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运用<教练员心理疲劳问卷>对部分湖南省普通高校教练员进行调查,结果表明,湖南省普通高校教练员与职业教练员在运动负评价维度上存在非常显著差异;不同性别教练员在成就感降低与情绪/体力耗竭维度上存在非常显著差异,女教练员的成就感较高,男教练员情绪、体力消耗较多;不同执教年限教练员在成就感的降低和情绪与.体力耗竭维度存在非常显著差异;不同学历教练员在运动负评价、成就感降低与情绪/体力耗竭三个维度上都不存在显著差异;中级及以下职称的高校教练员与高级职称的教练员在成就感降低维度存在显著差异.  相似文献   

该文采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法对参加本届CUBA西南赛区比赛的12支女篮运动队队员进行运动性心理疲劳问卷调查。结果表明,从不同年级进行比较,运动负评价因子上有显著性差异,在成就感降低、情绪/体力耗竭两个维度上无显著性差异。从不同级别进行比较,一、二级运动员的成就感降低、运动负评价2个维度上有显著性差异,在情绪/体力耗竭维度上无显著性差异。从训练的年限进行比较,无显著性差异。建议制订科学的训练计划,创新训练方式,提高趣味性,培养运动成就感与获得感,加强心理辅导,安排讲座,提供心理咨询,保障运动员拥有良好的心态。  相似文献   

旨在利用典型相关方法探讨运动员完美主义与运动心理疲劳之间的关系.采用《运动领域完美主义量表》(MPS-S-C)和《运动员心理疲劳问卷》(ABQ)对119名现役运动员进行调查.结果表明:(1)运动员完美主义与心理疲劳之间存在相关.从典型相关看,外趋型完美主义者在知觉教练压力和关注错误中表现突出,更容易产生心理疲劳,包括成就感降低、情绪体力耗竭和运动的负性评价;内趋型完美主义者在关注错误和反复思考上表现突出,更容易出现成就感降低的心理疲劳现象.(2)运动员呈现较高的完美主义特质;运动员的心理疲劳主要体现在成就感降低和情绪体力耗竭上,对运动的认知评价较积极.  相似文献   

董辉  李宁 《体育世界》2014,(4):57-58,56
对参加2012年全国武术散打锦标赛的31名运动员以问卷方式进行心理测验,分析优秀散打运动员赛前心理状态与运动成绩的关系。结果:1)男性散打运动员的消极情绪明显高于女性散打运动员,积极情绪明显低于女性散打运动员,并存在不同程度显著性差异。2)成绩优秀组散打运动员的消极情绪最低,成绩较差组最高,不同成绩组别在紧张、慌乱、成就感降低、情绪体力耗竭和运动消极评价因子上的得分呈显著性差异。3)紧张和情绪体力耗竭对优秀散打运动员运动成绩具有非常显著预测作用。结论:比赛成功的运动员赛前心理状态优于不成功的运动员,运动员赛前心理状态与运动成绩密切关联。  相似文献   

通过对国家女子举重队备战2010年世锦赛运动员运动疲劳心理学指标的测试和客观生化指标的测试,力图找出心理学指标和客观指标两者之间的相关性,找到更科学的监控手段和评定方法,指导训练,提高举重的运动成绩。结论:1)2010年世界举重锦标赛备战期间的5次心理疲劳测试结果,成就感的降低、情绪/体力耗竭、运动负评价3个心理指标的变化均不明显(P>0.05),说明此次备战训练对国家女子举重运动员的心理疲劳的影响不是很大。2)肌酸激酶、血尿素氮、睾酮、皮质醇是监控女子举重训练的敏感指标,其中睾酮受训练的影响最大。3)从各指标变化情况来看,本次备战过程中运动员能够很好地适应训练强度和训练量,训练计划安排合理。4)心理指标成就感的降低与客观指标睾酮之间、心理指标运动负评价与客观指标肌酸激酶之间、心理指标闪光融合频率与客观指标血尿素氮之间出现了高度的负相关。运动员心理疲劳的变化除受到运动量和运动强度的影响外,还受到多重因素的影响,且相对于客观生化指标的变化,有滞后现象,并非同步。  相似文献   

以102名优秀运动员为被试,进行训练比赛满意感、心理疲劳和运动动机的测量,以检验运动员的训练比赛满意感与运动动机的关系以及心理疲劳在两者之间的中介作用。研究发现:1)运动员训练比赛满意感与运动动机之间存在显著的正相关,训练比赛满意感对运动动机具有显著的正向预测作用;2)体力/情感耗竭在运动员训练比赛满意感与运动动机之间起完全中介作用;3)运动负评价在训练比赛满意感与运动动机之间具有显著的中介作用。可通过有效缓解与降低运动员的心理疲劳来提高训练比赛满意感对运动动机的积极效应。  相似文献   

目的 探究在运动训练情境下,青少年排球教练员不同层次的领导行为对运动员心理疲劳的影响,以及训练比赛满意感变量在其中的中介效应。方法 采用问卷调查法对323名现役少体校排球运动员进行整群抽样调查,利用AMOS19.0对SEM进行验证。结果与结论 1)5个不同维度教练员领导行为与运动员心理疲劳、训练比赛满意感存在不同程度的相关性;2)教练员领导行为不仅可以负向推测运动员心理疲劳,也可以正向预测训练比赛满意感;训练比赛满意感有效负向预测运动员心理疲劳。3)训练比赛满意感在教练员不同领导行为与运动员心理疲劳间起部分中介作用。  相似文献   

探索中国文化背景下运动性心理疲劳的动态变化及其归因。采用追踪式的定性研究方法,邀请 6 名某项目备战 2008 年北京奥运会的女性运动员为研究参与者,使用 NVivo7.0 软件对其在备战期间的行为记录和半结构化访谈材料进行分析,获得对运动性心理疲劳结构和归因的主题归纳结果。结论:(1)“运动性心理疲劳”是一个具有 3 因素结构的动态构念,其中,“情绪和体力耗竭”与“对运动的负评价”2 个因素的变化规律类似,在 比赛期增加,在调整期降低,而“运动成就感降低”因素则相反,在赛期降低而在休息期提高;(2)训练周期和心理疲劳的调节措施同时以运动员的 “控制感”为中介对其产生影响,导致运动性心理疲劳的动态变化,因此对其的干预从根本上应当指向如何帮助运动员提高对于训练的控制感。  相似文献   

依据应激理论、消极训练应激反应模型理论,采用心理健康测查表(PHI)、运动员运动疲劳问卷、社会支持评定量表以及领悟社会支持量表对163名一级以上优秀运动员进行调查,运用SPSS10.0软件进行可靠性分析、皮尔逊相关分析和多元线性逐步回归分析(stepwise法)。结果显示:优秀运动员心理健康水平与运动疲劳程度密切相关,且多数因子之间相关系数达到了显著性水平,运动疲劳中的体力(情绪)耗竭是优秀运动员心理健康水平的重要预测因子;年龄、运动等级、经济条件、领悟家庭支持和心理健康是优秀运动员运动疲劳的重要预测因子;社会支持是训练应激过程中重要的外部"缓冲器",其中领悟家庭支持和主观支持起主要的调节作用。  相似文献   

目的:运用SPCS系统引导射击运动员进行放松、注意集中、表象演练等综合心理训练,并对其训练的效果进行评价研究。方法:对10位射击运动进行8周时间个性化的心理技能训练,训练的前、中、后期分别进行心理协调能力、运动心理技能问卷和心理疲劳问卷的测试。结果:单次的综合心理训练前后,队员的协调能力测评得分都有显著提高(p0.05);另外,整个8周训练前后,队员的心理协调能力得到了一定程度的提高,运动心理技能水平显著提高(表象技能p0.05,焦虑管理p0.05,专注p0.05,放松p0.05,总分p0.05),心理疲劳中的情绪/体力耗竭指标得分显著降低(p0.05),心技结合思维得到一定程度的强化,队员主观感觉较好。结论:利用SPCS系统对队员进行个性化心理技能训练对于队员心理协调能力、运动心理技能的提高和心理疲劳的缓解都有一定的帮助。  相似文献   

Although coach burnout has been studied for 30 years, what measure to use in this context has not yet been problematized. This study focuses on evaluating convergent and discriminant validity of three coach burnout measures by using multi-trait/multi-method analysis (CT-C[M-1]) model. We choose Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), the two dimensional Oldenburg Burnout Inventory (OLBI), and a coach version of Athlete Burnout Questionnaire (CBQ). Our analysis shows that MBI and OLBI cover similar definitions of exhaustion and depersonalization/disengagement and that CBQ measures somewhat different dimensions. A problem for OLBI is a lack of discriminant validity due to high correlations between exhaustion and disengagement. For lack of personal accomplishment/reduced sense of accomplishment CBQ measures a somewhat different construct than MBI. Although all three measures have advantages and disadvantages, we promote CBQ since it discriminates between dimensions and covers important aspects of burnout in a sports context that the other two do not cover.  相似文献   

The Coach–Athlete Relationship Questionnaire was developed to effectively measure affective, cognitive, and behavioral aspects, represented by the interpersonal constructs of closeness, commitment, and complementarity, of the quality of the relationship within the context of sport coaching. The current study sought to determine the internal reliability and factorial validity of the long (the 29-item Long Version Coach–Athlete Relationship Questionnaire) and short (11-item Coach–Athlete Relationship Questionnaire and 13-item Greek Coach–Athlete Relationship Questionnaire) versions of the Coach–Athlete Relationship Questionnaire with a sample of 800 Chinese coaches and athletes. Results supported the internal reliability across all Coach–Athlete Relationship Questionnaire versions examined, while confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) only supported the factorial validity of the three-factor first-order model of the 11-item Coach–Athlete Relationship Questionnaire. The results are discussed in terms of their implications for theory, research, and practice.  相似文献   

This paper attempted to integrate the developmental literature on attachment theory with the achievement goal and peer-relationship literature that has been central to sport and physical activity research in recent decades. Attachment theory, achievement goal models, and sport peer-relationship frameworks are briefly reviewed and the conceptual links between the theories are explored. It is contended that attachment theory offers conceptually useful avenues of research related to the constructs of achievement goals, perceived motivational climate, and experiences of peer relationships in sport-related contexts. A brief discussion regarding potential caveats related to measurement of mental representations of attachment in social and social-cognitive research is also forwarded.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between perceived coaching behaviors, coping strategies during a sport competition, and sport achievement. A prospective design was used in which 80 athletes from individual sports completed measures of perceived coaching behaviors two days before a competition (Time 1) and measures of coping and sport achievement within three hours after a sport competition (Time 2). As expected, results of multiple regressions indicated that supportive coaching was a positive predictor of task-oriented coping and sport achievement whereas unsupportive coaching was a positive predictor of disengagement-oriented coping. Both types of coping were significantly associated with sport achievement. Task-oriented coping was a significant partial mediator in the relation between supportive coaching and sport achievement. This study, which contributes to both the coaching and coping literatures, highlights the role of supportive coaching behaviors in the initiation of effective stress management during sport competitions.  相似文献   

运动性心理疲劳:性质、成因、诊断及控制   总被引:26,自引:4,他引:22  
张力为  林岭  赵福兰 《体育科学》2006,26(11):49-56,74
疲劳及其控制是现代运动训练研究的核心问题之一。对心理负荷与生理负荷、心理疲劳与心理耗竭之间的不同进行了分析,在此基础上,对运动性心理疲劳进行了界定。讨论了心理疲劳的内源性因素和外源性因素,指出外源性的训练因素和管理因素是运动员心理疲劳的最重要原因。讨论了运动性心理疲劳的测量方法,指出,心理指标与生理指标之间的相关较低,多维的、长期的和个人化的监测会更加有效。最后给出了控制运动性心理疲劳的建议,包括变换训练及休息方式、提供社会支持、设置短期目标、悦纳自我和营养补充。  相似文献   


People's implicit beliefs of ability have been suggested as an antecedent of achievement goal adoption, which has in turn been associated with behavioural, cognitive and affective outcomes. This study examined a conditional process model with team sport athletes' approach-avoidance achievement goals as mediators between their implicit beliefs of sport ability and sport-related cognitive anxiety. We expected gender to moderate the paths from implicit beliefs of ability to approach-avoidance goals and from approach-avoidance goals to cognitive anxiety. Team sport athletes with a mean age of 20 years (163 females and 152 males) responded to questionnaires about their implicit beliefs of sport ability, approach-avoidance goals and sport-related cognitive anxiety. Incremental beliefs, gender and the interaction between them predicted mastery-approach goals. Gender also predicted mastery-avoidance goals, with females reporting higher levels than males. Mastery-avoidance goals, gender and the interaction between them predicted cognitive anxiety, with females reporting higher levels of anxiety than males. Entity beliefs positively predicted performance-avoidance goals and the interaction between performance-approach and gender predicted anxiety. The indirect effects also showed gender differences in relation to performance-approach goals. Taken together, our results suggest that coaches trying to create a facilitating climate for their male and female athletes may be wise to consider their athletes' anxiety and achievement goal patterns as these may affect both the athletes' well-being and performance.  相似文献   

Based on self-determination theory (Deci & Ryan, 2000), an experimental study with middle school students participating in a physical education task and a correlational study with highly talented sport students investigated the motivating role of positive competence feedback on participants' well-being, performance, and intention to participate. In Study 1, structural equation modeling favored the hypothesized motivational model, in which, after controlling for pretask perceived competence and competence valuation, feedback positively predicted competence satisfaction, which in turn predicted higher levels of vitality and greater intentions to participate, through the mediation of autonomous motivation. No effects on performance were found. Study 2 further showed that autonomous motivation mediated the relation between competence satisfaction and well-being, whereas a motivation mediated the negative relation between competence satisfaction and ill-being and rated performance. The discussion focuses on the motivational role of competence feedback in sports and physical education settings.  相似文献   

运用激励机制消除体育教师职业倦怠的研究   总被引:22,自引:2,他引:20  
职业倦怠是影响体育教师职业素质、心理健康的不利因素,其身体的衰竭、认知的扭曲和行为的异常,影响着体育教师素质的全面提高。其成因来自于社会因素,职业因素和个人因素,运用激励机制,寻找键全体育教师心理健康、消除职业倦怠的对策。以全面提高体育教师素质。  相似文献   

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