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Intended as an introduction and overview, this article previews the other contributions to the topic and places them in a general introductory context. The basic question is why women, who are not currently confronted with legal or overt discrimination with regard to entering and even thriving in academic careers, are still underrepresented in the academic world in Europe, particularly in the upper echelons of academic governance and power. Several possible explanations are given, in particular the failure of women to be prepared from an early age to be competitive in ways which boys are taught to take for granted, and their failure, not so much to engage in networking, but to penetrate the networks which count, most or all of which are in fact male dominated. Among the strategies which women may use to gain both presence and power in the academic world, the use of women's studies programmes is ruled out as being ultimately counterproductive. Likewise doubt is cast on the long‐term effectiveness of affirmative action programmes. Only remedies specific to the individual conditions of each country will be really helpful in aiding women to be more numerous in higher education, particularly in positions of power. However, in all the countries in question, women must be socialized so as to be willing to adopt behaviours conducive to academic success, and they must bring to bear the full resources of the social protection and welfare systems, all of which in the different countries of the Europe Region favour not only the progress of women, but the rational use of human resources.  相似文献   

Internships are an effective way of connecting high school students in a meaningful manner to the sciences. Disadvantaged minorities have fewer opportunities to participate in internships, and are underrepresented in both science, technology, engineering, and mathematics majors and careers. We have developed a Summer Academic Research Experience (SARE) program that provides an enriching academic internship to underrepresented youth. Our program has shown that to have a successful internship for these disadvantaged youth, several issues need to be addressed in addition to scientific mentoring. We have found that it is necessary to remediate and/or fortify basic academic skills for students to be successful. In addition, students need to be actively coached in the development of professional skills, habits, and attitudes necessary for success in the workplace. With all these factors in place, these youths can become better students, compete on a more level playing field in their internships, and increase their potential of participating actively in the sciences in the future.  相似文献   

This study of the orientations to teaching of academic staff used a sample of 32 new Lecturers matched in pairs on sex, initial tenure status, and discipline type. Interviews were conducted to obtain data on their early experiences in the university and on their orientations to teaching, including their conceptual repertoires, self-efficacy and attitudes to receiving and using student evaluations of their teaching. Findings were that orientations to teaching and early experiences were similar to those reported in an earlier study, though there was a greater participation in professional development activities in this later group. Induction experiences were found to be associated with the entering differences in background characteristics among the Lecturers. In particular, special consideration in workload varied according to sex, initial tenure status and discipline type, while participation in development activities varied according to discipline type. Induction experiences and background characteristics were found to be associated with self-efficacy measures.  相似文献   

农村小学英语教师在课堂英语教学中必须具备情趣学习策略,即课堂直观教具的使用学习策略、师生情操的陶冶学习策略、课堂师生关系的情感学习策略、课堂英语教学中的成功关怀学习策略、课堂英语教学中的竞赛激励学习策略、课堂英语教学过程的服务学习策略、课堂英语教学活动的“双主体”学习策略、课堂英语教学的创新学习策略、课堂英语教学中的合作学习策略、培养学生参与英语语言活动意识的学习策略和课堂英语教学的诱导学习策略等。  相似文献   

Many scientists, driven by the teaching impulse, idealism, or the wish to see science thrive in the United States, take up one or another form of school teaching or participate in programs designed to enhance science teachers' knowledge of science and science teaching skills. Funding is available, from governmental and private sources, to support innovative programs designed to increase the supply of well-trained science teachers. The provision of new funds to support graduate programs in fundamental science that provide a separate track for graduate students who choose a career in teaching, in preference to a career in the laboratory, is a particularly promising development. It is essential that such programs include proper training in pedagogy. Above all, the Nation must recognize the need to provide proper long-term salary support for science teachers in the public schools countrywide, if any of the programs to improve teaching is to succeed.  相似文献   

This article considers the role of private schools in an assessment of segregation in K-12 schools, with special reference to the South. It presents evidence to support two main conclusions. First, private schools have grown in importance in the South since 1960, in contrast to their declining importance in the rest of the country. This contrary trend can be attributed to the region's small proportion of Catholics, to its rising affluence, and to school desegregation. Because of the typically large areas covered by school districts in the South, private schools have offered White families an especially effective means of avoiding exposure to non-Whites in schools, particularly in counties with very high minority concentrations. In those counties the rate at which Whites enrolled in private schools tended to rise with the percentage of all students who were non-White, increasing sharply in counties about 55% non-White. Second, the article presents measures of the extent to which private schools contribute to segregation in schools in all regions. Using data on public and private enrollments in 1999-2000, the article shows that private schools accounted for only about 16% of such segregation in the nation's metropolitan areas, with the bulk of segregation attributed to racial disparities between public school districts. For the nation, segregation increased between 1995-1996 and 1999-2000, and a rise in White private enrollments had a role in this increase.  相似文献   

Black South African students have a poor success rate in school leaving mathematics examinations. Attempts have been made to shift teachers' practices from teacher-centredness to learner-centredness, in Black schools, in order to improve the situation. So far, the attempts failed to yield the desired results. This paper reports on the findings of a study that aimed at learning from students and teachers in Black schools, as to what classroom practices lead to success in school mathematics, in their impoverished context.This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

为培养学生的创新意识和创新思维能力,数学教师在教学中应引导学生勤于思考、质疑,以孕育创新;大胆猜测、联想,勇于创新:一题多法,以培育创新;引进开放题型,拓展创新。  相似文献   

有些职高班是纯男生班,缺乏与异性交往的机会。重视职高纯男生班学生的异性交往,有利于他们性生理、性心理正常发展;有利于他们注重自身形象;有利于他们端正学习态度,提高学习效率;有利于他们收敛、矫正不良行为习惯;有利于他们今后的社会交往和家庭生活。  相似文献   

军校大学生心理问题的产生及解消   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
军校大学生正处在人的一生中心理发展变化最为激烈的青年期 ,面临着一系列生理、心理和军校特殊环境方面的适应体验。心理发展的不成熟、自我同一性的不确定、情绪的不稳定等特点 ,使他们的心理冲突时有发生 ,极易导致适应不良 ,出现紧张焦虑感 ,闭守孤独感、消沉自卑感、低落抑郁感、压抑苦闷感等心理问题。在分析心理问题成因的基础上 ,探讨如何加强军校大学生心理健康教育。  相似文献   

Participation in networks, both as a concept and process, is widely supported in environmental education as a democratic and equitable pathway to individual and social change for sustainability. However, the processes of participation in networks are rarely problematized. Rather, it is assumed that we inherently know how to participate in networks. This assumption means that participation is seldom questioned. Underlying support for participation in networks is a belief that it allows individuals to connect in new and meaningful ways, individuals can engage in making decisions and in bringing about change in arenas that affect them and that they will be engaging in new, non-hierarchical and equitable relationships. In this paper, we problematize participation in networks. As an example, we use research into a decentralized network – described as such in its own literature – the Queensland Environmentally Sustainable Schools Initiative Alliance in Australia – to argue that while network participants were engaged and committed to participation in this network, ‘old’ forms of top-down engagement and relationships needed to be unlearnt. This paper thus proposes that for participation in decentralized networks to be meaningful, new learning about how to participate needs to occur.  相似文献   

负债经营,是企业用已有的自有资金为基础,为了维系企业的正常营运,扩大经营规模、开创事业等,产生的财务需求。当发生现金流量不足,经由各种筹资渠道,以负债方式筹措资金,使企业能顺畅运作,达到经营目标。在市场经济条件下,负债经营对企业进行正当经营活动有其客观必然性,保持一定的借入资本是企业调节资金余缺和增加所有者权益,扩大经营规模的前提,但过度负债经营会加大企业的财务风险。本文通过对现代企业负债经营的分析,探讨企业经营负债的内涵及负债经营给企业带来的利益和风险,如何规避负债经营风险,进而实现负债经营给企业带来利润最大化之目标。  相似文献   

吐蕃周边交通的研究由于文献资料的缺乏,向来没有比较系统的研究,而且研究内容主要以“唐蕃古道”为主。笔者对古今吐蕃周边交通方面的资料作了一个全面的梳理,对吐蕃周边的交通进行了重新认识,并希望以后对吐蕃周边交通的研究能够打破单一的“唐蕃古道”研究,而在吐蕃通往西域的道路、吐蕃通往南蛮的道路、吐蕃通往印度的道路、吐蕃通往中亚的道路都有系统性的研究,从而对吐蕃王朝时期的交通和文化有个全面的认识。  相似文献   

“快乐写作”,就是写作主体用自己的心灵观照事物和表现事物,是一种充满快乐的个体行为,写作主体因快乐而写作,因写作而快乐。文章从培养学生兴趣,引导学生观察生活、积累素材,培养发散思维能力和创新批改等方面,对在高中作文教学过程中如何让学生快乐写作进行阐述,论述让学生快乐写作的途径和方法。  相似文献   

Maribel Blasco 《Compare》2004,34(4):371-393
The paper highlights the importance of affectivity in school retention in public secondary schools in Guadalajara, Mexico, in a socioeconomic context where the students themselves often decide whether to stay in school or to drop out. In such contexts, students' feelings towards the school and the teachers can become crucial in deciding whether to persist with school or not, especially when they are already under pressure due to economic difficulties and other family pressures. Yet currently, pressures to achieve efficiency in schools limit staff capacity to establish more personal contact with students. The article looks at how three key spaces within Mexican secondaries could potentially reinforce one another to help attend to students' emotional well‐being, but also points to obstacles that currently prevent these spaces from being used in a constructive way.  相似文献   

随着我国高等教育事业的快速发展,高等教育体制改革逐步深入,传统的学生管理模式已很难适应形势发展的需要。因此,根据时代发展和大学生自我发展的需要,构建弘扬大学生主体性的学生管理模式就显得尤为重要,以引导学生学会做人、学会做事、学会学习和学会生存,促成学生在品格修炼上自律。在与人相处上自治、在知识探求上自觉和在生活管理上自理,实现学生管理从他律向自律的转变。  相似文献   

公民教育研究在我国学界方兴未艾,而农村中小学公民教育实施问题的相关研究却非常少。据最新人口普查结果显示,我国半数人口仍在农村。农村中小学的公民教育成为提高农民公民素质,建设新农村民主文明的重要途径。基于此,厘清公民教育内涵,探讨农村中小学公民教育实施的可能性,揭示其现实中面临的问题,以期为农村中小学实施公民教育提供可能的途径。  相似文献   

在现代社会,管理为了适应信息化和全球化的要求,应实现几大转向:在管理思维上从常规管理转向战略管理;在管理技术上从单一管理转向集成管理;在管理方式上从刚性管理转向柔性管理;在管理机制上从机械管理转向有机管理。  相似文献   

近来的研究已经开始解释具体的神经结构、基因和神经传导系统在社会认知研究中所扮演的角色.颞叶的皮质区感知与社会相关的刺激;杏仁核、右躯体感觉皮层、眶额叶、扣带回和感知动机、情绪、认知刺激相关.未来的研究不仅仅是局限于动物的社会认知研究,更需要关注人类的社会认知研究.方法上要把行为的方法和生理的方法结合起来,以寻求汇聚性的证据来揭示社会认知的特点.  相似文献   

This research explores relationships which exist between self-perception in science and cognitive development under two quantitatively different teaching strategies. These strategies, stressing the use or non-use of directions, praise, and rejection were used in five different elementary grades for one year. Student self-perception in science was found to vary by grade level, regardless of teaching strategy, with grades one and two tending to be more dependent than higher grades. Shifts from an independent to a dependent self-perception during the treatment period were found only in the more directive strategy. Students in a less directive strategy tended to become more independent or not to change self-perceptions at all. Cognitively, nonconservers were more likely to have a dependent perception of themselves in science than conservers. While self-perception in science seems to be closely related to maturation in the lower grades, a less directive teaching strategy appears to provide a more positive environment for developing an independent self-perception in science.  相似文献   

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