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围绕“强基计划”人才培养目标,借鉴国内外高校拔尖人才培养方案成功的经验,制定“强基计划”数学与应用数学专业本科人才培养方案。基本特点是:将通识教育与专业教育有机结合,融入基础学科拔尖人才培养;强化核心课程,夯实学科基础;开设学科概述和学科前沿课程,开阔学生视野;依托学科优势,加强数学学科的工程衔接;强化实践环节,着重培养应用能力和创新能力;创新教学方法。平衡好学生的自我定位与项目的外部定位,是确保“强基计划”顺利实施并发挥最大效用的关键。  相似文献   

运用问卷调查和访谈的方法,以贵州省的3所地方本科院校为例,对地方本科院校物理师范专业教师教育类课程的设置与教学现状进行了调查,发现毕业生对课程设置的满意度较低,所存在的问题有教师教育类课程偏少、实践性课程偏少等,课程教学存在着实践性教学薄弱、教学方式单一等问题,毕业生的工作胜任力也存在着一些不足.针对所发现的问题,建议增加教师教育类课程的比重,增强课程的弹性;优化教师教育类课程结构,形成多层次、序列化的课程体系;变革教师教育类课程的教学方式,加强实践性教学.  相似文献   

本文主要运用问卷调查和结构访谈的研究方法,对西华师范大学、四川师范大学、青岛大学的创造教育实施现状进行了调查。结果发现:在创造教育的实施方面,师范类专业与医学类、理工类、社科类专业相比尤为薄弱。(1)师范类专业创造学课程的开课率最低;(2)55%的师范专业没有专门进行创造教育的教师,远高于平均水平(29%);其外聘教师在四大类专业中也最少,远低于平均水平;(3)65%的师范专业学生很少或从没参加过探究性实验或课题研究;(4)16%的师范类专业没有与创新相关的组织,而社科类所有专业都有,理工类仅有4%的专业没有设立创新组织;(5)师范类专业学生创新意识较其他专业的更弱,学校对其创造教育的重视程度明显低于其他专业。对此,我们探讨了影响师范专业学生创新能力的因素,并在此基础上提出了培养师范生进行创造教育能力的对策,希望能为我国新形势下师范教育改革提供资料信息。  相似文献   

在教育部启动现代学徒制试点背景下,高职W校学前教育专业于2017年3月启动现代学徒制项目并于9月终止,制约项目实施的主要因素有:政策及资金保障不到位、项目内容设计不够专业、幼儿园参与动力不足、双主体合作不佳、学徒质量及热情不高等。W校的个案表明,推进和实施高职学前教育专业现代学徒制项目需要各方共同努力:政府要出台政策及制度保障,提供配套资金支持;职校与幼儿园要明确双主体的角色和定位;校园双方要建立合作育人机制,在招生、课程、教学、培训与考核评价等各环节充分合作;集合力量建立学徒平台及行业联盟。  相似文献   

基于5个高职试点专业课程体系改革的研究与实践   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
高等职业教育教学改革的关键在于课程体系的改革。本通过对扬州职业大学5个高职试点专业教学改革的工作进行了回顾和总结,从理论和实践两个方面探讨了高等职业教育的课程体系改革,提出了以整合能力为本的课程体系改革方案。本还就高等职业教育知识与能力结构、理论与实践教学、高新科技教学以及学校与社会的联系等方面进行了总结和分析。本研究成果对进一步开展高等职业教育教学改革具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

Throughout the 1980s there has been a remarkable rise in the retention rate of Australian students in secondary education. Although the absolute numbers of students undertaking the traditional upper secondary school preparatory subjects for Engineering courses has been increasing, their proportion as a percentage of the whole Year 12 group has simultaneously been decreasing.

In the face of this situation, the Faculty of Engineering at Monash decided in 1989 to ask the Faculty of Education to offer special bridging courses in chemistry and physics to students who had the appropriate high entry scores, but who had not studied either one or the other of these subjects during their Year 12 program.

After an initial period of data collection involving researching the chemistry and physics courses, two intensive special bridging courses to be taken over one semester were designed to meet the needs of these students. The first four years of the program have produced very encouraging results. The paper describes the rationale behind the design of these courses and the range of teaching and learning strategies that have been employed. It includes a discussion of some of the conditions that are believed to be necessary to ensure the success of such a bold educational experiment.  相似文献   

随着我国素质教育的推进,师范职业能力培养成为高师教育中不可或缺的重要组成部分,特别是视唱练耳教学作为高师音乐教育的必修课,它的教学改革也逐渐成为一个热点话题。视唱练耳课程必须与实际相联系、循序渐进地对教学环节当中所出现的各类问题实行渐进式改进,以此来满足在当前新的时代背景之下对于视唱练耳课程的要求,全面提高高师学生视唱练耳的水平及能力,确保他们可以更好地适应今后的各专业技巧课的学习要求。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来中国基础教育在课程结构、综合课程、课程管理制度等方面的改革,是逐步深入与完善的,由不合理到比较合理。课程结构改革首先把活动粪课程正式作为课程列入课程计划,同学科类课程相辅相成,然后在学科类课程中又分为必修课程和多种选修课程,这样有利于学生素质的全面提高及获得更多的选择和发展的机会。综合课程改革在各省市积极探索的基础上,构建了分科课程与综合课程相结合的新基础教育课程体系,综合课程的设置减少了学科门类和内容,减轻了学生的学习负担,有利于学生的全面发展和各种能力的培养。课程管理制度实行国家、地方和学校三级课程管理,并明确了国家、地方和学校承担不同的权力与责任,有利于调动学校和教师的积极性,使学校办学更有特色,学生发展更有特长。但这些方面的改革,仍然存在一些有待解决的问题。  相似文献   

The “Learning in Depth” program is a simple but radical innovation, which was first implemented in Canada in 2008/2009 and is now being used in a dozen countries with many thousand students. The aim of the program is to ensure that every student becomes an expert on something during schooling. The unusualness of the program and the fact that it stimulates controversy easily makes it useful in education courses and teacher education programs. The program raises a number of profound educational issues and offers itself as a stimulating addition to courses which focus on practical educational programs and assessment of their success and also to courses and programs that wish to raise a wide range of important educational issues vividly.  相似文献   

我省学前教育专业均为普通学前教育专业,在音乐课程建设中存在定位不准、功能模糊等现象,导致学前教育专业音乐课程建设缺乏科学性和实效性.兰州城市学院学前教育专业被省教育厅批准为艺术方向的特色专业,构建富有学前教育专业(艺术方向)特色的音乐课程体系,不仅是兰州城市学院幼儿师范学院亟待解决的问题,同时也对我省高校学前教育专业音乐教育具有带动和辐射的作用.  相似文献   

关于开放教育课程考核改革的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本从人才培养模式改革和开放教育试点工作的实际出发,分析了开放教育课程考核方面存在的问题,论述了课程考核改革的基本原则,并提出了课程考核改革的基本思路。  相似文献   

为了促进教师教育者的专业发展,提高教师教育质量,美国哥伦比亚大学基于多项实证研究确认了教师教育者应具备的基本素养,设计了与博士学位课程相互嵌套的教师教育者专业培养课程,实施了教师教育者专业教育项目。项目实施结果显示,教师教育专业课程学习与基于共同体的教师教育研究能有效帮助教师教育者沟通教育理论与实践,提高教师教育者专业实践能力和研究能力,形塑教师教育者专业身份认同,为教师教育者自我导向的专业发展奠定基础。  相似文献   

教育规划纲要提出要改革人才培养模式,这就要求充分发挥学生在学习中的主体作用,改变现在学生"被教育"、"被学习"的状况。给每个学生提供适合的教育,就要把学习的选择权还给学生。学校要减少必修课,增加选修课,为学生的学习选择创造条件。  相似文献   

现代的教育理论和技术使泛在学习方式成为可能。成人作为泛在学习的重要主体,如何建构泛在成人教育课程体系是研究的一个焦点。泛在成人教育课程体系一般包括:泛在成人学历教育课程、泛在成人非学历教育课程、泛在成人远程教育课程。这三种泛在课程各自有自己的特点,适合不同成人群体的需求。  相似文献   

Ten graduates and 3 ABD (all but dissertation) students in Lamar University's doctoral program in deaf studies/deaf education were surveyed about their perceptions of the benefits of earning a doctorate of education (Ed.D.) in their field. The program comprised course work on current content information on deaf education, an educational research component, a cognate area, and electives. As part of the program, researchers and scholars in areas related to deaf education were invited to campus to consult with doctoral students. Graduates found jobs at universities, community colleges, and departments of special education. Graduates ranked program components on the basis of perceived value; they rank-ordered the courses on the basis of their value to them in their current work. Graduates also commented on how the program enhanced their professional growth.  相似文献   

One of the big questions in teacher education today is, “How does a college of education insure that its graduates are computer literate?” The addition of a microcomputer course in the preparatory program is the obvious answer; however, it may create programmatic and certificate complications. In order to address the concern for computer literacy and its accompanying complications, the elementary education preparatory program at Northern Illinois University reflects an infused curriculum approach. That is, courses were identified in each of the three professional semesters of the program in which self-paced courseware packets, called STUDY-PACs, were required.  相似文献   

根据教育专业自身发展的需要,师范院校教育专业课程结构和目标必须重新构建。为了实现课程内容的系统化、综合化和开放化,实现学生整体素质与全面能力的提高,实现科学的课程内容与先进的教学方法的统一,实现课程建设、教材建设、师资建设的同步发展,在课程结构的设计上,要建立多样分层的立体结构,组合纵横交错的网状结构,创造吐纳有序的开放结构,形成详略得当的召唤结构。  相似文献   

学前教育专业教法课程的综合化趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
师范高职学前教育专业主要培养幼儿园一线教师,教法课程是该专业学生的必修课程。依据现阶段幼儿园的课程模式与教学模式,以形成学生从事幼儿园教育教学活动的能力作为教学目标,师范高职学前教育专业设立了“五大领域”教法课程。“五大领域”教法课程的内容既相互联系又相互作用,在教育目标、内容、方式上呈现出综合化趋势。在教法课程的教学实践中,提倡单科教法服务于全局、服务于幼儿园教学需要理念并对学生实施“五大领域”模拟教学综合考核。  相似文献   


College and university teacher education programs are increasingly required to integrate technology into teacher preparation in response to the requirements of national accreditation groups like the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) and the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE). Delivery of teacher education programs through pure distance education methodologies still has critics. A Web‐enhanced approach, with on‐campus courses and Web‐based information and/or testing as a supplement, is suggested as a compromise. An alternative teacher licensure program in career and technical education at Ohio State University uses this approach extensively, with positive results. This case study explores the use of an alternative teacher licensure program, defines the components of a Web‐based curriculum, and illustrates the benefits and challenges of a Web‐enhanced teacher education program. Student and faculty issues and reactions are outlined, along with strategies for integrating Web‐based activities into courses. Suggested future plans for continuing to infuse technology into teacher education are also discussed.  相似文献   

由于对项目课程的内涵存在认识偏差,导致高职项目课程改革存在很多误区,如将项目等同于教学单元,将项目课程等同于技能训练或项目教学法等。消除误区的最好方法是用系统方法进行项目课程的设计,即依据职业领域构建项目课程体系;根据工作任务设计典型工作项目;依据工作逻辑序化项目课程结构,根据知识分析选择项目课程内容,依据职业特点设计学习情境及创设教学活动。  相似文献   

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