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研究由两条车道组成的交通系统,由于车道密度、速度及车道间的耦合系数的不同而带来的交通系统特性的变化。计算机数值模拟结果表明,在固定的初密度条件下,大于零的耦合系数对系统交通流的性质没有太大的影响;而在固定的耦合强度下,车道间不同的初始密度关系则对系统的交通流性质有很大的影响;不同的速度分布,也会带来交通流性质的变化。  相似文献   

在分析了新课程实施中各级管理的信念、假设和策略及其带来的弊端的基础上,结合实践现实,归纳和剖析了教师面对新课程的四种不同反应类型:自信主动型;自觉困扰型;盲从型;抗拒型。指出新课程中实施学校组织化建设的三个方面内容:对使命的共同承担;同事共享权力;坦诚、宽容与相互支持。提出新课程实施的五点假设和五条微观管理策略的建议。  相似文献   

科技与人文的关系在中国历史的发展过程中大致可以分为五个阶段,这种五阶段划分的主要依据是人类社会生产力的发展状况。在原始社会二者之间浑然未分;在农耕文明时人文处于优势地位;在工业文明时期,科技被人们日益重视;在当前,科技的这种优势地位更加突出,而人文则被边缘化。人文与科技关系的彼消此长的这种变化主要是受中国传统文化及西方社会近现代工业革命的影响。人文被边缘化所带来的负面影响已日益凸显出来,这已引起部分有识之士的关注。为了使人类生活在一种和谐的环境中,我们必须树立正确的科技、人文观。在享受科技发展所带来的极大的物质财富的同时,人们还必须关注人类自身的心灵、道德及人类对自身价值的追求。  相似文献   

在进行考研选择和考研准备的过程中,师范类本科生容易产生以下五个方面的心理冲突:一是选择就业或考研时的心理冲突;二是确定报考专业时的心理冲突;三是考研时间投入所带来的心理冲突;四是考研经济投入所带来的心理冲突;五是倾向考研与不拟考研的学生对考研态度的差异所带来的心理冲突。为此,师范大学应当加强对学生考研的指导,为考研学生创造条件,努力形成鼓励学习和创新的有效机制,并加强心理健康教育,提供必要的心理咨询服务。  相似文献   

概念变化是心理学研究的重要领域之一。但以往从认知心理学角度和社会心理学角度分别进行的研究却严重相互脱离,阻碍了人们对个体概念变化机制的认识。将概念变化过程看作一个连续体,分别考察个体通过对已有观念和外部理由进行立即思考或延期思考给概念变化带来的影响,可以发现认知参与有积极作用,思考会使个体的判断合理化;同时,整合两种不同研究范式可能性的探讨也有积极意义。  相似文献   

我国劳动就业系统经历了三个不同的发展阶段;社会主义市场经济的建立和市场经济机制的运行给劳动就业的方方面面带来新的变化;适应市场经济的要求,劳动就业制度需要进一步改革和完善。  相似文献   

高职院校教师职业倦怠的心理调适   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教师职业倦怠是当前应重视和解决的问题,它对教师的教学工作及社会发展都会带来较广泛的消极影响。高职院校教师产生职业倦怠的原因,有社会方面及高职发展中存在问题的影响,也有教师的角色冲突、职业压力、人格特征及所处群体的影响等。做好教师职业倦怠的心理调适,一是应提高教师的耐压能力;二是学会反思与更新,对工作进行重新认识和组织;三是合理宣泄不良情绪;四是乐于交往,注意改善人际关系;五是要面对现实,勇于求助。  相似文献   

随着时代的变化,技术术语和电子交往形式在改变着我们的思维方式;高科技技术的引进也在改变着我们的表达方法;技术术语强烈地影响了我们的语言。本从五个方面论述变化中的思维、表达、发展中的科技术语以及它们对语言发展的影响。  相似文献   

在电离层薄层理论的基础上,对我国电离层TEC的质心高度随时间空间的变化进行了数值模拟,给出了我国范围内电离层TEC分布的地域特点,提出了电离层倾斜的概念,并给出了在实际工程模型建立中有用的两个结论:一是电离层TEC等效薄层高度沿纬度倾斜,且变化很大,不可忽视;二是电离层等效薄层高度沿经度方向变化很小,带来的影响可以忽略,且变化很大,不可忽视;二是电离层等效薄层高度沿经度方向变化很小,带来的影响可以忽略。  相似文献   

17世纪早期,英国文学艺术风格明显地表现出背离伊丽莎白时期的重文采、重语言的美学风格,转而重描述简洁、语言朴实、言筒意赅的作品。促成英国文风转向的文化动因主要有五个因素。一是质朴而通俗的英国民众语言的影响;二是清教文化的影响;三是机智短诗的影响;四是塞内加文风的影响;五是莎士比亚、培根等一批时代巨人的影响。在这种种不同文化因素的影响下,17世纪早期的英国文风呈现出与伊丽莎白时期文风截然不同的风格,对英国文学史进程产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   

互联网对社会生活方式影响研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
互联网已渗透到人类社会生活的各个角落,它对人们传统的生产和生活方式产生了巨大冲击,对不同的年龄结构,学历结构,性别构成和不同收入群体,产生了巨大影响。深入探讨互联网对未来社会群体生活方式将带来什么样的影响及其走势,是当前互联网研究的重要课题。  相似文献   

消费主义文学是消费文化的产物。20世纪90年代以来的消费主义文学具有如下显著特征:一、迷恋于物质,醉心于商品,体现出强烈的物质化特征;二、突出"下半身",强化性本能,表现出高调的欲望化特征;三、渲染小资情调、热心追逐时尚,呈现出奢靡的时尚化特征。消费主义文学是文学市场化的产物,有其存在的合理性,但其负面影响也应当引起我们足够的警惕。  相似文献   

当代文学作品中表现两性关系的层出迭现,不同的作家、不同的认识所表现的两性伦理观亦不尽相同。20世纪80年代末,王安忆以她的性爱主题系列作品“三恋”对两性伦理进行了深入探究,集中透视了在纯粹的情与欲的纠葛中的男人与女人,以女性的立场和眼光,对两性和谐进行了伦理关怀。  相似文献   

Parental sexual risk communication may influence women's sexual decision-making and safe sexual behaviours. While many studies have focused specifically on the influence of communication from mothers, some authors have argued for the importance of examining father–daughter sexual risk communication as well. However, few studies have empirically examined this relationship among African-American women. The present study sought to expand the literature by examining the relationship between various sexual risk messages received from paternal caregivers and the safe sexual practices of a sample of 171 African-American women from the Midwest USA. Results suggested that receiving messages from paternal caregivers cautioning participants about the intentions of men in romantic relationships was related to an increased likelihood of participants asking intimate partners about their sexual history. However, these messages were inversely related to safer condom practices. Implications for future research and clinical practice are discussed.  相似文献   

对南北朝乐府诗的研究,作概论例说的多,作全面的诗意、句意、词语诠释的基础研究者少。个中的主要困难,是对于民俗和某些词语意义的不甚了解。本文便以此为切入点,论证了其中有房事诗七首,并由此讨论了古代民间性文学的主要特点:一是不回避生活与文学中“性”这个多见而正常的题材和主题,二是为维护“性”的适当的避忌性而利用民俗及各种语言手段,明事隐说、丑事巧说,表现出民间性文学所具有的高超的艺术性。  相似文献   

研究开发(R&D)作为现代市场经济中企业最重要的决策和行为之一,不仅受到企业本身的重视,而且产业经济学者力图从理论上刻画研究开发对市场结构及其绩效的影响,这样的研究其实是正统S-C-P范式的一种变革,即从行为的视角研究其对市场结构和产业绩效的反馈作用,研究开发无疑与市场进入壁垒存在着千丝万缕的联系。  相似文献   

This article reviews the literature on sexual victimization of minors and the role of school psychologists in assessing and intervening with sexually abused minors. Although estimates of child sexual abuse prevalence differ widely owing to disclosure biases and the definitions that researchers have used in studying it, it is clear that child sexual abuse is a serious public problem. Also troubling is the extent to which “normal” adults, especially males, exhibit sexual interest in children, suggesting that a substantial number may be at risk for victimizing minors; fortunately, a variety of inhibitory mechanisms prevent most adults from committing this crime. Although victims typically suffer from sexual abuse, surprisingly, some evidence suggests that victims of sexual abuse can exhibit neutral or even positive outcomes, a controversial finding that has numerous possible explanations. Tragically, childhood sexual abuse may lead the victim to become an abuser later in life, sometimes while still a minor. We suggest directions for future research. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

方法论女性主义是指在女性主义范围内,依据不同的方法论发展而成的女性主义文论。在其发展历程中,不同的女性主义批评各有侧重,呈现出多元化的发展态势,为传统的文学批评注入了新的活力。它们不仅将性别、社会性别、身体等以往被遮蔽的领域引入文论批评,而且使传统的文学批评模式发生了结构性的变化。但与此同时,由于部分批评带有强烈的抗拒性意识的先入之见而使批评陷入了困境之中。因此,厘清方法论女性主义发展的得与失,对于引发我们关于女性问题的思考具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

Studies across fields such as science education, health education, health behavior, and curriculum studies identify a persistent gap between the aims of the school curriculum and its impact on students’ thinking and acting about the real-life decisions that affect their lives. The present study presents a different story from this predominant pattern in the literature. Through a year-long ethnographic investigation of a health-focused New York City public high school’s HIV/AIDS and sex education program, this study illustrates a case in which 20 12th grade students respond positively to their education on these topics and largely assert that school significantly influences their perspectives and actions related to sexual health decision-making. This paper presents the following interpretation of this positive influence: school culture influences these students’ perspectives and decisions around sexual health by contributing to the formation of students’ identities. This paper further shows how science learning in particular becomes important for students in relation to decision-making when it is linked to issues of identity. These findings suggest that, in addition to attending to the design of classroom curriculum, HIV/AIDS and sex education researchers and curriculum developers (as well as those in science education focusing on other controversial science topics) might also explore the kinds of relational and school-wide factors that potentially influence students’ identities, decisions, and responses to school learning.  相似文献   

Young people living with HIV are challenged when it comes to exploring their sexuality. Their sex education is hampered by the fact that their preferences and attitudes towards sexual behaviour are little known about. In this study from the Netherlands, Q-methodology was used to identify sizeable and meaningful sub-groups sharing common attitudes and viewpoints. Thirty of 48 eligible HIV-positive young people aged 12–21 years treated in one of the four Dutch HIV centres rank-ordered 45 statements on the topic. Thereafter, they explained their ranking. By-person factor analysis identified five distinct sexual behaviour profiles (SBPs): (a) safer sex & disclosure to steady partner; (b) motivated by faith and culture; (c) disclosure to good friends, values peer support; (d) conscientious, worries about disclosure and future; (e) self-confident, faith and family are important. Profiles differ in terms of the roles of culture and religion, the influence of family and friends, personal views about disclosure of HIV status, knowing the transmission mode, and viral load. Study results indicate that different approaches to sexual health education are required based on these different orientations. Q-sorts and SBPs may be helpful in discussing sexual behaviour with HIV-positive young people and in developing tailored strategies to meet their interests and needs.  相似文献   

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