia towards responsibility for the teaching and learning of vulnerable pupils in mainstream elementary schools. Using a quantitative approach, the study sought to elicit teacher candidates’ views about division of responsibility for the academic achievement and additional support of vulnerable pupils and their views on the factors that most affect learning difficulties in those pupils. Our findings indicate that teacher candidates’ feelings of responsibility are unlikely to help when instructing vulnerable pupils. The implications of these findings are discussed and we suggest several ways to improve teacher education programmes to promote inclusive education based on the concept of quality education for all.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the evaluation of a major programme which is using telecommunications to link teachers and pupils both across the political boundary between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland and across the boundaries of ‘mainstream’ schooling and those children in ‘special schools’. The paper examines the ‘contact hypothesis’ as a theoretical model for educational work supported by ICT and considers the impact of the programme on both teachers and students. It concludes that contact based on sustained curricular and social interaction has an effect on children's perceptions of each other. This effect is most marked when contact is between two schools, one on each side of the border. The author suggests that the management of the programme, based on a bi–lateral agreement between two government departments and a partnership between two universities with other key stakeholders, provides a model of international cooperation.

Cette communication fait état de l'apport d'un programme majeur qui utilise la télécommunication pour lier enseignants et élèves aussi bien à travers la frontière entre l'Irlande du Nord et la République d'Irlande qu'à travers les frontières tout aussi réelles entre l'enseignement ‘normal’ et celui des enfants scolarisés dans des ‘établissements spéciaux’. La communication se propose d'examiner ‘l'hypothèse de contact’ comme modèle théorique pour les activités pédagogiques soutenues par l'ICT et considère l'impact du programme sur professeurs et élèves. Elle en conclut qu'un contact basé sur une interaction soutenue tant en ce qui concerne le programme scolaire que les activités sociales se répercute sur les perceptions mutuelles des enfants. Cet effet se remarque le plus lorsque le contact a lieu entre deux établissements situés dans les deux juridictions différentes. L'auteur suggère que la gestion du programme, basée sur un accord bilatéral entre deux agences gouvernementales et un partenariat entre deux universités et divers groupes d'intéressés, fournit un modèle de coopération internationale propre à être imitée.

Der Vortrag beschäftigt sich mit der Evaluation eines grenzübergreifenden Experiments im Rahmen dessen durch Verwendung von Kommunikationstechnik (wie z.B. Internet, Email, Videokonferenzen etc.) Lehrer und Schüler in Nordirland und der Irischen Republik miteinander verbunden wurden. Ebenfalls wurde in diesem Zusammenhang ein Kontakt zwischen Schülern von Spezialschulen und Schülern herkömmlicher Schulen etabliert.Der Vortrag basiert auf der sogenannten Kontakthypothese ‘als erziehungs‐theoretischem Model ICT‐unterstützten Lernens’. Es wird der Einfluss des Programms auf Schüler und Lehrer erläutert, sowie die Schlussfolgerung gezogen, dass die Aufrechterhaltung curricularer und sozialer Interaktion die gegenseitige Wahrnehmung der Kinder untereinander fördert. Dieser Effekt wird besonders dann deutlich, wenn zwei Schulen jenseits der Grenze miteinander verbunden sind. Der Autor argumentiert, dass das auf einem bilateralen Abkommen zwischen den beiden Regierungen und dem Zusammenschluss zweier Universitäten basierende Programm, ein Model für internationale Kooperation darstellt.

Este trabajo informa sobre la evaluación de un importante proyecto que utiliza la tecnología de las telecomunicaciones para conectar a profesores y estudiantes situados en sendos lados de la frontera política entre Irlanda del Norte y la República de Irlanda y, asimismo, conectar a los que están separados por las barreras que existen entre el área de la escolarización ‘convencional’ y la de aquellos alumnos que están en ‘escuelas especiales’. El trabajo examina la ‘hipótesis del contacto’ como un modelo teórico para el trabajo educativo apoyado por la informática y considera el impacto del proyecto tanto en profesores como en estudiantes. Su conclusón es que el contacto basado en una interacción curricular y social sostenida tiene un efecto en las opiniones que los chicos tienen unos de otros. Este efecto está más marcado cuando el contacto se efectúa entre dos escuelas, una a cada lado de la frontera. Según el autor la gestión del proyecto, basado en el acuerdo bilateral entre dos departamentos gubernamentales y la colaboración entre dos universidades con otros socios clave, proporciona un modelo de cooperación internacional.  相似文献   

This paper examines the development of Chinese education in Malaysia from 1952 to 1975, focusing on the political collaboration between the Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA) and the Chinese educationists to advance the cause of Chinese education instead of the usual macro policy analysis. This collaboration was compounded by the different stand adopted by the MCA and the Chinese educationists on issues relating to Chinese education. This different stand reflected the MCA’s political limitations to advance the cause of Chinese education. The MCA had to abide by the elite accommodation model adopted by the coalition government since it was a partner of this coalition. Such an accommodative approach could not meet the assertive demand of the Chinese educationists on issues relating to Chinese education. Meanwhile, the political collaboration between the MCA and the Chinese educationists was also constrained by internal conflict within the MCA that compromised the interests of Chinese education.  相似文献   

Governments and educational institutions promote study abroad in the belief that it offers valuable learning experiences for all students. Yet studies suggest that equitable access to study abroad is more myth than reality. This study took a narrative approach supported by survey data to explore this issue at one Australian university. The survey indicated that the majority of students are effectively excluded from the university's Student Exchange Programme, and that those included generally have high cultural, social and economic capital. Interviews revealed how multiple dimensions of privilege typically work to make study abroad imaginable, affordable and do-able for some. These findings are complicated by one student's atypical narrative, which serves to raise further questions for research.  相似文献   

Numerous epidemiological studies from the early years of the tragic HIV and AIDS pandemic in sub-Saharan Africa identified formal education as a risk factor increasing the chance of infection. Instead of playing its usual role as a preventative factor, as has been noted in many other public health cases, until the mid-1990s educated African men and women had a higher risk of contracting HIV than their less educated peers. This led to ambivalent policy about the efficacy of education as a possible social vaccine against new infections in this region. Reported here is a cohort analysis of formal education and HIV infection in 11 African countries showing that among younger adults, who came to sexual maturity after widespread misconceptions and misinformation about the causes of the disease were reduced, more schooling is associated with a lower risk of HIV infection. The results are discussed in light of a critique of past weak hypotheses about how education works as a social vaccine, and a new hypothesis is developed. Policy implications are described for renewed efforts towards the supply of quality education as an important strategy to promote public health in sub-Saharan Africa.  相似文献   

In a randomized controlled trial (RCT), treatments are assigned randomly and treatments are withheld from participants. Is it ethically permissible to conduct an RCT in a social setting? This paper addresses two conditions for justifying RCTs: that there should be a state of equipoise and that the trial should be scientifically promising. Illustrated with a discussion of the RCT evaluation of the Wizards of Words reading programme, this paper argues that, first, the two conditions can give rise to genuine moral conflicts, and second, efforts can be made to ensure RCTs in social settings are scientifically promising. The argument of this paper therefore is a departure from the current debate on RCTs, where it is assumed these two justifying conditions should not come into conflict, either because research ethics is derived from the professional's duty of care, or because there is a strong distinction between the ethics of research and the duty of care. This paper also addresses critics who argue that in social settings RCTs cannot be scientifically promising and for that reason they are ethically impermissible.  相似文献   

It is well known that teachers frequently observe a decline in the scholastic motivation of many adolescent students, which in turn is often associated with a decline in students’ individual school self-concept. In contrast, less is known about the association between students’ individual school self-concept and school engagement, or the related concepts of school belonging and helplessness in school. The current study explored social relationships as mediators in the association between individual school self-concept and adolescents’ school engagement, belonging to school and helplessness in school in a large sample of 7th and 8th grade students (N?=?1088; MAge?=?13.7) in secondary schools in Brandenburg, Germany. The results of two structural equation models showed that the teacher–student relationship mediated the association between individual school self-concept and school engagement, belonging to school and helplessness in school, respectively. In contrast, the student–student relationship did not mediate any of these associations.  相似文献   

This article describes research exploring the relationship between students’ self-perceptions in the context of university learning (i.e. student social identity), their approaches to learning, and academic achievement. The exploration of these inter-related aspects requires a mix of theoretical approaches, that is, in this research both social identity perspective from social psychology and the student learning research framework are used to explore student identity and learning in the context of higher education. Two structural equation models drawing on both these theoretical frameworks were tested. In the first of these models, deep approaches to learning are positively associated with students’ social identification as university student and positively predict academic achievement. In the second model, surface approaches to learning are negatively associated with students’ social identification and negatively predict academic achievement. The mediational roles of deep and surface approaches to learning in the relationship between student social identity and academic achievement are also explored.  相似文献   

The two decades from 1950 to 1970 were a crucial period of educational reorganization in Malaysia that stemmed from the decolonization after the Second World War. This educational reorganization sought to address the perennial issue of nation building via educational language policy. The development of Chinese education was under severe threat as the British colonial government opted for a national school system that used English and Malay as the media of instruction in place of the segregated vernacular school system that had existed during the colonial period. Much to the relief of the Chinese, the national school system failed to materialize due to the lack of financial resources to reorganize the entire educational system. But the Chinese were unable to maintain the Chinese school system within the ambit of the national educational system advocated by the postcolonial Alliance government. The Alliance government had only allowed the Chinese to undergo Chinese education at the primary level. At the secondary level, it opted for a monolingual system of education based on Malay as the main medium of instruction in order to foster national integration through a common language. The Chinese had to switch to this medium of instruction if they wanted to remain in mainstream education. Such a system of transitional bilingual education was aimed at incorporating the Chinese into the nation building process.  相似文献   

In the present study, we investigated how 116 fourth and fifth grade students’ monitoring skills were associated with restudy choices and explored whether drawing was a useful intervention to improve monitoring accuracy, restudy choice, and comprehension scores. During the first session, all students read a text, judged their learning of the information within that text, selected paragraphs to reread, reread those parts, and then made another judgment of learning (JOL) before doing a post-test. Several significant correlations were found between the various variables involved, such as higher JOLs before rereading related to fewer paragraphs being reread, and JOL-accuracy after rereading was positively correlated with the scores on the postreading questions. For the second session, students were split-up into three conditions: a control condition and two drawing conditions. In the long-drawing condition, students were allowed to draw throughout the whole second session, including post-test. In the brief-drawing condition participants only got to draw the first time they read the second text. We did not find significant differences on the postreading scores. The only differences we found were that the participants in the long drawing group were more accurate in their JOLs before rereading and selected more paragraphs to reread than the other two groups, and invested more mental effort in comparison to the other groups. Drawing more elements was positively correlated with the posttest scores and JOLs, whereas drawing more details was negatively correlated with posttest scores and did not correlate with JOLs. As students in the long drawing condition drew both more elements but also created more detail in those drawings compared to the short drawing condition, it is possible that the beneficial effects of creating drawings were cancelled out by the negative effects.  相似文献   

Private tuition, or “shadow education”, has become a prominent feature in many countries internationally. A number of studies have found that such tuition is associated with improved examination performance and enhanced access to tertiary education. However, these studies have generally not taken into account important attitudinal differences between tuition participants and nonparticipants or explored variation in the intensity of young people's involvement in paid tuition. This paper uses a large-scale survey of upper secondary students in the Republic of Ireland to explore the impact of different levels of involvement in private tuition on student performance. Multilevel regression and propensity score matching techniques indicate no significant performance advantage accruing to involvement in private tuition when adequate account is taken of key differences between participants and nonparticipants. All else being equal, even relatively high levels of involvement in private tuition do not enhance academic performance.  相似文献   

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