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乡村绿色发展不仅是改善乡村生态环境、促进农村居民健康,更是解决广大农村贫困问题的有效途径.乡村绿色发展以及生态产业脱贫都需要乡村居民具备绿色技能.乡村绿色技能开发的关键是明确绿色技能需求.乡村绿色技能开发的实践则需要通过基础教育奠定通用绿色技能开发基础、通过各类教育培训传播绿色发展理念、形成专业绿色技能开发体系、通过教育扶贫充分开发乡村富余人力资源以及综合利用多种类型政策工具、借鉴国内外绿色技能开发经验等多个途径来落实.  相似文献   

This study explores the perceptions of teachers with regard to professional skills in project-led engineering education experiences for first year engineering students at the University of Minho, Portugal. Their perception on which professional skills to include, how to develop these skills and how to assess them is studied through six semi-structured interviews with experienced teachers of the first year programme, who served as tutors as well as teachers in at least four projects. Analysis of their perceptions reveals a strong commitment to professional skills for engineering students, and also a lack of confidence in the support they can offer to help students develop these skills.  相似文献   

During early childhood, children start developing their cognitive, social, emotional, and behavioural skills, laying the foundation for life-long learning. Cognitive skills are usually taught in traditional classrooms through the use of textbooks and worksheets. The learning content in these textbooks and worksheets is static pre-authored content that is repeatedly used for teaching and learning. This repetition jeopardises the child's learning of individualised and cognitive skills. Preschool cognitive skills learning content comprises facts of everyday life. Similarly, the Semantic Web attempts to model these facts through ontologies. From this, a relationship appears between preschool cognitive skills learning content and the ontologies. The present work focuses on the stated problem and presents the theoretical and development details of a child-friendly tutoring application that dynamically generates cognitive skills learning content using ontologies as domain knowledge. The proposed application was evaluated in a preschool environment for its learning effectiveness and the correctness of the generated content. Three groups of preschool children participated in the study for preschool cognitive skills learning through the use of the proposed application. The first group learned the cognitive skills through the traditional method with textbooks and the teacher's teaching. The second group learned the skills through the proposed application at school in classroom sessions. The third group experienced the proposed application both at school and at home, along with regular classroom sessions. The results show significant gains by the third group over the other two groups, and hence support the use of the proposed application in practice. However, the enhanced learning by the third group disappears if the additional application usage time is removed. Moreover, the results of the expert evaluation show that a great deal of the learning content was correctly generated, thus justifying the true modelling of the domain ontology.  相似文献   

实践证明,以课堂教学技能、课件、普通话、说课等为内容的比赛对提高师范院校教师和学生教学基本功有显著成效.通过分析教学技能各要素与相关赛事的关系,提出一种在系统训练基础上进行的、能有效提高教师教学技能并通过其向学生提供示范和启发、以达到提升师范生教学技能之目的的有效途径。  相似文献   

This paper explores motivational factors underpinning undergraduates’ learning of research skills through individual research projects with collaborative tutorials. Research has long pointed to group support, positive affect and scaffolding as important for motivating and facilitating learning. Furthermore, UK government priorities have placed an increasing emphasis on the need to develop the key skills of inquiry and working with others. However, this is set in a context of assessment and practice in higher education that encourages individualist and instrumental perspectives on gaining competencies and knowledge. Traditionally undergraduate research skills have been taught through lectures and small‐scale projects chosen by the students with individual tutorial support in a faculty of education. Here our action research introduced collaborative tutorials as another element of teaching. We examine the process of collaboration to explore factors that support motivation to learn through two principal theoretical frameworks.  相似文献   

The development of a knowledge-based economy relies greatly on developing the skills and education needed for inclusive and sustainable development so that growth will reach all parts of the society. Addressing skills development for all is challenging for all OECD countries; Asian economies are working towards developing integrated pathways of skills and employment. This paper addresses some key aspects of skills development in OECD countries through a case study of small and medium enterprises as a key sector in both OECD and Asian economies. It extracts some lessons from this analysis that apply to the unique nature of skills development in Asia.  相似文献   

The work presented is part of a study that the research group CIFO (Research Team in Training for the Labour Market, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Barcelona) has carried out, relating to the training needs analysis and basic competences and skills in the environment of sheltered employment centres (SECs) in Catalonia (this study was undertaken in collaboration with the Coordination of Workshops for People with Mental Disabilities in Catalonia). The analysis and assessment of needs is useful from the perspective of training, as a starting point for planning adapted to the reality of disabled workers in SECs. To do this, various elements such as skills, knowledge and attitudes of individual and social nature have been considered from a systemic approach. By placing ourselves in clearly defined contexts (SECs), we bear in mind the characteristics of workers, the features of the job context, the types of activities performed, the skills related to work activities carried out, the definition of competence profiles required on the basis of the essential skills and the real training needs, through the characteristics of workers and those skills related to the labour activities that are performed as well as the needs for training perceived by workers. Identifying training needs in relation to basic skills and job requirements allows us to meet the challenge, as a trend that supports a competence basis for any worker, of raising general actions that may govern and underlie the training proposals, yet without undermining the specific competences. The importance acquired by what workers themselves have considered about their positioning is understood from the standpoint of its validity, so as to assume conclusions through triangulation processes.  相似文献   

以应用为目的的体育教学技能微格实训研究属于微格教学的实证研究。研究3方面内容:(1)通过专家问卷得出体育教学技能微格实训的技能种类,并利用科学的层次分析法对体育教学技能的各项技能进行权重分析,经层次分析法得出的教学技能按权重高低依次为:示范技能、课堂组织管理技能、人体语言技能、评课技能、诊断纠错技能、讲解技能、口令技能、提问技能、结课技能和导入技能。(2)在此评价基础上制定了各项技能的实动l教案及评价菜单,逐级递进层次明确,为体育技能微格实训提供了衡量的标尺。(3)建构了体育教学技能微格实训模型.并通过实验验证分析其先进性,可以作为高校体育类师范生教学技能获得的重要应用性手段。  相似文献   

对职业技术教育的哲学思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
学会生存的基本技能是人生于世的首要任务。而这基本的生存技能必须是行为主体在与周围环境发生作用的过程中对某些技术进行模仿、演练并掌握操作的基本环节和流程的基础上形成。同时人也要将这种技能运用到生产生活活动中去,并从事某种职业,才能获得维持自己生存和发展所蛰需的物质与精神资料。因而,作为传授职业技能为主要任务的职业技术教育,其核心的宗旨和理念必须是关注人自身的生存和发展。  相似文献   

This study is a systematic review of literature that investigates the advantages of implementing authentic assessment for improving two major categories that are relevant to academic and professional success of higher education students: learning experience and employability skills. Authentic assessment involves students in challenging tasks that closely resemble those of the workplace settings. 26 papers from 2010 to 2019 that were relevant to the topic of this paper were selected for the review process. Findings of this review indicate that authentic assessment can play a role in improving the learning experience of higher education students through enhancing their engagement in learning and improving their satisfaction as well as positively influencing their efforts to achieve educational goals. We also discuss the benefits of authentic assessment for equipping students with essential skills for their future professional life, such as communication skills, collaboration skills, critical-thinking and problem-solving skills, self-awareness, and self-confidence.  相似文献   

本文详细分析了英语学习中存在的误区:把听说读写译五种技能学习变成单一的看懂,只默读,不朗读;只动眼,不动口:聋子听力,哑巴口语;阅读量不够;把知识当技能,只学不用;浮躁速成心理;重结果,不重过程;对教师的依赖;频繁改变教材缺乏系统性。同时提出了语言学习的理念:语言学习规律是先“语”后“文”。英语是技能不是学问。练听必练说,练读必练写。语言是在不断地犯错误中学会的,畏惧错误就等于毁灭进步。口耳沟通胜过纸笔沟通“盯住”一套教材,“听烂”一本磁带。英语是学会的不是教会的。学好英语没有捷径。为考试而学是没有意义的。  相似文献   

Discipline-specific knowledge and associated technical skills as well as generic skills have represented distinct and separate aspects of chemical sciences in university studies (linear training). In addition to technical skills gained through laboratory training, employers now require a soft skill set such as strengths in analytical thinking, problem-solving, written and oral communication, and collaboration. These skills require further integration with the human qualities needed to remain resilient to changing conditions and they do not come naturally, but through training. Since community engagement forms an integral part of tuition or learning and research, the the Department of Chemistry at the University of South Africa (UNISA) needed to blend these components to enhance and strengthen the requisite graduate attributes. The authors discuss the strategies employed by the department on how to inculcate these graduate attributes into modern-day chemistry students within an open distance learning (ODL) context.  相似文献   

Eight Welsh secondary schools participated in an action research project which developed approaches to teaching and assessing mathematical thinking skills involved in practical modelling situations. The development of the metacognitive and strategic skills necessary for successful modelling is discussed from a socio-constructivist perspective as a process of acculturation as well as cognitive construction. Learning to model involves socialization into the consensual realities of a wider mathematical culture and the teacher plays a pivotal role in the generation of this consensus through the legitimization of linguistically expressed subjectivities. Assessment is an integral part of this process. Participation in peer and self-assessment was found to involve the student in a recursive, self-referential learning process which supports the explicit development of metacognitive skills.  相似文献   

Good communication skills require: (1) an understanding of one's audience and the subtle interactions between writer and reader, (2) organizational skills to methodically progress through the necessary stages of a project (e.g., writing a proposal), and (3) certain basic communication (writing/speaking) skills, i.e., a facility with the basic elements of transmitting information clearly. The task of writing a grant proposal in response to a specific set of instructions is used to illustrate the analysis and responses necessary to complete a major written communication project. The concept of focusing on—and writing for—the reader (in this case, the proposal reviewer) is emphasized. Although good communication skills affect life-styles, productivity, and economics in our society, the communication skills of the American pubic are sorely lacking—even among people with high levels of education—because students receive little training in these skills in the United States educational system. However, such skills can be taught to younger students as well as to adults.  相似文献   

教学技能是教师完成教学任务所必须的、比较稳定而系统的专业技能。教学技能的培养需要通过一定的教学模式来实现。通过理论探讨,设计出英语教学技能立体化培养教学实践体系,并建构"专业课堂+第二课堂+职业课堂"教学技能培养的立体模式,且通过专业课程中职业技能培养的教学实践探索研究,验证其可行性、操作性、实效性和运用价值。  相似文献   

A fourth year university course in social consultancy provides an example of a course designed specifically to help intending change agents develop consultancy skills. Set up as an informal action research study, the course has improved slowly over almost two decades. Its present form reflects this development over time.Thecoursemakeuseofsystemsconcepts and the concepts of process consultation and action research, as well as the processes and models of Argyris and Schön. By encouraging high levels of interaction it also helps in the development of interactive skills. However, its main emphasis is on the skills of flexibility, confidence and judgement. It illustrates how these the foundation skills are developed through the use of very high levels of participation and responsibility within a class which in many respects is self‐managed.  相似文献   

"以赛带训"教学模式的本质是以技能竞赛引领和带动职业教育改革。项目化教学是以赛带训模式的本质要求.只有将技能大赛的项目、内容、操作规范、考核标准等,通过项目化教学引领到课堂教学中去,才能真正发挥以赛带训人才培养模式的作用。抚顺职业技术学院在推进以赛带训人才培养模式过程中,积极与企业进行深度合作,以企业项目为载体,以项目化教学为支撑,以技能大赛为导向,将项目化教学与技能大赛有机融合,赋予了项目化教学新的内涵。  相似文献   

通过教学实践,发现学生在乒乓球课学练时,大部分学生只注重手上技术的练习,而忽视了脚下功夫的练习,这无疑对提高乒乓球其他技术的正确形成和掌握有很大影响。针对学生的这种心理状态,提出对乒乓球步法训练的重要性以及在学与练时易犯的错误及其纠正的方法,以供探讨。  相似文献   

This study explores changes in children's social skills after a cognitive-social skills model intervention. The intervention was conducted over a period of 12 weeks within a regular preschool setting. Sixteen children including four considered to have low social skills participated in the study. Data analysis revealed that the four children with low social skills demonstrated changes in social skills through positive play behaviours such as asking positive questions, offering suggestions, initiating play episodes, and sharing play materials, although they had limited ability to maintain play episodes.  相似文献   

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