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Book reviews     
Books reviewed in this article: ZAKALUK, B.L. and SAMUELS, S.J. (1988) Readability: Its Past, Present and Future. STEPHENS, W.B. (1987) Education, Literacy and Society. LANKSHEAR. C. with LAWLER, M. (1987) Literacy, Schooling and Revolution. FAIGLEY. L., CHERRY, R., JOLLIFFE. D. and SKINNER. A. (eds) (1985) Assessing Writers’Knowledge and Processes of Composing. FREEDMAN, S. (ed.) (1985) The Acquisition of Written Language; Response and Revision. MATSUHASHI, A. (ed.) (1987) Writing in Real Time: Modelling Production Processes. TEALE, w. and SULZBY, E. (eds) (1986) Emergent Literacy Writing and Reading. WAGNER, DANIEL (1987) The Future of Literacy in a Changing World. BUTLER. DOROTHY (1988) Babies Need Books. LANGER. J.A. (ed.) (1987) Language, Literacy, and Culture: Issues of Society and Schooling. ANDERSON, C. (ed.) (1988) Reading: the abc and beyond. CHAPMAN. L.J. (1987) Reading: From 5–11 Years. THOMSON. JACK (1987) Understanding Teenagers' Reading: Reading Processes and the Teaching of Literature.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: DAVISON, A. & GREEN, G.M. (1988) Linguistic Complexity and Text Comprehension: Readability Issues Reconsidered. HUTSON, BARBARA (ed.) Advances in Reading/Language Research: Volume 3 1985. BRITTON, B.K. and GLYNN, S.M. (eds.) (1987) Executive Control Processes in Reading. TIERNEY, R.J., ANDERS, P.L. and MITCHELL, J.N. (eds.) (1987) Understanding Reader's Understanding. GARNER, R. (1987) Metacognition and Reading Comprehension GRAFF, H.J. (1987) The Labyrinths of Literacy: reflections on literacy past and present. NEWMAN, ANABEL P. and BEVERSTOCK, CAROLINE (1990) Adult Literacy: Contexts and challenges. WILLINSKY, J. (1990) The New Literacy: redefining reading and writing in schools. GOSWAMI, J. and BRYANT, P. (1990) Phonological Skills and Learning to Read. WATERLAND, L. (1989) Apprenticeship in Action: Teachers Write About ‘Read With Me'. MINNS, H. (1990) Read It To MeNow. HEDLEY, C.N. and HICKS, J.S. (eds.) (1988) Reading and the Special Learner. PUMFREY, P. (1991) Improving Children's Reading in the Junior School.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: BERTELSON. P. (ed) (1987) The Onset of Literacy. Cognitive Processes in Reading Acquisition. SNOWLING, M. (1 987) Dyslexia: A Cognitive Development Perspective. DODD, B. and CAMPBELL, R. (eds) (1987) Hearing by Eye: thepsychology of lip-reading. MILLER, N. (ed) (1984) Bilingualism and Language Disability: assessment and remediation. PEARSON, D. BARR, R., KAMIL, M.L. and MOSENTHAL, P. (eds) (1984) Handbook of Reading Research. ORASANU, J. (ed) (1986) Reading Comprehension: From Research to Practice. POSNER, M.I. and MARIN. O.S.M. (1985) Attention and Performance XI. COLTHEART, M. (1 987) Attention and Performance XII. WADE, B. and MOORE, M. (1987) Special Children … Special Needs: Provision in Ordinary Classrooms. MCNAUGHTON, s. (1987) Being Skilled. The Socializations of learning to read. FREIRE. P. and MACEDO, D. (1987) Literacy: Reading the Word and the World. ALVERMANN, D.E. DILLON. D.R. and O'BRIEN. D.G. (1987) Using Discussion to promote Reading Comprehension. SCHIEFFELIN, B. and GILMORE. P. (1986) The Acquisition Of Literacy: Ethnographic Perspectives. SMITH, P. (ed) (1987) Parents and teachers together: Proceedings of the twenty-third annual course and conference of the United ‘Kingdom Reading Association’. MEEK, M. (1988) How Texts Teach What Readers Learn.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
LUKE, A. (1988) Literacy, Textbooks and Ideology: Postwar Literacy Instruction and the Mythology of Dick and Jane. BEREITER. C. and SCARDAMALIA, M. The Psychology Of Written Composition. STERNGLASS, M.S. (1988) The Presence of Thought: Introspective Accounts of Reading and Writing. HEDLEY, C.N. and BARATTA, A.N. (eds.) (1986) Contexts of Reading. BENNETT-KASTOR, T. (1988) Analyzing Children's Language.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Carver, R.P. (1981) Reading Comprehension and Reading Theory. Crowder, R.G. (1982) The Psychology of Reading: an Introduction. Downing, J. & Leong, C.K. (1981) Psychology of Reading. Henderson, L. (1982) Orthography and Word Recognition in Reading. Kolers, P.A., Wrolstad, M. & Bouma, H. (Ed.) (1979) Processing of Visible Language 1. Kolers, P.A., Wrolstad, M. & Bouma, H. (Ed.) (1980) Processing of visible Language 2. Lesgold, A.M. & Perfetti, C.A. (Ed.) (1981) Interactive Processes in Reading. Mitchell, D.C. (1982) The Process of Reading: a Cognitive Analysis of Fluent Reading and Learning to Read. Ewing, J. and Johnstone, M. (1981) Attitudes to Reading: Measurement and Classification within a Curricular Structure. Heather, P. (1981) Young People's Reading: a study of the leisure reading of 13-15 year olds. Clay, Marie M. (1982) Observing Young Readers: Selected Papers. Ferreiro, Emilia and Teberosky, Ana (1982/3) Literacy Before Schooling. Spender, L. (1983) Intruders on the Rights of Men: Women's Unpublished Heritage. Sheridan, E. Marcia (Ed.) (1982) Sex Stereotypes and Reading: Research and Strategies. Posner, Roland (1982) Rational Discourse and Poetic Communication: Methods of Linguistic, Literary, and Philosophical Analysis. Prince, Gerald (1982) Narratology: The Form and Functioning of Narrative. Sharratt, Bernard (1981) Reading Relations: Structures of Literary Production. A Dialectical Text/Book. Tompkins, Jane P. (Ed.) (1981) Reader-Response Criticism: From Formalism to Post-Structuralism. Widdowson, Peter (Ed.) (1982) Re-Reading English. Cressy, D. (1980) Literacy and the Social Order: Reading and Writing in Tudor and Stuart England. Eisenstein, E.L. (1982) The Printing Press as an Agent of Change: Communications and Cultural Transformations in Early-modern Europe. Furet, F. and Ozouf, J. (1982) Reading and Writing: Literacy in France from Calvin to Jules Ferry. Mann, P.H. (1982) From Author to Reader: a Social Study of Books. Morris, R.C. (1981) Reading, Riting, and Reconstruction: the Education of Freedmen in the South, 1861-1870. Gollasch, F.V. (Ed.) (1982) Language and Literacy: the Selected Writings of Kenneth S. Goodman. Volume I: Process, Theory, Research. Volume 2: Reading, Language and the Classroom Teacher. Miles, T.R. (1983) Dyslexia: The Pattern of Difficulties. Singer, M.H. (Ed.) (1982) Competent Reader, Disabled Reader: Research and Application. Malatesha, R.N. and Aaron, P.G. (Ed.) (1982) Reading Disorders: Varieties and Treatments.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: GRIFFITH, P. (1987) Literary Theory and English Teaching. BLOOME, D. (ed) (1987) Literacy and Schooling. HANNON, P. and JACKSON, A. The Belfeld Reading Project Final Report: Belfield Community Council/National Children's Bureau LRWIN, J.W. (ed) Understanding and Teaching Cohesion Comprehension. FOORMAN, B.R. and SIEGEL, A.W. (eds) (1986) Acquisition of Reading Skills: Cultural Constraints and Cognitive Universals.  相似文献   

Book Reviewed in this article: Melling, O. R.: The Singing Stone (1988). Chapman, L. John: Reading: from 5—11 years (1987). Tuman, Myron C: A Preface to Literacy: An Inquiry into Pedagogy, Practice, and Progress (August, 1987). Thorpe, Dina: Reading for Fun: A study of how parents and libraries encouraged children aged 9—12 to read for enjoyment. Oakhill, Jane & Garnham, Alan: Becoming a Skilled Reader (1988). Luke, Allan: Literacy, Textbooks and Ideology: Postwar Literacy Instruction and the Mythology of Dick and Jane (June 1988). Janet Brennan is a Senior Lecturer in Language and Literacy at the West Glamorgan Institute of Higher Education. White, D.: Books Before Five (1984). Calkins, L. M. Lessons from a Child (1983).  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: UPWARD, c. (1992) Cut Spelling: a handbook to the simplification of written English by omission of redundant letters. CHALL, J., JACOBS, v. and BALDWIN, L. (1990) The Reading Crisis: Why Poor Children Fall Behind. LITTLEFAIR, A. (1990) Reading All Types of Writing. ROBECK, M.C. and WALLACE, R.R. (1990) The Psychology of Reading: An Interdisciplinary Approach. BALOTA, D.A., FLORES D'ARCAIS, G.B., and RAYNER, K. (eds) (1990) Comprehension Processes in Reading. SMITH, J., and ALCOCK, A. (1990) Revisiting Literacy: Helping Readers and Writers. CAIRNEY, T.H. (1990) Teaching Reading Comprehension.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Books reviewed in this article: MALATESHA, R.N. and HARTLAGE, L.C. (eds) (1982) Neuropsychology and Cognition (2 volumes). GOLDBERG, H.K., SHIFFMAN, G.B. and BENDER, M. (1983) Dyslexia: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Reading Disabilities. YOUNG, P. and TYRE, C. (1983) Dyslexia or Illiteracy? Realising the Right to Read JORM, A.F. (1983) The Psychology of Reading and Spelling Disabilities. ELLIS, A.W. (1984) Reading, Writing and Dyslexia: A Cognitive Analysis. CULLER, JONATHAN (1983) On Deconstruction: theory and criticism after structuralism. DREYFUS, H.L. and RABINOW, P. (1982) Michel Foucault: beyond structuralism and hermeneutics. EAGLETON, T. (1983) Literary Theory: an introduction. JEFFERSON, A. and ROBEY, D. (eds) (1982) Modern Literary Theory: a comparative introduction. KERMODE, F. (1983) Essays on Fiction 1971-82. LEITCH, V.B. (1983) Deconstructive Criticism: an advanced introduction. MCHOUL, A.W. (1982) Telling How Texts Talk: essays in reading and ethnomethodology. SHOLES, R. (1982) Semiotics and Interpretation. TODOROV, T. (ed.) (1982) French Literary Theory Today; a reader. TODOROV, T. (1983) Symbolism and Interpretation. TODOROV, T. (1982) Theories of the Symbol. SOLTOW, L. and STEVENS, E. (eds) (1981) The Rise of Literacy and the Common School in the United States: a socioeconomic analysis to 1870. DOWNING, J., AYERS, D. and SCHAEFER, B. (1983) Linguistic Awareness in Reading Readiness (LARR) Test. BRADLEY, LYNEITE (1980) Assessing Reading Difficulties. VINCENT, D., GREEN, L., FRANCIS, JEAN and POWNEY, JANET (1983) A Review of Reading Tests. PUGH, A.K. and ULIJN, J.M. (eds) (1984) Reading for Professional Purposes: studies and practices in native and foreign languages. HUDELSON, s. (ed.) (1981) Learning to Read in Different Languages. JUNG, U.O.H. (ed.) (1982) Reading: a symposium. GEOFFRION, L.D. and GEOFFRION, O.P. (1983) Computers and Reading Instruction. SHUARD, H. and ROTHERY, A. (eds) (1984) Children Reading Mathematics. BOUMA, H. and BOUWHUIS, D.G. (eds) (1984) Attention and Performance Vol. X: Control of Language Processes. MANDL, H., STEIN, N.L. and TRABASSO, T. (1984) Learning and Comprehension of Text.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: BLOOM, W. (1987) Partnership with Parents in Reading. DURKIN. K. (ed.) (1986) Language Development in the School Years. WEBSTER, A. (1986) Deafness, Development and Literacy. BESNER, D., WALLER, T.G. and MACKINNON, G.E (eds) (1985) Reading Research: Advances in Theory and Practice. PERERA, K. (1984) Children's Writing and Reading: Analysing Classroom Language. STEIN. NANCY, L. (ed.) (1986) Literacy in American Schools. Learning to Read and Write. DE BEAUGRANDE, ROBERT (1984) Text Production. Advances in Discourse Processes XI.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: CRISMORE, A. (1989) Talking with Readers: Metadiscourse as Rhetorical Act. COHEN, L. and MANION, L. (1989) Research Methods in Education, Third Edition. HUNTER-CARSCH, M. (ed) (1989) The Art of Reading. GOLDMAN, SUSAN R. and TRUEBA, H.T. (eds) (1987) Becoming Literate in English as a Second Language. MICHAEL, I. (1987) The Teaching of English: from the sixteenth century to 1870. HOLLINDALE, P. (1988) Ideology and the Children's Book.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: P.D. Pumfrey (1977) Measuring Reading Abilities: Concepts, Sources and Applications. Gibson, Eleanor J. and Levin, H. (1975) The Psychology of Reading. Kingston, A.J. (1977, ed.) Toward a Psychology of Reading and Language: Selected Papers of Wendell W. Weaver.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: LAYTON, J.R. (1979) The Psychology of Learning to Read. BERNIER, C.L. and YERKEY, A.N. (1979) Cogent Communication: Overcoming Reading Overload. HARRISON, C. (1980) Readability in the Classroom. MILLS, R.W. (1980) Classroom Observation of Primary School Children. OXENHAM, J. (1980) Literacy: Writing, Reading and Social Organisation. RUTHROF, H. (1981) The Reader's Construction of Narrative.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: DE CASTELL, S., LAKE, A. AND KIERAN E. (eds) GARDNER K. (1986) Reading in Today's Schools. EVANS, T. (1987) English in the Primary School. PEARSON, H. (1987) Children Becoming Readers. TOVEY, D. R. and KERBER. J. E. (eds) (1986) Roles in Literacy Learning. NASH, w. (1986) English Usage. A Guide to First Principles. DAVIES, F. (1986) Books in the School Curriculum. INGHAM. J. with BROWN, v. (1986) The State of Reading. ADAMS. J. (1986) The Conspiracy of the Text: theplace of narrative in thedevelopment of thought. HARRIS. R. (1986) The Origin of Writing. READ, c. (1986) Children's Creative Spelling. WEBSTER, A. and MCONNELL. c. (1987) Children with Speech and Language Difficulties. KIERAS, D. E. and JUST, M. A. (eds) (1984) New Methods in Reading Comprehension Research.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Lunzer , E. and Gardner , K. (1979, eds.) The Effective Use of Reading. Murray , Frank B. and Pikulski , John J. (1978, eds.) The Acquisition of Reading: Cognitive, Linguistic, and Perceptual Prerequisites. Gorman , Thomas P. (1977, ed.) Language and Literacy: Current Issues and Research Jones , H. A. and Charnley , A. H. (1978) Adult Literacy: a Study of its Impact. Charnley , A. H. and Jones , H. A., (1979) The Concept of Success in Adult Litermy, Cambridge  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed in this article: Pirozzolo, F.J. (1979) The Neuropsychology of Developmental Reading Disorders. Tansley, P. and Panckhurst, J. (1981) Children with Specific Learning Difficulties: a Critical Review of Research. Ingham, Jennie (1981) Books and Reading Development. Pavlidis, G.Th. and Miles, T.R. (Ed.) (1981) Dyslexia Research and its Applications to Education. Tzeng, O.J.L. and Singer, H. (Ed.) (1981) Perception of Print: Reading Research in Experimental Psychology. Pirozzolo, F. J. and Wittrock, M.C. (Ed.) (1981) Neuropsychological and Cognitive Processes in Reading. Reichmann, F. (1980) The Sources of Western Literacy: the Middle Eastern Civilizations. Hills, P. (Ed.) (1980) The Future of the Printed Word. Vellutino, F.R. (1979) Dyslexia: Theory and Research. Martin, Graham Dunstan (1981) The Architecture of Experience: a Discussion of the Role of Language and Literature in the Construction of the World. Martínez-Bonati, Félix (1981) Fictive Discourse and the Structures of Literature: a Phenomenological Approach. Ricoeur, Paul (1981) Hermeneutics and the Human Sciences: Essays on Language, Action and Interpretation. Young, Robert (Ed.) (1981) Untying the Text: A Post-structuralist Anthology. Levinson, H.N. (1980) Dyslexia: A Solution to the Riddle. Ericson, Britta (1981) Reading Disabilities and Emotional Disturbances. Arnold, Helen (1982) Listening to Children Reading. (UKRA Teaching of Reading Monograph.) Francis, Hazel (1982) Learning to Read. Tuunainen, K. & Chiaroni, A. (Ed.) (1982) Full Participation. (Proceedings of the Second European Conference on Reading, August, 1981.) Hendry, A. (Ed.) (1982) Teaching Reading: the Key Issues. (Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Conference of the United Kingdom Reading Association, July, 1981.)  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: AINCOW, M. and TWEDDLE, D. (1984) Early Learning Skills Analysis. ANDERSON, R.C., OSBORN, J. and TIERNEY, R.J. (eds)(1984) Learning to Read in American Schools: Basal Readers and Content Texts. TUNMER, W.E., PRAIT, c. and HERRIMAN, M.L. (eds) (1984) Metalinguisfic Awareness in Children. Theory, Research, and Implications. DOWNING, J. and VALTIN, R. (eds) (1984) Language Awareness and Learning to Read. COCHRAN-SMITH, M. (1984) The Making of a Reader. GOELMAN, H., OBERG, A. and SMITH, F. (1984) Awakening to Literacy. KENNEDY, A. (1984) The Psychology of Reading. VAN DIJK, T.A. and KINTSCH, W. (1983) Strategies of Discourse Comprehension. EGOFF, SHEILA A. (1981) Thursday's Child. FLOOD, J. (1984) Understanding Reading Comprehension: Cognition, Language, and the Structure of Prose. Newark, Delaware: International Reading Association. ISBN 0-87207-7365. PETERS, M. (1984) Spelling: Caught or Taught? A New Look. GRONER, R., MENZ, c., FISHER, D.F. and MONTY, R.A. (eds) (1983) Eye Movements and Psychological Processes: international views. RAYNER, K. (ed.) (1983) Eye Movements in Reading: perceptual and language processes. HENDERSON, L. (1984) Orthographies and Reading. WALLER, T. GARY and MACKINNON, G.E. (eds) (1979) Reading Research Advances in Theory and Practice, Volume 1. MACMNNON, G.E. and WALLER, T. GARY. (eds) (1981) Reading Research Advances in Theory and Practice, Volume 2. MACMNNON, G.E. and WALLER, T. GARY (eds) (1981) Reading Research Advances in Theory and Practice, Volume 3 MACKINNON, G.E. and WALLER, T. GARY (eds) (1985) Reading Research Advances in Theory and Practice, Volume 4.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: READ, GAVIN (1994) Specific Learning Difficulties (Dyslexia): A handbook for study and practice. EDWARDS, JANICE (1994) The Scars of Dyslexia. HATCHER, P. J. (1994) Sound Linkage. MILES, T.R. (1993) Dyslexia: The Pattern of Difficulties. COOKE, A. (1993) Tackling Dyslexia: The Bangor Way. WILLOWS, D., KRUK, R.S. and CORCOS, E. (Eds.) (1993) Visual Processes in Reading and Reading Disabilities. GOODWYN, A. (ed.) (1995) English and Ability. HULME, CHARLES, and SNOWLING, MARGARET (eds) (1994) Reading Development and Dyslexia. ELLEY, WARWICK B. (ed.) (1994) The IEA Study of Reading Literacy: CHAUDRON, MARTINE and DE SINGLY, FRANCOIS (eds) (1993) Zdentitk, Lecture, Ecriture.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Vincent, Denis and Claydon, Jenny. Diagnostic Spelling Test. Neville, M. H. and Pugh, A. K. Towards Independent Reading Lombard, Avima D. Success Begins at Home. Ferreiro, E. and Teberosky, A. Literacy before Schooling. Jackson, David. Continuity in Secondary English. Harris, T. L. and Hodges, R. E. (Ed.) A Dictionary of Reading and Related Terms.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: HARRIS, M. AND COLTHEART, M. (1986) Language Processing in Children and Adults: An Introduction. THOMSON, M. (1984) Developmental Dyslexia. PAVLIDIS, G. Th. And FISHER, D.F. (1986) Dyslexia: Its Neuropsychology and Treatment. GRONER, R., McCONKIE, G. and MENZ, C. (eds.). (1985) Eye Movements and Human Information Processing. LUNZER, L., GARDNER, K., DAVIES, F. and GREENE, T. (1984) Learning from the Written Word. DAVIES, F. and GREENE. T. (1984) Reading for Learning in the Sciences. FYFE, R. and MITCHELL, E. (1985) Reading Strategies and their Assessment. DAIUTE, C. (1985) Writing and Computers. MOORE, P. (1986) Using Computers in English: A Practical Guide. DUFFY, THOMAS M. and WALLER, ROBERT (eds) (1985) Designing Usable Texts. HARTLEY, JAMES (1985) Designing Instructional Text-2nd Edition. GILLIAN KLEIN (1985) Reading into Racism. Bias in Children's Literature and Learning. CATHERINE WALLACE (1986) Learning to Read in a Multicultural Society. The Social Context of Second Language Literacy. LEVINE, K. (1986) The Social Context of Literacy  相似文献   

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