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This article explicates the theoretical framework of an ethic of care and outlines recommendations for applying the framework to practice in adventure education, offering possibilities for re-imagining organizations as centrally concerned with compassion and care. Focusing on the work of Gilligan and Noddings, we suggest an understanding of an ethic of care that is contextual, ungendered, and inclusive of both the private and public spheres of life, and draw parallels between this ethic and the philosophies underlying Outward Bound specifically, and adventure education more generally. Finally, we outline possibilities for organizing educational curricula around centres of care for self, others, and the natural world, using Noddings' suggested curricular components of modeling, dialogue, practice, and confirmation.  相似文献   

本文从社会课与社会变革、学术研究、社会文明程度三方面的关系入手 ,分析了我国的社会课在建设与发展中存在的问题。尤其基于此次基础课程改革的新动向 ,指出社会课在小学夭折的主要原因 ,在于我们对公民教育的认识过于狭窄 ,在于我们的人类文化观念不够进步 ,在于我们的课程观念中对“成长着的人”的理解存在着空泛而狭义的弊端  相似文献   

论死亡教育在社会转型期的解构和建构功能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
死亡教育是一门从哲学、宗教、心理学、社会学、人类学、医学、生物学、经济学、法律、伦理学、学、艺术等多方面探讨死亡的学科,死亡教育具有终极性意义,也具有功能性的作用。在社会转型期,死亡教育的功能性作用能够解构流行的物质符号及话语,建构新的人精神和人空间,通过功能性作用的发挥,将人们的价值观重新带回终极性意义的追求。  相似文献   

Teachers as mediators between educational policy and practice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Teachers obviously serve as the medium for causing the result of policy as they carry it into schools and classrooms and deliver it to pupils. They mediate between education policy and practice. Knowledge of the exact nature and effects of this vital role is limited. Drawing on a range of research and evaluation of both national and local policy in practice, carried out by the authors in England, this paper illustrates how teachers mediate policy and the resulting outcomes. Further, it proposes a typology of teacher adaptation to education policy. The paper argues that as yet the appropriate professional role for teachers within policy‐making and implementation has not been achieved, and outlines what this might be. Finally, it outlines some implications for teacher education.  相似文献   

当前我国面临严峻的老龄化社会问题。积极发展老年教育并应对人口老龄化社会问题应上升为国家战略。破解老年教育的核心在于如何通过为老年人提供公平的教育机会和适合的教育资源,促进老年人的学习发展,并彰显老年人服务社会的贡献和价值。这一核心理念与我国当前的老年教育政策一脉相承。老年教育作为我国公共服务体系的重要构成部分,追求均等化是其应有之义。促进老年教育发展的均等化包括四个维度,分别是教育权利与机会均等、教育资源配置均等、教育质量均等和教育目标均等。其中教育权利和机会均等是前提条件,资源配置均等和教育质量均等是实现老年教育发展的物质基础,三者形成合力最终有效促进老年教育目标均等实现。当前我国老年教育在均等化的四个维度上均存在深层问题。我国未来应确立老年教育均等化发展战略定位,健全老年教育立法,创新体制机制,构建“需求导向式”供给体系,重点关注城乡社区老年教育建设成效,切实推进老年教育发展进程。  相似文献   


The way the outdoors was used for educational purposes was determined by the need for young men to be made fit for war and service in the British Empire, the need to improve the physical health of children from industrial conurbations and the preoccupation of those in authority with the notion of adolescence as a problem, especially the anticipated fear of juvenile delinquency. In the 1950s and early 1960s, when there was a significant increase in the use of the outdoors in education, much of the provision reflected the earlier emphasis on character training and “manly” virtues. The suggestion is made that this was due, in part at least, to the role played by a number of charismatic and influential figures and to continued sensitivity to social, political and military factors.  相似文献   

教育信息化已经成为世界各国继续教育发展的方向,网络教学日益成为继续教育的重要教学传递模式。国家教育部2012年的《教育信息化十年发展规划》明确提出信息化技术与教育深度融合的要求,为学习者提供方便、灵活、个性化的学习环境。如何实现信息技术和继续教育的深度融合,关键是发展和采用有效的网络教学模式。从理论阐述上,笔者提出这一网络教学模式的基本框架,其组成包括网络学习平台、网络学习课程、网络导学和支持、网络教学管理以及质量保证体系。香港大学教师进修学院对这一网络教学模式的应用实践效果明显。学院于1999年开发了第一个网络教学平台,2012年又推出新的平台,称为SOUL2.0,其优势是功能模块化、整合Web2.0互动功能、整合学习功能、整合评价功能、降低开发成本。新平台为推进信息技术与继续教育的深度融合提供了坚实的基础设施。以全网络课程"网络课程的设计和开发"为例,在新平台上对课程介绍、课程教学设计、网络导学和支持、信息技术和互动学习融合及质量保证等方面进行了探索。经案例研究表明,我们通过采用系统的和有质量保证机制的网络教学发展模式,在继续教育领域中可以达到与面授相同而且更加灵活的教学和学习成效。  相似文献   

This investigation examined the planning and decision-making processes in adventure sports coaching. We utilised a thematic analysis approach to investigate the planning decision-making practices of a sample of high-level adventure sports coaches over a series of sessions. The investigation discovered that, in planning coaching activity, high-level adventure sports coaches draw on their epistemological values and domain-specific expertise, employ a synergy of classic and naturalistic decision-making processes, and continually audit the evolving coaching process. Based on these findings, implications for professional training, accreditation and development of adventure sports coaches are presented.  相似文献   

多媒体学习科学研究历经数十年的努力,其认知理论和教学设计理论已基本成熟,并被有效应用于实践。然而,从建立一门扎根于理论的循证科学这一自我期许来看,它仍然面临诸多挑战:多媒体学习认知理论模型中学习者对材料进行选择、组织与整合的具体机制究竞是什么?实验室情境下得出的多媒体教学设计原则,能否被平滑地迁移和应用于复杂多变的课堂教学实践?随着新的学习理论和研究方法的不断涌现,多媒体学习科学研究从具身认知理论、基于设计的研究方法论和会话分析方法中汲取未来发展的思想资源:具身认知强调认知、身体与环境的交互,为多媒体学习认知加工过程提供新的分析视角;基于设计的研究视“实践的逻辑”为最高准则,将实验场所从实验室转到现实教学情境,为扩展实验室研究严格的边际条件提供新的方法论指导;会话分析强调多角度、长期的课堂交互研究,为多媒体学习研究扩展到真实的课堂教学实践提供有效的方法。  相似文献   

This paper first provides a brief overview of the history and current usage of the concept of competence in academic research, and then undertakes a critical discussion of how the term is currently used in educational policy. The running example used throughout the paper is competence in foreign language learning. The PISA study is discussed to demonstrate how the concept of competence has come to prominence in the international discourse on education in recent years. Following this, particular attention is given to the situation in Germany where there has been a shift towards competence as an aim of teaching in recent years, coupled with an increased focus on standards and accountability. The relationship between competence and standards is examined critically, since some authors appear to use the two interchangeably whether or not this is justified. Finally, the Common European Framework for Languages (CEFR) and a German curriculum document are examined critically with regard to their use of the concept of competence.  相似文献   

This article continues a theme of previous investigations by the authors and examines the focus of in-action reflection as a component of professional judgement and decision-making (PJDM) processes in high-level adventure sports coaching. We utilised a thematic analysis approach to investigate the decision-making practices of a sample of high-level adventure sports coaches over a series of sessions. It was discovered that adventure sports coaches utilise a combination of questioning and observation to collect and constantly verify the information that forms the basis of their PJDM. Each coach responds to matters of immediate security, collecting information until a best-fit decision can be made regarding changes to the environment, task or individual. Implications for professional training, accreditation and development are presented against these data, offering a template for a more expertise-focused progression in the adventure sports coaching profession.  相似文献   


This article inquires into the role of humor in the relational learning process that takes place in adventure education programs. It presents program episodes, which the authors experienced in their practice as facilitator, staff trainer and researcher, and explores the related literature. Four aspects appear to affect whether humor either facilitates or interferes with participants' learning in development programs. First, humor plays a role in developing relationships among participants and between participants and facilitators, and hence in the relational safety that characterizes an environment conducive to learning. Second, it may play a role in creating a workable distance to sensitive learning issues. Third, humor may offer new and unexpected perspectives, which contribute to revising familiar but restrictive reference frames. Finally, humor seems to fulfill these functions to the extent that it is not planned to do so, and as such may exemplify the ‘paradox of functionality’ in relational processes.  相似文献   

Maltreated young persons in out-of-home care often have poor educational outcomes, heightening their risk of long-term psychosocial disadvantage (Forsman, Brännström, Vinnerljung, & Hjern, 2016). In their systematic reviews, Romano, Babchishin, Marquis, and Fréchette (2014) and O’Higgins, Sebba, and Gardner (in press) found evidence that neglect was more often linked with low academic achievement, whereas abuse was more likely to be associated with behavioral difficulties. In large samples of young persons in out-of-home care in Ontario, Canada, who had experienced mainly neglect, we investigated risk and protective factors as predictors of educational success. In a cross-sectional hierarchical regression analysis (N = 3659, aged 11–17 years), female gender, youth educational aspirations, caregiver educational aspirations for youth, time with current caregiver, internal developmental assets, and positive mental health were associated with better educational success. Neglect, grade retention, special educational needs, ethnic minority status, behavioral problems, and soft-drug use were associated with poorer educational outcomes. Gender significantly moderated caregiver educational aspirations and youth placement type. In a longitudinal analysis of a subsample (N = 962, aged 11–15 years at Time 1), covering three years, a large decline in educational success (d = −0.80) was observed. Female gender, internal developmental assets, and positive mental health positively predicted, and soft drug use negatively predicted, greater educational success at Time 2. These results point to factors that help or hinder educational success among young people in care and should inform new interventions or improved versions of existing ones that address educational success in the context of neglect.  相似文献   


This investigation focuses on students' self-reported changes in personal, social and technical skills that took place during a six-week long expedition to East Greenland. A 105-item pre-and post-expedition questionnaire was completed by 60 young expeditioners aged 16 to 20. Before the expedition participants generally felt that they had high levels of skills and were well prepared for the expedition. Of the 49 items in the 105-item questionnaire which related to participants' personal, social and technical skills, 22 showed statistically significant differences from those expected by chance when tested using the chi-square test. In terms of their personal skills, participants self-reported statistically significant changes (p < 0.05) in their ability to avoid depression, avoid loneliness, set priorities, achieve goals, solve problems efficiently, cope with constant cold, enjoy isolation, manage time efficiently, maintain physical fitness, be enthusiastic, demonstrate confidence and set goals. In terms of social skills participants self-reported statistically significant changes (p < 0.05) in their ability to control their emotions, motivate others, organise others, live in crowded circumstances, lead through consultation with others and maintain personal hygiene. In terms of technical skills participants self-reported statistically significant changes (p = 0.05 or smaller) in their ability to prepare dehydrated food, tie on and use ropes in glacier travel, use crampons and take charge of rescuing a member of their party from a crevasse. These items indicate that participants learned about survival and general skills associated with expeditions as a result of experiencing the expedition.

This analysis of self-reported changes in items relating to expedition participants' personal, social and technical skills shows that participants have rated themselves more highly at the end of the expedition in a range of useful social/leadership skills and personality traits. The question of whether these same skills and traits could be transferable to higher education, employment and life in future is raised as a futher area for research. The improved technical skills reported will be useful if the participants undertake further expeditions to similar wilderness areas in future, perhaps as leaders. The potential of the findings of this study for training future leaders on expeditions is considered. Findings from this study may also be worthy of consideration by companies and organisations involved in personal development and training programmes.  相似文献   

经济全球化必然导致教育国际化,教育国际化就是充分利用国内外教育市场进行教育交流与合作。我国境外办学处于上升阶段,华文教育专业具有较大前景和优势。借鉴我国高校与境外学校或社团组织合作办学的经验,我国华文教育本科专业的合作办学应在全日制模式和远程教育模式两方面拓展合作渠道,同时应根据华文教育师资的实际情况从学分互认和资源共享两方面实现深度合作。  相似文献   

Starting from the analysis of the theoretical drawbacks of classical pedagogy stretching from Johann Friedrich Herbart to John Dewey, this paper advocates that educational research in China in the new century should take on a theory mission that calls for the classification of the knowledge of educational theory and the definition of its theoretical formation. Instead of a single theory, the formation of the new theories should be a theoretical continuum, which consists of three parts that are not isolated but interconnected and interactive. The first one is a general theory that is conformed by abstract propositions and has a reflective function. The second is a mid-level theory that presents the requirements of the methodology, and the third one is a micro-theory that displays detailed experiences. The paper finally presents the structure of the problems of educational theory and its unique value. It then concludes that progress in educational theory implicates progress in the understanding of the conditions for education. __________ Translated from Educational Research, 2005:9  相似文献   

教育技术学理论体系研究是当前教育技术学基本理论研究的重要主题。经过学术界多年的探索,产生了不少教育技术学理论体系,并形成了三种模式。但这些理论体系及其构造过程与方法尚存在很大的缺陷,需要从前提、科学性、方法论、完备性以及本土化等多各方面进行进一步的反思。  相似文献   

阿特巴赫是高等教育依附论的一个重要代表人物,在分析高等教育依附发展的理论中,他主要以"中心"与"边缘"这一核心关系作为分析国际、国内以及学科领域中的高等教育发展,并以大学模式、语言、国际知识系统、人员流动以及网络技术等基本要素,一并构建了高等教育依附理论的解释框架。在高等教育全球化的背景下,他仍然以此框架为工具,阐明了对于高等教育全球化的观点。  相似文献   

This paper considers the relationship between a professional development programme designed to bring about changes in teacher practice through iterative cycles of implementation and evaluation and associated changes in Indigenous students’ educational performance. The paper does this by documenting the outcomes of the implementation of the Te Kotahitanga research and development project between 2007 and 2009 in schools in the third and fourth phases of the project. Evidence shows that the professional development programme of Te Kotahitanga has been implemented consistently in Phase 3 schools since 2004 and in Phase 4 schools since 2007. Changes in teacher practice and associated improvements in Māori student outcomes were seen in Phase 3 schools between 2004 and 2006. The first question is, therefore, have these changes been maintained during the period 2007–9, that is, during the fourth to seventh years of the project’s implementation in these schools. If so, then what implications does this maintenance of practice have for sustainability? The second question is, have the changes that were seen in the Phase 3 schools in the first three years of the project’s implementation, 2004–2006, been replicated in the Phase 4 schools in their first three years of the project. If so, what implications does this have for determining the strength of the association between improved student performance and the implementation of the professional development programme. In other words does a repeated measure over two different groups of schools at different times indicate that changes in Māori student outcomes are strongly associated with changes in teacher practice, even if we cannot demonstrate a direct cause–effect relationship.  相似文献   

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