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As part of a professional development initiative helping secondary school teachers use assessment data to guide their instruction, teachers in this study changed their knowledge, skills and dispositions. Over time, they were able to identify assessments, administer these assessments, interpret the results and plan instruction. As a result, the students who were tutored by these teachers increased their achievement compared with a control group.  相似文献   


Preservice teachers enter professional teacher education programs with personally constructed (but often implicit and unexamined) knowledge of what good teaching is and what kind of teachers they wish to become. If they are unable to connect new and/or expanded professional knowledge of teaching with their own unexamined narrative knowledge of teaching, professional knowledge presented in courses remains decontextualized theory; their personal narrative knowledge of teaching remains implicit and unexamined; and they teach as they believe they were taught. Here the use of four versions of narrative inquiry with preservice teachers are examined. Each one—Response to Practicum Experiences, Responses to Readings, Small and Large Group Discussions, and Reflection Papers—is intended to enable students to explore narrative assumptions that contribute to their images of teaching. Each form of narrative inquiry enables students to explore unexamined parts of their personal and professional knowledge of teaching and link these in explicit ways.  相似文献   

Portfolios are an established method of assessment, although concerns do exist around their validity for capabilities such as reflection and self‐direction. This article describes an e‐portfolio which closely aligns learning and reflection to graduate capabilities, incorporating features that address concerns about portfolios. Students are required to complete assessments linked to graduate capabilities. In Year 3, a portfolio review occurs (205–248 students per year), focusing on students' grades and feedback from assessments and a reflective essay is submitted. In the essay, students reflect on their progress, identify areas of weakness and detail plans for improvement. Progress in each capability is summatively graded against specific criteria and feedback is provided. Students progressively accumulate evidence of learning linked to the graduate capabilities. The provision of sufficient structure prevents evasion of areas of weakness. Importantly, the equal weighting given to all graduate capabilities emphasises that competence in all areas is required. The requirement for a degree of self‐direction and reflection in all assessments promotes regular review of progress. This e‐portfolio explicitly links graduate outcomes with assessment in order to drive learning. Further research is required to evaluate acceptability to students, as well as the efficacy of portfolios in developing reflective practice and self‐directed learning.  相似文献   

一、本研究系1999年青海省教委下达的科研课题。旨在从高校教学实际出发,通过调查研究,探讨出一整套评价高等学校校、系两级教学管理质量水平和教师教学质量水平的具体可操作方案,借以推动高校教学评估工作,促进教学质量的整体提高。二、教学评估是教学管理的重要手段,是对高校校、系两级教学管理质量水平和每位教师教学质量水平进行客观评价的重要方法之一。评估结果是建立教学档案的重要材料,也是确定高校校、系两级教学管理质量水平和教师教学质量水平的重要依据。因此,制订教学评估方案要坚持两条基本原则:  相似文献   

中美学校教学质量评价比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
美国学校教学质量评价的基本理念是“不让一个儿童落后”。在这一理念支持下 ,其评价基准、功能 ,对评价结果负责的机构、维护学生择校权利以及评价导向等方面都有其特点。我国在学校教学质量评价上的上述诸方面与美国存在着差异 ,其教学评价的一些做法有违于素质教育应使全体学生获得发展的宗旨。因此 ,应借鉴美国的一些做法 ,进行教育教学评价体制的改革  相似文献   

在新课程的理念下 ,我国课程评价正朝着一个多样化、多元化、全息化、发展性的方向发展。非正式评价以其方法的“非正式性” ,内容的真实性 ,标准的多重性 ,评价的即时性受到人们越来越多的关注 ,逐渐成为新课程理念下的一种新的评价方式。本文对非正式评价的含义、特点、价值和实践中应注意的问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   


In this case study, we first describe how teaching and research are linked in a master’s course on tissue engineering. A central component of the course is an authentic research project that the students carry out in smaller groups and in collaboration with faculty. We then explore how the students experience learning in this kind of discovery-oriented environment. Data were collected through a survey, reflective writing, and interviews. Using a general inductive approach for qualitative analysis, we identified three themes related to the students’ learning experiences: learning to navigate the field, learning to do real research, and learning to work with others. Overall, the students strongly valued learning in a discovery-oriented environment and three aspects of the course contributed to much of its success: taking a holistic approach to linking teaching and research, engaging students in the whole inquiry process, and situating authentic problems in an authentic physical and social context.  相似文献   

以高校评估为切入点,论述了教学档案在高校评估中的作用,对不重视教学档案管理、档案意识差、档案管理欠规范等问题进行了分析.搞好教学档案管理首先要重视教学档案管理工作;其次要完善教学档案管理工作.  相似文献   

教学改革中的英语教学策略与形成性评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教学和目标是一体的,什么样的衡量标准要求什么样的决策.本文以教学改革体制强调教学要“以人为本”的原则为出发点,从教学策略制定的原则--以问题为中心和注重学生体验两方面论述了教学策略影响形成性评估的开展和执行.同时,又从形成性评估的几个方面(宗旨、内容、标准、方法、主体及重心)的基础上,从形成性评估较之终结性评估的优越性和课程改革中形成性评估体制下教学策略的落实情况两方面论证了它对教学策略制定的制约.  相似文献   

The ways in which teachers and head teachers integrate external summative testing and formative assessment practices were explored by means of a questionnaire survey and a small number of case studies. A clear distinction was found between end of key stage tests and optional tests in the extent to which they could be used directly to support teaching and learning. Within the current context of high-stakes external testing, it was found that, although qualitative information from formal tests was proving useful at school and class level, potential benefits for individual pupils were not being fully realised.  相似文献   

强调精英的社会责任,崇尚务实进取,推崇理性和诚信,主张渐进的变革和重视名誉,是英国绅士文化的特征.在"优秀教学"概念内涵的变化、大学教学质量理论研究和制度建设、质量评估的务实态度、院校自我监控和评估客观公正等五个方面,绅士文化对英国大学教学质量评估产生了深刻影响.绅士文化强化了英国大学教学的质量意识,演变成英国注重大学教学质量的传统,有形无形地发挥着大学教学质量保证的作用.  相似文献   

SOLO分类法在教学评价中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SOLO分类法是一种新的评价理论,它在教学评价中的应用值得深入研究。通过研究,在阐述其理论的基础上,探讨了SOLO分类法对学习理论的贡献:把“阶段”观念迁移到具体的学习任务,使之能应用到教学实践;解释了功能方式的转换,克服了布鲁姆教育目标分类学的理论困难。教学评价中的应用:为评价学习的质量提供了一种更为有效的方法;为不同学科的教学评价构建了一个比较学习质量的共同平台;为开放性试题的评分提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

教师教学质量是学校教育质量的重要组成部分,教师教学质量评价在整个学校教育质量评价中居核心地位.然而,目前其在指导思想、评价主体、评价指标及标准、评价信息收集和评价方法等诸方面还存在不少问题.解决的办法是提高评价的有效性,构建合理的教师教学质量评价和监控体系,充分发挥其诊断功能,管理功能,导向功能,鉴定功能,服务和改进功能.  相似文献   

根据“学生是教学活动的主体”这一教育规律,论述了目前众多的评教方法中学生评教的可信性、公正性。并对当前学生评教的具体操作方法进行了比较、分析,肯定了等级制的可行性,同时也针对学生评教的缺点提出了改进的措施。  相似文献   

系级教学工作水平评估指标体系的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教学工作质量评价是高校保障教学质量的重要手段,而开展系级教学工作水平评估是高校教学工作质量评价的重要环节.系级教学工作水平评估有助于准确了解各系教学活动情况,检查各系教学质量,为高校改进工作,深化改革提供依据和直接实践.就系级教学工作水平评估指标体系的构建作一些探讨.  相似文献   

The demands of teaching more challenging content to more diverse learners suggest a need for teacher education that enables teachers to become more sophisticated in their understanding of the effects of context and learner variability on teaching and learning. Instead of implementing set routines, teachers need to become ever more skillful in their ability to evaluate teaching situations and develop teaching responses that can be effective under different circumstances. This article examines how a growing number of teacher education programs are using authentic assessments of teaching – cases, exhibitions, portfolios, and problem-based inquiries (or action research) – as tools to support teacher learning for these new challenges of practice. Using specific teacher education programs as examples, the article examines how and why these strategies appear to provide support for teacher learning and avenues for more valid assessment of teaching. The authors also discuss circumstances in which these strategies may be less effective and suggest features of the assessments and programmatic contexts that are associated with more and less successful use.  相似文献   

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