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新西兰原本应为欧洲人的定居地,中国人应被拒绝入境是一个早已既定的事实。考虑到这一事实,那些已设法进入新西兰的中国人位置何在?他们在新西兰的法定身份和地位如何?同样重要的是,那些出生在新西兰的中国人的地位,他们是新西兰人还是中国人?他们能同时既是“中国人”又是“新西兰人”吗?这些问题对于确定新西兰的国家特性是相当重要的。谁是新西兰人,谁是合格的新西兰人?直到最近,对于新西兰特性的确认还与英国性、与盎格鲁撒克逊的社会归属和大英帝国联系在一起。在这种界定下,中国人能成为新西兰人吗?直到1919年,当周林(音译)因为其在新…  相似文献   

This research presents a systematic empirical analysis of the market for digital versatile discs (DVDs). We examine a sample of 953 DVD titles that appeared on the weekly top-30 sales charts in North America over a 30-month interval. We find that the size distribution of weekly DVD sales revenue does not indicate the presence of increasing returns to information. The empirical results for DVD sales contrast starkly with previous results obtained for motion-picture box-office revenue, where a number of researchers have found evidence of positive feedback in demand. While the distribution of cumulative revenues across DVDs is highly unequal, the DVD market appears not to be characterized by the extreme heavy upper tail that so well describes the winner-take-all nature of the distribution of box-office success across motion pictures.  相似文献   


Drawing on an innovative ‘big data’ method, this paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the geography of media and entertainment industries (MEIs) in China, by examining the specific activities that are performed by celebrities, the key actors in these industries. Compared to previous research on cultural and creative industries, which primarily rely on more traditional statistical data, our study demonstrates a new approach to systemically investigate the spatial organization of the dynamic production process in MEIs. The outcomes reveal that activities focusing on the different value segments of MEIs display rather diverse geographical patterns. Depending on the availability and combination of specific local assets, different locations perform varying functions in the production networks of MEIs. Therefore, the agglomeration of MEIs only partially overlaps with the existing urban hierarchy. In addition, celebrities catering to different media and entertainment markets also exhibit distinct activity patterns, indicating a close and reciprocal relationship between the popularity of celebrities, the activities they perform, the platforms that are chosen, and the commercial value that can be generated as a result. This study contributes to our understanding of the complex development patterns and consequences of MEIs in emerging economies.  相似文献   

What does freezing human tissue and fluids, or human remains, do to the mobility, temporality, and value of such objects? While Jacques Derrida toward the end of his life considered the consequences for the remainder of burial and cremation, he did not consider freezing, the production of latent or interrupted life. Here I invoke Derrida in discussion of how in the investigation of the fatal brain disease kuru, the partible tissues of the Fore people of Papua New Guinea became frozen spectral commodities in the exchange regimes of modern biomedical science – and how they gained, or retained, value as they were objectified. I follow these Fore – or kuru – valuables into the frozen archive, asking what has become of the remainder, whether it now amounts to anything more than defrosting debris among the postcolonial ruins. I ask what is the value of latent life? Or, rather, who is the value of latent life? This essay therefore serves as a supplement to more economistic estimates of biovalue.  相似文献   

Special art exhibits, sometimes known as``blockbusters', are often thought of as tourism andbusiness generators. This belief is fostered byeconomic impact studies that bravely estimate thetotal gross domestic product or total jobs ``created'by such exhibits. Unfortunately, the enthusiasm of theexhibit promoters often leads them to the uncritical useof methodologies that exaggerate the size of theexhibit's contribution to the local economy. Fortunately, such methodologies are well understoodand corrective measures are available to make theestimates they produce more realistic and useful foradvocacy purposes. This paper presents a comparisonof two studies done in Canada to provide arts managerswith a gauge for realistically forecasting thepotential impact of planned ``blockbusters'.Several Canadian art galleries have recently hostedspecial art exhibits, notably the Renoir Portraits atthe National Gallery of Canada and the BarnesExhibition at the Art Gallery of Ontario. They havesurveyed the visitors to them using a correctivemethodology that enables researchers to determinewhich visitors came to the region only because of theexistence of the exhibit and which would have come tothe region and spent money whether the exhibit existedor not. These data enables researchers to estimatequite accurately the amount of visitor spending thatis actually due to the exhibit. This lower, but morecredible, estimate is very useful in helping promotersobtain exhibit sponsorship from local tourismbusinesses who have become skeptical of theexaggerated claims of economic impact estimates basedon standard survey approaches.  相似文献   


This article raises the issue of why the idea of a ‘deal’ has become so prevalent in the discussion of political matters and policy proposals associated with future economic developments. It does this by linking the deal with several features of market design. Principal amongst these are game theory and matching algorithms. The Barker-Thompson Rule is presented as an example of a particular type of market construction operating in a game theoretic context, while the ‘matching engine’ is explored in a variety of contexts where it is argued to have become a standardized technique indicating to a possible reshaping of the economic terrain more generally. The consequences of these developments and trends are the emergence of a ‘dealing culture’ that threatens to overwhelm other forms of decision-making and consume the policy-making environment with the immediacy of its dealing logic.  相似文献   

清末民初的启蒙运动系一种"前启蒙主义"思潮,表现出过渡性的思想特质.它所凭藉和倚重的逻辑基点在于极力强调信仰-情感解放的决定性作用,在其背后暗涌着一股非理性主义哲学思潮,即作为对儒学"天命"观的反动,它将意志视为历史发展的根本动因."前启蒙"思想探索与情感趋向的深层潜隐着更为深刻的逻辑悖论,即对价值理性与工具理性的"误读"与二者之间内涵的互换转移.这也是一种抽象化的形式逻辑与实质内涵的矛盾.  相似文献   

It is tempting to conjecture that the Viennese aristocrats who provided financial support to Beethoven were afflicted by a curse. At the very least, their tales demonstrate the risks that beset even the most privileged members of their society at the onset of the nineteenth century. Here we recount the lot of six of the composer's most readily recognized supporters – Archduke Rudolph, the Princes Kinsky, Lichnowsky andLobkowitz, Count (later prince) Razumovsky and Count Waldstein. Two of them suffered serious accidental occurrences (Kinsky's fatal fall from a horse and the Razumovsky conflagration, about which more will be said presently), the Archduke was apparently forced by arthritis to give up his beloved musical activity and five of the six (as well as other Beethoven patrons) underwent severe financial reverses, at least one of them, Waldstein, dying in poverty. In good part, these misfortunes were attributable to a combination of bad luck and the behavioral propensities of the individuals in question. But behind this story there are also the economic circumstances of the Habsburg Empire at the beginning of the nineteenth century, which constituted a threat to the wealth of the nobility in general. This paper offers some material on this more general subject as well as its biographical observations on some of Beethoven's most significant patrons.  相似文献   

Science and technology (S&T) policy studies has explored the relationship between the structure of scientific research and the attainment of desired outcomes. Due to the difficulty of measuring them directly, S&T policy scholars have traditionally equated “outcomes” with several proxies for evaluation, including economic impact, and academic output such as papers published and citations received. More recently, scholars have evaluated science policies through the lens of Public Value Mapping, which assesses scientific programs against societal values. Missing from these approaches is an examination of the social activities within the scientific enterprise that affect research outputs and outcomes. We contend that activities that significantly affect research trajectories take place at the levels of individual researchers and their communities, and that S&T policy scholars must take heed of this activity in their work in order to better inform policy. Based on primary research of two scientific communities—ecologists and sustainability scientists—we demonstrate that research agendas are actively shaped by parochial epistemic and normative concerns of the scientists and their disciplines. S&T policy scholarship that explores how scientists balance these concerns, alongside more formal science policies and incentive structures, will enhance understanding of why certain science policies fail or succeed and how to more effectively link science to beneficial social outcomes.  相似文献   


This article offers a textual analysis and semiotic reading of the Rich Kids of Tehran's (RKOT’s) Instagram page. Contributing to scholarship on Iranian youth media practices, this article interrogates how the RKOT navigate urban and rural space to engage in everyday processes of resistance against global and local systemic oppression. Grounding their visual representations on Instagram in historical and cultural context, the author questions how and when quotidian actions are transformed into political transgressions when posted on social media. This article emphasizes the RKOT's agency in shaping their brand by analyzing representations of gender performance, intertextuality, and national identity on Instagram.  相似文献   

Stephen Fortescue 《Minerva》1992,30(4):459-478
Conclusion Although the Russian Academy has not been operating long enough to permit a categorical statement that it will act exactly as the Soviet Academy did, there is now enough information to justify stating that in its structure and stated functions it differs in no significant way from the Soviet Academy which it replaced. While it might well have been weakened, through a decline in its own prestige and through the weakening of the government under which it operates, it is unlikely to be so weakened that it will allow either the democrats and rank-and-file research workers on the one hand, or the new bureaucratic arrangements on the other to get the better of it. While the desperate budgetary situation will almost certainly force the Russian Academy into considerable retrenchment in its research activities, it will continue to be a body of bureaucratically organised and experienced managers of science and will conduct itself accordingly. Those who believe that a high level of participation by the rank-and-file of the staff is essential in the management of science, will see that as a catastrophe for Russian science. Those who believe that particularly in times of stress, bureaucratic skill and experience are of great importance will see it as providing some hope of salvation.  相似文献   

甲骨文中有关猎首风俗的记载   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“人头骨刻辞”是商人把俘获的异族的酋长当作人牲斩首祭祀祖先之后,在其头盖骨上刻上记事的文字,作为战胜的纪念。殷墟出土的商代甲骨文里有一些关于猎首风俗的记载,弥足珍贵。这是研究古代猎首风俗最早的资料,跟古文献、考古和民族学材料可以互相验证。  相似文献   

This study examines the value placed on museums by patrons and non-patrons and investigates the factors that affect this valuation with a view to boost visitorship. The total economic value of Singapore’s History Museum is at least US$57 million, and this is high relative to other countries, a fact which can be used to justify increased government funding towards museums as cultural capital. Females and high income people are the target groups for increased visitation, while among the non-patrons, the ethnic majority is another potential clientele. Somewhat surprising is the finding that neither patrons nor non-patrons see the museum as having significant tourist value, and contrary to prospect theory, there is a preference for enhancing the museum’s services over keeping the museum. These findings provide some direction for the management of the museum to improve its visitor appeal.  相似文献   

Contingent valuation methods (CVM) are now well established as a means of measuring the nonmarket demand for cultural goods and services. When combined with valuations provided through market processes (where relevant), an overall assessment of the economic value of cultural commodities can be obtained. Within a neoclassical framework, such assessments are thought to provide a complete picture of the value of cultural goods. But are there aspects of the value of cultural goods which are not fully captured, or not captured at all, within such a model? This paper argues that CVM provides an incomplete view of the nonmarket value of cultural goods, and that alternative measures need to be developed to provide a fuller account.  相似文献   

根据委托代理理论,由于交易费用与信息不对称,会计信息产权通过公司内部所有者监管、激励机制的所有权博弈安排,可以借以内部化会计信息的外部性。但博弈的均衡结果仍存在“公共领域”,在此基础上,构建了会计监管的博弈模型,并进行分析。  相似文献   


This paper reflects on the relationship between high-tech disruption narratives and uncertainty. My main argument is that an economic sociology of the future is incomplete without addressing the ‘demonic’ or rather eschatological elements apparent in the promissory twin rhetoric of disruption and inevitability that a number of contemporary technology firms employ. The conjuring up of liberatory high-tech futures implicates a political-philosophical perspective of the end game. It utilizes at once the productive power of uncertainty to create visions of ‘absolute riches’ and societal gain but at the same time narrows these futures down to one inevitable alternative to the status quo. Through the examples of two Silicon Valley disruptor firms, I argue that these eschatological narratives need to be opened to social scientific critique in order to examine their potential societal consequences above and beyond the narrow geographic confines of ‘the Valley.’  相似文献   

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