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This article reviews the literature pertinent to prepracticum laboratory experiences in counselor education and describes the elements and the evaluation of one such program.  相似文献   

The researchers examined how suicide‐response training received before practicum related to degrees of anxiety and confidence for practicum students regarding the treatment of suicidal clients. Results of 113 surveyed practicum students are discussed, along with implications and suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

A national survey was conducted to assess the preferred settings, work activities, and perceived levels of competency of doctoral students in CACREP- and APA-accredited programs.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study was to examine the relationship among counseling self-efficacy, problem-solving, and state and trait anxiety. A total sample of one hundred thirteen males and females (females = 105; males = 8) enrolled in the psychology department at the UAE University voluntarily participated in this study. The Counseling Self-Estimate Inventory (COSE), Problem-Solving Inventory (PSI), and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) were used to collect data from participants. Findings revealed significantly moderate correlations between counseling self-efficacy and both problem-solving and State and trait Anxiety. Findings are discussed within the context of UAE culture and directions for future research are provided.  相似文献   

A brief mock counseling session was potentially more risky but more potent than a brief videotaped counseling session as an intervention for increasing counseling self-efficacy in prepractica trainees.  相似文献   

心理咨询与治疗中的正念训练   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
正念训练源于佛教。在西方,从上个世纪七十年代末开始,正念训练被应用于心理咨询与治疗和身心健康的多个领域。目前,已经有很多关于疗效的实证研究。本文对正念训练的历史与现状、心理机制、临床应用,以及主要技术作了简要的介绍。  相似文献   

论跨文化交际能力的培养   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
培养学生的跨文化交际能力是当前对英语教学的要求,同时也是我国日益频繁的对外交流活动的需要。文章根据跨文化交际能力的概念和内涵,从理论角度探讨了其培养方式,包括教学目标、课程设计步骤、学习理论和教学策略等,希望能够为培养跨文化交际能力的课堂实践提供理论依据。  相似文献   

This study examined the influence of international counseling students’ (ICSs) acculturation and foreign language anxiety on their counseling self-efficacy (CSE). Results indicated that foreign language anxiety significantly predicted ICSs’ CSE, while acculturation needs further examination in this regard. Discussion and implications for counselor training and research are provided.  相似文献   

论语感及语感能力的培养   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
语文学科和语文教学的内部规律决定了语感能力的培养是语文教学的本质和核心。中学语文新课标以此作为一项重要的内容,意味着语文教学由作为物的工具转向作为人的学生,旨在使学生获得一种工具转而以语感为突破口,提高学生整个文化心理素质,从而直接面向学生的成长和发展。  相似文献   

语用能力的培养在英语教学中有着非常重要的作用。它关乎学生是否能成功的进行交流。但一些英语教师往往在教学中疏忽这一点。只有具备了一定的语用知识与能力,学生才能既准确又得体地使用语言,才能真正的学会一门语言。这就要求教师在教学过程中有意识地渗透语用意识及其基础知识,改变教学方法,通过积极的课前准备、课堂上听、说、读、写、译的教学与训练和课后总结,增强学生的语境把握能力,进而有效地提高学生实际理解和运用语言的能力。  相似文献   

The use of competence as a basis for the education and training of teachers has become commonplace. Department for Education (DfE) circulars 9/92 (DfE, June 1992) and 14/93 (DfE, November 1993) have indicated the way forward for competence‐based teacher training. This paper suggests that it is possible to identify three models of competence which seem to dominate research. The first is broadly behaviourist in its approach and depends largely upon the inculcation of domain‐specific behaviours. The second can be termed a process model, which attempts to map out the process of competent action in terms of flexibility. The third may be described as a cognitive model, since it attributes such importance to knowledge and understanding in underpinning competent action. Each of these models is examined in relation to certain key variables: their interpretation of knowledge and understanding, methods of assessment, and forms of training. A final section draws attention to important factors which operate in competent performance and which must be realised in any competency approach to the training and education of teachers.  相似文献   

In separate analogue and naturalistic studies, we investigated the impact of ego level on the counseling ability of beginning and advanced students.  相似文献   

Human rights counseling is needed today as much as or more than it was in the 1960s. Counselor educators can help meet societal needs for human rights counselors by selecting counselor trainees sensitive to human rights issues and by preparing them to work with problems resulting from oppression. This article examines the shortcomings of traditional selection and training procedures and presents suggestions for improving them vis-á-vis human rights counseling.  相似文献   

Structural equation modeling with survey data from 313 college counselors revealed that multicultural training significantly mediated the impact of both ethnic identity and gender roles on multicultural counseling competence (MCC), explaining 24% of MCC variance. Results indicated that college counselors need to be aware of their own gender roles and ethnic identity to be culturally competent and highlighted the mediational role that training plays in achieving MCC.  相似文献   

This study examines the perceptions and experiences of international counseling students (ICSs) in university training programs in Turkey. A majority of participants reported they had adjusted positively, but did experience problems related to language, food, and customs. Participants largely also thought that the training in Turkey met their expectations, although some stated they desired more counseling coursework and applied experiences. More than half of the ICSs surveyed thought that they would not return to their home countries because of job opportunity problems. The results are considered in relation to counselor training in Turkey and student adaptation in that context.  相似文献   

职业教育是以社会人才市场需求为导向的就业教育。高职跨文化交际课程教学应以就业能力为导向,以跨文化意识、跨文化商务技巧和跨文化管理为主要内容,突出教学内容的实用性和针对性。将语言基础能力与实际的涉外交际能力培养结合起来,形成“强化意识——对比分析——实践应用”的就业导向型跨文化能力培养的教学模式,以培养符合市场需要并与世界接轨的商务人才。  相似文献   

This article notes the problems involved in traditional efforts to induct graduate students into the research process. A collaborative apprenticeship method that can be incorporated into programmatic research with benefits for both students and mentors is presented.  相似文献   

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