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Visual expectation was assessed in 103 black 6.5-month-olds using Haith, Hazan, and Goodman's paradigm and related to performance on standard developmental assessments and tests of information processing skill. As expected, percent anticipations was higher and RT lower than in 3.0-month-olds previously tested. Split-half and left-right correlations for the RT measures were moderate and similar to those previously reported, as was split-half reliability for percent anticipations. The 2 RT measures were related to fixation duration on both visual recognition memory (VRM) and cross-modal transfer, suggesting moderate cross-task and cross-age consistency in processing speed. Percent anticipations and baseline RT each contributed independently to the prediction of VRM novelty preference. Data from a factor analysis suggested 3 dimensions of cognitive function: processing speed, developmental level, and memory/attention. These findings suggest that the visual expectation paradigm provides a reliable new approach for assessing cognitive processing efficiency and attention during infancy.  相似文献   

人造视网膜将外来光信号转化为电信号,用人造视网膜替代外层受损视网膜的功能,直接用人造视网膜处理之后的信号刺激视网膜内部神经细胞,从而使外部视网膜病变引起的失明得到恢复.而微电极之前的图像信息处理过程需要一个视觉信息处理模型为基础.该文利用子波变换对图像信息处理的灵活方便性,以及子波变换与人眼视觉信息处理过程的相一致性.在目前子波研究的基础上,把子波变换的思想应用于可恢复盲人视觉的视觉信息处理模型之中.  相似文献   

在传统的艺术史、美术和晚近的视觉文化研究中,图像是贯穿始终的中心对象。视觉文化、艺术研究关注于图像和观看主体的社会政治、经济和文化之间的外在关联。那么。观看的另一面,即在物理世界,以眼睛为起点的视觉系统及其连带而来的人类思维活动和图像之间的内在关联应该会有助于我们对外在关系的考察。  相似文献   

THIS DOUBLE‐BLIND experiment investigated various aspects of visual and auditory problems related to dyslexia. Seventeen children with dyslexia aged 7.25 to 10.25 years were compared with 17 normal readers matched for CA and intellectual ability. A speech perception task which measured the subjects’ auditory threshold level significantly separated the two groups. No difference was found when this task was performed at 35 dB above individual threshold levels. A significant difference between groups was found for the Form Constancy Subtest of the Frostig Developmental Test of Visual Perception (DTVP) (1966). A significant negative correlation found between these measures for the dyslexics, but not for the normal readers, supports previous evidence for auditory and visual subtypes in dyslexia. Various optometric measures were also examined. Four dyslexics, but no normal readers, suffered fixation disparity. This difference was significant. Six representative subjects of each group were compared for eye tracking in reading. The word span of the dyslexics was significantly smaller than that of the normal readers. A multiple discriminant analysis incorporating the auditory threshold task, form constancy, fusional reserves (distance, negative), accommodation right eye and heterophoria significantly discriminated the two reading groups. The perceptual variables were more heavily weighted than the optometric measures. It was concluded that while eye tracking and binocular fusion problems should always be considered in the assessment of dyslexics, factors involved in information processing in auditory and visual perception appear to be those which are more highly implicated.  相似文献   

We regularly consult and construct visual displays that are intended to communicate important information. The power of these displays and the instructional messages we attempt to comprehend when using them emerge from the information included in the display and by their spatial arrangement. In this article, we identify common types of visual displays and the kinds of inferences that each type of display is designed to promote. In particular, we outline different types of semantic and pictorial displays. Then, we describe four main ways in which visual displays can affect cognitive processing including selection, organization, integration, and processing efficiency and how semantic and pictorial displays support these types of processing. We conclude with seven recommendations for designing visual displays and possible directions for future research.  相似文献   

Visual C#GDI 虽然提供了许多基本的图像对象和方法功能,但要进行比较复杂的图像处理,需要结合图像处理算法才能实现.这里利用C#语言的GDI 原理,论述怎样使用颜色矩阵和Unsafe不安全代码类两种方法,对数字图象进行处理,包括图像的亮度处理、灰度处理、透明处理等.用Unsafe方法实现类似C指针原理,对图像进行逐个象素处理,功能强大;用颜色矩阵方法实现简单,只要对不同的图象处理定义不同的颜色矩阵,但有部分图象处理功能无法定义出矩阵.  相似文献   

This study examined visual information processing and learning in classrooms including both deaf and hearing students. Of particular interest were the effects on deaf students' learning of live (three-dimensional) versus video-recorded (two-dimensional) sign language interpreting and the visual attention strategies of more and less experienced deaf signers exposed to simultaneous, multiple sources of visual information. Results from three experiments consistently indicated no differences in learning between three-dimensional and two-dimensional presentations among hearing or deaf students. Analyses of students' allocation of visual attention and the influence of various demographic and experimental variables suggested considerable flexibility in deaf students' receptive communication skills. Nevertheless, the findings also revealed a robust advantage in learning in favor of hearing students.  相似文献   

21世纪是信息时代,人们需要不断获取大量的信息,才能适宜社会的发展。阅读是获取信息的最根本的手段。阅读的实质是获取信息。认识心理学把人们的认识心理过程理解为信息的获得、贮存、加工和使用的过程,即信息加工过程。语文阅读是一种认知活动,因此,语文阅读也是一个信息加工过程,这一过程依次包含信息的获取、筛选、整合、贮存、使用五个过程。  相似文献   

本文介绍了Visual Basic中的错误处理机制及公用对象ERR;在此基础上举例说明了利用错误处理实现Visual Basic未提供的功能,以及将错误迁入调用堆栈而后进行处理等错误处理中较为深入的问题。  相似文献   

视觉登记包括视觉信息的获取、编码、传输、表征等环节。其中,获取是一个眼睛照相的过程;编码是视网膜的中、内层将视觉信息转换成"二维条形码"信息的过程;传输是视神经纤维将视觉信息传递到V1区功能柱外层的过程。视觉信息最终是以功能柱外层为"像素",以V1区全境为显像区域瞬时表征出来的。  相似文献   

文化自信作为国家文化建设发展的核心战略,近年来逐渐地成为国内学者广泛关注的热点研究领域。本文利用Cite Space信息可视化软件绘制国内文化自信研究的关键词共现网络知识图谱,分别从初探、兴起、高潮三个不同阶段展现该领域近些年来的热点主题变化情况,并结合研究结果从增加研究资助、关注基础理论、正确对待热点三个方面提出了加强文化自信研究的相关对策。  相似文献   

论认知结构与信息加工过程   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
认知结构是指认知活动的组织形态与信息加工的方式。包含了在认知活动中的组成成分及成分之间的相互作用等一系列的操作过程, 即心理活动的机制。心理系统由感受、效应系统、操作系统、贮存系统、自动控制系统、动力系统、情绪系统组成; 认知结构是整个心理系统的一个子系统; 信息加工的过程分为连续加工的四个阶段: 编码- 匹配- 选择- 反应; 随着年龄的增长, 信息加工速度的发展具有相同的阶段和变化模式, 但不同的加工内容, 其加工阶段的变化是不同的  相似文献   

从神经生理学的角度对以往有关的注意信息分配理论模型进行分析,提出了注意的“网状上行激动系统门控模型”以及相关的神经生理学理论依据。期望在一定程度上达到对注意的分配理论去粗取精、去伪存真的目的。  相似文献   

中文信息处理概述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中信息处理是一门新兴的应用型交叉学科,20年来在汉字处理和词语处理方面取得了丰硕成果,但语句处理和篇章处理还非常薄弱。本简要介绍中信息处理的学科性质和研究意义、主要研究内容和研究方法,着重分析几项基础处理技术研究的困难和努力方向。  相似文献   

建立会计电算化信息系统,实现会计电算化,是每个单位会计工作必经之路。由于商品化会计软件通用性强,各单位在开始使用软件时,必须首先要针对本单位的业务性质及会计核算与财务管理的具体要求进行具体设置,以保证日常会计、管理工作的顺利进行。为此就账务处理系统从两个方面谈如何进行初始化。  相似文献   

Two groups of 8- to 10-year-olds differing in rapid automatized naming speed but matched for age, verbal and nonverbal ability, phonological awareness, phonological memory, and visual acuity participated in four experiments investigating early visual processing. As low RAN children had significantly slower simple reaction times (SRT) this was entered as a covariate in all subsequent data analyses. Low RAN children were significantly slower to make same/different judgments to simple visual features, non-nameable letter-like forms and letters, with difference in SRT controlled. Speed differences to letter-like forms and letters disappeared once RTs to simple visual features were controlled. We conclude that slow RAN children have difficulty in discriminating simple visual features that cannot be explained in terms of a more general speed of processing deficit, a deficit in making same/different judgments, or to differences in word reading ability.  相似文献   

A visual case processing method using metaphors and drawings is discussed as a holistic and creative way of conceptualizing and presenting cases in supervision sessions.  相似文献   

基于对短信息处理系统的信息处理流程的分析,在研究CMPP和SMPP协议的基础上,首先探讨了开发短信息过滤器的目的,强调了对于短信息业务处理系统的应用设计而言。要做的工作主要集中在Server中做一个过滤程序,然后用不同的计算机编程语言开发出短信息处理过滤器,并进行了模拟调试,验证了短信息处理过滤器开发的正确性及其作用,由此认为将对以后的同类项目开发具有一定的应用示范作用。  相似文献   

论现代教育技术中视觉信息的传达   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨了现代教育技术中视觉信息传达的涵义及其特征,突出视觉信息传达作为现代教育技术中具体的教育技术重要意义。探讨了实现教育技术中视觉信息有效传达的理论依据,并从教育实践角度分析了进行有效传达的方式与方法。  相似文献   

以实训代替讲授一改以往的以讲授为主的教学模式,学生在实训条件下进行学习、练习、自测和知识的扩展。教师在教学中的主要工作是制定学案、制作多媒体学习素材、辅导学习、问题解答等。教与学是利用新技术手段实现的。  相似文献   

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