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We investigated gender differences in the association between gender-segregated peer preferences and sexism in adolescents (15–17 years, 60 boys and 85 girls). To assess gender-segregated peer preferences, adolescents nominated peers for interaction in two contexts: ‘hanging out’ at home and working on a school project. The Modern Sexism Scale [Swim, J. K., K. J. Aikin, W. S. Hall, and B. A. Hunter. 1995. “Sexism and Racism: Old-Fashioned and Modern Prejudices.” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 68 (2): 199–214] measured two dimensions of sexism: Antagonism towards Women's Demands (believing feminist issues are unimportant) and denial of continuing discrimination (believing gender discrimination no longer exists). For boys, Antagonism towards Women's Demands was associated with gender-segregated peer preferences in the school and home context. For girls, Denial of Continuing Discrimination was associated with gender-segregated peer preferences in the home context. Results are informative for educators and for other professionals interested in reducing inequality and sexism among adolescents.  相似文献   

This study examined whether participation in an adventure program increased the resiliency of adolescent girls. Eighty-seven girls who participated in Dirt Divas, a non-profit, adventure program, completed the Resiliency Scale for Children and Adolescents® before and after their experience. Means-comparison tests for within-subjects designs were conducted and revealed that participants reported significantly higher levels of resilience after completing the Dirt Divas program, compared with their pre-program reports. Mixed-model repeated-measures analyses of variance showed that the changes in the girls’ resiliency were not affected by their socioeconomic status. Lastly, the long-term impact results (one month post participation) indicate that observed increases in resilience persist over time.  相似文献   

This study reports data on the challenges and needs of girls engaged in delinquent behaviour and the effectiveness of services provided by a girls' home. Implications and suggestions for the planning and implementation of effective programmes and services in alternative educational settings are included. It concludes that alternative education is not just a change of educational environment for youths in trouble, an understanding of the unique needs of girls and female offenders must be translated into practice as educators continue to find solutions for helping girls who are engaging in risky or delinquent behaviours.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the processes and practices that link crafts and gender in the upbringing and education of girls. The paper is based on a study conducted among female primary school trainee teachers in Finland. The data are comprised of their experiences with crafts as schoolgirls. The methods of the study were memory work and writing of craft autobiographies. The processes that interlink gender and crafts are culturally established and maintained both through informal sociocultural learning and formal education at school. The impact of the gendered tradition of crafts is strong and affects the teaching of crafts at school in Finland. This became clear in the analysis of the processes of girls learning to become full members of a community of such femininity practices as textile crafts. The gender‐based teaching of crafts is an example of the unofficial gendered practices of the officially gender‐neutral school.  相似文献   

李介 《青海师专学报》2003,23(5):135-136
教育公平包括教育权利平等与教育机会均等两个方面。我国经过半个世纪的不懈努力,确立了女童平等的受教育权,确保女童教育机会均等。随着社会的发展,我国女童教育将进入一个新的发展时期。  相似文献   

Little research on the socialisation of adventure educators into their craft has been conducted. The purposes of this study were to describe (a) the perspectives and beliefs of preservice adventure educators as they began adventure education training (AET) and (b) the elements within their acculturation that led to these perspectives and beliefs. Participants were 20 preservice adventure educators at the beginning of their AET. Data were collected with three types of interview. They were coded, categorised, and reduced to meaningful themes by employing analytic induction and constant comparison. Results revealed that preservice adventure educators possessed one of three orientations. These were a leisure orientation, outdoor pursuits orientation, or adventure orientation. Factors shaping these orientations were family and friends, experiences of outdoor and adventurous activities, experiences working as counsellors, timing of occupational selection and age, and a number of secondary attractors including the motivation to remain connected to the world of adventure. Should they transfer to preservice adventure educators in AET at other institutions, the main practical implication of the study’s results is that they should provide the basis for AET faculty to understand and deconstruct any less than desirable beliefs and perspectives with which prospective adventure educators enter their programmes.  相似文献   

This study carries out a comparative analysis of achievement according to gender between mixed and single-sex schools in the region of Catalonia, Spain, for the subjects of Spanish, Catalan, English and Mathematics. After a brief contextualisation, a review of the main findings from international studies on differences in results for mixed schools and single-sex schools is then presented. We then outline our methodology and research-analysis plan. The study has been developed around a specific use of results obtained by students over the last year of primary school (12 years old) and over the last year of obligatory secondary education (16 years). For this comparison, the statistical technique of Propensity Score Matching was used. All segregated schools in Catalonia were chosen, representing a total of 15, of which 9 are girls-only and 6 are boys-only (with a total of 1503 students); additionally, a sample was used of 10 mixed schools, similar in terms of social make-up, that is, middle- and upper-class students (with a total of 1217 students). In general, the results corroborate international research. Results indicate that differences in achievement depending on gender in segregated or mixed schools are not related to factors of school organisation. We also come to conclusions with respect to the limitations arising from circumscribing school performance in curricular subjects, and to the need to consider further indicators within the teaching-and-learning process in terms of gender and emotional development; student attitudes and behaviour; self-concept and – most especially – teacher expectations, their teaching practices and the effects of these on self-concept and single-sex school performance.  相似文献   

她们为什么不上学了?-河北某县女童辍学问题案例分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一段时期以来 ,人们发现入学率的提高不一定就能够自然保证农村中青少年完成九年义务教育 ,辍学成为了人们普遍关注的问题。针对女童辍学问题 ,我们在河北省某县开展了深入的研究。该研究发现 ,辍学虽然不是女童的特有现象 ,但是女童辍学和女童辍学早则往往处于被忽略状态。女童辍学的原因包括 :厌学、教学质量差、离学校距离远、贫困和学校对女童教育关注程度低等综合因素。解决农村的辍学问题需要从教育本身存在的问题入手。  相似文献   

高职院校学生的创业教育与创业实践越来越受到社会的关注,我国目前高职院校创业教育相对滞后。为使创业战略行之有效,高职院校应引导好学生的创业活动,培养具有企业家精神、品质和能力的学生。当下高职院校创业教育尚有诸多缺失,在创业教育的实施过程中应以校内创业园、校企合作基地、政府创业服务中心及第三方机构等为学生提供创业实践平台,培养高职院校学生的创业应用和实践的能力。  相似文献   

许多贫困大学生在经济压力、学习压力等因素的影响下,出现了自卑心理、闭锁心理和悲观情绪.高校资助工作在教育过程中却未能很好地关注到贫困大学生内心的感情体验,也没有将发展他们的能力素质与拓宽人际交往圈统筹起来.高校可以借鉴历奇教育的理念与活动形式,在心理资助的过程中更加关注贫困大学生的心理体验,建立能力素质提升与人际关系拓展有机统一的教育体系.  相似文献   

美国“计算机和女生”课程计划,即为资源缺乏的少数族裔社区的女孩们(8-12年级,12-18岁)提供现代化的计算机课程及技术学习和培训,旨在实现扩大教育机会、多元文化教育以及社会平等的理念。“计算机和女生”计划为女生设计了六门课程,即课程导论、人生模拟课程、编程设计课程、第二生命导论、青少年第二生命课程设计和毕业设计。通过这六门课程的学习和多媒体制作,培养女生们的计算能力和计算思维,增强她们的社会分析能力和自我概念,树立自信心,为今后进一步升学深造并成功进入职场工作做好充分准备。  相似文献   

人的存在与发展是有规律的,也是可预测的。人的存在与发展又具有差异性、偶然性和不确定性。因此,作为人之自我建构的教育世界在呈现出确定性和规律性的一面时,同时也呈现出不确定性、复杂性以及情境性的一面。基于后者而言,每一个个体都是独特的,每一个教育情境都是唯一的,每一次教育行为都是不可逆的,任何教育理论都是有一定限度的,教育是一个尝试、冒险、选择与创造的过程。教师需要具有开放的心态、持续探索的勇气、把握教育时机的能力和在具体教育情境中创造的智慧。  相似文献   

A challenge for historians of education is to explain the ways in which the development of education has been a gendered process. The literature tends to focus on primary and secondary schools; the role played by religious orders; the experiences of female teachers; ideological influences on curriculum; and the preparation of young girls for their role in society. Few historians, however, have examined vocational education and the impact of its ‘social efficiency’ orientation on girls. The literature that exists tends to treat both systems separately, and little effort has been made to compare the impact of both systems on girls’ opportunities within the society in which they lived. This omission in the literature is significant as such a comparison facilitates insights regarding state policies and priorities for the education of girls, the impact of social class, and national and local circumstances. This article compares both systems of education in Ireland and their impact on girls during the period 1930–1960.  相似文献   

Gender gaps in learning and education outcomes have changed dramatically over the last few years. However, researchers have not adequately assessed how the high school learning environment differentially affects boys and girls. An important component of the learning environment in US secondary school is the opportunity to learn in an Advanced Placement (AP) curriculum, which allows high school students to do college-level work. Using the US National Education Longitudinal Study 1988–2000, we explain how high school AP curriculum interacts with gender to predict the selectivity of colleges that students attend. The results show that girls and boys who attend high schools with a larger percentage of students in AP curriculum attend more selective colleges (that require higher standardised scores for admissions); yet the positive effect of the opportunity to learn in an AP curriculum is greater for girls than for boys. This research furthers the debate about the effects of school structure on gender stratification.  相似文献   

普查资料显示,我国各省、市、自治区之间的人口出生性别比存在很大的差异性。通过对河北省"四普"和"五普"中同批人的统计资料分析表明,低年龄人口的漏报、瞒报现象是造成河北省出生性别比统计偏高的主要因素,但20世纪90年代出生人口性别比的真实水平仍然明显高于国际公认的正常水平。  相似文献   

男女平等一直是社会所提倡的,但是目前我国女童的教育中仍然存在着男女教育不平等的现象,这对女童性别角色社会化的发展是不利的。家庭是儿童接触的第一个社会组织,父母是儿童的第一任老师。在平日的亲子接触中,父母的性别观念、性别刻板印象等都会通过自身的行为举止以及养育方式传递给儿童。因而家庭教育对女童性别角色社会化的发展有着潜移默化且重要的影响。  相似文献   

This paper aims to contribute to on-going discussion about the teaching and learning strategies used in effective outdoor education programmes. A naturalistic inquiry was conducted with two schools that participated in 28-day outdoor education programmes facilitated by the same outdoor provider in Australia. Data were collected through five semi-structured interviews with the school teachers and programme leaders and five focus groups conducted with the students. The Life Effectiveness Questionnaire was also administered to 261 students pre- and post-programme and results confirmed that the outdoor education programmes were producing desired improvements in the students’ perceptions of their general life skills. The findings of the qualitative analysis confirmed the importance of carefully sequenced activities, a facilitative teaching style, and active engagement as teaching and learning strategies. More research is needed to confirm the teaching and learning strategies that should be prioritised in the education of future outdoor education leaders.  相似文献   

当代美国青少年性教育的两大模式探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪后半叶,青少年性教育引起了世界各国的普遍关注。美国是青少年性教育的先行国家之一,它的性教育模式多样纷呈,其中最具代表性的当属综合性性教育模式和唯禁欲性教育模式。本文将回顾这两大性教育模式的发展历程,通过比较两者的性教育目标、性教育内容以及各自的性教育价值取向等,以分析两者背后所隐藏的不同的价值观体系,以期为我国方兴未艾的青少年性教育提供参考。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the “Junkyard” (chatzar grutaot) – a unique educational environment and practice developed in kindergartens on the Israeli kibbutz in the 1940s and 1950s, and still in wide use today in kibbutz kindergartens. The Junkyard, consisting of artefacts of the adult world that are no longer in use, is an ever-changing set-up in which children’s free play is encouraged, with minimal rules for use of time, space, objects, and social relations. Anchored in the writings of its two founding educators, as well as in writings of and interviews with its advocates and instructors over the years, this paper shows how the Junkyard drew on widespread ideas about early childhood development and education, at the same time as it responded to local conditions and concerns. The paper argues that a unique conjunction of factors – material and structural, educational and pedagogical, ideological and cultural – facilitated the process by which the Junkyard was inserted relatively smoothly into the kibbutz educational landscape, in lasting ways.  相似文献   

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