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20世纪90年代,艾夫里尔提出情绪创造概念,认为情绪自身就是创造的产品,为创造力和情绪研究提供了新的视角。情绪创造概念是情绪社会建构理论的直接拓展,新奇、有效和真诚是这种心理社会现象的显著特征。个体差异与文化演变研究的结果表明,情绪创造特征具有个体层面和文化层面上的差异性。情绪创造研究打破了情绪与创造研究的“关系”模式,将来还需要从概念表征层面上进一步探讨情绪创造的实现。  相似文献   

Many images of the ‘artist’ or ‘designer’ pervade the media and popular consciousness. Contemporary images of the artist and creativity that focus solely on the individual offer a very narrow depiction of the varying ways creativity occurs for artists and designers. These images do not capture the variety of creative processes and myriad ways artists and designers work. Young creatives in particular are choosing to work with a social approach to creativity. An example of this approach is the world of blogging, a form of social media where young creatives have a very active voice. This article explores how creative bloggers, that is, artists, designers and makers who blog about their practice, use a social approach to foster creativity with a sense of community, environmental and ethical awareness, a value framework that is in opposition to the market‐driven notion of liberal individualism. Is there a way to include participation in the broader art and design blogging world as part of art and design education? What can we learn from such a social approach to learning in higher education art and design programmes? This article explores these questions and shares findings of an ethnographic approach to an analysis of art and design blogs. In doing so it argues for a socially‐wise approach to creativity in art and design education as a means of promoting values other than those usually connected to the market.  相似文献   

Creativity varies across time and place. With regard to variations across time, age‐related changes in the quantity, quality, and form of creative performance are examined. These changes are traced to a combination of cognitive, conative, and environmental variables. With regard to variations across place, the effect of cultural environment on creativity is examined. Culture is shown to influence the definition and expression of creativity, channeling creativity into certain task domains or social groups. The quantity of creative activity can be further affected by cultural features such as the value placed on conformity. Life span and cross‐cultural perspectives on creativity, it is argued, are integral to a comprehensive understanding of creativity.  相似文献   

I have noticed over the years at conferences, cocktail parties and staff meetings that we early childhood educators greatly pride ourselves on our tolerance of individual differences and our nurturance of individual strengths. We teach the whole child including emotional, social and physical development as well as cognitive skills in our curriculum. We speak glowingly of such human traits as diversity and creativity.  相似文献   

The Limits To Creativity In Education: Dilemmas For The Educator   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Since the end of the 1990s, creativity has become a growing area of interest once more within education and wider society. In England creativity is now named within the school curriculum and in the curriculum for children aged 3–5. There are numerous government and other initiatives to foster individual and collective creativity, some of this through partnership activity bringing together the arts, technology, science and the social sciences.
  As far as education is concerned, this growth in emphasis and value placed on encouraging creativity can be seen as being in stark contrast with the government policy prevalent from the late 1980s onward. One of the underpinning themes and justifications for this re-kindling of interest in fostering creativity is that the individual and collective empowerment which is fostered by the development of creative skill is seen to be a good thing at the social and economic level in particular (Craft, 2002). These justifications have been discussed elsewhere (Jeffrey and Craft, 2001).
  But an important question to ask is, how desirable are the cultural norms of continual change and innovation in Western society?
  This paper examines some possible social, environmental, cultural and ethical limits to creativity, in the context of educating for creativity (NACCCE, 1999). It argues that the notion of creativity may be value- and culture-specific and that this poses the so-called liberal educator with various dilemmas of principle and pedagogy, which are explored.  相似文献   

Although it is widely assumed that sense of humor is closely related to intelligence and creativity, the empirical studies of these relationships, which are reviewed in this article, have yielded conflicting findings. On the basis of the present review and a consideration of other relevant literature, it is suggested that the nature of such relationships might be affected by how the variables are operationalized, several characteristics of the experimental participants, as well as various aspects of the broader experimental context As the extant studies have investigated only a restricted number of the empirical issues to do with those characteristics, it is evident that a considerable amount of research remains to be conducted The more informative characterization provided by such research would clearly provide the basis for more accurate analyses of the nature of intelligence and creativity.  相似文献   

In educational research, characteristics of the learning environment (e.g., social climate, instructional quality, goal orientation) are often assessed via student reports, and their associations with outcome variables such as school achievement or student motivation then tested. However, studying the effects of the learning environment presents a series of methodological challenges. This article discusses three crucial elements in research that uses student reports to gauge the impact of the learning environment on student outcomes. First, from a conceptual point of view, it is argued that ratings aggregated at the relevant level (e.g., class or school level), and not individual student ratings, are of primary interest in these studies. Second, the reliability of aggregated student ratings must be routinely assessed before these perceptions are related to outcome variables. Third, researchers conducting multilevel analyses need to make very clear which centering option was chosen for the predictor variables. This article shows that conclusions about the impact of learning environments can be substantially affected by the choice of a specific centering option for the individual student ratings.  相似文献   

In this paper I will explain what I see as some of the core attributes of Communities of Innovation, or communities fostering collaborative creativity, and what we have learned from the research literature about each attribute. There is a critical need to design learning environments that foster creative thinking in students, particularly in the area of collaborative creativity. Many of the current problems and challenges graduates will face in society and industry are too large to be faced alone. However, the research and pedagogical understanding of how to develop skills in collaborative creativity is still underdeveloped. In seeking to understand what collaborative creativity would look like in education, I reviewed the literature on organizational and social creativity, along with social learning theory, to develop a framework of characteristics common to most environments that foster collaborative creativity in students (West, 2009). This framework describing Communities of Innovation explains some of the similar characteristics at the individual, group, and organizational levels of innovative communities.  相似文献   

通过分析数学问题,构建与问题相关的系统,在系统内应用辨证的观点分析常量与变量,使孤立的变量相互联系。从而使问题在构建的系统中简化,在构建的系统中得到解决。用系统的观点看数学问题,用辨证方法观变量,有利于开发人们的创新潜能、培养创新精神和实践能力。  相似文献   

合肥市住宅物业管理市场的不健全,引发了诸多矛盾和社会问题,对社会和谐构成严重威胁。为了合理解决这一问题,应当从物业管理涉及的相关对象着手,依照住宅物业管理流程,分析前期物业管理、物业验收管理、业主委员会管理、物业移交管理以及后期物业管理各环节中存在的问题,并找出产生问题的原因,以此为基础提出相关的应对措施。  相似文献   

Creative intelligence is relevant to all aspects of the school curriculum, yet it is through art and design that pupils may come to experience the significance of creativity as a means of exploring innovative and original ideas which offer credence to the individual and affect approaches to learning. This article analyses creativity and the creative process and addresses the links between creativity and intelligence by examining the implications such factors may hold for the teacher when developing approaches to learning in art and design. It focuses in particular on the use of sketchbooks within the context of a number of Art and Design GCSE courses and explores how students have been provided with opportunities to develop creative responses to set tasks. In addition, it sets out to challenge the notion that the requirements of GCSE assessment criteria inevitably restrict creativity and lead to non‐creative formulaic practice.  相似文献   

创造力是智力发展的最高体现。创造力的发展决定了个体潜能的发挥,大学教育应全力促进大学生创造力的发展。着重探讨了在大学英语教学中应如何促进大学生创造力的发展,如:创造语言氛围;利用提问加强双边活动;激发学生创造性思维。  相似文献   

In this article, we describe several “families” of variables that may account for reliable variation in children's suggestibility. Specifically, we begin by discussing factors that are external to the organism (e.g., various forms of biased interviewing such as visualization inductions, accusatory tone, repeated yes/no questioning) that could explain why at any age studied, large suggestibility effects are produced in some situations but not in others. Following this, we discuss research on factors that are internal to the organism that may be at the source of individual differences in suggestibility-proneness (e.g., IQ, memory strength, relevant content knowledge). We conclude by postulating a framework in which multiple and complex interactions among cognitive, social, personality, and biological factors converge to make some children and some situations more or less suggestible than others.  相似文献   

School psychologists' need for coping strategies to deal with increasing job stress is widely acknowledged. Interventions, however, fail to adequately consider inner emotional and spiritual experiences. We believe that without exploring these dimensions of experience we are neglecting and ignoring the fastest route to improved mental health. We focus specifically on creativity and aloneness, viewing these basic human phenomena as promising avenues for exploration. Creativity is viewed as an innate quality that can be accessed via a person's opportunity to experience states of reflective, calm solitude. Aloneness, conceptualized here as “alonetime,” is considered a critical developmental need that originates in infancy and persists throughout the human life cycle (Buchholz & Chinlund, 1994). We suggest creativity and alonetime are presently untapped inborn resources representing flexible and viable coping tools with important potential implications for mental health. In this model lack of creativity and alonetime provide warning to the school psychologist, who upon sensing danger is able to implement required interventions. Even though the school setting seems an unlikely place we suggest the individual as well as the system make alonetime a top priority, leading to less stressed, more “self-actualized” practitioners. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

This article reviews seven different theories of giftedness that include creativity as a component, comparing and contrasting how each one conceptualizes creativity as a part of giftedness. The functions of creativity vary across the models, suggesting that while the field of gifted education often cites the importance of creativity, the conceptualizations of creativity differ depending on the particular theory. The various models of giftedness can be interpreted from the context of current creativity research because certain elements of these conceptualizations can be found in social models, the evolving systems approach, and the domain-generality debate. An integrative perspective of creativity research reveals that some models of giftedness are more comprehensive and consistent in terms of the creativity literature.  相似文献   

学生素质的格式化和大学教育的职业化表明,社会似乎更重视学生的“动手能力”和“短期适应能力”,忽视学生的发展后劲和创新能力。对此,我们不能不看到,作为社会分工的产物,作为教育的顶层组织,大学不能一般地定位于“面向”未来,大学还必须本着超脱的姿态和高度的社会责任感,引领未来社会的发展。引领未来需要新人,塑造新人离不开求学问是。因此,大学应该且只能通过“求学问是,树人铸魂,引领未来”而通往大学之道。求学问是,是大学与技工学校等其他教育机构的根本区别;树人铸魂,是大学区别于其他社会机构的核心要素;而引领未来,是“教育必须面向未来”这一原理的体现,也是大学释放其批判功能的体现。因此,引领未来是大学的灵魂,是大学职能的回归与当代化。  相似文献   

Latent class (LC) analysis is widely used in the social and behavioral sciences to find meaningful clusters based on a set of categorical variables. To deal with the common problem that a standard LC analysis may yield a large number classes and thus a solution that is difficult to interpret, recently an alternative approach has been proposed, called Latent Class Tree (LCT) analysis. It involves starting with a solution with a small number of “basic” classes, which may subsequently be split into subclasses at the next stages of an analysis. However, in most LC analysis applications, we not only wish to identify the relevant classes, but also want to see how they relate to external variables (covariates or distal outcomes). For this purpose, researchers nowadays prefer using the bias-adjusted three-step method. Here, we show how this bias-adjusted three-step procedure can be applied in the context of LCT modeling. More specifically, an R-package is presented that performs a three-step LCT analysis: it builds a LCT and allows checking how splits are related to the relevant external variables. The new tool is illustrated using a cross-sectional application with multiple indicators on social capital and demographics as external variables and with a longitudinal application with a mood variable measured multiple times during the day and personality traits as external variables.  相似文献   

Creativity is recognised as a valuable human quality for personal, social, technological and economic reasons and many school curriculum documents assert that creativity can be taught. In science education it is often argued that it is through engagement in practical work that students develop their possibility thinking and problem solving abilities. This paper uses data generated during a four-year study of students engaged in open investigative practical work in senior biology to indicate how such engagement might foster personal and collaborative creativity.  相似文献   

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