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This paper describes the practical work up of a multiple choice examination system in electrical engineering. A graphics tablet is used for inputting the data. The pedagogical advantages obtained by statistical handling of the data are given and illustrated by some examples.  相似文献   

在新加坡科学课程改革中,普通水准教育证书考试起着积极的引导作用。它们具有这样一些特点:重视对科学概念原理理解、信息处理能力和解决问题能力以及实验操作技能和科学探究能力的评价;控制数学运算的分量和复杂性;尊重学习者的差异、给予充分的选择权。这些对于我国科学课程考试评价改革有着重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Practice analysis (i.e., job analysis) serves as the cornerstone for the development of credentialing examinations and is generally used as the primary source of evidence when validating scores on such exams. Numerous methodological questions arise when planning and conducting a practice analysis, but there is little consensus in the measurement community regarding the answers to these questions. This article offers recommendations concerning the following issues: selecting a method of practice analysis; developing rating scales to describe practice; determining the content of test plans; using multivariate procedures for structuring test plans; and determining topic weights for test plans. The article closes by suggesting several references for further reading.  相似文献   

应用统计学专业的学生在学习高等代数时,往往不会正确对待相关的重要内容,而影响后续课程的学习。对于当前应用统计学专业中高等代数课程教学中出现的问题,结合后续课程的特点,本文提出了相应的改革措施。  相似文献   

极限是高等数学中的重要概念,因极限的求解方法较多,学生往往无从下手。本文着重理清与总结求解极限的常用可行的步骤,并用例子加以说明。以帮助学生解决高等数学学习中的难点。  相似文献   

This paper considers some of the major issues surrounding the current debate over the development of the advanced level curriculum by comparing the views of the major parties concerned in this debate with those of the interest groups involved in shaping the outcome of the debate over the last major attempt at reform ‐‐ the N and F proposals of 1978. The latter debate is analysed by characterising the views of the various interest groups as reflecting the positions of the old humanists, industrial trainers and public educators of Williams's model (1961, The Long Revolution, London, Chatto & Windus), and it is argued that the ‘settlement’ arrived at in respect of reform of the advanced level curriculum was essentially in favour of the position espoused by the old humanists. A similar analysis is then offered for the current debate, suggesting some differences as well as similarities with the earlier one, and demonstrating the importance of arriving at a solution which redefines the ‘elite’ nature of the present advanced level curriculum.  相似文献   

对于英语课文的教学,如果只限于文字理解,只能称作“初步阅读”。若在此基础上,对作品中的人物性格、故事情节、写作风格、主题思想等进行分析、讨论,则上升为“深层阅读”。  相似文献   

针对高职学生的特点,对高等数学构建了以数学基本知识、数学软件使用技能与应用能力水平为考核内容,以平时考核、Mathematica数学软件操作考试和期末书面考试成绩为依据的考核方法。实践表明,这种考核方法促发了学生的学习热情,提高了应用能力,使学生考核成绩的及格率有较明显的提高。  相似文献   

大规模教育考试的科学属性至少应该包括教育和心理测量学约束要求和考试的社会学约束要求两个层面。考试分数的可靠性、考试结果解释和使用的有效性、考试的公平性和考试对社会、学校教育教学的影响是考试科学属性的基本要素,这是考试的目的和结果的使用决定的,每一要素都有其独特的科学内涵。考试实践中,无论是考试测量目标的制定,试卷结构的确定,考试内容样本的采集,试题情景材料的选择和设问,难度的设置,考试后的评价等都应该围绕提高考试的科学性、提高考试的质量进行。  相似文献   

"九五"期间全国及省、市、自治区各级教育进展简况   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本期刊登的分省教育发展情况统计数据表明,“九五”期间我国各地区教育事业迈上了一个新的台阶。但教育大国地位的初步确立,尚未意味着教育强国的实现:地区间教育发展不平衡状况依然存在,“十五”期间确保普及九年义务教育新进展的艰巨性更加凸现;其它各级教育规模持续发展,更要求我们把提高质量放在教育工作的突出位置。 在普及中得到提高,在提高中实现普及是“十五”期间教育事业发展极为重要的任务。希望本期的信息对各地教育行政部门、教育研究工作者有所帮助。  相似文献   

统计学在经济管理类专业学生培养中的作用日益凸显,但目前课程教学仍局限于传统的填鸭式授课方式,有必要将实践式项目教学模式引入到统计学教学当中。为此,本文分析了统计学实践式项目教学的基本模式和步骤,并从教学内容优化和教学模式改革两个方面,提出了统计学实践式项目教学改革的思路和建议。  相似文献   

远程开放教育考试舞弊预防策略及其实践应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,远程开放教育考试面临新形势新挑战,考试环境与考风考纪方面存在一些突出的问题。论文从预防角度出发,结合考试管理工作实际,探讨远程开放教育考试舞弊预防策略及其实践应用。  相似文献   

Some key methodological issues in factors affecting educational effectiveness within schools are discussed. The motivation is an analysis of subject teaching group effectiveness in English and Welsh GCE Advanced Level prior to a linking to resources. Cross-classified multilevel models with weighted random effects are suggested for disentangling student, group, and teacher effects. Analyses show that there is considerable variation between subjects within students. Teacher effects are shown to be considerable but explanations for variation cannot be sought in the conventional personal characteristics of teachers. One conclusion is that it is availability of data which constrains such investigations and not methodology.  相似文献   

AB级考试是检测高职高专的学生,是否达到了《新编实用英语》所规定的教学内容要求而设置的考试。文章就如何改革英语课堂教学,采取灵活多样的课堂教学方法,实行分级教学,研究考题,提升学生英语应用能力,提高学生应对AB级考试等方面展开分析并提出相应措施。  相似文献   

高等职业教育的目标是为社会培养应用型的人才,因此高等职业学院的教师在教学中也应从实际问题出发向学生传授知识.本文仅就工程应用数学和经济应用数学中概率统计的教学谈点滴体会.  相似文献   

在市场经济不断深化的新形势下,统计专业传统的实践教学已不适应人才市场的需要。为此,笔者通过对高校统计专业实践教学现状的分析,提出了统计专业实践教学一体化教学模式。  相似文献   

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